SUPER EASY Hackintosh Complete Guide | How to Install macOS on a Windows Computer!

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well hello everybody I hope you are all having a wonderful uh Thanksgiving week and um we are going to dive into installing Mac OS Sonoma on a Haswell system this is going to be a complete guide from start to finish so you can get an idea of how to build an EFI fold that you need to install Mac OS on a PC now if you guys remember if you've ever watched a lot of my videos I did a video when I first started my channel on this little computer right here and this is a Lenovo think center it's called a m93 tiny and it is Tiny and we are going to build an EFI to install Mac OS somoma on this system so what we need to do is we first need a USB stick and nowadays with 32 gigabyt of space to get somoma on our USB stick to install Mac OS okay so I've got a 32 gig stick right here I'm going to put it in the back of this Lenovo and we are yes building this uh EF I on this Lenovo so I'll show you right here what we're working with right here it is it's an i5 and um it has only eight gigabytes of RAM I would suggest 16 but hey it runs really good on eight and it has the Intel HD 44 4600 Graphics chip which is no longer supported in but the open core people right here have made it easy for us to make the graphics work in high definition and uh accelerated Graphics so we're going to use open core Legacy Patcher to install basically a trick to Mac OS so we get accelerated Graphics okay so let's get started with this going to go ahead and minimize so what we want to do is go to dis utility right here open this up make sure that you press this down arrow and show all devices and the reason I tell you that is I will show you if you don't do that if it by default it shows it like this I see the word USB which is is this but I need the name of the dis I need the root of the USB so I show all devices and there it is my USB sand dis all right so make sure you do this and then I'm going to click erase I just name it USB and we'll change this to Mac OS extended journal and guid partition map and click erase all right so now we need to download Mac OS to build the USB stick so I'm going to go over here to the web and I'm going to go to open core and just click on get started we're going to come up here to creating the USB okay so here we are and we're doing it right now on a Mac we've already done the windows version in a previous video so we'll click here and we'll just go down here till we see this command line we'll just copy this go up here to Spotlight type in terminal and click there we'll paste that line into here and hit enter and it's going to find all of the Mac os's that we could download and I want the latest version of somoma which is right here now it says please enter version number you wish to download so we're going to put 14.1 do1 because that's the version number and that's the latest version okay we hit enter and eventually this will download and it will take quite a bit of time to do but uh we'll come back when it's done okay guys so now we'll go to the applications folder and we'll see that our install mac osoma ended up in our applications folder which is where we need it all right now we got to build the USB so let's go over here and type in make a USB bootable right here Mac and we click this right here this is Apple support and we'll go down here till we see Sonoma because we need a line command line again we're going to copy this command line go up to terminal put that line in now right here where it says my volume we need to change that to whatever you named the stick I named it USB so I'm going to put in USB hit enter put in my password and then say yes because it's going to tell you it's going to erase the whole Drive okay all right so it will go through and this will take a little bit of time so go relax uh when we come back we'll have a USB stick with Mac OS somoma on it ready to continue okay all right we'll be right back okay guys so right here we have Mac OS Sonoma and there is our program ready to install so now we have to build an EFI folder that goes into a hidden partition of this USB stick to install Mac OS it's a bootloader it tells the EFI says here is the equipment here is the hardware that I am installing this Mac OS on so it it tricks Mac OS into believing that basically it's a real Mac okay so let's go over and grab our wonderful um OC auxiliary tools this is probably the best thing that ever happened to open core um I'm going to click here on the releases I'm going to download the latest one all right so there it is and I'm going to just double click on it and drag this over here on the desktop now the first thing we want to do when we open up auxiliary tools right click on it and open and then click open all right so here it is now we want to make sure that we are on the latest version of open core so I'm going to click here and I'm going to click on this and click latest version and get latest version okay all right so the latest version is 0.9.6 okay so we are ready to continue now I'm going to close this so it's not so ugly okay the first thing we need to do we are building on this Haswell Lenovo so we need to start a Haswell EFI build all right so the first thing you do with auxiliary tools which makes this so easy is go over here and click the configuration templates and then go over here it'll take you right to their website click on on pist and I want