macOS Big Sur on Unsupported Macs [2008-2013] OpenCore Legacy Patcher!!!

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hey everyone mr macintosh here in this video i'm going to show you how to install mac os big sur on your older unsupported mac using open core legacy patcher this is going to allow you to install newer applications unlock big sur's new features and install the latest big sur security updates to keep your older mac secure this is going to be an update to my previous videos that's going to go over all the changes and improvements open core legacy patcher has gone through over the past year to make your installation easier than ever i'm also going to go over why big sur might be a better option for you if you have a metal compatible mac over mac os monterey or ventura in the future we got a lot to cover let's jump in and get started the patcher is always changing with improvements so i always put in the description of this video an update section to keep you informed with the latest information that you might need to know about before you get started plus i put a detailed chapter section in so you can jump with one click right to the section that you would like to look at first let's go over some really important notes before we get started like i mentioned in the introduction of this video there's been so many changes to open core legacy patcher since my previous videos so if you watch one of those and want to get updated with all the latest changes and features in opengl exe garlaxypatcher give this video a watch and you'll be fully up to date the next thing is is i mentioned that there might be a reason why you want to install big sur over monterey or ventura in the future and all has to do with metal compatibility what is metal metal is a technology that helps with graphic acceleration it also requires a metal compatible graphics card so when we go back to the mac os mojave requirements all the macs needed to have a metal compatible graphics card to be able to install mac os mojave and that was the big change that went from there forward what that also means is that with opencarlexypatcher if you install big sur and you have a metal compatible mac you do not have to install the graphics acceleration driver package on your mac that means that you can have a sealed system so you can have smaller security updates and it also means that applications like maps which is a metal heavy app will work perfectly on your big sur mac but won't work on macos monterey or ventura in the future but there's also downsize for example the latest version of xcode is not compatible with mac os big sur so again you got to weigh which one you want to be able to install the next section is is make sure you back up all your data this is extremely important i even recommend this to supported max installing a major mac os upgrade you don't want to be one of those very small percentages of people that have the update come down and something goes wrong and you can't access your data for whatever reason i also recommend two sources so if you have it in icloud i would also recommend a time machine if you only have time machine i recommend having a usb hard drive or flash drive to be able to copy your files manually over as long as you have that and something goes wrong no big deal you can always put your files back on your system the next thing is is that open core legacy patcher is open source software it is available for you to be able to look at and see all of the different pieces of open core legacy patcher if you go back to the github all the files are here and explanations about them in the guide show you what's being done so it's nothing behind the scenes it's all there for you to be able to look over but with that said it's unsupported by apple but on the other hand apple doesn't even support your older mac anyway because it's marked as obsolete the newer operating systems are unsupported on your mac and some would argue that installing mac os big sur or newer is even safer for your mac because you're getting the latest security updates from apple i also put an update section in the description of this video that gives you the latest information of mac os big sur installers plus updates to open core lexy patcher there's also a detailed chapter section so you can jump to right to the section you would like to go to i recommend a fresh erase and install you can try and upgrade and i'm going to show you how to do that but i recommend an eraser install because that has been the best path for people to take to have the best overall experience when they're installing big sur on an unsupported mac use the comment section if you're having any issues put a comment down there and i can answer your question also i put out open core legacy patch update videos when a new version of open core legacy patcher comes out i will put a video out that will detail all of the changes in the updates and give you an explanation of what is new in that video the bottom line is is that i just walk you through the steps from the official open core legacy patcher documentation guide that is the heart of all this the developers of opencorlexypatcher put this wonderful set of documentation together that is the official guide nothing else that you read on the internet is official except this website right here so if you have any questions you can go right to this site and there's a lot of troubleshooting sections that you can go through to help you out for the equipment that you're going to need obviously you're going to need an unsupported mac from 2008 to 2013. i also recommend that you have an ssd hard drive in your mac before beginning you can try your old spinning hard drive that came stock if you have an older mac but the experience is not as good as when you have an ssd drive in there i also recommend eight gigabytes of ram but you can do with four gigabytes and i have plenty of machines with four gigabytes that runs just fine now the other thing you're going to need is a 16 gigabytes or larger flash drive or external hard drive i recommend usb 3.0 plus to be able to have a fast installation and read write speeds and i also recommend that once you create that usb installer keep it on hand just in case you need it for troubleshooting now there's a final section down here that i have some open corlexy patcher and big sur links that you might want to be able to visit there's the legacy patcher page there's the post install volume patch information there's the open core legacy patcher discord the mac rumors big sur unsupported mac thread and a full list of supported models for open core legacy patch our demonstration mac today is a 