How to Build a Hackintosh - Step-by-Step Guide (Install MacOS Big Sur on PC)

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hi i'm beau carnes with in this course i'll be teaching you how to build a hackintosh a hackintosh is a non-mac computer built with pc parts that runs the mac os operating system in this course we'll be building a computer that runs mac os big sur the main benefit of building a hackintosh instead of just buying a mac is that it is way cheaper in this course we'll be creating a computer that matches the mac pro specs but for less than half the price and you can get the price down even cheaper if you don't need the power of the mac pro i've heard about people creating a hackintosh for less than one hundred dollars it's not illegal to create a hackintosh but it does go against apple's end user license agreement so don't think you can just take it to an apple store for repair also in some place it is it is illegal to sell a hackintosh this course has two parts in the first part i will show you step by step how to build the system that we're turning into a hackintosh in the second part i'll show you how to install the mac os big sur operating system using open core if you already have a computer you want to use you may be able to just skip to the second section to learn how to install mac os big sur many computer parts work for hackintosh's but not all of them in the description i have a link to a page that will show you which hardware works for hackintosh's if you want to be safe you can just use the exact parts i used and in the description i have a link to all those parts but feel free to mix and match just make sure to confirm that the parts you use are compatible with the hackintosh when i show you how to install mac os you can follow along no matter what hardware you use however there are some parts where it does make a difference what hardware you have but i'll point that out and show you how to figure out what to use for your specific configuration also one thing to note is that to install mac os like i show in this course you will have to have access to another computer with mac os we'll be using mac os to create the mac os installer that we'll use to create the hackintosh but maybe of a friend or co-worker that will allow you to borrow their map just for a little bit so you can create the installer i'm going to personally use this hackintosh that i create in this course to do a lot of video editing and graphics so i just wanted to make sure it was powerful enough and that's why i tried to make the specs line up with the low end mac pro with a few upgrades i also wanted to make sure that the computer looked pretty cool many years ago i used to build computers and this is the first one i've built for a while and it was just interesting seeing what things stayed the same and what things have been have changed since then okay let's start by looking at the parts that i chose for the hackintosh okay got this case because i like that has this little window here uh it's going to be cool to be able to see everything inside i have some things that are going to create different lights and make it look cool inside and i said one of my my main things i'm thinking about is what it's going to look like and it's going to fit everything i need and then we got this motherboard here it's going to have all the ports that i need it has some good cooling and i got this gpu cooler and it does have some leds on here so to make it look cool inside and this should be more than enough to cool my gpu and speaking of gpu we got this eight core gpu and it's intel and for hackintosh's intel's are often more likely to work you can always check the description where we hit or i have a link of the different parts are going to work but a lot of different parts will work with the hackintosh and then we have our gpu here now the gpu i got because it was similar to what the mac pro had and also because it was this specific gpu this specific graphics card was on a list of graphics cards that are supposed to work with final cut pro and i'm going to be con commonly using this computer to edit videos on final cut pro so that's why i got this specific graphics card and then we have our hard drive here our two terabyte hard drive now this is a little upgraded compared to the default mac pro hard drive but with doing a lot of video i think i'm gonna need a lot more space and then we got our ram here i got 34 gigabytes of ram so this is going to be really good for video editing we're going to need at least 34 gigabytes 64 from my research the next step up that sometimes people get 64. but that's going to be a little overkill we probably won't for my purposes i probably won't need that much ram and you may not even need 32 gigabytes you may be able to get by with 16 gigabytes i'm going to be plugging my computer directly into our network our into our internet instead of using wi-fi i'm going to go right through a cable and i did get the magic track pad for two reasons one i love using the trackpad on my laptop and i want to see how easy it is to get official mac parts to connect to our hackintosh and then i got a power supply so this should be more 650 watts should be exactly what we need or even more than what we need for it to run all these things and then i did get a new monitor so i got full hd so it's going to be more similar to the resolution on my macbook pro okay well let's start by taking the motherboard out of the box and this is a refurbished motherboard but it should work just as well don't need any of these things nope got some cool stickers here so just put all this extra stuff off to the side and we got some cables and what i'm going to do is actually well first i'm going to empty this box got a bunch of things and then i'm going to put it just close the box and i'm going to use the top of this box to do the build on this will be like a little platform and you do have to be careful with static electricity so so you want to touch something metal like maybe the case so i'm going to actually just touch the case to kind of get all the static electricity off or maybe you have one of those little ra there's these little things you can put