MacOS on Surface Pro 7: Step-by-step Guide

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hey guys it's Alex and welcome to the Geeks table so today is the second part of my Surface Pro 7 running Mac OS video so thank you very much for your support and likes on the first video this is a follow-up as I mentioned I will be doing the how-to video so it's like an instruction on how to install the Mac OS on the Surface Pro 7 so it's Surface Pro 7 not Surface Pro 7 plus not 8 or not six it's just Surface Pro 7 and we'll go through all the process so I will show you how to keep your windows 11 and install Mac OS Ventura on Surface Pro 7 and then I will show you how to roll back and keep your like basically return to the initial state of the of your surface because I think that many of the instructions lack this important step they show you how to apply something but they don't show you how to roll back this is an experiment so I'm not suggesting you to install the Mac course it's just the research it's just for fun so I do believe that all the new Macs are much better and more powerful and if you need and if you want that authentic Mac experience you should go and buy a Mac but since we are exploring and the channel is called geek stable so we're doing a geeky stuff here so yeah we will do this then roll back and we'll be like in the in the initial state so before we proceed I do need to scare you out of this because I don't know your experience level okay so if you don't have enough experience like technical experience you may screw up on some step I'm not saying that it will be like super hard to accomplish but you know sometimes like you miss something or you're doing a mistake like everyone does mistakes so but if this is your only machine that you're working on or if it's important to you or you have some important data you should do something like to protect it so if some data is important to you be sure to back up before you do anything with the surface if it's your only machine be sure that you have a Windows installation media so you if like if you lose access to Windows you'll be able to reinstall it again so this is this is an important step because when I was doing this experiment Surface Pro is not my Prime primary machine so I lost access to Windows a few times while experimenting so I was expecting that and then I just used this Windows installation media and I was able to reinstall it like in a snap of fingers so please consider doing that before we proceed so and yeah so what you will do next in those steps is at your own risk something can go wrong I don't know so please be careful also the whole process May evolve or change in the future so they may release some like new libraries that enhance some process or simplify some process like anything can change so in this case I do encourage you to check the description of this video or the pinned comment I will make one if there will be something if there is none then it means that you can proceed with this instruction it works fine so nothing new there all right step number one first of all if you skipped the disclaimer and went directly to the step number one I do encourage you to come back and re-watch it and then come back here if you did that great so let's proceed so first of all what we need is a USB flash drive at least 16 gigabytes of storage no matter if it's like USB 2.0 or USB 3.0 or like USBC like anything will work but it has to be at least 16 gigabytes of storage and yeah it should be empty we'll obviously need our Surface Pro 7 machine and it will have to have an internet connection so be sure that it's stable and running and actually what I'm running here is the Surface Pro 7 with a fresh install Windows 11 so I don't have any other software installed here so we will start at the same level as you so we will be installing all the software together and like all the those like hidden check marks and what whatever could happen so we'll go through all the steps together and the most tricky part is that we need to access some mac and that may sound ridiculous right because like we try to act to install Mac OS on Surface Pro 7 probably it's our first Mac machine so how do we get access to a Mac so the reason is Apple the thing is that we need to create an installation media on this USB drive and it should contain the Mac installation files but for some reason Apple decided not to provide any straightforward way to create this Media or to prepare this media on a Windows so you need to have a Mac so if you have a friend or colleague or whoever who has a Mac maybe you might want just to ask them for like 30 minutes of their free time to prepare this media if you have that that would be great that's a very straightforward and fast solution so you may skip like the rest of the step one and go directly to the step two if you don't have that don't be sad we will have a workaround it's not that straightforward and fast but we can make our job done so that workaround is to install a virtual machine and run Mac OS on a virtual machine first so the process is as this so we create a virtual machine we install Mac OS there and then we prepare this installation media in that virtual machine then we are happy owners of this new installation media and we can remove that virtual machine for good and proceed with our instructions I'm not sure if you're familiar with the whole concept of virtual machines but just to simplify imagine that you have an aquarium with a fish inside and you have it in your flat so for a fish the whole aquarium is the whole universe and it lives its own life there and it has all those like exciting events happening there and outside you live your own life then you have your events happening so this is kind of similar concept so imagine that the virtual machine that we're going to install this small Mac OS is like the aquarium that you have in your flat so in order to run this virtual machine we will need VM player so you can go to the description and find it in those links and download it and depending on your internet speed it may take a while for me it's the whole size of this software is half a terabyte so yeah it might take a little bit like 10 minutes or so but let's speed up this because we're on YouTube and finally we have it downloaded and let's install the VMware Player let's click this one click next yeah we need a keyboard driver we don't have to join the customer experience program and we don't need the updates because we plan to remove it shortly all right okay let's do the installation finally and let's finally click finish okay so we have installed