2010 mac mini it is eight gigabytes of ram that i upgraded from four and it also has an ssd drive that i upgraded from the spinning 320 gigabyte drive so it's the perfect example of a machine that's upgraded and ready to go for mac os big sur so the first thing we're going to need to get started is to download open course legacy patcher application so let's go to our safari application and we'll go to the open core legacy patcher home page and then we can go right here to the github once we're on the github we can go to the right hand side to the releases section you can get to the latest release by clicking right here and then once you're here you got to scroll down to look at the assets section and you'll notice this has changed too that all the extra pieces the offline app the tui app they're all gone you only need now the open core patcher gui so let's click on it to download it it's going to download right to your downloads folder here and once it's done it's going to jump up and down and we'll be able to get in start and we'll be able to install it to our applications folder so while we're waiting here let's open up our macintosh hard drive by clicking on finder or hard drive in the upper right hand corner and we'll click on our applications and we'll be ready to drag it right on over when it's done downloading okay jumped up and down it's done let's click on downloads and you can see the open core legacy patch zip unzipped and put it right into our downloads folder of the application so let's take this here and drag it right into our applications folder and there it is once it's moved over all we need to do is double click on it to get started it needs to verify first let's click on open all right we got open core legacy patcher ready to go and the next thing we're going to do is download mac os pixer now in the past you had to go download mac os big sur separately and create the usb installer separately the best part is is that it's all now integrated inside the application you can download and create the usb installer right from the application so let's click on create mac os installer right now and then what we're going to do next is click on download macos installer and also there was an option there that if you had already downloaded a specific version you can click that and navigate to the installation and use that instead but we are going to download the latest version and usually the latest version is at the very top of the application list if you want to double check the latest version you can always use my installer page here i have every single mac os big sur installation download listed with the build version and you always see the latest version at the top with the current date in the future there might be 11.6 0.8 9 10 11 12 but it might stop at a certain point and that's the last installation full installer from apple and you'll see at this at the very top with a special note that this is a final installer so now we're back to the download mac installer list we're going to click on the latest version right here which is mac os at the time of this video 11.6.7 and there it goes so we're going to let this download here but what we're going to do in the meantime while this is being created is we're going to set up our usb installer drive or external hard drive let's plug in our usb hard drive here and it should show up right on the desktop when it loads there it is so now we can open up disk utility disk utility is located in applications slash utilities folder so now you can see our internal hard drive we're not going to touch that we're looking for external that's our usb hard drive so what we want to do is we want to be able to see all of the volume so let's click on view and then click on show all devices you can also access that here in the upper menu bar to show all devices here now you can see the top level drive under external let's click on the top level drive the entire drive has to be erased before we begin so if you have any data on here make sure you get it off especially if you have multiple partitions on here like you have installers or data folders or whatever pull that data off before we do that because the entire drive is going to be erased now keep in mind this is just an extra step to be able to make sure that the usb hard drive is prepared for when we do it here in the open core legacy patcher app so it's just an extra double check step to make sure it's ready to go for the formatting we can click on erase now one thing you're going to need to see is that you need to see three sections here if you only see name and format that means you selected this one and you have to go back and select the top level then you'll see this scheme because it's really important sometimes the stores format the drives and master boot records so we have to format it in guid partition map and then the name doesn't matter and then the format can be mac os extended journal and then we're ready to go let's click on erase there it is it's done if you see this pop-up for time machine just click on don't use and click on done can close disk utility all right so we'll leave this mounted here and then we'll wait until this fully downloads and we can continue on to the next section okay the download of the full installation of mac os pixer is complete the next section here is that we're going to format our usb flash drive or external hard drive the selected usb will erase please back up your data we already took care of all that first to prepare it to make sure it was ready to go for this section it detects the drive here and we're ready to push the button let's go the first part of this is going to prompt us for an administrator password let's type that in here and it's going to format the drive and then it's going to use the create install media binary to install mac os full installer to the usb hard drive to prepare for the installation process it's also going to copy over open core legacy patcher boot loader so we can boot off of the usb hard drive so i'm going to let this process go and you can see the bytes written here it'll take a little bit depending on and if you see this just click on don't use the speed of the build process is all due to how fast your usb or your hard drive external hard drive is so it could take anywhere between 15 minutes on a really quick setup or it could take upwards of 30 to 40 minutes if you have a slower usb flash drive so just let the process go and when it gets to the end we'll pick up where we left off okay the mac os big sur installation has been created and installed to our usb drive gives us a pop-up that says we successfully created the installer click