around your wrist that will help with static electricity but i should be fine for just touching something metal or this case it will get the stick electricity off and won't destroy anything on your any parts so i'm just hold this out here [Applause] okay so that's pretty nice looking we got a lot of different slots to put things in so these are all the built-in stuff see we even even have a usb type-c we have hdmi now we're not even going to use this hdmi because we have the other graphics cards but we'll be using a lot of this usb we'll be using the the ethernet cable port and then we have we have the audio built in here so and we won't be using this slot here obviously because we'll be using the usb and so this is going to have everything we need here okay now i'm going to grab the cpu got the cpu here that's the first thing we're going to install into the motherboard so i got some scissors so i can just kind of open this here and we'll take this out of the box okay and the cpu is just this little thing in here right here i think it's focused yep so this is the cpu we're about to install right in the motherboard okay so we have to pop open this thing right here in the motherboard to install the cpu so this there's a little metal thing that can just move out like this and so this pops open like this and this is right where we put the cpu so let me take the cpu out i just have to make sure the cpu is facing the right direction you see this arrow that's going to go toward the outside and there's these little slots on both sides of the cpu you're going to make sure that those slots line up with the slots right in the motherboard so let me place this right into the motherboard and then we can just close this top thing right down like this and this kind of pushes in place and the cpu is installed okay now that i got the processor in i'm just gonna have to pop this off soon we're gonna install our cooler that's gonna connect right to the processor but first let's install our ram okay next up the ram so again this is 32 gigabyte ram and we're going to install in the motherboard so let me get this opened so there's four ram slots but we just have two sticks of ram so we're going to install in the second and fourth slot which is b2 and a2 that's what they recommend when you don't have four sticks of rams so make sure that this is pushed out on where you're gonna put in the ram here so i just push out all of them and i'm gonna put this one in here first i'll do the a2 now if you have four sticks of ram you just fill in every slot so i'm going to push this in until i kind of hear it clicks and then i can push in this side right here to make sure it's in now i'm going to do the next thing of ram push that in okay and that clicked and the ram is installed okay now we're going to start getting the case ready and then we're gonna get put the cooler on the processor and part of the cooler gets attached to the case so let me grab this now to get the parts of the case off so we can start putting things inside so just unscrew this here okay now let's get the back of the case open put this off to the side so one cool thing about this case is there's a lot of stuff for cable management so we're gonna have all the cables back here to kind of hide them out of the way and we'll put that that back of the case in front of it so we'll kind of hide all the cables that are going everywhere and there's little things to put the cables in and if we already have some cables kind of going right through here so let's turn the case back around okay we'll take this extra packaging out right here and this is just an empty well i guess it's not empty let's see what's in it and here just has some extra cables and some stuff that we'll be using laters and then a manual here now we're going to prepare a case to put things in we could take these fans out temporarily while we put the motherboard in but i'll leave them in for now and then see if we need to just to see we'll see if we can fit the motherboard in or not with those fans there i'm going to take this part off here this is where our cooler is going to go there we go yeah somebody they're supposed to be you still be able to use your hands to untighten these but sometimes they're a little too tight i need to use a screwdriver this bag was in the box i pulled out from behind the case just in that slot and i'm going to get some screws that i'm going to use to attach the motherboard to the case so i think these ones are going to be the screws i'm just going to confirm by putting them in before i put the motherboard up and these are way too big these are not the screws okay let's try again i think now i think that these ones are the screws they're a little smaller let's see if these fit in these are the right size so now i'm going to use these to install the motherboard we've got this motherboard that we're going to install first i'm just going to peel this off and then we have to make sure it lines up and we have all the ports on the side and we have to make sure those ports line up correctly in the case so they go through the back of the case it fit in without having to take the fans off so wait to make sure this is lined up here so you can see there's still a gap up top so i'm going to adjust the motherboard so this part lines up with all these ports here okay we should be very gentle but i got the back is now popped out a little bit so now i'll get a screw on the screwdriver and get one of these screwed in okay i'm gonna try something new i it's i'm gonna actually try putting the case down i think this is gonna make it a little simpler to install i probably should have thought of this to begin with okay now i'm gonna get in here and i'm going to try screwing this in again i got the motherboard installed and next up is this hard drive this solid state drive it's a pcie m.2 and this is there's a lot of different types of hard drives that could work with this motherboard and case combo but this the type we're going to be using is a two terabyte so we just open this up you can see it right in here so let's see how to get this thing installed into this motherboard for this type of hard drive there's two places where it can be