Hackintosh Ventura - In-Depth Guide (Windows Method)

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hey what's up everyone this is Aaron from Studio 3B today we are going to install Mac OS Ventura on a Haswell PC and we're going to do this using the Windows 10 operating system okay everyone so we're over on a Windows computer it doesn't really matter which computer you're on it could be any of those computer but we're just going to go from this method because most of you have access to a Windows installation be it a desktop or a laptop it really doesn't matter it's just going to be used to create the installer so first thing we're going to do is go to a browser and go to the dortania guide and that's on Google search so I'll leave a link to this in the description this is the guide that you should always refer to and go to for your source of Truth for Hackintosh anyway this is the open core method and you want to read through the prerequisites quite closely if this is your first time you should read through this even more closely time and patience is something that's crucial knowing your Hardware I started off this video by showing you my system about box and it is a Haswell PC I have a Radeon RX 580 GPU you're going to need a supported GPU for Ventura Nvidia graphics cards are not supported so you're going to have to go with an AMD graphics card I got mine on Amazon for about a hundred bucks and I will leave a link to that in the description as well storage devices you're going to need to have ahci configured in your bios and you're going to need probably an SSD for Speed so go ahead and make sure you have an SSD installed in your Haswell PC make sure you have your laptop or desktop model ethernet chipset I have an Intel chipset and Wi-Fi and Bluetooth I am using a fenvy t919 card and that plays nicely with Mac OS so I recommend that card I'll leave the link to that in the description as well you're going to need to know how to do some basic command line stuff your machine has to be compatible so go to Hardware limitations make sure you're at least on a Haswell architecture or later a minimum of 16 gigabytes USB I'm recommending a second USB for running Linux on the computer you're going to be installing on this is because we need to get some information about your computer and there's a Linux installation you can run right off of a USB and we're going to get the information from there so two USBS is what I'm recommending an ethernet connection please don't try to connect from Wi-Fi at on the first boot you need a proper OS installation Mac OS so you can also do this from Mac OS but I'm going to use Windows 10. 1703 or newer or Linux and you're going to need python installed so we're going to do the windows method because most of you have access to that and are familiar with it and Mac OS is probably the more straightforward method because obviously you're going from one Mac to another and Linux is also a solution as well if that's your only operating system that you wanted to use okay and also one crucial thing make sure your latest bios is installed you should make sure your bios is up to date so when you go to the BIOS version you should make sure you go to the BIOS vendor on their website and make sure you have the latest otherwise you're gonna have to go and Flash that for more of the features that you're going to need okay let's go to the next step creating the USB okay so go ahead and get open core open that up and download that okay we're going to download the Open core debug version just to show you how to go ahead and install what the debug version on and then later on in the post install steps we'll go to the release version you're going to need proper tree so go ahead and download proper tree go to code download zip and then you want to keep it all right we're going to do the offline method and we're going to go making the installer Windows users so we're going to need to download Mac OS so go ahead to the Mac OS debug zip okay guys so your downloads folder should look something like this go ahead and extract the debug version of open core okay guys go to utilities Mac recovery copy this path up here go to Powershell and CD space right Mouse click to paste click enter all right now you're at the directory of Mac recovery now for Ventura you're going to want to download the correct command so go all the way to the bottom here copy Ventura and run that Command right here you're going to need Python 3 installed so if you don't already have that just type python3 at the command prompt and it will prompt you to install that from the Windows App Store so I've done that step prior to this video so go ahead and just once that's done run this command okay once the download is complete you're going to go to making the installer so we're going to go to the Rufus method I think that's the more straightforward way to do it go ahead and go to Rufus and ignore all the ads go ahead to Rufus I'm at 4.0 .exe and go ahead and open that up please all right follow the guide closely you're going to want to do your USB drive so insert a USB drive if you haven't already you're going to make it non-bootable GPT bios large fat 32. there's my thumb drive non-bootable GPT bios or UEFI I'll call it USB drive just like they did so it's the same fat