Activate MS Office 2021/365 for Free (Product Activation Failed/Error Fix)

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hello everyone in this video I'll show you how to legally activate and use Microsoft Office application suit free for 6 months so if your Microsoft Office expires you can follow this guide to activate it I have read the official Microsoft Office documentations that says you can reset the grace timer and activate office for another 30 days and interestingly you can do this up to three times hence before buying Microsoft Office you can evaluate it for up to 120 days or 4 months in some cases Microsoft may allow offline activation for up to 180 days or about 6 months so let's get into it first of all open command prompt remember to run it as an administrator next in the command prompt type CD back slash to go to the root directory of the CR drive now open on the Windows File Explorer and navigate to office installation folder I have office 2021 which is also called office version 16 from the address bar copy this path address as text now back in the command prompt type CD and space and then just right click anywhere in the command prompt window to paste them MS Office installation folder path you just copied and press the enter key it will take you to the MS office directory next type this command to display license information for installed product keys now type osv r.x and then space next first select this SKU ID and then just right click the mouse anywhere within the command prompt window to copy the selected SKU ID again just right click anywhere in the command window to paste the SKU ID at the cursor location and then press enter key finally if you still have gra time period remaining then your office copy will be activated once again and you will see this message let's now check by running Microsoft Word application so in this video you have learned how to activate Microsoft Office goodbye
Channel: The Oracle Professor
Views: 365,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, activate ms office free
Id: ywMx57E8faI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 33sec (153 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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