inserted into this motherboard one's under this panel and one's under this panel so we're going to take off this panel so we can insert the the hard drive or the solid state drive that is so let's unscrew this so first we're going to insert this side into the slot on the motherboard so let's put over here okay now to hold this in right here we're going to have to put this plate on and this plate's going to there's going to be a screw that'll go right in there and hold it on the back of this actually has something that we can remove and it's gonna help the the solid state drive stick into place better so let's do that now okay the solid state drive is secure now the exact order that i'm installing all these parts in is kind of up to the user you don't have to install things in the exact order we could have put the solid state drive in before we put the motherboard in so it's okay if you do things a little out of order but some things just make it easier like it's easier to put the motherboard in before you put the coolant before you put the cooler on because the cooler is going to attach to here and then it's going to attach the processor but right now we're going to install the power supply so i'll get this opened up okay we got the power supply let's get this put in the computer so we got the case turned around and we're going to insert the power supply the thing is the fan should be pointing toward the bottom of the case toward the floor so i'm just going to slide this in right here and then i'm just going to turn this a little bit so i can start screwing this in the power supply actually came with a bag they had some zip ties and some screws so this is what i'll be using to make sure the power supply secure into the case whoops almost lost on there so i just got to get this screwed in okay we're gonna get some of these cables and we're going to snake them through so we can get them plugged into our motherboard i'm pretty sure we're only going to need this cable the power supply has a few different ones because it just depends on what motherboard you're going to use so we're going to try to snake this through here and we're eventually while we're looking at it there are some other cables here these cables are are for our case so we can see our case has some ports at the top of the case and some of these cables here are going to help us get those working we have to get these plugged into our motherboard so let's see if we can get these plugged into our motherboard and our power supply here so it looks like some of these are connected to our fans but right now i'm going to slide these through here and some of these will wait till later to get installed okay let's turn this around okay let's get our power supply put in first so here's the cable for our power supply so let's see how this is going to go in i'm going to have to kind of turn it a little bit it's going to be a little tricky because like a tight curve here to get in and we just need to get it to snap into place okay our power supply is now going to our motherboard okay i made a mistake before i the second cable coming from the power supply does actually go right into the motherboard and it's it's been a little while since i put together a computer so i forgot about some of these steps but now remember we're gonna put this right through here because it's going we're gonna just it's gonna be in the top corner of the motherboard so i'm going to put that here and i'm going to put this cable through this spot to hold it in place and i'll use this little twisty tie here and let's turn this around okay in this top left corner we can see where we're going to plug in the other cable you can kind of see in the top left corner there's a spot to plug that in so that's what we're gonna do okay i'm gonna grab the cable and twist this around i just used two hands to plug in the cable so we got it plugged in at the top corner of the motherboard there all these cables that were connected to the other ports and stuff on the computer we're gonna have to get these installed too these are actually there's probably we can probably make them come up through here because these are all going to connect at the bottom here so i'm actually going to make these come up in a different spot so first let's get this out and this is going to go right into here got it and then here's another one i think this is the the audio got that put in and next basically i'm just looking at the connections on these cables and trying to figure out which parts of the motherboard that these fit in so here's another one this is actually supposed to go over here but we're going to have to put an adapter so let me pop this out here and then i'm going to put up the other spot other area so here now i'm going to get the adapter so here's the adapter it came with the motherboard and so i'm going to put this into one end and there's these different things here let me turn around this way see we have the hd led power sw plead and the manual for the motherboard shows where i'm supposed to put all that stuff in so i'm going to plug the adapter on one end and then i'm going to use this diagram to figure out where to plug in those other parts those other cables in this corner area right here so let me do that now okay let's get the hdd one okay this power one and now i just got all of them plugged in there okay so now i can just run this cable back out the back there we go okay one of these skills gonna fit right here let's see there we go now you can just kind of pull these through here so they kind of get out of the way a little more now to plug in the cables for these fans these fans have cables that are going to come around and plug in near those other cables we have this cable and we have this other fan cable and i'm going to try to get them both plugged in to the motherboard okay i was looking in the manual for my motherboard and i should have done this first it's showing where all the fan cables should be plugged into for the power and i had it wrong so let me readjust some things here and put the fan cables where they're supposed to be okay i got both the fan cables and this cable i'm actually going to run it right through the top here