MOST COMPLETE GUIDE to Installing macOS on a Windows PC!

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hello everybody this is technol and today we are going to do a very indepth video okay I'm going to show you from start to finish a complete install on this this a think station it's a Zeon it is an older system it's a sixth generation but this video will not be about this computer so much it's going to be about the process of getting Mac OS installed on any PC okay and we're going to use this old PC not only because it's an incredible value but we're just going to show the basic steps of how all all of this works problems that you run into and just detailed instructions that you can use to do your own Mac OS install Okay so we're going to be using uh OC auxiliary tools for much of this complete uh install and showing you how to do this now this install process is going to be whether you're doing it on the latest and greatest 14 gen or if you're doing it on a fourth gen system it's basically the same process okay so let's get started with this I'm going to show you this PC that we're working with today it's really interesting I bought mine for 80 bucks including shipping they still got five of these left it comes with 16 gig of RAM and it's got a really powerful xon processor and this thing is just a brick house I mean this computer is built like you couldn't believe and this motherboard setup is not proprietary the power supply is but this case you could put any motherboard in um here's the back end of it we got us B 3 and two uh ethernet of course um onboard Graphics we're not going to be using those uh we're going to be using a graphics card okay I get a lot of questions from people about you know what graphics cards work what graphics card can I get and I want to take you over to open course website and just show you a link right here GPU buyers guide that is where you can figure out what is going to work and what isn't okay most all of us know that Nvidia is just not supported unless you're talking about an older Mac OS and by older we're talking about let me just show you big sir for these graphics cards right here I used to use this 210 for doing a lot of my testing and everything but it was only good through big so they are completely dropped now since big sir and uh you just you just got to move on um what we want to focus on is the a MD gpus and uh we've got the 6600 we've got the 68 and 6900 we also with a little trick we can use the 6650 and the 6700s but these are all supported Beyond um Ventura they're supported into Sonoma also so uh you're good to go all of these 5000 series cards s are good to Sonoma the Radeon 7 if you remember that it's good the Vega series cards they're good right here even down to the 460 are still good the RX 460 in fact that's what I'm running right now on this computer a cheap little $40 rx460 all of these are supported the 500 series these are supported and then we're getting into cards that are only supported through monay so keep this keep a link to this website because this will tell you what is going to work and what isn't we're pretty much getting to the point where um MD is the way to go uh if you still want to use an internal GPU on like a a seven series eight series nine series 10 series 630 um you're good to go you're still okay all right so enough about Graphics um the first thing that we need to do when trying to install Mac OS is we have to make a USB stick okay we have to make what's called a vanilla install stick okay so basically what we're making is the same USB flash drive that you would use if you were installing Macos on a real Mac okay so that's the beauty of open core there is no junk in it the only thing that open core uses is a boot loader that tells Mac OS it's a Mac and you can go ahead and install it so grab yourself we're going to do this on doing Sonoma I want you to grab yourself a 32 gig USB stick 16 gig won't work anymore 32 gig and we're going to format it I'm going to put mine in the computer here and we're going to come up here and we're going to go to utilities and we're going to go device or we're going to go to disk utilities make sure you click this down arrow to show all devices and you can see now my sand disk I'm going to erase it and I'm going to call it USB we need to make sure that we are on Mac OS extended journaled and we are on G uid partition map and click erase okay we're all done here so we'll close out of here now we need to download Mac OS now to download Mac OS I'm going to show you a website that makes it very quick and easy okay come over over here to downloading okay now it's a large download it's about 12 gab we'll wait till this is done and then we'll come right back okay guys we're all done so let's go over here to our downloads and there it is installer assistant so just right click and open that up and then click continue install put in your password okay and then close out of here keep now when you go over to Applications it's right there so that's what we need we need install Mac OS Sonoma in the applications folder and that did it for you just right click open do that little install thingy and boom it's in the applications so we're good to go all right now we need a command line to make the USB stick so let's go ahead type in make a USB bootable for mac and we'll choose right here Apple support how to create a