fourth gen right here fourth went fourth gen Haswell just click on that and download now what this is downloading is a necessary to make our EFI folder so we'll go over here and I'm going to rename this to config pist all right then right click and open it with auxiliary tools all right now if it doesn't pop up here or populate just go over here and open and then go to your downloads and click on it again and open all right there we go now what I want to do is I want to actually build the EFI folder right here on my desktop so I'm going to go up here to edit and generate EFI on desktop okay there it is now inside of here we have necessary files for the boot loader and that is these ssds under acpi the drivers that we need and the sum of the kcks that we need Tex if you think about it in the terms of Microsoft or Windows computer are kind of like drivers okay and if you don't have a driver for a particular part of your Intel or your Windows PC then those things are not going to work so like right here we don't have a text for our land controller or wifi or Bluetooth so we need a couple things all right so everything else here is fine the way it sits so we'll click out of here and this is a graphical interface of what's going on now I'll go through each one of these items for you okay this again is our acpi and these are ssds we have Booter there's not really much to talk about here except quirks these quirks are already set for you and should work fine but if you do run into a error trying to boot you may have to change one of these settings okay this is um display properties and these are different options for our particular Haswell these are the command lines so to speak of what we need to get our graphics working remember this does not this little Haswell I have here does not have a dedicated graphics card it has Intel Graphics built on the CPU so we have to have the correct lines of here for our display ports and it just so happens s this one right here is set up to what we need and here is our Graphics that I talked about right here this is what we need to get it to work properly so these little hashtags means these are turned off okay this one is on it has no hashtag so I hope that explains what's going on here Colonel again these are our drivers so to speak or our KS I'm going to eliminate these to because they they are not necessary this right here SMC processor this is a text that if you wanted to run a separate little program that tells you the heat of the processor then you would need this text uh I'm not worried about it on this little system and I'm just going to eliminate both of these all right that'll just keep you from being confused now there are KS here like I said before that are missing but we'll get into that in a little bit and there's also quirks that are already set for you that you may have to change again on your system if things don't work while we're write here I want to talk about this xhci port limit now that is enabled if it has a check mark it means it's turned on so when we're building a Sonoma or Ventura when we're installing Mac OS we need to make sure that we turn on the USB ports on the machine or the motherboard that we are trying to install Mac OS on so we can then do what's called Port mapping USB port mapping on Mac computers you're only allowed to have up to 15 USB ports enabled and you say well gosh that's plenty but you cut it in half real quick when you have USB 2 and USB 3 so now we're down to like seven of each all right and we can decide which of those USB ports we want to have working and which ones that are not necessary to our application okay you may want let's say your motherboard enable enables 20 USB ports and you say well I got to get it down to 15 between USB 2 and three and C USBC so I've got it to eliminate some well I might have an application or a work environment where I need a lot of USB twos so I may want to leave on more twos than threes because I'm not using that many USB 3s I hope that isn't too confusing but we'll get into USB port mapping later in this whole series of how to install Mac OS on a PC so let's not worry too much about this right now but these are also settings that sometimes we have to change to get our computer to boot properly and work properly miscellaneous this is an area that doesn't really need to be addressed much when using a template from open core auxiliary tools because it's already set for us a couple things I will note though right here it's the boot picker this is when you first boot up a Hackintosh computer there will be a little menu that pops up and it's graphical and it will if you have this set to external if you have it set to builtin right here then it will be text only but we like to use the graphical so we use external and it'll that's where you pick to choose let's say you're going to have dual boot you may have Windows hard drive installed on your Hackintosh and you may have a Mac so you choose which one you want to install into this right here time out is is kind of important to us this is where we set the amount of seconds before it just defaults and just starts installing because you haven't picked anything okay so couple of things that we talk about here now debug is an area that we may have to change something if we run into trouble but we're okay right now with this system and security is already set for us and fault and uh Vault and scan policy is already set for us if you went by the open core guide