so it's going to come around here and i'm going to run it right through the top and i'm just going to leave it like this because it takes up some of the slack here and this cable will run kind of the way i was originally thinking right through here so with the two fan cables let me turn this around so if we look at the manual here we have chaffin one and chaff and two that's the chassis or or the case so we see the first one is going to be right over here and then the second one is going to be right here so let's do the first one right here it's going to be right below the processor and it's me right there so let's uh so that's the one that the cable that ran through the top we're gonna plug in right there so you can see it says chat one right there and that's where i'm gonna plug in the cable and i am going to need some more slack so i just let out the slack from the back and i'm going to take this cable and just plug it in right where it says cha one so here's a good close-up of that cable plugged in right there now let's get the other cable plugged in now here's other fan cable according to the manual we're gonna plug it in on this top one here so you can see it from this other angle there's an extra pin sticking out because the spot on the motherboard has four pins but there's only three sections on the cable and that's normal so that's what it should look like okay so we got both fans plugged in both of the case fans okay i have two more major things i need to get installed one the graphics card and then the cooler so i'm going to install this first let's get this open this is going to be one of the most complicated things that that's going to be in our computer and you may not even need a cooler like this this is really if you're going to be doing things that take a lot of power and if you want to try to overclock your machine and you just need to make things a lot cooler you may be able to get by with something a lot simpler but this is what we're going to be installing in this machine and i'll show you how i do that so this comes with quite a few things we have this grill that's going to go up front and then this is the part that's going to whoops this is the part that's going to attach to the processor we have two fans and then we're just a bunch of miscellaneous items that we're going to use during the installation so i'll get rid of this box so just as a little behind the scenes here's my box graveyard right here i have a bunch of boxes and just other things that i keep discarding as i'm building this computer we're going to start by getting the fans installed onto this grille depending on where you're going to mount this is which direction the fan is going to go but since i'm mounting on the front of the machine i will face it like this and then we have our second fan okay we're gonna find these screws that we're gonna use to mount these fans and they just hand tighten so let's put this right in here now i'm going to grab this piece that i took off of the case and we're going to mount this to this piece right here got these screws we're going to put that right into the case here we got the grill installed now we just have to connect the end to the processor now this part we could have done earlier it may have been easier um but with there's these two pieces like this that we're gonna put on both sides okay if you look at this see there's a slot at the top of this and this has to go right into the slot there's gonna be a slot right here i'm going to put it and make it line up with the slot i'm going to get a screw and i should have already had the screw ready i'm going to put this down for a second so we got i'm going to open this little bag of screws and i'm going to put this on here and the screws actually have to go in from the bottom there we go i got the first screw in well let's get this one in tighten that up okay now let's do the other side now this is going to line up right here but we're going to do some things before we put it on there see we have this piece and this piece is going to go on the back of the case let me put this this stuff in here for now i'm going to turn the case around and this piece is going to go in like this these are optional you can pull these off if you want i'll pull that off so it sticks better and we're going to line it right up kind of push that stickiness is going to hold it on and then we're going to turn around and put in some some little screw things okay now we have to install these things open this up and we just screw them in and they're gonna go right into the back that we just put on and i'm holding the back with my other hand they screw into it that one okay now we're going to add some of this thermal compound right to the processor and then we're going to put this onto it after removing this little plastic wrap we're going to put this on to it and then there's going to be four of these little things let's get focused we'll put four of these little things on each corner for the thermal compound they recommend just putting a little pea-sized little dollop on it so let's do that and now it's very important to remove this label here or it's not going to work well okay now this is the moment of truth that to push it onto the thermal compound and basically press it in now let me hold it with one hand and i'm going to start putting these tops on okay got those corners in okay we have two cables coming out of this pump right here that we just put on top of the processor one cable is going to be to run the lights there's going to be a light that light up right on here and the other cable is a power cable so the cable for the light that has the bigger end i'm just going to run this through the top because we're going to bring it down somewhere else later let me just get it through there the other cable is going to be for power so you're going to look for something on the motherboard that says pump and if you look right here i'm just about to get a close-up but it's going to be right here let me show you so you can see right in there it says pump so that's where we're going to plug in the power cord for the pump so let's do that right now so we still to adjust this cable so it's out of