How to Install and Activate Microsoft Office 365 for Free - Step by Step Guide

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hi everyone in this video I'll walk you through a free installation of Microsoft Office 365 applications So currently I have no Microsoft applications on my laptop if I search for word for example you see I don't have what you just see what part here if I search for Excel also you see I don't have Excel app on my laptop either so before you go through this installation I recommend you uninstall any office applications you have currently so to do that just come on to your search bar add or remove programs so when you come on here right you just search for um Microsoft Office for example So currently see he's not here currently right but if it was here it will come up and what you do is you just come to the application when you click on Microsoft Office you hit uninstall and follow the prompts and that you want to install Microsoft Office so once you have a clean um system right without Microsoft Office you can now follow this tutorial so to install Microsoft Office I'll come onto my browser Now search for Microsoft developer program and hit enter so the very first link developer program Microsoft 365 Dev Center I'll click on this and I'll hit join now so you have the option to sign into your account or you can create an account so if you have a Microsoft account you can put in your email and sign in but for this demo I will create a new account so you can use an email or your phone number instead so let me put in an email address so you put in your email and your password and hit next so my country so I'll just put a random number here so I'm asked to verify my email so I'll go to my email and put in the code that was sent to me let me take my password the code reader so I present the code that was sent to me and check this box hit next so um you need to um authenticate to show you another robot so hit next so once you complete the verification it opens up a new tab so here you have to put in your information so I'll put in my country now you can just put in a company information so you can put in any value here right just put in something that's valid so I check these boxes and hit next so what's your primary forecast for this so personally I'll choose personal project but you can choose whatever fits your situation so I hit next and what areas of Microsoft development are you interested in so I'll go with Power Platform and click on Save and this opens up the tab so it is where you choose a Sandbox so you have instant sandbox configurable sandbox so I'll go with the instant sandbox and Heat next so region for your data center um I'll just put a video on exclusive to me so I'll choose my region which is erode Middle East Africa admin username I'll just put um let's put the user name here and I mean password just put the password Here it's normally between 15 characters so I'll just put the password that matches the criteria and confirm password so I click on continue so we could check this right if you want to but I'll just keep this for this demo so I hit continue so I need to put um the phone number and for the data subscription so I'll put in a phone number here so it's mostly challenging to validate a phone number so you try to put um different phone numbers and see if they work so I'll try a different phone number so I put in my code so once you put in your code right you have access to your developer account so when I scroll down you can see my domain name you can see information about my developer account and this subscription lasts for 90 days right but then as long as your your is active you use it in developing and working with the applications then it will be renewed so um I'll click on this option go to subscription and I'll need to sign into my account so I'll put in my password and sign in so I'll do this later I'll just continue so I'll stay signed in yes and you can see this opens up my Office 365 portal so now um the next step is to install the applications right so over here and I'll click on install apps and you have Microsoft 365 apps so I'll click on this option and you have the problem to install download the setup exe file so I'll click on Save so it's done downloading I can open this up I click on yes so this this might take some time right but then once it's done you have access to all the Office 365 applications so you can see it's currently installing the applications on my system okay so finally it's installed and like I said right it will take um a while but then once it's installed we can open up the application so I come on to my search bar and I can search for excel so I open up my Excel app and I have a prompt to sign into um office right so by default you should have your um email address right here but if you don't see here right or come back to my account and copy the email address so few accounts and I'll copy this email address that has the suffix so I'll bring that in here so sign in and then paste the email address right the next and here I'll put in the password we used to set up the account so um so this actually need to set up my authentication but I'll do that later so that's later so he's setting up the account with the um information I provided so let's come on to accounts click on account right and here you see right um these are subscription products for Microsoft 365 apps if you don't see this right then you might see a prompt to put in your um email address put in your email address and sign in again right and then when you come onto the account tab right you should see that it's now activated so now you have a Microsoft 365. um license so when I come onto the Home tab open up a new Excel file you can confirm this right when I type in X lookup for example so this is a newer function you don't have this in order Excel Fashions right so this confirms that this is a 365 licensed application so back to this account right so I mentioned earlier in the video that this is a this account is valid for 90 days right however once you keep the account active right yes um accounts will be renewed so one way to keep your account active right for example come on to the admin tab right now here for example you can create new users right create new users so you have default users right you could create a new one maybe using your name right and put that here and use that to work on Microsoft application let me create a Word documents create Excel files Etc right so if you check um I had I had a developer account I opened a while back and you can see this is an email from Microsoft right renewing the subscription so because I kept the account active right it was renewed so after 90 days right once it's active you'll be renewed and you keep on using the free um office applications so I hope you got value from this video and let me know if you have any questions in the comments thank you all and I'll catch you guys later
Channel: Wisabi Analytics
Views: 233,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Microsoft365, #FreeInstallation, #ProductivityTools, #MicrosoftOffice, #CloudSoftware, #InstallMicrosoftOfficeFree
Id: G53wvnxgti0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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