Bole installer for Mac OS just click there and we'll just come down here to Sonoma we need to copy this line copy it go up to Spotlight and let's go back to terminal and we'll paste that in there but we need to change this my volume to the name of our USB stick which which was USB all right and then we hit enter put in the password and sometimes it will get stuck right here and it won't pop up this ready to start for sometimes a minute so just wait for it it will pop up and then all we do is hit yes or y for yes hit enter and it's going to make our USB stick Okay so when this is finished I'll come back okay so now here it is this is our USB stick it's all completed so we're done with that now in doing this video I'm also doing this for people out there that are buying efis from me or getting efis off you know online somewhere just picking something up at this point if you were going to just get an EFI uh let's say you go over to my website and you go over here purchase EFI uh this is where you actually buy an EFI if you come over here and you don't see the EFI you're looking for then you can go back here and you can request one for $29 and I'll make one for you so any anyways so let's say you uh you grab this EFI you buy it and you immediately it you download it okay now you have um an EFI folder which I will just show you okay I got an e here we go got an EFI right here so you've downloaded your EFI and here it is so you're ready to put this EFI on the hidden EFI partition on your uh stick that you just made on your USB stick you just made now you guys you got to download OC auxiliary tools okay and it's really easy to find OC auxiliary tools download and you can just click here and download the latest version all right so here it is the first thing you want to do before you touch an EFI or you try to uh put it on the USB stick is you need to update it okay so let's open it up and I'll show you real quick how to update to the latest version so you're going to go here and you're going to go over here and select latest version and then get latest version okay and there we go so it's 0.9.7 so now it's safe for us to open up this EFI because if you open it up and let's say your OC auxiliary tools is version 8.8 then it could mess up your EFI and we certainly don't want to do that so once we're updated and we have our EFI then all we have to do is Click right here and this is our USB stick so we just mount it put it on our password and here is that EFI hidden partition and this is where we need to drag and drop our folder okay so now we're ready to install Mac OS on a PC all right but this video is way more about just making a USB stick and putting an EFI on it we are going to actually make the EFI for this think station okay all right so we're going to use auxiliary tools to do this I'm going to get rid of this move it to the trash there we go all right so this is a Sixth Gen Zeon processor so we're going to go here and this is the configuration templates this is how you get to the templates for OC auxiliary tools that they will give you so we'll click here and we'll click on this link and then we'll click on pist because that's what we need right and we'll come down here to clear down here to x79 and we'll just grab this first one right here Sandy Bridge because this is not a six gen consumer desktop this is a Zeon so we're right here so let's grab this and we will download it now let's go over here and open it up all right so here is all of our KS now there are no acpi in here so we're going to have to put those in and uh we've got this for the ethernet server adapter but we don't need to worry about this and it is turned off we do need these okay and everything else is set up for us but we do need to add a couple of things but before we close this out and start adding more things to it let's go up to edit and we're going to generate EFI on desktop and say okay all right now we have an EFI fold folder that we're starting that we can build and we have to get these acpi that we need for this okay so let's close out of here and let's go over to open cor's website and let's look at what we need getting started we'll come down here to Intel and we are on Sandy iy Bridge scroll down to just a little bit and we need this one and if we're using big sir we need this ssdt so let's grab this one because we're not putting Big Sir on it we'll come down here Sandy bridge and just grab a pre-built and here we go we'll just download this right here okay and we'll put it in R acpi so let's just well if I get my boxes right I'd be good wouldn't I so we'll just grab this and put it right in here okay now let's open this up again and we have to tell auxilary tools where it is so we'll just click plus acpi and here's here it is right here so we'll just click okay now we've got these items right here we don't need these so let's just get rid of them we're going to make this real simple all right now on this think station we have to find out what kind of a ethernet is on it okay so let's go over to think station specs all right let's see if we can find it here I think I know which one it is but I just want to verify it so we'll come down here to let's see let's see let's see rear ports okay and all it says is one ethernet okay but up here it says onboard ethernet it's an i 219 which is let's go back over here to Gathering files open core website and