then you would get into needing to set all of these things up but these are already set because we're using open core auxiliary tools and their templates all right EnV Ram now this is an area that uh we can sometimes install command lines to get other things to work okay um for us it's not necess NE but we're going to go down here to this one because we do need to put in some boot arguments okay and right here it says boot args now I'm going to put in a few here now this minus V is text that you will see on the screen when we are installing Mac OS the reason we want to see that text as opposed to just an Apple logo is because we want to see what's going on and if the computer stops and in the middle of booting we want to see where it stopped so we need that text on for now while we're installing when we are done installing and everything's working great we can turn off this minus V which stands for verbos mode and we'll have just the Apple logo just like a real Mac now a couple other things we need to put in our boot arguments and this is just by default we want to put in keep Sims equals 1 and then a space there's a space between each boot argument and debug equals 0x00 space and then alci ID equals 1 the alci ID is for your audio by default many audio chips will work with the number one but there are some instances where you need to change that number and we'll get into that later but let's put in one for default all right and that's all we need for this particular system so we hit enter and we're done with that and I'm going to click save then we come down here to platform info all right now this is where we use a system product name that is still supported by Mac OS Sonoma I'm going to go over here to open core and I'm going to go down here to where it says Ventura all right these these things right here these names are also called SM bios okay so we click here to supported SM bios all right SM bios dropped in Ventura and above of course are all of these the only things that are supported are right here okay so these are supported SM bios and we click here and we see all the lists so these are the supported ones now you say well which one can I use for this one well there are a couple of different ones you could use but I'm going to go with iMac Pro 1 comma 1 so I'm going to go up here and I'm going to go up to iMac Pro one comma one and this works very well for this particular system now something else that we need is we need system serial numbers motherboard numbers and system uu ID numbers okay these are like like serial numbers on a on a real Mac and if we don't have serial numbers we're not going to be able to use any of Apple's resources or you're not going to be able to log into iCloud you're not going to be able to do a lot of things so we want to generate serial numbers okay so we just click this and it generated numbers for us we click save UEFI now in here there are drivers that we talked about in the beginning of the video that are needed to boot the system and so this is where those drivers are located um there are other things here that we can look at but everything has already been set up for us and really in most applications there's not much you need to change in the UE fi screen so we're good to go all right now in order for our computer to boot really really good and properly and not have a lot of conflicts then we want to build our own ssds okay these are what I call generic ssds they will work but they're not going to work necessarily the best so in doing this complete tutorial on installing somoma on a Windows machine I want to show you the correct way to do it it's just going to make your system run better so what we need to do that is we need to boot the computer we're going to load somoma onto we need to boot it into Windows all right so I'm going to pull this hard drive out of this Lenovo I'm going to stick a Windows Drive In It and Boot It Up in Windows and we'll be right back okay guys we're back up in Windows on this little Haswell system go over to the open core website and we're going to continue looking at installing Mac OS okay okay so when we come down here to Haswell click here and we come to adding our acpi our ssds we can see that the ones that we installed from our open core auxiliary tools it put in these two so we should be fine right yeah we should be fine but there's a better way to do it and that is using the easy way ssds okay and right here this Corp n he built this little program called ssdt time okay and if we download it right here open it up and there it is so I'm going to get rid of mine over here delete it and I'm going to open this one up and drag it over here on the desktop okay all right so let's get into this real quick it's not hard to do at all so I'm going to uh come in here and right here is ssdt time this is what we need to launch so right click on it and just open it up all right I'm G stretch this out make it a little bigger for you okay so on this the first thing we need to do is number eight it's called dump dsdt so we'll click eight hit enter and it did it and we hit enter again and go back so on Haswell we're going to need this fake EC we're going to need this fix HP and if you remember we also needed the plug-in type all right so and that is what open core told us so let me go back and refresh your memory okay Haswell and what we need acpi is plug which is this one number four and EC which is number two now since we're here we're going to