How to Activate Microsoft Office 2021 for Free (Product Activation Failed Office 2021 - Error Fix)

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to verify that Microsoft Office is installed and downloaded you have to create a file in here a Microsoft Word file let's just create a new file here the Microsoft Word document call this activation file let's just open this to check if our Microsoft Office is here you can see Microsoft is opened and in my case uh when I click here I come to office user info it's going to show me that my office is activated in your case it might not be activated here so for you to activate your Microsoft Office you're going to run two scripts search for CMD here and right click and run as an administrator this is going to avoid the situation where you're going to be getting errors saying your activation is failed So to avoid activation fails you have to run this command prompt as an administrator when you are here I want you to open the uh this C drive so you just double click on the C drive open it then you open the program files from the program files here you open Microsoft Office you open Microsoft Office this is Microsoft Office installation path that we want to get from here so open this Microsoft 16 in here this path this is what we want to copy when we copy this we're going to come back to our Command Prompt here you're going to type CD back slash Plus enter then you're going to say CD and paste the path that you just copied and in this path you're going to run two commands cscript space ospp.vbs space slash set host set HST and it's going to be the K ms. 03 press enter Square to say successfully applied the settings you should get something like this make sure that you're running the command prompt as an administrator otherwise this is going to fail the second one is going to be cscript cscript. VBS slash act this is saying activate then just press enter if you run these two commands success your Microsoft Office 2021 is going to be activated if you've missed anything you're going to get an activation fail so you have to make sure first of all that you're running the command prompt as an administrator then run these two commands and also make sure that you are in the program files Microsoft Office uh office 16 path this is the path where you want to be running these two commands that we've just executed here when you run these two commands you get the successfully applied settings and it's going to say product activation successful this means your Microsoft Office is activated when you check here it's going to say product activated this is what you want it gives you other things it means that you did something wrong make sure that you're running the command prompt as an administrator so it gives you the right permissions to run the commands that we just ran to activate our office product thank you for watching if this video is helpful subscribe for more videos like this and if you have any questions about activating Microsoft Office leave them in the comments I'll respond to you see you in the next one
Channel: Creative INK Academy
Views: 126,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Creative Ink Academy, how to, activate ms office free, product activation failed, product activation failed word, How to Activate Microsoft Office 2021 for Free (Product Activation Failed Office 2021 - Error Fix), Product Activation Failed Office 2021, microsoft office
Id: k2SHu54FDys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 32sec (212 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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