Don't Dual Boot, Do this instead | MacOS Big Sur and Windows 10 KVM SINGLE GPU OVMF Passthrough

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tired of fun reliable experience with operating systems well here's the solution for you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so what we have here actually if we just boil it down to its bare essentials is a setup where we have two virtual machines one for mac and one for windows and linux arch linux i use arch by the way running at the core of it so that's the whole crux of this setup and this is such an amazing setup because you get bare metal performance without having these proprietary operating systems running at bare metal so let's get right into the tutorial so the first step is to go to the rising prism uh guide i would have that actually rising person gets lab i'll have this linked in the comments down below and we want to go to the wiki right so the first step is editing grub and actually actually the first step sorry is making sure that all these options are enabled in your bios and let me make this little bigger immune nx mode enabled and svm enabled i'm just going to assume that you've already done that and let's proceed further so the next step is to set our boot parameters in our grub so i do not actually use grub so what i would do is i would set them in my bootloader which happens to be system reboot so i'll have to cd into boot and cd into loader entries and i have rolling release and stable i'll be editing the rolling release one pseudovimrolink.conf so i'll go here and i'll have to specify the options right here so i'd set amd i o mmu equals to on and i o mmu equals to pt now immu equals to pt is not required and i have experimented and it works without this option set also but still we'll set that just in case and i would write and quit whim now for grub you do need to regenerate your config and it just specified what you want to reach and how you want to regenerate and now what we'll have to do is we would have to reboot our pc and then come back to it so i would also be back after a reboot now all right so we're back and this step of editing the bootloader has been done so let's check if our io memory groups are valid so i'll open my terminal here [Music] switch to bash and here we go our our groups look sane enough to me let's find our graphics card there it is so this is done now we need to configure libert so i'll be using arch linux so i'll just copy this command right here and let's have this done iptables nfd and ip tables are in config remove iptables yes and there we go all right so we have our dependencies installed and let's start editing our config so sudo vim etsy oops libvard slash let's go here and we are looking for yoon the unix block group we'll uncomment this and we want rw permissions to be used zero zero seven zero yep this one will uncomment this and we'll paste these two lines oops we'll paste these two lines at the very end so let me go to the very end and paste these in i'll get rid of these useless lines here and save let's run this command of course i would have to do this and let's start the library daemon oops i think i did not copy that correctly so sudo system ctl start lib word d and i would also enable libwardy perfect and then we need to go to this file we'll just copy its uh location from here voodoo vim and now here we need to change user to uh our username and group to our group so let me search for user equals there it is so i'll uncomment this and change user to my username and let's uncomment this and change it to my group so i have done this now and let's see what do we need to do after this right now we need to restart the liberty service i can copy this real quick based in here we start the 4d service perfect and now let's start with the actual configuration of the virtual machine so first we'll be setting up our windows virtual machine since it just alway almost always happens to be easier to set up so let's get a windows 10 iso i'll go here download addition i'll choose the latest one confirm validating my request english confirm 64-bit and save file okay now my internet's pretty fast so it would be done really quickly i'll get back to you once this has been downloaded all right so i have downloaded it and let's get started with creating our virtual machine so from this point i pretty much know what to do so i'll just ignore these steps for now and you can follow along my tutorial and i'll jump straight to this one so we need to go to this link to get our v bios i'll leave this one in the description as well and now we'll need to filter so gpu brand amd card vendor minus gigabyte so g here card model mines would be an rx 570 rx 570 there we go and now what we want is to get the latest rv bios and not anything else this is super super important i cannot stress this enough so the 2019 one looks the most uh recent to me and i would download this free bios i'll save this file and let's go to this file so i'll rename this file to uh gpu.rom and the next thing actually which i would do is to place it so let's see where we want to place it so for something like arch linux we would want to place it here in slash bar slash lib slash libvard slash v bios oops i open inspect element again so mvgpu.rom and we want to move it there seems like it's not a directory so i'll do sudo mkdir dash p and then it would and then i'll make bar lib libor v bios enter my password of course i'll get permission denied because why not there we go now we have placed our file correctly now the next thing that we need to do is actually change the permission so 660 is it the permission so let's go cd slash var sudo chmod dash r oops dash r 660 and gpu.rom there we go and let's check the