the way that goes to the fan right here but we're going to put the pump power cable right above that other cable so okay now we're going to use this fan splitter cable that came with the cooler so we're going to plug this right into the motherboard where the fan power supply is so there's our water pump on the processor if we look right here it says you can see where it says cpu fan so that's the slot where we're gonna plug in that cable okay i'll just plug in just like this and then the other parts of the cable i'm just going to run behind the motherboard these front fans that we installed from our cooler we have all these cables coming off of it so now we have everything ready that we can get the power to these cables uh plugged in so first of all let's get these cables i'm gonna run these cables behind this red thing so we can put them out the back of our case okay now i got the cables run through coming out the back of the case we can turn the case around and we have all the our cables coming out the back now coming out the top we have our cable splitter and then we also have the cables from our fans the power cables so we're going to take the power cables from our two fans and just just plug them into these two ends of the cable splitter okay so now we have our fans powered so we have three more cables that aren't plugged into anything and these are the rgb cables and in the box we have this three-way rgb splitter so we are just going to plug each of the rgb cables into each of the ends of this three-way splitter okay one to here and there are two little arrows i don't know if you can see this but the arrows should line up the arrow should line up that's how you know you have it plugged in right so we have this one and then the third one now the case came with these little plastic things that's to help pull these uh these cables together so we can put this right over the top here and that holds these together put one right here here's the third one so i can hold all these three connections together now i'm just going to run there's one this end we're going to plug into our motherboard i'm actually going to put over here because that's going to be closer to where i'm going to plug it in on the motherboard so let's turn the case around on the bottom here you can see it says that white that white connector says rgb on it so that's where we're going to plug in the cable that we just brought through you want to make sure the arrow on the there's an arrow right here that's going to be on the left side that's going to be where the power is and then the other things are for the different colors okay we have one more thing to install and that is the graphics card so let's see how to do that so let's get this out of its package here so that looks pretty nice it has these connections on the end here and so we're going to have to get this into our motherboard and then we're going to have to power it if you can see this there's a place to plug a power cable in right here so if you see on this side you can see that there's two tabs here that means it's going to take two slots from our case so let's look at that so you can see these things here all each of these can be taken out depending on if what you need to put into there whatever card you have and we're gonna need to take out two to figure out what two to take out let me kind of place this card in here we're gonna put into this slot here and it looks like we're gonna take out the second and third slots the top covering will just stay where it's at so i'm going to take off this one and this one and then we're going to put in the card into this slot here so i had to take out this one and this one so i'll start with this one and then before i put the card in i'm going to have to take out this panel right here so i'll take out these screws let me get a screwdriver to help and i'll slide this well i don't even have to take it completely off i can just slide it over so we're going to put the card into this slot right here we have to make sure that this is popped out so it's see it's kind of goes in and out so it's going to start it out and when we put the card in it will go in and we'll snap in now i got the card and i'm going to push it into the slot so this whole thing pops in and then these metal tabs go into the side of the case so that's what i'm going to do right now to make sure it lines up with this slot and then i have to make sure the metal tabs or the metal part is all on the side and just do it very gently and just push down and wiggle and it goes right in and you can see this tab right here popped down when i push the card in okay now i will turn the case a little bit and i'm going to have to make sure the card is screwed in so put some screws right here so these are the screws that that just held on those little black panels but now i'm using the same screw to screw in the card and looks like there's some damage on this metal thing this is a refurbished card there's currently a shortage of graphics cards so it's it's hard to get good deals on new ones and now i can put this panel back and then twist this and there's one on bottom i don't know if you can see it okay now we have to plug in the power cable right here okay we're back at the back of the case and to get the power to the graphics card we're going to take this cable that came with the power supply and then back here in here there's a place on the power supply to plug in this end so we're going to plug in this into the power supply and then we're going to run it through and then we're going to plug this in to the graphics card so i'm just going to reach in here and plug it in i'm not going to show you because it's just too shadowy in there and it's hard to even get my fingers and the camera in there at once but if you're doing this yourself you'll be able to easily see where that plugs in okay i got plugged into the power supply and then i'll just run this right through here okay got the cable coming through here and this has a thing where it's kind of separated so you are going to have to kind of put them together to plug it in [Music] and it snaps right in there and one more thing i didn't put in the spread earlier this is a