third 32 and I'm gonna do 32 kilobyte cluster size and verify everything and then go ahead and click Start and okay now go to the root of the USB drive and you want to delete these two auto run files okay go to utilities Mac recovery and copy this folder and paste it in the root of your USB drive okay when that's done copying go back to your open core downloads and go to x64 which and copy the EFI directory place that in the root of your USB drive okay all right now that that's done go to adding the base open core files and we're going to go ahead and delete all the files that you don't need so basically we're going to keep the red files here so we're going to delete all these other drivers here and we're going to delete all these other files here so go to your USB drive go to EFI okay OC and just check each folder and make sure you get rid of everything other than what they specify here which is open runtime so go ahead and select all the stuff up here and hit delete and all the stuff down here and hit delete and then go back to OLS and get rid of everything except for open shell and I'm going to keep clean Envy Ram too because I think that's useful get rid of all these other files all right clean Envy Ram resets the thing called Envy ramp in Mac OS that stores temporary variables about your configuration in your computer and it's good to be able to reset that once in a while okay so now the EFI directory is cleaned up now let's go ahead we're going to gather the files that we actually need for this computer so to do that we're going to go to download our drivers and our EFI files now there are other files called AML files which are for the acpi directory now these you can download generic ones directly from the open core website however you can get a more efficient one if you use ssdt time which is a tool that you have to run partially on the computer that you're installing on so that's why I suggested using a Linux installation to do this part of the tutorial so I'll go ahead and get the live CD from Ubuntu I'm only suggesting Ubuntu because it is the most basic Linux to learn as far as I'm concerned but you could choose any Linux installation that you prefer once Ubuntu is done downloading go ahead and inject your Mac OS installer USB and grab your other USB and put that in your computer go ahead and run Rufus and select the disk Ubuntu ISO okay and then make sure that you are going to the right USB drive you should only have one hopefully installed and I'm going to make this GPT and UEFI and go ahead and hit start let's go ahead and hit okay hit okay guys when that's done let's pull out the USB drive for Ubuntu and put that in the Target computer the one you're going to install Mac OS on let's boot to that USB and we're gonna have to do a few things there let's get started all right guys when your computer starts up on the target computer go to the BIOS by pressing delete when it first starts go to the boot menu go to the USB thumb drive and then go to try or install Ubuntu don't don't actually install it once you've reached the menu just click try first thing we're going to do is download ssdt time okay go to a browser probably Firefox go to the door Tanya open pour style guide okay go to getting started with acpi choose ssdts and then notice I'm on Haswell so I'm going to need ssdt plug and I'm going to need ssdtec so yes you could download the automatically generated one which is large and rather bloated or we could do it this way so let's go ahead and click this link here just download this and then you're going to want to insert your Mac OS install or USB also okay so once you insert the USB drive go to a terminal and type lsblk you're going to see that the USB drive is on stf1 so you're going to go mount forward slash Dev forward slash SD F1 and mount that right to the Mount make sure you put sudo in the front okay so now if you go CD to forward slash MNT mount you have your EFI and installer directories there great next thing you're going to want to do is CD to tilde forward slash downloads you're going to unzip sdt time master dot zip when a CD to ssdt Time Master I'm gonna go Python 3 ssdt time.net py so this is where we're going to get something called the dsdt which is a basically a binary file that represents your computer so we're gonna go P to dump the dsdt great now we're going to go we said we needed plug and we said we needed EC so let's go to 2 for fake EC and then press enter and then you're going to go to five for plug-in type press enter okay now we're going to go Q for quit and if you go LS you'll see that there's a results directory so CD to results now you see you have your ssdtec.dsl and your ssdtec.aml the AML is the binary the DSL is the text version so this is the source code and this is the output so you're going to want to have at least the AML files copy to your USB thumb drive but I'm going to go ahead and copy these results over to it all together just so I have it so I'm going to copy results to mount copy Dash r results Mountain okay so now we have that okay next thing you're going to do is let's go back to Windows and get into the configuration okay guys once you're done with Ubuntu uh take out your USB drive for the Mac OS installer and put it back into your Windows computer okay so go back to a