go ahead and grab this HP and it will help as well now if we click over here let's say you're doing a coffee Lake system which is 10th gen then you need a few more okay so we need plug we need EC USB which is here also USB and we need awac which is also here and we need PMC which is also here so each one of these will build the ssds that we need all right so enough of that let's go ahead and press number one and by default we just press C here and then we're done with that then we're going to do number two which we need and we just hit enter we're done with that we don't need three that's for laptops we need a number four plug so we're done with that one and that's all we need for our particular system if we needed like on the 10th gen we would continue on now where are these things they're in a folder called results okay so here we are and I'm just going to grab a USB stick and put it in my Windows computer here and this USB stick is formatted for XA which means you can see it in Windows and you can see it in Mac OS all right so I'll put it in here and I will make a folder for this little guy so I can put these ssds in there so I'm going to just put m93p okay and we'll go back up I'll just click over here results and I'll go down here well here's my m93 right here all right so I'm just going to grab all of this just dump it in here have it on my USB stick okay so we are done with that um now we're going to boot back into Mac OS and finish making this USB stick okay we're booting back in just want to show you what the text looks like when we're installing now we can eliminate this on boot up this text so we just have the Apple logo like I said before okay now in real world situation you would be building your EFI on somebody's map Mac or another Mac that you have so you would be installing Mac OS on a Windows computer that you have so what we just did going into Windows you would do on the computer you want to install the Mac OS okay it would not do you any good if you did it on some other Windows machine you've got to do that process building the ssds on the PC that you're going to install Mac OS all right okay so I'm going to put my USB sticks back in here all right there we go okay so this is the ssds that we just made and uh we'll go down here to the m93 right here so these are the files that we were talking about and we need to put them in our a c Pi folder so we can get rid of these and now we're going to grab the the only ones we want are the AML we don't want this DSL because we need this ssdt EC right so we need the AML not this one and we also need the AML for plug so that's that one and then also the HP ET this one not this one all right we'll put it in here now let's go back to our tools and close this out we want to get rid of these too all right these are the old ones then we'll click the plus button and we'll go to our OC acpi and there's the three we just put in so we'll just highlight them and open and it injects them into our EFI folder that we need okay so we'll click save and we are starting to look pretty good here now let's go over to the web because we need a couple of C for Wi-Fi Bluetooth and the land controller on this as well Lenovo okay so let's just look it up Lenovo tiny 93 p and uh let's go ahead and just click on for specs because we want the specs so we'll click here on it what we need to know is what land controller is in this thing okay and which WiFi and Bluetooth is it using all right so we come right here for instance and the WiFi is an Intel usually an Intel Cino Wireless 2230 so that tells us that we are supporting Ed with the K we're going to use all right and then we need the land controller and for some reason they put it down here under Bluetooth ethernet and modem all right so it is an i217 all right so let's go back over to open core and uh we're going to go to Gathering files okay right here now this is where we get our kex the ethernet controller right here there's the i217 and it is supported by the Intel mousy kex so we'll click this we'll click the release and it's downloaded for us okay we'll go back and we want to go to Wi-Fi Bluetooth all right so for our card we're going to download this CeX now this particular CeX all they have right now is an alpha version It's called it's a pre-release version but it is working and then they have the stable 2.2 version here but if if you'll notice there's nothing for Sonoma so we have to go up here click on assets and here is our Sonoma K that we'll use until they get a finished version done but it does function and does work all right we'll go back over to Gathering files and we also need intel Bluetooth firmware this is for our Bluetooth we'll just download this one and then for monay or newer please read instructions so we come over here and it tells us that we need to install the Intel BT Patcher we need the Bluetooth firmware but we do not want to include Bluetooth injector which W which was uh for previous versions to monay but we do need this blue tool fix up so we'll click here we'll go to latest version and we'll grab the release version okay so let's go over here to our downloads and let's start grabbing them so we need this one and all we need is this top kex the Bluetooth fix up kex we don't need any other kex so I'm going to just open this up go to OC and I'm going to drag and drop these into my Tex folder all right so we got that one we also need a couple out of this one Intel Bluetooth so we need firmware and