here to install open cord to disk let's click on that button and it's immediately going to build all the settings for this particular mac model to a temporary folder location here and then it's going to say now that those files are created we want to be able to put those files onto your disk to be able to build the bootloader let's click on install to disk and it's going to say well which one do you want to install it on that's the one we want and we want to install on the efi let's click on that and we need our administrator password and it's going to load the efi partition it created it load the files and unloaded it and that's it reboot to apply open core has finished installing to your usb disk you will need to reboot and hold down the option key to select open core bootify option to be able to begin would you like to reboot and we're ready to go all we need to do is click on reboot and then restart now what we're going to do is we're going to hold down the option key on your keyboard because we have to be able to see the boot picker screen and then we have to be able to click boot efi off of the usb drive that we have plugged in so we'll give it a second for it to reboot here there's a chime and there it is what we need to do is use the arrow key or the mouse move over to the efi boot but continue holding the option key when you select it or click on the arrow here so we'll click on the arrow and then we need to select install mac os big sur and then hit enter or click with your mouse button and that's it we are booting the mac os mixer installer off of the usb external hard drive and that's made possible because of the boot loader that we put on there we're telling the installation that we are a newer mac that is compatible and that's how this is actually working we'll give it a second and we'll be in mac os recovery all right we're in macos recovery here we'll give it a second to load the menu once we're here we're booted to the mac os big sur installer we have two options we can perform an upgrade which will upgrade your previous operating system like for example macos high sierra to mac os pixer it retains all of your files and data and applications but like i mentioned before i recommend the erase and install that will be the next section so for this first part i'll show you how to do the upgrade and then if you want to do the erase and install part just skip to the next section so to upgrade all we need to do is click on install mac os big sur we'll click on continue and then continue again and agree agree again and then click on macintosh hard drive and then click continue that will start the upgrade process it will upgrade your mac to mac os big sur and then it will be on the desktop for the next part of the process but we're going to do the erase install next so that's what we're going to do now okay we've decided to do a fresh erase and install and this is your final warning to back up all of your data before we begin because we are going to erase the hard drive and do a nice fresh install of mac os pixer to get the best experience possible so we'll go into disk utility and then we are going to click on macintosh hard drive over here and then we are going to click on erase one final warning back up all your data before we begin because this erases your entire hard drive so we'll click on erase and then click on erase click on done can close out disk utility all of the files from the usb to your internal drive reboot and then install them at the next screen which is going to be an apple icon and a progress bar with a estimated time remaining and before you know it we'll be at the setup assistant to be able to create our account and move on to the next part you do not need to hold down the option key all of the next part is automated until we get to the next setup assistant window to be able to create our account in mac os big sur so we'll pick up at that next part okay just a quick update here we only got about 12 minutes left from here there might be one to three reboots but when it's done it will be at the setup assistant window so we can create our account okay with the setup assistant i'm gonna walk through this setup create my account and before you know we'll be on the desktop to start the next process okay we're loading up the mac os big sur desktop give it a second here and it's going to ask us to log in okay and we'll be able to enter in our password and then we'll be on the desktop okay first thing i like to do is go up to finder and i like to turn on the hard drive here in the preferences for the finder and turn on hard disks and then we can see our hard drive and then i like to click on view and then sort by name great so in a second or two here open core legacy patcher should start up and show us that we are booting off of our usb drive so we'll give it a second to be able to pop up and we'll be able to continue to the next step great here it is open core legacy patcher has detected that you are booting open core from a usb or external drive if you would like to boot your mac normally without a usb drive plugged in you can install open cord to the internal hard drive would you like to launch open call legacy patcher to install the disk and yes we would like to do that so let's click on ok and then it immediately opens and builds that configuration just like we did when we did the usb but instead of installing to the usb this time we're going to install it to our internal hard drive so we can boot without the usb plugged in anymore so what we're going to do now is click on install to disk now notice how you'll see some blue text here what this tells us here is which drive the open core has booted from and it is booted from our usb drive once we select this internal hard drive which is usually always disk 0 this will be blue next time so we're going to install open cord to our internal hard drive here so we can boot without using the having to keep our usb drive plugged in anymore so we'll click on disk 0 and we want to install it on the efi partition we'll see it mount here over in the corner after we type our administrator password there it is it's going to install the files to the efi partition and then unload it and we'll be ready to reboot without our usb hard drive plugged in and there it is reboot to apply open core has finished installing to disk you will need to reboot and hold down the option key and select open course bootify option would you like to reboot yes we would but before we do let's unplug our usb by right clicking and ejecting there we go and we can unplug it from our mac and then we can hit reboot now once we do click on restart okay now i'm going to hold