the virtual machine player now we are able to install virtual machines but by default this virtual machine cannot run Mac OS this feature is locked so we have to unlock it in the description there is a link with the name unlocker so we need to use that one and it will open a GitHub page where we are interested in the releases and here we have to download this one on local 305 let's click on the assets and we are interested in this release python embedded so let's download it and it already says how to install it we need to right click on wininstall.cmd and run it as an administrator so let's open the file and extract the whole folder somewhere whatever and now let's locate this win install here it is right click and run as administrator says yes let's confirm and basically it will unlock this possibility to install Macos it may take maybe around five minutes and afterwards we will proceed with installing okay we are done now we need to find an installation file for the Mac OS so let's go to our browser let's go open Google and here we need just to Google for the eso for our installation file I will look for Mac OS Monterey it's older so there is a high chance that we will find something so Mac OS Monterey ESO I'm not sure which of these links will work for you so just go through them and find something I'm pretty sure there is something workable I will just use the first link in this in these results so let's scroll down and find the eso here it is single file download and here we just click on the download button close all the pop-ups check the downloads and here it goes and downloads may take about 25 minutes on my internet connection so let's speed it up using the power of YouTube and pretend that it's already downloaded and while it's starting a few words about the Mac OS so if you have never used the Mac OS don't let this experience scare you because this is a virtual machine so a lot of Hardware is not real it's kind of like emulated so it will be super slow the real Macs are not like that so don't think that all the Macs are like this and like what's the whole point so this will be a super slow experience but we will have to break through this just in order to create that bootable flash so yeah thanks Apple for creating this obstacle but we can break through okay so finally we have the file downloaded let's launch the virtual machine player and now let's create a new virtual machine so here we should specify the eso file that we just downloaded we should browse and find our Mac OS Monterey here it is okay let's click open now let's click next here let's select that it's Mac OS 10 for some reason and Mac OS 12 because it's Monterey click next once again and here so by default it says 80 gigabytes I tried with 50. and it works fine maybe 55 to be safe and here we need to select store virtual disk as a single file because otherwise you may have problems with installation and we want to be sure that it's working okay let's click next now let's customize the hardware so first of all let's customize the ram so I have 16 gigabytes of storage you probably have the same or eight so I would go for the maximum just for the virtual machine to work more Snappy then the processes so I would also go for the maximum I don't think I have 32 cores yeah and not 16 yeah probably I have eight yeah I do and check notice that all the check marks were not checked all right so then let's click finish and here we are let's play the virtual machine okay let's close it okay and we see the Apple logo which is a good sign this installation may take a lot of time I mean a lot like three to four hours maybe even more so just for you to know that it will take really a lot of time and you might want your surface device not to go to sleep or turn off the display because otherwise the process may be interrupted because the whole computer will go to sleep so open the settings type sleep and yeah select this option and check that when plugged in my device will never go to sleep and when plugged in my screen will never turn off you may now load the brightness to minimum and keep the surface as is and yeah it really can take a lot of time alright it took us just 4 hours and 20 minutes to install Mac OS on the virtual machine so now let's go through the installation screens and finalize the installation first is the region the country or region and because the installation is super slow as I told you so I think it's better to use the keyboard so I tapped you to select United States and then I tap arrow down to find the country okay let's tap continue we won't need any other languages aside from English so this screen is fine let's click continue now let's click not now continue here we need to click not now on the left side here on the same side let's click setup later here let's click skip here let's click agree and agree once more and now we need to create a user the name would be Alex you can use your name of course now let's click on the password I will type one two three four it has to be simple and short because we will need it but just one time and then we will need to confirm this password so it's one two three four again all right now we can click continue here let's click continue we don't need location services don't use here we can pick any time zone and click continue we don't need analytics so let's click continue now here let's click setup later here let's click continue again and finally after almost five hours we are in the virtual desktop of Mac OS Monterey right we finally got our access to a Mac either the real one or via the virtual machine and now let's prepare the installation media so first of all we need to obviously connect our installation future installation media to our computer let's do that if you got your hands on a real Mac the flash drive will show up in the top right corner right away and if you are using the virtual machine then when you connect the flash drive to the surface you need to specify that the flash drive should be connected to the virtual machine and not to the host which is Windows so I will be showing all the process on the real Mac just because it's faster the virtual machine is super slow and I'm very sorry for those who have to go through that again thanks Apple for doing that work around all right so what we need to do is to click this magnify button to turn on the spotlight search and yeah for those who is familiar with the Mac you probably know what it is but I will be trying to do it step by step for those who don't know what is like how to operate with a Mac at all all right so here we need this utility so yeah once