browser go to open core thortania guide and then go down to Gathering files and these are steps you're going to have to do so go to Firmware drivers download hfsplus.efi download that file open that up copy that file and go to USB drive EFI OC drivers paste that there now go down to must haves under kecks download Lulu I'm just going to do debug of everything it'll help you troubleshoot if anything goes wrong during the install extract that copy that go to your USB drive EFI OC hex and place that in there that's a folder a little dot text come back to Virtual SMC and download that extract it go to the text folder and because I'm a desktop I'm just going to copy virtual SMC super IO an SMC processor copy that go to USB EFI okay now get your ethernet driver I have an Intel Nick so this is the one I'm going to use and then nowadays for USB you're going to go and use the USB toolbox so go to the text link and then scroll down [Music] to the releases Tab and download that extract it and then copy both USB toolbox and UTB default dot text copy those we're going to do some post install steps that customize this for your computer but for now this is a more generic solution that will get you up and running put that in your text directory okay make sure you're not forgetting anything for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth I have a fenvy t919 card I'll leave a link to that in the description I do not need a text for that because it works out of the box and then take a look at everything else you might need read through everything okay now for ssdts we've already generated our plug and EC files and they should still be on your USB drive so let's go ahead and copy that to your desktop and then once that's done go to desktop and copy just the ecaml and the plug AML the DSL files are source code and the dsdt is not needed and not supposed to be used in your open core directory so really all you need are these two files but you should keep this in case you need to troubleshoot or do any more configuration down the road so keep that handy and I'm going to put this in EFI OC acpi so just paste your two AML files there or however many you have also be sure to delete the results directory that we created from our USB drive after we've known we've copied it off okay we should be done with Gathering files by now now we're going to go ahead and get your config.plist set up so you're going to go to documents and copy the sample.plist go to your downloads go to your open core docs copy sample.plist put that on your USB drive under EFI OC paste that there and then rename sample.plist to config.plist if you haven't already downloaded proper tree go and do that now then go to your downloads extract proper tree and let's go to that and run the batch file okay file open go ahead and open your config P list on your USB drive and delete the top four warnings save that by clicking Ctrl s and then go file OC clean snapshot and select the USB drive EFI OC directory and then select that folder and that'll get all the configurations of the files that you've downloaded and put them in your config.plist for you great now we're going to go to our architecture config.plist documentation and go through this step by step you should be very careful in reading through this and making sure you don't miss anything and if you did miss anything and you have booting problems always come back to this section to make sure you did things properly first thing I'm going to do is go to device properties so you can control F for device properties and I'm going to add a child under add and I'm going to change this string to this and I'm going to change this to a dictionary add a child under that and that's going to be called this string AAPL IG platform ID copy that copy that add a child under there change that to a data type and then this is going to Define what type of GPU you have if you have an igpu that drives a display you're going to use this value if you have an igpu that does not drive a display you're going to use this value or if you have a Broadwell igpu to drive a display you're going to use this value I'm going to use this because I have an AMD Radeon RX 580 graphics card that drives the display then go ahead and copy device ID create another element for device ID make that a data and copy this value now I'm not using an igpu so I'm not going to put frame buffer patch enabled stolen mem or fbmem so layout ID is fine it's fine to have if you have a sound card go ahead and worry about your ALC ID I use USB audio so I'm not as concerned about getting that configured properly but if you want onboard audio pay attention to the alc configuration steps now you're going to continue down and go through your config P list matching everything they tell you should be set and if you're not sure about it there's a lot of description about what should be set and what should not so I'm going to go down to quirks 67 for Target scan policy zero default Vault should be optional spelled correctly boot args and debug equals 0 x 100 . again ALC ID is for audio onboard audio for keyboard clear that out so that when you reach the installer it prompts you to select your language otherwise I'm pretty sure it defaults to Russian okay this part is very important to get right what you need to do