How to install Microsoft Office for free (without product key)

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good day everyone today we're going to  show you how to install Microsoft Office   for free without the need or without the  use of product activations license key or   um crack key so now let's get started  the first thing you should do is open   any browser that you want and in my case I  open Google Chrome so on Google Chrome on the   search bar type office customization tool office  customization tool Microsoft 365 apps admin Center   so click that link and then now before we can  install the Microsoft Office so the first thing   we should do is to export it but there's a lot of  um things to do before doing that so in this case   the first thing is which architecture do you want  to deploy so if your computers operating system is   under 32-bit or 64 bits so if you are wondering  how to know your system or operating system   is first go to your windows and type  settings go to your computer settings   and in here click system and after clicking  system on the bottom part is about click the about   and in here we can see the system type which is  64-bit operating system therefore my computer   is 64-bit so I'm going to choose that 60  power bit next products under the products   opposites so click Office ltse Professional 2021  volume license and if you are curious about the   acronym ltse so what does it mean by ldsc it  means long-term servicing channel it's actually a   um designed for Microsoft or for Windows 10 and  it is said to be a Perpetual version of Microsoft   meaning to say it does not need a product key or  activation okay in order for that software to work   all right so that's it now let's proceed to the  next additional products so in here language pack   and select the version which is latest and apps  turn apps on or off to include or exclude them   from being deployed so it's all up to you if you  want to install all the available apps here on   your computer on the Microsoft Office package so  in my case I'm going to choose only those that   are commonly used and those that are my need  which is Excel word and PowerPoint therefore   I'm going to turn this up access on One Note  teams OneDrive node Outlook and publisher   and those remaining such as PowerPoint  or nxl then click next then select the   language so English language United States  or United Kingdom then click next then next   and in here uninstall nmsi versions of  office including Visual and project click off   then next then Office ltsc Professional Plus 2021  volume license so you have here to option KMS and   Mac so if you have a separate license key or  product activation then yoga you're going to   choose monk so of course what we're doing right  now is a demonstration of installing Microsoft   Office without the use or without the need of  activation key therefore we're going to choose   KMS its license is automatically on this  um link so now let's proceed to the next   then next and go all the way down here and  click finish and that's it click export once you   um fill up all the necessary  information here then click export so office open XML formats so I'll click that  then press ok then I accept the terms in the   license agreement then make sure that you  don't change the file name here configuration export click export then now we have  the file configuration show in folder   and it was already there on my downloads  folder I'm going to create or to create a   separator folder which is mainly for my  Microsoft installation Microsoft Office   and I'm going to transfer this configuration to  this folder so configuration now the next thing   or the next step that you should do is go back  to your browser and type office deployment tool   office deployment tool and you need to download  the deployment tool or office deployment tool it is a command line tool that you can use to  download a deploy click to run version of office   such as Microsoft 365 apps per Enterprise to  your client computers all right so press download then if you want to speed up your processing  or download processing so just click here and now showing folder office deployment tool  dot XA then click yes click here to accept the   Microsoft software license term then extract  it on where you put the file of configuration   so in my case I'm going to extract here on my  downloads folder under the downloads for the   folder we have Microsoft Office and then and then  press ok then all the necessary files are in here   on my Microsoft obvious folder then the  next things that you should do is go to   our go back to your um search bar or search  Google search and type Google deployment I   mean an office deployment tool 2021 then deploy  office ltsc 2021 Microsoft learn the only thing   that you need here is the is the link under the  console setup slash configure configuration.xml so what's the use of this so the first thing  that we need to do is go to our CMD or command   prompt then run as administrator and type here CD  space the file location where you are created or   transfer all the necessary files for installation  of Microsoft Office so I'm going to copy here the   file location CD space the file location then  the next step and last step is copy this console then I'm going to paste it in here on my  command prompt now we're getting ready   and installing the Microsoft Office so  let's just wait for few minutes all right foreign installation has finished your office product is  now completely installed all right so that's it   now let's try to demonstrate or to open  a Microsoft Office like Microsoft Word   for us to see whether it needs for activation  key or net so if we're going to click word then in here click option or click about or account on the bottom  part account then product activated   so it does not need a product key anymore  it's older editor automatic leader   so that's it and if we're going to go on the blank  page we can see here there's no need for us to   input any product key so that's it so thank you  for listening and God bless and have a nice day
Channel: Daniel Miranda
Views: 315,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to download microsoft office, how to install microsoft office, how to install ms office, microsoft office 2023, activation key, ms office activation key, activation key 2023, crack key, safe microsoft download, microsoft word, powerpoint presentation, download microsoft office, perpetual license, ltsc, long term servicing channel, install Microsoft office without key
Id: xiUPm47FHSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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