we started typing it already showed us that this utility that we need so let's click enter and it shows us the Disk Utility so this is our main SSD and this is the USB that we've connected so first of all we need to click on this View and say show all devices and here we need to click on something that is above this USB and then you have to click on this erase button so what we need to do here is to select the scheme as the guid partition map then the format Macos extended journalized and the name whatever you want so we can do it like Ventura because we want to install Ventura right so now we click erase and wait just for a couple of seconds while the media is prepared all right the media is done so now we have to download our installation files so let's go to Safari Safari is the web browser in Macos the default one let's click on it and here we will have to type one of the links that I have in the description so this one let's open it and it says link to the Apple support website where they describe how to download the Mac OS installation files so let's scroll down and we need our Ventura so let's click here it says welcome to the Apple Store sorry App Store not now let's skip all of that and we need to click the get button Alright download and I will have to wait a little bit until this Mac OS Ventura the the installation file is downloaded all right so Mac OS Ventura got downloaded and we have the installer showing up that's nice so let's click on this magnifier button again and we need to launch terminal it's like a common prompt on Windows right so click here and we have the terminal launched so now let's type this command so we need sudo slash applications and we can click app we can type app and then click tab so it will find applications automatically now install click Tab and it will find our installed macquest Ventura automatically now con tab contents now re-tab resources and now create a tab create installation create install media so yeah we need to type sudo applications installed Mac contents resources create installed media now space then minus minus volume then space then slash then volumes you can click tab again volumes and then the name of the volume the name of the USB flash drive which we just conveniently named Ventura so we type Ventura right so now we click enter or return and we need the password so the password of the machine so mine was one two three four that was super easy type enter then type y enter I know it erases the flash drive and then records the installation files on it all right after a few moments of waiting so finally we have our installer ready so we're done with Mac OS for now and let's take our installation media and come back to Windows so now let's do a few more things so by default the surface won't understand the installation files we need a set of instructions and we need to prepare them and then record it to the flash drive so the idea is pretty simple imagine that these files are passengers on a bus and we need a bus driver who will say okay this one goes to this station this one goes to that station this person takes this seat that person takes that seed so he or she will be like that bus driver is usually like a manager of the whole like thing happening in the bus so we need something like that like a set of instructions for our installation file so let's prepare that for this we will need three links from the description to this video and the first link titled EFI leads to this page so what we are interested in this title so it's limited support and actually that's pretty important so this repository used to evolve quite fast because the owner had a Surface Pro 7 device so they could test it and do some changes now they don't have it so sometimes they apply changes without testing so they rely on us the community to test and sometimes those changes are not working so well so what I will do I will guide you through the working path it will require a few extra steps but bear with me this will be the path that definitely works and I've tested and it's working stable however if you feel lucky if you feel risky and if you know what you're doing you can try the source code without any like my injections my changes so you can do whatever you want you have the links you can combine up it's up to you so what I will be showing is a verified path if you will so let's go to the releases page and we need this release 1891 so there may be a new release already just in case so and like if you won't find this release Here you may want to click on these releases link and then you will end up in a page where all the releases are listed and what we need here is the release one eight nine one and what we need is the source code ZIP so let's download it it's a small file so it will download quite fast all right it's done now let's go to the second link which is called EFI update and let's download it as well okay done and finally let's go to the third link which is called itlwm and we will land on this page and actually this is the reason why I couldn't publish this instruction earlier I was hoping I was waiting for these guys to publish a stable version of this library because this library is very important it allows us to use Wi-Fi and Bluetooth and for Ventura they didn't have a stable version so and I thought okay I could publish the instructions earlier but then I would use the beta software which could contain more bugs than the stable version so yeah I hope that the weight was worth it so now we can use the stable version of this library and yeah let's go to the releases and yeah as you can see the release happened just two days ago and we need to scroll down to the assets and download the one for Ventura so the one that we will be using now is 2.2.0 stable but on the moment you'll be going through this video there might be a newer version so I would say go through this text I mean not this actual text but the one that you will see if there will be a newer version and just look for some known issues or if it's something breaking there like something's that sounds scary I mean like if you're a technical person probably you will understand most of this but if you are not then like just just check for you know the the breaking words like the bad words that will be that will Mark that this is not the version that you might want to use if there are none then go with it and please don't use Alpha versions or beta versions they are not stable so you might skip those unless you know what you're doing so or if you want just to go with the verified solution you can just go through the releases and find this 