here's ethernet and the 219 is the Intel mousy see right here I 219 so we'll click here we'll grab the release version open it up open this up our EFI OC and it goes right here under Tex so we're going to open this and all we need is the Intel mouse. we don't need anything else from there okay all right so what else do we need let's go back and look at it okay now we got to add that Intel mousy so we'll just click and add to open it all right now on this particular system we do not have built-in Wi-Fi or Bluetooth so we're not going to worry about that so really this is all we need to get started right miscellaneous everything's fine everything else should be fine except we need to put in some boot arguments so you ask well where do you get boot arguments real simple you just go over here and you can click right on that Sandy and come down here to the bottom of the page and here's your boot arguments they're all the same on all hackintoshes pretty much okay so let me close this down so you can see what I'm doing so the first thing we want we want the minus V and that is called verbos mode and that's all the text you're going to see while this thing is installing and booting up the reason we want to see it is if it gets stuck somewhere we want to know where it's getting stuck instead of staring at just an apple okay and then we'll put in uh debug equals 0x00 and then keep Sims equals 1 and then for our audio alci D equals 1 and then if you're going to put in a 5 th000 series Radeon or 6000 series Radeon graphics card then you need to put in this right here I'm going to go ahead and add it and there we go so now when I look at boot arguments I've got everything correct right here I'll go ahead and save Okay so oh everything else this is where we generate our serial numbers and since you're building this for yourself we can go ahead and generate them but let's change this first of all to Mac Pro 7 comma 1 because that's supported by somoma and then we'll generate right there are serial numbers and uu ID numbers if you don't do this you won't be able to get into the Apple Store and I services and everything else so we got to have serial numbers we'll save it okay so we have everything in there we should be good to go here guys so let's uh put this EFI on the stick that we made okay so here is the stick let me get rid of this and we'll drag it into here that's all we have to do we're putting it on the EFI hidden partition okay and now our USB stick has our EFI which is required to boot and now we can try to boot this thing up okay so let's give it a shot all right guys we're going to go into the bio on this I'm going to show you real quick what you have to change to get this to boot so let's go over to devices and just check everything so serial Port setup disable it USB setup just go ahead and have it like it is right here okay make sure we have ahci config configured for SATA video setup we're going to use a card so we'll Peg audio setup yep we want to turn it on network setup is enabled PCI Express just like you see it pretty simple stuff we don't need to worry about Intel Thunderbolt we'll go over to Advanced CPU setup and here we just want to make sure VT D is disabled everything else here is fine the way you see it disable basically everything's disabled all right we'll go over here to power there's nothing to change security we'll come down here and make sure that secure boot is disabled and I think everything else is fine the way it is yes and then we'll go over here to start up and uh CSM is disabled so that's forcing it into um UEFI mode UEFI only all right so that's it now on this m particular machine we have to press F12 to get to the boot menu so I'm just tapping F12 and I'm going to pick my USB stick so enter and then I'm going to go over here to install Mac OS Sonoma and hit enter and then you're going to notice that it gets stuck so let me show you the reason it's getting stuck because this is an unusual situation but I wanted to show you because things like this when you're making efis can happen and then you have to do a lot of research to find out why it's happening so it can get very frustrating I you know it always looks so easy building an EFI when you're doing a video but things like this you run into and it can take you hours to figure out so let's go ahead and go out of here we're going to shut this computer off and we're going to restart it and fix the problem all right now we'll come back in all right so now what I want to do is I want to get to our hidden EFI partition so I can make a change in the EFI so we'll double click on OC click here and we want to make sure I'm selected on my USB stick which I am and click here and password and what we're looking for is release USB ownership okay so there it is this needs to be checked so we simply check it and save it then we can go out of here restart the computer and we'll try to continue with the install all right there's the USB stick hit enter and we're going to go over here to install and there we go goes right past it now guys notice we are stuck again on successfully initialized ahci controller this is another problem what it's doing is there's no Port mapping done so it's not going to go further with the installation so there is a work around for this and I'm going to show you how to fix that too so let's quit out of here let's shut it down and let's