is make sure you do some research and figure out which symbios you're going to be using Ventura drops support for a lot of symbiosis so you can't just go down here and start using these because you need to read through very carefully all the symbioses that are available and all the symbiosis that you should use so it says use a cavi like symbios for Ventura they dropped support for all these and then they do support these so Mac Pro 71 newer is supported and I think I'm going to use that one because of trial and error that I did earlier on my other installation just try to match your Hardware as best you can and see what works and what doesn't and if it doesn't you're going to have to come back and redo this step but for now I know Mac Pro 71 is rather stable for my architecture so I'm going to use that but you could list all the CPUs and symbioses that are supported here and the reason why I went with Mac Pro 71 the latest supported and they have a Radeon 580 similar to my graphics card so I went with that once you've identified that go back to the install guide go to gen symbios and download that and then Windows might prompt you that it's a virus and just say Keep show more and keep anyway open that up extract all go to that run the batch file now we're going to generate custom values for your particular Hardware in your particular installation so these are going to be something you're not going to want to share with others so click three generate symbios and then make sure you type or copy this value properly so type in your symbios properly with the comma where it belongs and then you're going to get some unique values that I'm going to blur out however you're going to want to copy the serial number first onto your clipboard and go to check coverage Apple and paste that serial number in there put the captcha all right if it says please enter a valid serial number you did everything correct it should not have another Mac assigned to your serial number if it does you need to generate symbios again until you have a serial number that does not have a piece of Hardware associated with it so if it says please enter a valid serial number you're good with that serial number so go back to the command prompt and copy your type and then go to proper tree under platform info and put type under system product name then copy serial put that under system serial number board serial goes to MLB smuuid goes to system uuid and apple ROM goes to ROM save that scroll on down okay going back to the guide make sure you finish this up properly ignore invalid flux ratio is true for me we could save and exit the proper tree we're going to need to go into our new computer now our Haswell or later architecture and configure the bios so if you haven't already upgrade your bios to the latest version It's specific for your particular bios and motherboard but just go to the manufacturer's website and make sure you have the latest version okay guys so I have the USB drive inserted into the computer that we're going to turn into a Hackintosh and I've disconnected all the hard drives internally except for the drive that I'm going to install Mac OS on and I do this just for clarity's sake so that you make sure you do the right things to the right drive and not mess up that way all right go ahead and turn the computer on press delete and then you reach the BIOS so now what I would recommend is either bringing your computer over to this one that's running Windows and you can compare the BIOS settings or you can print out your bio settings from the dortania guide but make sure you know what they are and then you just go to advanced mode and you literally just go through the BIOS settings according to what they say to do so I have my BIOS already configured I will leave a link in the description to the video that is me going into detail about how to configure your bios settings for a Hackintosh but you basically just go to Advanced and you go down to each setting and you make sure that everything here is configured properly down to SATA configuration it should be ahci make sure that vtd is disabled unless you decide you want to put the disable i o mapper to true and Graphics configuration primary display is pcie igpu memory is 64 Megs this is for a dedicated graphics card and also USB configuration I have Legacy USB support enabled xhc I mode is Smart Auto ehci handoff is enabled onboard devices configuration I have disabled my Bluetooth and Wi-Fi the atheros devices that the motherboard comes with is not supported so I disabled that in favor of my pcie card that I'll leave a link to in the description the fenvt919 for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth it's really nice to have if you want airdrop and airplay also boot fastboot is disabled and compatibility support module is enabled here and secure boot is Windows UEFI okay also make sure your secure boot keys are deleted that's about all the settings like I said I'll leave a link in the description of a more in-depth bios tutorial but once that's done go to boot and boot up to the USB drive that we've configured previously okay you should reach this um if you do not see your options click the space bar but you should see these options so press enter on USB drive and this is going to take some time so be