2.0 2.2.0 stable and go with it so and also be careful and don't download other versions other from the Mac OS that you're installing so we are installing Ventura so it's important that you will download Ventura because otherwise your Mac OS version will simply not load or there will be like endless rebooting so that's quite important and we've downloaded this 2.2.0 stable version for Ventura and now let's prepare our bus driver so we need to go to our Explorer and go to our downloads and here we need to basically extract all these folders so okay this one let's click extract all extract all right now let's extract this EFI update okay accidentally closed the Explorer sorry let's go back to downloads and this one needs to be extracted as well let's come back to our downloads and let's proceed so first of all we need to open the Surface Pro 7 open core so the first archive that we've downloaded and we are interested in this EFI folder so everything that we will be doing we will be doing in this folder let's keep it open meanwhile let's open finder again let's go to downloads and we are interested in this EFI update let's open it open the OS folder now let's switch back to our EFI folder on the left open the OS folder as well and here we will need to drag this config P list from our EFI update folder to our folder on the left okay and we need to replace it all right now we need to open this folder key X on the right and the same folder on the left and we will need to copy these two folders to the folder on the left okay now let's go back to downloads and we don't need this EFI update folder anymore because it's empty so let's delete it okay and now let's go to this ear Port folder that we extracted third and we need to copy this one to the folder on the left and let's replace it all right and we don't need it anymore as well so let's delete it from let's delete this folder from downloads so by the end you should have this Surface Pro 7 open core 1891 and inside there let's open it and inside there should be the same folder and that should be EFI that should contain all those files that we've copied from other folders so this is the end result that we were making so we're finished preparing our bus driver now we need to put our bus driver to the bus cabin but by default the bus cabin is hidden so we are unable to see it if we connect our flash drive so in order to make it visible and in order to be able to copy the files we need two more utilities so go to the description of this video and click the link labeled mini tool and let's download the mini tool it's a very tiny utility so it's downloaded in no time now let's also download the Explorer plus plus it also the link to it you can find in the description as well and let's download the 64-bit version now let's go to our downloads where we got everything let's extract the Explorer plus plus okay thank you close it and let's install our minitool so here we can stick to the free edition we don't need all the features otherwise you since you don't plan to use it for a long time you can still use the trial period and have all of them but I will stick to the free ones we need manageable Partition Wizard we don't need Shadow maker and we don't want to participate in this program and here we are installing it right okay finish and launch the minute hole Partition Wizard and I will close all the tabs and this one let's let's have a clean workspace all right so the window is open and this is actually the whole picture of our partitions you may have a different one so I have the main disk one which is the internal disk of this Surface Pro 7 and I have an SD card connected which is also visible here so what we need to do we need to connect our Mac OS installer to our Surface Pro 7 it will update the partitions and it will show us this installer here so the Kingston data traveler is my flash drive and here we have it so and if you notice like every storage has this small amount of has this small partition in the beginning and this is actually what I was telling about so this is this bus driver so this is the guy who actually manages everything where to put all all the stuff when we install when we load this operating system so this small partition is not visible because if you put something wrong there you may like corrupt the whole loading process but we need to make it visible to show it again and that's why we downloaded this mini tool uh utility so let's find this small partition it's called EFI and right click and let's say change letter so now it doesn't have any letter let's assign basically any letter that you like let's do X okay and now we need to click apply to apply the changes okay yes all right so now we have or should have this partition to be visible but by default in our normal Explorer we won't be able to access it we don't have permissions to access this folder but because we installed the Explorer plus plus and if we open it as an administrator right click then we should be able to open that EFI folder yeah so it's empty so we but we have accessed it so what we need to do here is that we have to go to our EFI folder that we've been working on before so it should be now it downloads and the Surface Pro 7 open core and side there is an EFI folder and what we need to do we need to copy this folder to this to our partition I just click copy like Ctrl C and then Ctrl V and we are copying it here so yeah takes a minute and now we have all the files there all right at this point we finally finished preparing our USB media now let's switch to the storage and for this let's switch back to our surface but before we switch please check what kind of surface you have I mean there are I think three maybe four types of surfaces like 64 gigabytes of storage 128 256 and 512. so if you have 512 as I do then great you can split the like your disk into like three parts it will be like 128 for Windows 128 for mac and 200 256 gigabytes for like the shareable storage if you have a smaller disk like 256 like in total you may still split it to 128 for Windows and Mac and then use the internal card reader for sharing the files between operating systems if you have just like the whole SSD is 128 gigabytes I would keep it with Windows and install Macos on an external storage like if you have an external SSD you may replace windows with Mac OS completely but then you will lose Windows capabilities on the surface which probably is not what you want so but this is the situation on smaller drives if you have 64 gigabytes of storage then you will be very tight in this so I would also suggest going through the process