wi-fi and bluetooth card that specifically works with mac os so we're going to need to use this most motherboards that have built-in wi-fi and bluetooth it won't work with mac os so we need a card that's specifically going to work with mac os now at first i was thinking maybe i don't have to have wi-fi and bluetooth because i'm going to have my internet connected through a cable but the more i thought about it the more i thought yes i want to have bluetooth it also helps make other features on mac os work like airdrop and i think even imessages this card is going to go into this short slot right here so i just have to pull out the appropriate cover here this cable that came with the card is what connects the bluetooth to the motherboard so we have to plug one part into the card and one part into the usb port on the motherboard the cable is going to plug into the corner of the card right here we're going to plug the other side right into that port that says usb at the bottom of it so the bluetooth cable is installed i'll just do a little bit of cable management here now with the back of the case i just have to screw on these antennas this should be all set up and the computer is pretty much done i think i'm gonna need to test it now now i already said i haven't really created my own computer for quite a while and if i made any mistakes you already know because i would have put something on the screen or somehow indicated that i made a mistake and i had to redo something but i don't know yet so i'm gonna test it this is the moment of truth i'm gonna plug everything in and see if it works okay i got my full hd monitor hooked up to the computer i got my usb keyboard hooked up to the cam with the computer and now i'm just about to hook up the power cable and then i'm going to turn it on turn on the power supply now i'm going to press the power button whoa everything's lighting up i think everything is working that means i can finish the cable management and get the case put back together and then eventually we'll have to do the setup you can see on the monitor i don't know if you can see with a glare but it's saying that new cpu installed please enter setup to configure your system now that i know the computer works time to clean up these cables uh [Music] so [Music] okay now that the computer is built we're going to learn how to install the mac os big sur software this is the part where you're going to need a computer with mac os already on it and we're going to start with downloading some of the software we'll need onto that computer there are links in the description to all the software i'm using we'll get open core and proper tree we'll also need mount efi and oc gen x and you'll soon see what it all does now i'll download the big sur operating system right from the app store if you're not familiar with mac os you can get to the app store by clicking the magnifying glass in the top right corner and typing app store once you get into the app store search for big sur click get and then download now you will need a usb drive it's best if it's at least 16 gigabytes i'm going to format the drive now using disk utility to get into the disk utility just click the magnifying glass and type disk utility make sure that the view is set to show all devices click the usb drive then click erase in the top menu you can call the volume anything you like but i recommend my volume if you want to use the exact command i use later in the video make sure the format is mac os extended journaled and that the scheme is guid partition map then click the erase button after the usb drive is prepared open the terminal in mac os you will need to use a command in the terminal to make the usb drive into a bootable installer for mac os there's a specific command i have to use here check the description for the exact text of the command also this command is specific to big sur if you're installing a different version of mac os i'm going to leave a link in the description for the commands for the different versions if you're installing a different version you'll have to wait a bit for this to install after this is done open the oc gen x program you downloaded earlier to open the program you will have to right-click the icon select open then select open again this program is optional to use the software helps us prepare what we need to install macos on our particular hardware setup it will go out and get everything we need except the ssdts and put them in a folder for you you can also do this in a more manual method by following the open core install guide which i've linked down in the description but this program simplifies things for us on this first screen under system type choose coffee lake this is a reference to the specific type of processor i got for this build if you are using a different processor you may have to select something different here look in your processor's documentation to determine the name of the micro architecture it uses getting this right is very important a lot of these tabs we can keep at the default settings under graphics select whatever green and under audio select apple alc under ethernet select intel mousey you can keep firmware drivers at the default setting the sm bios is important and you have to specify the correct system model for this hardware setup we'll select imac 19 comma 1. if you are using a different processor or a different operating system this could be different to figure out what to use here if you have a different setup go to the open core install guide select the section on the left side for your processor type or chipset in my case it is coffee lake then find the heading platform info scroll down a bit and you will see a table with the sm bios to use so for this build with the big sur operating system we're going to select imac 19 comma 1 under system model in the oc gen x program finally we'll click the generate efi button at the bottom now you can open up the efi folder that was just created and see exactly what's in it inside there are many files and folders including an acpi folder that is empty this folder will be filled with ssdts but we now have all the other files we need including drivers texts and a config.plist