permissions they look about right and yeah that's about it now we won't be touching the scripts as of now since we do need to prepare our our virtual machine so i'll switch over to a new workspace and let's open vert manager and i'll actually have to do something so that's sudo net auto start default oops version and i think it's this way no it's sudo verse net auto start default there we go and now i'll open word manager and it would not give me any trouble so all right so let's start with the installation for this virtual machine so what i would do is i would first browse local go here go to my downloads and i'll choose windows 10 iso proceed further i want to allocate one nine two and b's of ram and i'll give this four calls it's good go forward and create a new disk i'll give this uh 160 should be fine let's go forward name it twin 10 yeah make sure to check customize configuration before install and we'll click finish virtual network is not active yes and we'll go here overview and set the firmware to be ovmf code we'll go go ahead click apply and begin installation and now it would start with the installation so i'll press escape press x type exit uh go to the boot manager and go through the the the the dvd rom and now we should start to see the dreaded windows loading thingy pretty soon it's a little smaller for now click next install now and the setup is starting i see my memory skype spike up i don't have a product key of course i don't collecting information aren't you always windows windows 10 pro next and now yeah i accept to my soul being sold to windows next and now it would start the actual bloat fairing process or as some people call it windows installation so while the float bloat wearing process is going on let's uh let's see what we can do we'll go back to the guide oops go back to the guide not this this guide yeah and uh we'll actually get clone this url pretty quick so oops what workspace i was i want yeah here and i'll actually go to another workspace cd into my packages oops cd into my packages folder and git clone into single gpu passthrough let's cd into single gpu pass through and we need to install it so ch mod plus x install hooks dot sh and then we can just run the script with sudo that is of course there we go now let's get back to our bloat fairing process all right it seems our bloatwaring process is almost finished and soon it would be the reboot time there we go let's reboot now and i'm just hoping that it does not do the pass-through attempt sure enough it did not all right so now it's getting spyware ready and the bloatware ready we need to wait for the bloatware to uh to kick in it takes some time it's quite a corporate level bloatware it's not some weak sauce bloatware that would not uh take that long so yeah let's wait for it and i'll be back soon all right now here comes the proper uh spyware installation phase so another reboot and now this time i guess we'll be uh greeted by the bloatware called cortana spyware bloatware malware whatever yep of course we're greeted with cortana the legendary bloat so let's get started of course i'm in united states i'm actually not but i don't want them to know but they probably know because well i'm using the internet without uh without vpn right now sure enough they have some important malware to set up all right so set up for personal spying next go with offline account limited experience of course billy g that's my name next uh password password yes secure security question which was our first vet's name oh let's just travel between them next let's search off all the spying they let you see they're doing accept not now we're getting everything ready for you sure enough you are [Music] i hear the sound we all know what that means there we go our locals buying center is set up task no not taskbar task manager no apps running cpu of course i have an amd epic rom now let's power this down uh power this down oops close for shut off yes don't ask me again and now what we'll do is we'll get rid of all of the displays by stuff remove display spice remove video qxl remove these serial thingies and the channel spice and i'll remove this cd-rom and now what we'd want to do is add our pcie devices so go to pcie host device i would add both instances of my my graphics card which are listed here add both of them here we go and then what we would want to and then what we would want to do is uh is is adding that into our into our uh config so i'll copy this line go to here go to our xml just below the source i would paste that in oh xml editing is disabled of course so i'll need to go to view manager edit preferences enable xml editing close this out paste it here and now i would rename this to gpu.rom because that's what i named mine copy this over [Music] go here to the second instance and paste it there as well and hit apply all right so before i forget it there's one last step we need to do before we go ahead and give booting a try and that is actually any uh editing the the cpu config so we will change that over to host passthrough apply and i'll change the vcp allocation to 16 topology manually set and it would be one socket eight cores and two threads apply so let's actually uh there's one more bit that we need to do and i'll go back to the rising prism uh wiki to continue it so let's go to the wiki editing xml let's go here and that is enabling this topo ext feature and i'll go here get rid of this and cpu enable apply there we go and i'll also while we're at it change the memory to be something like 1200 which is about 12 gigs instead of 8 and now let's give it a try so as you can see here i'm booting my windows virtual machine using the terminal you can for sure use the graphic user interface but i just prefer using