patient it doesn't give feedback right away foreign when you see this screen you've reached the installer so now you're going to go to Disk Utility click continue and the OneDrive you installed not the USB drive make sure you go to view show all devices that's easier to see and then here's the drive and it may have something else on it so you just go erase make sure it's apfs Google partition map and I'm going to call it Macintosh SSD click erase good now the disk is ready to go close Disk Utility and go to reinstall Mac OS Ventura click continue go to Mac ice Ventura click continue agree to the end user license agreement and select your SSD click continue now this is going to install and reboot a few times several times it will reboot and basically you just want to watch it and make sure everything goes properly but as you can see here it's going to take about 48 minutes so sit tight grab a cup of coffee and relax okay eventually it'll go down for the first reboot okay when you reach this menu just press enter okay guys I got a black screen on the reboot so what I forgot to do was download a particular text that's very important for graphics it's called whatever green okay and this is just a good example if you are unable to boot which is probably the most likely situation if this is your first time you really just need to pull the USB out go over to your original computer that you're building the USB on and just go through the configuration guide one more time and see what you missed okay guys so that was a little different of an install this time screen went black for the entire install after the first reboot so it turns out I needed to disable compatibility support module in the Bios either way we got to the Venture installer you're going to choose your language choose your country okay I'm gonna continue here I'm not gonna back up or restore I'm not going to sign in with Apple iCloud at this time but you can right now if you'd like to and then you got to create an account you can enable location services if you so choose let's identify your keyboard so you press the button to the right of the shift key and to the left of the shift key okay everyone so we're in Mac OS Ventura and now we're going to do the post install steps so first thing you want to do is get off the USB for booting so we're going to need a tool called Mount EFI by Court newt um you're going to need to run the command which you need to control click open and then click open again so it's going to say python is not found would you like to install python so just say yes put in your password when it says terminal would like to access your downloads folder click ok all right so now you got a selection for which Drive do you want to mount the EFI partition so you're going to go ahead and pick one Macintosh SSD put your password in now you have an EFI partition mapped for your main hard disk you're going to go to the USB drive and copy Boot and OC you can go to the EFI partition and paste it next to Apple now we're going to reboot without the USB drive inserted and see if we can boot with just using the hard disk let's go ahead and do that close everything out okay guys so we successfully Rebooted off the USB drive using the EFI partition of the main hard disk now what we want to do is get your USB properly configured so let's go back to the browser and go to USB toolbox okay reading USB toolbox it says that you're they're not recommending using the Mac OS method for them for USB toolbox and to use Windows PE or some other operating system like Windows so we're going to go back and use the USB map method so let's go ahead go to USB map go to USB map text okay download this guy all right we're going to run USB map command and you're going to control click it click open once you run the USB map dot command press D discover ports now once you do that it's going to start refreshing every few seconds so what you want to do is take an extra USB thumb drive like the one you put Ubuntu on and just all the open ports just insert the USB thumb drive until this refreshes at least once so you're going to have to do this just to activate all the USB ports that you want to use once that's done hit Q to stop then you're going to say p edit and create USB map and then you're going to say k for build USB map for Catalina and newer and then if you find some empty controllers you could say ignore or disable I'm going to say ignore just to leave them active and then click OK here and now you have a USB map that's mapped for the ports on your particular computer so copy that go to mount EFI one more time and mount the EFI of your main disk okay go to that EFI OC X and paste that in here and we're going to get rid of the toolbox and UTB default because that is no longer going to be used and now you need to download proper Tree on this computer open up proper tree roll click and open that now file open and go to your EFI OC config.plist and go file OC clean snapshot by choosing your OC folder correctly that'll get the USB map configured so if you scroll down you'll see the USB map that text right there okay file save close that now let's reboot just to make sure that USB map worked okay guys so what you want to do after USB mapping is working and you know you're rebooting properly off your disk