file which we will be updating in a little bit now we'll get the ssdt files this is different depending on your processor or chipset you can find the exact ones you need in the open core install guide under the acpi heading make sure you're in the section for your processor type there are four needed for the coffee lake system click on the first one ssdt plug then we'll go to pre-built ssdt's on the side and click coffee lake and then i'll download all four of these i have a link in the description to the page with these ssdts once they are all downloaded move them into the efi folder specifically into the acpi subfolder in the oc subfolder now we'll use the mount efi program that we downloaded earlier we'll use it to mount the hidden efi partition on the usb drive we'll right click on mount efi.command and click open then open again if you get an error like i did you can open the folder in terminal and then run the program with python 3 using the command python 3 space mount efi dot command once the program's running select your usb drive it should have a name like install mac os big sur since we made it into a bootable installer for mac os in my case it's option 2. i'll put in the password for the computer and now the efi partition has been mounted you now have a mounted efi partition and an efi folder from oc gen x drag the efi folder into the efi partition now we'll open proper tree which we downloaded earlier like before you can open it by right-clicking and selecting open or you may have to run it from the terminal with the command python3 propertree.command go to file open select the efi partition then the oc folder then open the config.p list file the first thing we need to do is to inject all of the files in the efi folder into the config.plist file so we have to go to file then select oc snapshot make sure you're on the efi partition go to the efi folder and then the oc folder and click the choose button a dialog box could pop up here about what version to use if this happens click yes now go back to file then select oc clean snapshot and select choose i mentioned that instead of using the oc gen x program you can manually do everything by following the open core install guide at this point we'll verify that everything got set up correctly according to the official install guide so on the guide for coffee lake we'll verify these quirks are set correctly in the config.plist file let's see do you virtualize mmio set to true enable write unprotector set to false protect ufi services we do need this in our system that's set to true rebuild app memory map set to true sync runtime permissions set to true and now we do need to set up our device properties so that our onboard graphics work we just need to add this row of characters i also have the characters in the description so just copy it and put it into the config.p list under device properties click on add then right click and choose new child under add double click where it says new string and just paste the text into the field and hit enter then select in the next column where it says string and make sure that it is set to dictionary next we need to make another child under it as you can see in the picture in the documentation right click on the text you just added and select new child and then then replace new string with this text here from the documentation just copy the characters also in the description double-click and paste then change string in the next column to data and then add this set of characters right here in the third column again if you have a different processor type you're going to want to read this section in the documentation to make sure you are using the correct values now we'll add another new child make sure the child is under the line that starts with pci and not the one that starts with aapl replace new string with frame buffer patch enable create another new child under the line that starts with pci and replace new string with frame buffer stolen mem now these should both be set to data not string and we need to add these numbers from the documentation in the third column now we'll scroll down to the next quirks section and here they are in the config.plist file and we'll just verify that everything here is set up properly it looks like these are all correct because of the oc gen x program except one more quick thing this disable rtc checksum should be set to true this is a quirk with a specific motherboard i used and i forgot to record myself setting it to true and i'm recording this dialogue later so just know that this one should be set to true now we have to make an update to the nvram section so what do we need you can see that many of these boot args are already here but we still need to add a few so debug equals 0x100 we'll just click into here make sure there is one space at the end then copy this over and then the final thing is to add this alcid equals one now we'll change the language to english so next to where it says prevlang kbd change data to string and set the value to en-us colon 1 or colon 0 and hit and hit enter if you need a different language just go to this link and you can find out what you should put in instead the config.plist file is now done so we'll go to file then save we're now completely done setting up our bootable drive so just eject the drive and then you can plug it in to your new hackintosh computer that you just built now that we're on the hackintosh i'm not using screen capture anymore i'm just recording the monitor of the hackintosh using a video camera so the quality won't quite be there until we get this installed and then we'll go back to screen recording so the usb stick is installed into the computer and then i'll start up the computer and then i'll need to get into the bios so to do that just hit the delete key and then we'll get onto the bios and here we are okay so if you get into the bios and you see it like this it's called easy mode we want to go to advanced mode which is right here you can hit f7 or just use your mouse okay so we go over here and set everything up as default load optimize defaults okay i'm going to load them up and hitting enter now let's go over to advanced this is where we need