patcher not the injector okay grab those put them in here and then we also need this text for our Wi-Fi to work so we'll put it in here okay so let's go back over to our OC auxiliary tools and go to Kernel and make sure that it did put those KS that we just dragg and dropped right here those four did it put them in here one two three four yes it did so we'll click save and now guys we are ready to boot this computer but what we have to do is we have to put this folder into the hidden EFI partition on our USB stick so let me get rid of this so we don't get confused and to get to our hidden folder we come up here we click right there this is my SanDisk right here so I'm going to mount it put in your password and right here an EFI partition opened up so this is our hidden partition all right so I already have this here here but I'm just for sake of showing you I just rename that one because you cannot have any folders named EFI except the one you're booting from so I'll just drag and drop it into here and this is the folder that Mac OS is going to look for EFI not these so now typically of course you would not have these other folders so please don't get confused all you're going to have is this EFI folder in your hidden partition all right so we are done we're ready to boot this computer and see if we have any issues but we must check our bio settings in any PC that we're going to install Mac OS if you skip changing your bio settings then this will never work so let's close out of here and let's boot this thing up and get into the bio settings okay all right be right back all right guys we are in the Bios and if this screen flickers please uh forgive me I've got a bad device here that I'm using when I'm in Doss so uh yeah I'm real sorry about that but let's get into this real quick we'll go over here to devices serial Port we want it disabled USB setup just like we have it here we need this screen set up just like this video setup is very important just like you see it here audio setup just make sure it's turned on network setup just enabled no big deal Advanced CPU setup just like you see it here we want uh that vtd disabled so just like it is right here these screens we don't need to worry about too much and just like we see it here go over here to power and just have it set up like this is fine security everything here is pretty much fine as you see it okay we'll go over to start up and we want everything like you see it right here this works well and then go down here CSM support needs to be enabled on this for it to work and then you you want to change the first boot priority make sure it's UEFI everything you see just like here all right so that's it for the BIOS let's uh go ahead and get out of here and see if we can boot this computer okay we'll come up here to a menu now I already have Mac OS installed on this computer but uh so you won't have this many icons but you will definitely have this install Mac OS Sonoma but before you do that I want you to go over here to reset Envy RAM and hit enter then let it come back and then go over here to Sonoma and start installing all right so this process of installing is it will install by itself uh you won't need to to do anything it will go through many screens and many different boot ups and uh when it is complete we'll come back all right guys so we do come up here to our dis utility install area we want to go to dis utility click continue and then again making sure that we select show all devices as you can see right now I cannot see the name of my drive that I want to install Mac OS on so I show all devices and here it is that's my Kingston that I want to select to install to so we click erase I'm not going to erase mine because it's already installed you can name the drive whatever you want and make sure you're on apfs and guid partition map and click erase all right once that's done you'll click up here and then install Mac OS Sonoma continue continue agree and then select the drive we just named and click continue and this will like I said go through a lot of different boot menus um and it will reboot it self but it will come back and you'll be ready to finish the install process okay all right guys so we'll come back when this is all done okay guys here we are ready to finish the install so go down here and just finish up just get through all these screens not now n we'll skip this log in we'll give it a name and a password and as you can tell uh we've got a white background because our graphics are not set up yet right so we got to finish that after we get in here and you're going to notice that the computer is very very slow because when you don't have your graphics uh accelerated it just slows everything way down okay so there we are
Channel: TechNolli
Views: 19,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: technolli, hackintosh guide 2023, technolli hackintosh, technolli opencore, oc auxiliary tools guide, complete hackintosh guide, haswell hackintosh sonoma, how to install sonoma on unsupported mac, how to install sonoma, macos on a windows pc, macos running on a windows computer, can you install macos on a windows pc, easy hackintosh 2023, easy hackintosh installation guide, easy hackintosh guide, hackintosh 2023 step by step, opencore legacy patcher sonoma
Id: cFPbT4HnV3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 51sec (2751 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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