what you want to do is get off a debug mode everything seems to be working properly and stable so you're going to go ahead and get off debug mode so what you do is uh literally just go to the browser and download the release versions of everything that you have downloaded previously so you're going to go to open core download go to releases and just download instead of the debug download the release so open that up go to x64 EFI and you're going to copy over these files one by one that you need to copy so you're going to copy boot XD 64 EFI and you're going to put that in your EFI directory make sure it's mounted with Mount EFI then you paste it in there so this is 58 this is 57 kilobytes and once you replace it it's only 25. there's not a lot of extra debug code in there okay hdpi directory should be all set uh go to drivers and HFS EFI I think there's only one version of that we could double check that HFS EFI load and yes there is only one version of that file so we're fine with that um go to kex and then download each one of these kecks in the release version so let's go to open core Gathering files and there's links there to each one of these kicks so you're going to want the Lulu dot text release and I'm just going to download them all at once and then copy them over we want virtual SMC Elise and we want whatever green nope release and everything else should be all set so um let's just go to Lulu and copy that release version which I'll see it's 1.4 Megs when you copy it over it's 529k and then virtual SMC hex we're going to copy in Virtual SMC super IO and processor I copy that you can see how big they are here paste them in replace replace and they're that much smaller and whatever green that's always an important one copy paste it goes from 738k to 526. okay don't forget to do open shell and clean Envy Ram x64 OC tools open shell clean clean Envy Ram all right those are a little smaller drivers you're going to want open run time drivers drivers open runtime EFI drivers open runtime paste 45k down to 25k okay it's not so much the size on the disc it's just the amount of code that you're running and it's going to slow down your computer if you keep that in there and so now we're all on the release version so go ahead and reboot I'm gonna go reboot just to make sure I didn't mess up and always keep your USB thumb drive as a backup plan if you can't boot so restart okay guys after you're booting from the SSD and you get everything off of the debug mode the following steps are up to you I highly recommend getting off of a verbose mode and that's a matter of following the final steps of setting up the open course GUI okay so you click binary resources and you download those guys and you need open canopy EFI which is actually in the open core directory that we've already downloaded you're going to take the resources folder that we downloaded and you're going to copy that and you're going to go to your Mount EFI run that on the main hard disk and go to your EFI OC sources you see it there there's nothing in the current one okay so you just go up here just paste your resources over it replace that so now you have all the audio font images and labels okay great so that's on your EFI partition now and you want EFI canopy on drivers so go to your downloads and go to your release version x64 EFI OC drivers and copy open canopy you need this so copy that go to EFI OC drivers paste that in there now you have a new driver okay now we're gonna go to proper tree I'm gonna go file open we're going to go to the EFI partitions config.plist make sure your USB is not in your computer so you don't accidentally configure that one you want to leave your your USB EFI on debug mode and just leave it alone it works it boots and that's a good Fail-Safe first thing we're going to do is file OC snapshot and we're going to grab the latest and greatest with the open canopy okay save that file now we're going to configure the Picker go to miscellaneous boots picker mode and we're going to do instead of built in we're going to do external and for picker attributes we're going to do 17 all right picker variant let's just do Golden Gate that's fine with me copy that string picker variant it can be Auto all right we did uh the drivers and boot chime is up to you if you did your sound um onboard sound will only work not USB sound you could use the boot chime the infamous Mac boot chime okay so don't forget to get off of verbose mode in your boot args make sure that this is not Dash V that way you don't have the text going forth to the screen and I'm going to get rid of debug just keep keep Sims equals one that should be pretty much good um let's let's go ahead and reboot and see how that works make sure you save your file foreign okay guys well I hope this video was informative and useful and please don't forget to like And subscribe if this helps you at all in any way and please don't forget to join my Discord for any support that I might be able to give you and stay tuned for the next video coming up after this
Channel: Studio 3B
Views: 58,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UbAKyV4owkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 53sec (3173 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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