down the option key here and wait until we see the boot selection screen there's a chime continue holding option and there's our efi boot that we're looking for that's installed on the internal hard drive notice how it has a little ssd card here that's a logo for the internal hard drive so i'm continuing hold down option i'm going to click return or click on the arrow here and then it's going to show the macintosh hard drive i can click on the control key and click on there and we're automatically set to boot there every time we boot up our mac from now on without the usb drive all right back in the login window let's log in now our open core legacy patcher application is in our macintosh hard drive and applications folder and what we need to do is double click on that to open it now keep in mind when the operating system first comes up it's going to be just a tad bit slow while it indexes spotlight and does a couple other maintenance tasks once about 10 to 15 minutes are up the system should be at full speed now that our application is up we can look at the settings inside here now one of the things we like to do is set the mac to not boot to the boot picker anymore so all we need to do is go into settings and then see how automatically the set boot picker is selected we can turn that off then go back to the main menu and then click build and install open core it's going to build those settings with the new setting we're going to click install to disk and then we see that now the disk 0 is blue because we're booting off of it we'll click on that and then efi and then our password click ok it's going to put those new settings to not show the boot picker anymore and then reboot click on restart we are not going to see the boot picker anymore now if you like the boot picker you can leave it in you don't have to do this step but a lot of people like their mac to be kind of a native setup where it boots just like they're used to wear boots shows the apple logo and the progress bar and we'll show you how that looks it will skip right over the boot picker and there we go our apple logo and we're going to boot right into mac os big sur we'll log back in one of the nicest things about open core legacy patcher is the fact that we can install apple's native security updates right from the software update pane we don't have to do anything else use the application or anything like that you can just go right into software update and then you can see the new update in here as available you can click on more info in here and you can see the security updates you can install so right now we need to install safari and we need to install the big sur 11.6.7 now keep in mind i did say that we were downloading 1167 in the beginning but i downloaded 11.6.6 so i could show you that the 11.6.7 update is available in the software update pane so we could show you the example now all you need to do is click on install now it'll download the update restart install the update and before you know it you'll be on the latest version and be fully secure on your unsupported mac now we did talk about the smaller updates right you have to have a metal compatible mac from 2012 or newer to be able to take advantage of the smaller updates if you have to install the post volume patches you will see a larger update 11.49 gigabytes that's no big deal it's part of the system because when you unseal the system to make modifications to the system you need to download the full update all you need to do is open up the app and click on post install root patch and the next screen will tell you this mac needs nvidia tesla graphic acceleration drivers so those have to be installed and also tell you when the last time the route volume was patched and the date the best part is is that the new versions of opencore legacy patcher are automatic and will tell you when you need to install the root patches again before you had to open up the app and then do it manually so after you install this security update they will need to be installed again but as soon as the system comes back up and you're on the desktop the open core legacy patcher application will run in the background and find that you need to install those posts root patches again and this is the message that you'll see when that happens it'll say open core legacy patches detected that you're running without root patches and would like to install them mac os wipes all root patches during os installs and updates so they need to be reinstalled the following patches have been detected on your system would you like to install these patches and you click ok the application will open up and you'll install the root patches and that's it all automatic and you won't have to worry about hey my system is slow after installing a software update or security update what's going on open core legacy patcher is checking for you and letting you know let's talk about troubleshooting if you had any issues during this process of installing opencore legacy patcher in macos pixer go to the official guide click on getting started and then on the left hand side here you'll see a troubleshooting section with a whole bunch of parts that will go over different things that you might have come across during the installation process for example how to boot to big sur mac os recovery or if you have no graphics acceleration or you can disable sip and recovery os it's all here so if you have any issues go to this page and you might find your problem right here if you like the patch and wanted to be able to support the developers there's a supporting the patcher page here and i'll put a link in the description for that and wanted to put out a big thank you to all of the open core legacy patcher developers especially makolo who is the lead co-developer you have answered many of my questions over the past couple months and years you are absolutely fantastic and all the developers who put together all this work on their own time as a passion project you guys are absolutely amazing and you know how many people you are helping with this patcher thank you so much and that's my open core legacy patcher big sur update video i hope you enjoyed it and i hope your installation went well if it did give me a thumbs up i'd really appreciate it or a share and if you want to see more videos like this in the future click on that subscribe button i wanted to thank all my viewers and especially my patreon members you guys are absolutely fantastic and i really appreciate you we'll catch you in the next video thanks
Channel: Mr. Macintosh
Views: 269,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2022
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