of installing it on external storage meanwhile I will show you how so like the process that I will show you will apply to any surface but depending on the size of your storage like the whole experience May provide right so let's go back to the surface and open the Disk Management so for this I will click Windows X and select Disk Management and here our windows partition occupies a lot and we need to shrink it so right click shrink volume so I want this disk to become 128 gigabytes of storage so yeah I need to play around with these figures a little bit so I I think it should be something like this yeah something like this okay let's wait a little bit and yeah we have 128 gigabytes of storage for our Windows machine and these two are for others so okay now we are done with the Disk Management let's close it and return back to the mini tool and let's restart our mini tool because it has older data okay so now it will recalculate it close the pop-up and after we launch it the first thing that we would notice is that we have this partition over here at the very end we might keep it there but I wish to move it closer to Windows since it's a windows partition so how about to do that so let's do that so right click and select move and resize and here we just click and drag it to the very beginning click ok and now it's over here here I would like to create two partitions so one for Mac OS and one for shareable storage so let's create a partition Let's do an X fat let's call it Mac OS and I missed the letter M sorry Mac OS now what we want to do we want to shrink it to 128 gigabytes of storage yeah I lost my patience click OK and let's create another one also X fat clicks and name it Storage storage what app storage alrighty and now let's click apply okay the process is happening and it's done great now we need to zoom out a little bit because I'll have to restart the computer and I won't be able to record the screen obviously so let's click ok close everything and now let's restart the computer oh you know what let's shut it down first and now we need to turn it on by clicking the turn on button and the volume up button together okay we see the logo keep holding keep holding both of the buttons and we see this beautiful screen of the surface ufi so here we have to do some changes to our boot process first of all let's go to the security and change the configuration of the secure boot and here we need to change it to none and click ok now this is very important step so if something goes wrong or in the future we'll need to reinstall Windows before reinstalling Windows you need to launch the surface ufi again so you need to launch Surface by tapping the turn on button and the volume up button get here go to security change configuration and change it to either Microsoft or Microsoft's third-party certificate so either these two options should be turned on before you install Windows it will work if it will be none but if you will decide to turn it on later then it will simply not boot so before installing Windows anytime you have to roll back to these two options all right so yeah we will select none select ok so here we see that secure boot is disabled and now let's go to the boot configuration and here we need to disable the Windows boot manager and let's select all of the rest and be sure that the USB storage is on the top so you can just hold it and drag it if you need but we will drag it up yeah so it's on the top of the enabled options right our work here is done so we click exit and before we restart let's connect our Mac OS installation media here we go click restart now we see the red stripe here it means that the secure boot is disabled and now we need to select the install Mac OS Ventura option you can do it just by tapping arrows on the keyboard so click enter all right we see an Apple logo which is a good sign all right and we got to our installer so first of all before we proceed we need to prepare our disks so it should be formatted in the right way so let's select this utility so this one click continue and here we are interested in our Mac OS storage it's over here over here don't mind the blinking so it happens during the installation process but once we get the system installed all the blinking will be gone so we selected Mac OS and here we need to select the arrays option over here let's click erase and here what we are interested in we can we should select anything Apple related so let's use the Mac OS extended journalized option click erase wait a little bit click done okay so our disk is prepared now let's click on this red dot to close the whole Disk Utility and now let's click install Macos Ventura continue okay let's click continue once again agree and here we should select our Mac OS disk that we've just prepared and click continue and now is the moment of truth so we are installing Mac OS Ventura on our Microsoft Surface Pro 7. so now we deserved a little bit of rest because this might take a while so you can go and drink some tea or coffee and have a short break and we are using the power of YouTube and fast forward all the processes to the very end if for some reason you've noticed that your surface got powered off during the installation just powered On Again by pressing the power button and continue with installation and if everything works well after half an hour or something like that we should end up on this screen all right so let's try the touchpad it already works and let's select our country or region so let's start typing you yeah United States should be fine click continue okay if we want to add some other languages we can customize the settings and add something but for now we are fine with English we don't need any accessibility features so let's click not now here we will need to access any Wi-Fi network and that's also a good sign it means that the Wi-Fi module works and that's great now let's click continue again we don't need any migration so not now here we will need to sign in with Apple ID so if you don't have any you may create one if you have one like from your iPhone or iPad you can use it here otherwise you can always set it up later that's what we will do just to save us time and let's click the setup later on the left corner skip agree agree and here we'll need to create our user so let's create Alex you can use your name of course and a password so again for saving time I will just type one two three four then type it again in the verify field and then click continue it may take a few minutes to create the user and then we will be able to proceed okay let's enable location services for this Mac