the terminal now one thing to that you do need to keep in mind is that we have not passed our usb devices or keyboard and mouse would not work but i actually do it on purpose because sometimes the keyboard and mouse are the problem and i want to get rid of that from the get-go now your screen would also be in the wrong resolution since your graphics drivers aren't installed so once those are fixed your screen would look correct all right so we're pretty much finalized with the windows virtual machine at this point so what we would want to do is open word manager and inside of here let me open this up we would want to add another device and that pcie device would be our our uh host usb controller in my case it is this one let's add this and we're done and that's our windows virtual machine so you'll need to install your graphics drivers and once those are done your virtual machine would basically act like a real pc would and you can totally use it uh normally now but when you shut down though here's a twist you get back to your linux uh lock screen instead of your uh i like your pc shutting down all right so that was everything for the bloated window setup and now we'll be doing the bloated mac setup so let's open uh a terminal and a firefox window and uh so the first thing that i would actually do is go into my nvme cd into the ms so well i have two nvmes one is my boot drive and the other is for vms and stuff so i just moved to there and i'd want to search the web for osx kvm now os x kvm works better in comparison to the other max simple kvm in my experience so i just go with this rather than the other one i do want you to know that in the end this is all personal preference so i'd want to clone it but i'll make sure to do a shallow clone which means that we only cloned the latest revision so let's do a shallow clone of this repository and i'll clone into a folder called big doge instead of big sir because why not there we go it's cloning let let's just let this uh do its thing all right so let's run the fetch script so python 3 and now we'll go with big sir that's the latest and the greatest so choose option 4 go ahead and now it would start that download now this can take quite a long while depending on how fast your internet is um mine is pretty fast i'd reckon so it's not going to take that much all right so it has now been downloaded and the next step is to convert the dmg to an image file and we'll do it this way it should take a little bit and now we're going to create our uh mac uh mac disk i'll give this 256 gigabytes there we go we have created it and now we can finally let this run it's not executable okay there we go we had run into a slight hookup a hiccup but now it's fine let's choose mac os based system and it can take a little while i'll just uh oops not full screen that full screen this apparently does not want to full screen so i guess can uh yeah there we go full screen all right there we go we see the apple logo the dreaded apple overlords the spying logo and we see this so it can take a little bit to boot so i'll be back when it has booted finally all right so it has does it done its thing so the next thing that we want to do is go to our disk utility and here are listed list disks would be listed so there will be this 200 something gig drive and what we want to do is you want to say erase now erase is quite an idiotic term for what we're about to do and i'll call this big bug a big bug and we'll obviously format it to apfs and guid partition map and click on erase now apple has this thing of having its weird terms obviously because why not and now we want to go to reinstall pixer click on continue and you're in for quite the ride here since this would take forever to install just so you know you have to wait so i'd recommend you open up something that you would like to watch on the side or something click agree choose big bug or whatever the drive is and now this zoom thing happens but it would take about 40ish or 30 minutes it won't take 2 hours and 20 minutes that's just a wrong estimate and it would update itself pretty soon so as i said i would be back after this is done since it is quite a time consuming process all right so uh well it rebooted and it's into up starting to do something it seems so as you can see it has rebooted and we'll actually boot into the mac os installer instead of the base system so let's go into that and let it do its thing so it would take a little bit this is like the pre uh uh hackintosh boot hook or something where it just tries to well load some texts and stuff so let's let it do its thing there we go now we see the apple logo and uh pretty soon it would start showing an estimated time remaining just below somewhere here let's uh wait for that and uh once that is done we'll be starting with our mac setup so as you can see it says about 29 minutes remaining i reckon it should actually take a lo about that much so once we're done uh i'll be back all right so it's time for the final uh boot and we're booting into our mac installer again so once we're finally booted in it should give us all the fancy options wait i think it's not the final final boot this is the semi-final boot and then they'll be the final boot but i'll just have to confirm and i'll know real quick which one it is okay it's not the final one since uh as you can see here if you like in the very endings of some lines it it gives some percentage uh and that percentage is how much it's done copying uh yeah yeah so this is not the final boot that fruit that we were looking for but yeah it takes some time uh running a hackintosh at least the first boot all right i see the apple logo and my cursor should appear hopefully soon okay i guess this would be the final final