to get started so platform miscellaneous configuration everything here is fine by default cpu configuration all of this is good okay system our vt-d is disabled that's what we want but we want above 4g decoding enabled all right memory configuration everything's fine graphics configuration this is if you're going to use your onboard graphics you would change this to cpu graphics but we're not using the onboard graphics all right we'll go out of here okay a lot of these other ones are fine by default okay down here where it says serial port configuration we're actually going to turn it from on to off we want the serial port to be off okay the next thing we need to update in usb configuration make sure xhci handoff is enabled okay now let's go over to boot boot configuration we want to turn fastboot off so we'll disable that and everything else here is fine secure boot we're going to change something we're going to change the os type to windows uefi mode now we're ready to save changes and reset make sure you have the usb drive in the computer still because we're going to boot right back into the usb drive okay when it boots we'll press the f12 key because we want to choose the memory stick to boot into now if you get this error message we'll need to go back to the bios so let's go back into the bios and we'll go over here to secure boot which is under boot and we want to go down here to key management hit that and then click on clear secure boot keys say yes now we won't get that message so save changes and reset and then i'll press the f12 key again okay we come up to our bootloader and we want to choose install mac os that's the external usb drive stick so hit enter and now we're going to load the os okay this is what we like to see once we get to this part it's going to be pretty simple the rest of the time so we'll click on disk utility and click continue and then we'll click this drop down arrow on view and show all devices there are my hard drives if you don't show all devices you don't see your hard drive names so you want to see the root of your hard drive i'm going to erase this one and i just click on erase and then you can call it whatever you want i'm going to call it hackintosh and then you want to choose apfs for your format and for the scheme it should be guid partition map and then click erase alright we're done so we'll click out of here and we'll click install mac os continue agree and agree and this is the hard drive i just formatted so i'm going to choose it and click install this will take a few minutes here it goes pretty quick after the installation finishes the computer will reboot and will come right back up to the boot menu and then you'll we'll click mac os installer it's going to take a little time but now it's like turning on a brand new mac computer so you can just go through the installer like you're setting up a new computer choosing the location choosing any settings that you want choosing any accessibility choosing how you want to connect to the internet i'm just going to kind of go through this part pretty quickly because what you want to choose may be specific to you it's up to you if you want to sign in with your apple id but at this point basically you have a mac computer but once it finishes you'll be into your brand new hackintosh computer running the big sur operating system and now we can finally switch back to screen recording instead of videotaping a monitor ah that's a lot nicer now we're on the screen recording everything's nice and crisp there is one more thing we have to do but first let's just bring up the about the mac and you can see we have the 3.6 gigahertz eight core intel core processor we have the 32 gigabytes of ram we have the radeon rx 580 8 gigabyte graphics card everything looks great now we have to copy the efi folder from the hidden efi partition on our usb stick we're going to need the mount efi program to access that partition so i'll just open up safari search for mount efi go to this link here and then download the zip now open up the folder in my downloads right click on mount efi dot command and go to open and then go to open just hit ok we're going to have to mount two efi partitions we're going to have to mount the efi partition from our hackintosh drive that's the drive that's the name of the drive on our hackintosh we're also going to have to mount the efi partition from our usb disk our usb drive is called the install mac os big sur so first i'll select option 2 to mount the efi partition from our hackintosh now i'll choose the new option 2 for our usb drive to install mac os big sur drive okay both efi partitions are mounted so we can close this okay i'll open up the efi partition that's on the desktop here and define the other efi partition once i when i have the finder selected i'll go to the go menu at top and then select computer and you can see now we can see both efi partitions not just the one showing up on the desktop so i will click the other efi partition that's been mounted okay so i have a folder for each efi partition that are that's mounted one efi partition has some folders in it and the other efi partition is empty so let me back up a bit and now i'll drag the efi folder from one partition to the other partition so now both efi partitions have the efi folder in it okay now i can just restart the computer and right after the computer turns off but before it reboots right back up i need to remove the usb drive and if i take the usb drive out then the computer should boot right back up into mac os and there you have it the hackintosh is complete i had no trouble setting up the bluetooth or the wi-fi they just worked and i had no problem connecting the apple trackpad i've been using this hackintosh for a few weeks now and i even used it to edit this video this very video that you're watching so far i haven't had any issues and it's running great so good luck creating your own hackintosh
Views: 286,818
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Id: Gaosub7FRf4
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Length: 66min 47sec (4007 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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