well it's up to you I would enable it continue we don't want to share any analytics continue screen time it will show you how much time you spend on this or that app some people say that it drains the battery so I usually don't have it set it up so I'll click setup later Siri if you want the voice assistant we can keep it enabled just to test the microphone click continue by the way we can test the speakers now let's click voice one hi I'm Siri choose the voice you'd like me to use you can change it later in system settings all right it seems that the speakers are working that's great continue we don't want to share the recordings continue whatever we want to choose here the light theme dark theme I will keep the light theme for now and the keyboard assistant because it has non-apple keyboard It'll ask you to press a few buttons so let's press one near the left shift button and the one here at the right shift button so depending on your keyboard it will ask it will notify that it's either ANSI or ESO or the Japanese one so now we are done let's click done and congratulations we are in the Mac OS on Surface Pro 7. of course it's just it may have those graphical glitches because it's just the first install and we've logged in from the flash drive so we need to tweak it a little bit oh that was surprising I know what happened so it synced the time zone and this background applies to the time zone so it's bright when it's a day and a dark and it's dark when it's night all right so for now we need to come back to Windows so let's click on this Apple logo in the top left corner and here we click restart and here let's click restart again here we need to click left Arrow just to select windows and enter now let's login [Music] all right and now let's zoom into our tablet so the fact that we were able to install Mac OS means that our driver works fine so we need the bus driver to move from the flash drive to the whole computer so he will have a bigger vehicle to manage for this we need to open our known mini tool but now we are not interested in our external storage we are interested in our main storage and here this is our disk one so this is the disk of the Surface Pro 7 itself and we're interested in this first partition which is just 100 megabytes so we do right click change letter and assign some letter that we like so previously it was X so let's keep it like that all right now we should click apply yes and there we go now we need to launch our Explorer plus plus don't forget to launch it as administrator the content of this EFI folder is provided by Microsoft and inside is actually the load of the Microsoft Windows so and that's very important not to corrupt all those files because otherwise when we will be rolling back you won't be able to load WIndows again when we will wipe all our Mac OS things so what we will do we will actually go inside this EFI folder and we can keep the Microsoft folder as is but for the boot folder we'll just rename it to boot minus pkp for backup so when we will be rolling back we will just rename it back to boot and it will be in the same state as we found it as an extra step you can just select these and copy them to a safe place I will skip that because this is a fresh install of Windows so it's not a big deal for me to reinstall it but for you it might be something more valuable so you might really want to copy paste them to some safe place so okay we did the backup thing now we need to basically do the same as we did with our flash drive so we need to go to our downloads to our Surface Pro 7 open core 1891 inside open the eo5 folder and now we need to copy these two folders so Ctrl C to here Ctrl V all right so now we can close the Explorer plus plus we can close the menu tool thank you we can close everything we can zoom out because we are going to test the loader so let's restart the machine so we can actually load Macos now but if you remember when I started the surface we saw this nasty red stripe over here so let's remove it it's there because the secure boot is disabled so if we enable it by default then we will lose the access to Mac OS but there is a workaround so for this we will still need to load WIndows so let's do that now let's zoom in again so now let's go to the description to this video and click on the link which is called secure boot fix and we'll end on this page which basically has all the instructions on how we have to fix this red stripe I would highly recommend you to go through this text and read it otherwise just sit and relax and repeat after me so what we will do we will go to this latest release and click on this link and it will download the necessary files okay so now we will open the file and extract it now depending on the version of Windows that you're running it may show you this message so if we try to mount it it may say that the disk file is corrupted it's because we don't have all the necessary libraries to open it but no worries we can just go to the Windows store search for 7-Zip and install it all right now we'll right click more properties 7-Zip and we say extract here now we don't need this file anymore so we can delete it and now we need our good old Explorer plus plus so let's go to the downloads run the Explorer plus plus as an administrator and open our EFI folder on the left we have our EFI folder on the right we have our downloaded files so first of all let's copy this certificate file Ctrl C Ctrl V here it is next let's rename this boot folder that we have to let's say old boot now let's open the EFI folder on the right and copy these two folders to our EFI all right it will take a while now we need to open our old boot folder and rename our file to grub x64 underscore real.efi and now we need to drag it to the new boot folder and replace the file that is already there okay we don't need this old boot folder because it's empty so let's delete it all right now we are done here so let's close everything now let's reboot the surface and don't forget to hold the power button and the volume up button so we will land back to this page now we need to change the configuration of the secure Boot and select Microsoft and third party okay now it shows that the cube root is enabled all right let's click exit and restart now surprisingly after the restart it worked like a charm with no additional steps I think it's because I already prepared this Surface Pro when I was doing the first part of the video but probably you will have to do a few additional steps so here they are so after you enable the secure Boot and reload it you will see this error page and that's okay so you