boot there are quite a bit of boots that take place in a hackintosh pixar installation here we go it's throwing its thing booting apple logos here cursors here cursors albeit extremely lagging jittery the cursor is here all right here's the big sur installation so we'll choose a country it's going to be extremely painful to get this to work i know so i'm fully aware that it's be it's going to be extremely slow but it would get better soon so i'll choose my country click continue now the slowness would fade away the moment we attach our graphics card to it and well you can click continue i'm just taking my cursor off to perfect not now we don't need any accessibility we'll continue with their data stuff we do not want to reset uh we'll do not now apple id all set up later so set up later yes i want to skip terms and conditions i'll agree to them a retail being sold to apple overlords yes full name there we go [Music] continue let's go forth with it and now i reckon it would ask me about okay continue express it up whatever okay i'll just continue i do not want this to be shared with our setup later no i do not want to enable siri siri is just knowing continue i'll go with dark continue and i think this is actually the last step and now we'll be booted into our mac desktop there we go now let i'll just let it boot a bit and then i would power it down shortly all right so now i would actually okay it needs some keyboard thing i'll do that done and i would shut this down so shut down do not reopen windows and shut down so now this should close there we go and i'll close this as well so if you go back to the guide there's actually some information about how we can define using uh the xml file so here we go let me see it into my nvme cd into vms cd into big dote and then here there will be the xml actually yeah and what i would do is i would change all of that and i would also have to edit the mac os xml a little bit just because our folders won't really be lining up just want to make sure what it is okay i actually need to edit quite a bit here so i would need to copy this entire bit oops i'll just uh copy this entire bit now you might not need to do that actually i'd say you would not need to do that and what i would have to do is change all of that from macos.xml and pass that over to bigser.xml xml xml and if i go back here i'll have to change all of this so i'll escape this escape it here escape it here and i would have to change all of this to change the word here so i'll have to change this to slash so i'll have to escape it here again disks slash then escape the slash here again uh disks and nvme escape the slash vms and then escape the slash here again and it is big doge and uh all right can't read big sword.xml no file or directory oops i need to output it to pixer.xml and i'll just check pixar.xml to make sure my set command was right since i am a little bit rusty with said disks in vme seems to be about right check here go down just want to make sure everything's done the correct way uh disk send via mediums yeah it actually seems about right as far as i can see so i would exit out of this and then we can define it so first we'll do word xml validate big sur dot xml it validates so verse define i reckon let me check first big sur dot xml i don't actually need to do the connect thingy since my verse is actually alias to always be this so it's uh not an issue for me but you would actually need to use that so i'll open my word manager and send it and and as you can see i have this mac os vm now what i would do uh here first is change this to eight core uh eight cores and i would actually let it be qemu 64. apply the config go to memory and i'll change that to about oop i'll change that to about 12 gigabytes apply here i would get rid of the display spice and i would get rid of the video vga also get rid of the channel qmuga and also get rid of the serial port here i'll let the nick be whatever it is and these can stay now i would actually rename it to big sir hit apply and there we go so now just as we did with windows we'll pass our graphics card over so let me make this a little bigger pass this instance over and pass this instance over now since mac actually does require my usb to to to boot i would pass my usb also over as that now i have all of these pcie devices but what i do not have right now is uh the rom config so i'll just copy it over from my uh windows vm uh paste it over here yes and paste it over here so if you try booting right now it would not work since our qemu file is not configured for the mac vm okay so what we would need to do is we'd say sudo edit and it would be slash etsy slash libre slash q e uh slash hooks slash qemu it would ask me for my password i'll give it that real quick and then here you would see we have this if object is equal to windows 10 then here what we would do is we will add an or statement and we'll say if object is equal to big sir oops not this way big sir then so what we are doing here essentially is we're adding an or case so if the vm is either windows or it's mac then we want to run these hooks so we'll save that real quick and close that out and now we're actually good to try to boot into mac now i'll be switching to my phone again due to obvious reasons and you'll see it from there i would like to thank you all for watching this video and i hope you liked it and actually do give uh kvm a shot it's really really good and i'm sure you would not regret it goodbye and take care
Channel: Coodos
Views: 161,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _JTEsQufSx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 48sec (2748 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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