restart the computer go back into it and these are the kind of things that you're going to run into to when trying to install Mac OS on a PC I just want to show you the real life situation so you don't get frustrated you can look for workarounds okay okay let's boot back in and I'll put my USB stick back in the computer and I have another USB stick that has a file on it that I need so let's double click on that and we're looking for USB inject all and here it is I'll just drag this out to the desktop okay now if you go to my website on the download page you can download this text okay so uh don't worry about trying to find it because it is tough to find okay so got rid of that USB stick now let's go back into OC auxiliary tools and we'll open again and all we're going to do is open the USB stick click here password all right now let me minimize this a little bit okay so what I want to do now is I want to go over to the EFI so we'll go over right here on the desktop and there's my EFI and there is my folder OC and I want to put this in the text folder all right now let's go back to our here and there it is now also what we want to do is go up here to quirks and turn this item on right here and this is going to help us get past that air we're going to save okay we'll go out of here restart the computer pressing F12 to get to the boot menu again and we'll try it and see what happens okay pressing that F12 key to boot from the USB stick there it is we'll hit enter and let's see if we get past that air message okay coming up on it there it is that's where we were stuck we should go past it and there there we go so that is fixed these are the kind of things that you run into when you're trying to install Mac OS on a PC okay so here we are we're ready to format our drive so let's click on Disk Utility and click continue and then make sure you press this down arrow and show all devices you want to see the name of your nbme your hard drive your SSD this is mine right here I'm going to click erase and I'm going to call it Mac OS and I want to make sure it's on apfs and guid partition click erase okay we're all done so we go out of here install Mac OS Sonoma click continue continue continue and then agree and agree we're going to click the drive we just formatted which was which we named Mac OS and click continue and it'll start installing and this will take about 30 minutes to complete and it will restart several times so don't get too freaked out about that and uh when it's done we'll come back and we'll finish up installing Mac OS on a PC all right guys we'll see you back okay guys so here we are all finished installing so let's just go ahead and pick our country and well us for me you just go through all these screens not now I do have ethernet so we'll click continue my land Cable's connected so it should pick it up we'll continue we're not going to transfer anything we agree we agree you can call it whatever you like guys and give it a password all right continue it takes a long time for this thing for creating accounts so Noma I don't know why it takes so long here but it'll pause and just keep working on it creating an account okay we can enable location services I always turn off this analytics continue setup later and then pick your light darker auto mode whichever you like and continue and it wants to identify my keyboard so we are done guys all done now I've got a USB stick here that has uh OC auxiliary tools on it so I'll show you the last steps that we need to do okay so let's put that in all right so I'm going to grab my auxiliary tools right here just put it on the desktop open it up and then do it again all the security features of somoma and then we're just going to click here to Mount our drives so this is my my hard drive my nbme well on this is actually an SSD put in my password I'm going to go ahead and eject my extra drive and then I'll click here to mount my USB stick password in all right so there's my EFI so all I have to do now is go to this is my SSD EFI and it has this but it's there's nothing in there okay so we want to grab this EFI and just drag it into here and replace and you are done now you can remove your USB stick right there just eject it you can restart the computer and this thing is finished that is how easy it is to do those steps to get you up and running now we do need to do USB port mapping which we'll do in another video I do have a video on it but I'm going to do an updated video just to show you guys all of the new steps but that's it you'll be up and running now with your USBS working uh but we do want to do USB port mapping and I'll show you guys in a different video how to do that so thanks again for watching please like And subscribe just smash it there I really appreciate it and guys we'll see you on the next video video
Channel: TechNolli
Views: 15,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: technolli, technolli hackintosh, hackintosh build, hackintosh, hackintosh 2023, hackintosh build 2023, hackintosh tutorial, cheap hackintosh, how to install macos on pc, macos, macos on windows, how to install hackintosh on pc, macos sonoma, how to install macos on windows, complete hackintosh guide 2024
Id: 4C8ISPdSB3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 58sec (2338 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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