click ok then you have to press any key then you enroll the key from disk select the disk continue yes and reboot and after that you'll end up at the same state as I am so no red stripe the secure boot is enabled and you're able to load either Windows or Mac OS now it's time to load the Mac OS and apply a few adjustments and enable the touch support now if you have the Surface Pro 7 as I do with i7 so don't get confused when you open this screen and you see that it's showing you the core i5 version the Surface Pro 7 works at its full power don't be confused it's just because Mac OS like the nearest real Mac OS CPU is this I5 so we are kind of like making it think that this is an i5 CPU but if you launch basically any CPU Benchmark it will show you that it's i7 so don't worry all right so the confusion is resolved I hope now let's do a few adjustments so first of all let's click on this magnifier and type settings and here we need to scroll down to the track pad and disable this Force click and haptic feedback now this step was mandatory because otherwise the trackpad would not work reliably all other steps are optional so I prefer to have the tap to click turned on so you don't have to click on the trackpad you can just tap it so you just touch it with your finger so I keep it on also if you're not familiar with Mac OS by default the right click on Mac OS is tapping with two fingers so I prefer to have it in a Windows way so clicking in the bottom right corner so we can select it as well and also if you have never used the Mac you can just Google Mac keyboard layout and you'll notice that Mac OS has three main modify keys they are control option command and this order from left to right near the space bar and on Windows we have control then command which is Windows and then option which is alt so in order to have the same order of these buttons we need to swap alt and command keys so to make that happen go to the search and type modify and we need customized modifier Keys let's click here and what we need to do is to Change option key to command and command key to option done so now your alt buttons will work as command keys on Mac OS and the Windows button will work as an option key on Mac OS all right now let's go to the description to this video and click on the link labeled as touch let's click on Safari it's the browser and let's paste the link over here by the way copying and pasting in Macos is command C command V so if you Maps the modifiers you need to click alt C on the link and ALT V over here foreign let's click enter now let's go to the releases and we need the version 1.4 if it's missing and there is something new you can try that one or you can stick to 1.4 as the tested solution so if it's not here you can go to the releases and find 1.4 so what we'll need here is this ZIP ipts demo let's click and download it all right click here then here on this magnifier let's double click and double click again now let's click on this magnify button again and type terminal terminal is something similar to command prompt on Windows all right now we need to type here sudo space Bash space and then we need to select this install and drag it over here okay and click enter it will require the password and if you started typing the password and you did a mistake it won't show you anything so you just click enter it will say that you did a mistake and it will ask you to type it again so my password is pretty simple one two three four enter if there is no output it means that everything worked successfully and now let's zoom out and test it and it seems to be working yeah we have the pen so we can drag it with a pen as well so congratulations I have pre-recorded one more step from the past because I had one interesting accessory lent to me so let's switch to Alex from the past the reason why I'm recording this before the main video is that I borrowed this device and I have it for a very short amount of time okay how about to make it focused okay so this is the microserve dial and this is the control control wheel basically that Microsoft introduced alongside with the surface studio so you could put it on the screen and it would integrate with supporting apps and it's basically like an additional mouse or additional scroll wheel that you could do anything basically like scrolling zooming changing volume playback and whatsoever and I thought okay we're turning the Microsoft Surface into a Macbook so maybe if you have the surface dial you might want it to be working with your Mac and there is a way so if we go to this website it will be in the description we actually can take this utility and make the dial work with the Mac on the Surface Pro so and basically if you have a Macbook you can do it as well so it's not bound only to the surface so if you can code you can even check the the code and contribute to the project but if you're just a consumer you can just go to the releases and download the latest version so we are interested in this macdial so now it's gets downloaded let's open the downloads folder and what we need we need to copy this macdial application to our application folder okay so now let's find it in the applications and launch it so yeah we are sure open and here it is it may happen that upon the first launch it will ask you for some permissions it may notify you that it's from untrust developer so you have to if you want it to work you have to agree and you have to provide the permissions so it would work normally okay so let's see what it can do so first of all it says that no no surface dial is connected so we need to connect our surface dial let's open the lid and now the lamp is blinking so we can go to the Bluetooth settings and here it is the surface dial connect so the surface dial is connected via Bluetooth now we need to go to the Mac dial app now it says that it's connected fine and let's see the capabilities so it has the scroll mode the playback mode the wheel sensitivity which is low medium high or extreme I guess it's super fast and let's put it to the medium and of course there is a scroll Direction depending if you're using it with the left hand or with the right hand and the haptics so you can enable or disable them unfortunately though the haptics are not as good as in the iPhone or Apple watch or the trackpad of the Mac OS so it's just that buzzing sound which is can be annoying by the way but yeah it's possible to enable it and then when you will be rotating it will be doing that Buzzy thing I think you can even hear it yeah so this is this is the idea but I will disable it because yeah it's quite annoying when you use it on on a long ride so let's see if the scrolling works so let's switch to the safari and let's do the scrolling and as you can see it works it's not the smooth scrolling unfortunately like in the trackpad or apple Mouse but well I like it to be honest it's something something fresh I really like the surface down okay uh let's switch to the playback mode just to test it out so and let's switch to the video so I have a video here so the playback mode is pretty simple if we click on the dial it will do the play pause action and if we scroll it so the volume will be increasing or decreasing now I want to switch it to the scroll mode and switch to The DaVinci Resolve because I'm curious if the scroll mode works there so we are in DaVinci Resolve now let's go to the viewfinder here and see if it's happened yeah so we can zoom in or zoom out with just the surface dial and it's working now if you press command it goes up and down if we press alt nothing happens control nothing happens shift nothing happens right the timeline so if we scroll it just as is nothing happens if we press command we go left and right that's cool if we press option we zoom in or out which is cool as well and yeah we can zoom in and then press alt sorry command and go to the left and right so yeah this works fine the functionality is limited so if you don't have this device maybe you don't want to buy it but if you have a good deal and you really like this concept then sure we have all the necessary tools to make it work all right thank you Alex from the past so now we have one final step we need to roll everything back if you're not ready yet then skip to the conclusion of this video and you can come back to this step later so most importantly you need to back up all the files from Mac OS if you have any because you will lose access to them like forever after you backed up so now we switched the surface launch the terminal again and here type this qutil space list it will show you all the disks that we have on our machine and we're interested in this disk 0s1 it's our EFI folder so let's scroll down and type sudo space disk util space mount slash Dev slash disk and now we need to type the identifier of your EFI disk so it's disk 0 S1 for me disk 0s1 enter now we need to type the password all right and now the disk is mounted alright let's launch the finder and select our mounted disk so this is our loader this is the one that we've been working on during this instruction so let's open the EFI folder and we basically need to restore the original state of this folder so we need to delete the OS so let's select OS move to bin we need to select grub and move to bin we need the certificate move to bin and we need this boot to move to bend and this boot that we renamed to backup we need to click enter on it and remove the backup so that the folder would be named boot again don't forget to right click on the bin and empty the bin all right now we have EFI in the original state and let's say goodbye to our Mac OS because now we will load back to Windows and while we restart don't forget to click on the power button and volume up button so that we land on this page again so you will need to check the secure boot we can select Microsoft only or Microsoft third party up to you so yeah let's let's stick to just Microsoft go to the boot configuration and select Windows boot manager and now let's restart okay now we're in good old windows so first of all if you didn't have access to the real Mac you've installed the virtual machine I guess so we need to remove it so let's launch it and select delete yes all right now let's go to the Explorer to the documents and see if the virtual machine is still here okay the virtual machine was deleted that's great now let's go to downloads and we can simply delete all of these files that we've downloaded and the Macos monterey.iso again if you went with the installing virtual machine now let's go to the settings type sleep again if you follow the steps with a virtual machine you changed it to never so let's change it to something more appropriate all right now let's go and remove the programs that we've installed so we've installed 7-Zip let's delete it let's go and delete the virtual machine and select remove uncheck all these next and remove while it's removing let's launch the mini tool and here we also need to restore the disk to the original state so let me delete this partition that one was for the storage let's delete this partition which was for Mac OS and now let's move this partition because it was at the very end so let's drag it to the very end click ok and now let's click apply Also let's go to this partition and do right click and select hide partition now let's click apply and click yes so now our bus driver will be hidden and no one will notice him meanwhile the virtual machine got deleted okay nice will restart later thank you now let's find the mini tool because we don't need it anymore and delete it as well okay now I tap win X to open the Disk Management and I will right click on our system partition and I will select extend volume next next finish and now we have the volume fully extended and we've returned the surface to our original state so I guess that the experiment is done so I want to say thank you to all the developers who did these libraries and who continued developing those and they spend days and nights on those so if you've been on those GitHub pages and you saw the Donate button may be considered donating you don't have to donate me because this channel is just for it's my hobby so I do just geeky stuff because I like it but those guys they they're very passionate of this so maybe you might want to consider supporting them so yeah I hope this video was useful to you and consider subscribing hit a like if you enjoyed it and it's been Alex and see you at the Geeks table bye
Channel: Geek's Table
Views: 20,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to install macos on surface pro 7, macos with touch, how to use mac with touchscreen, macos ventura on microsoft surface, hackintosh, surface pro 7, surface pro running macos, can surface pro run macos, microsoft dial on macos, surface pro 7 macos, macbook with touchscreen, macos on surface pro, surface pro vs macbook air, surface pro vs ipad pro, surface pro, macbook touch, macos touch support, surface pro on macos, macbook vs surface, surface pro 7 vs surface pro 8, macos
Id: w5eJgPRTxpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 5sec (4625 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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