How to get Microsoft Office FREE (updated 2024!)

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do you want to be able to get access to Microsoft 365 including Microsoft Office online great AI tools and all of those tools that you're familiar using such as Microsoft Word Excel PowerPoint all of that great stuff for free I'm the productivity coach and today I show you how hi I'm Stuart R out the productivity coach and I work at Microsoft as part of our modern work Ai and ecosystem team but today I want to show something a little bit different and it probably is quite unusual for people from Microsoft to say did you know that you can get Microsoft Office uh Microsoft 365 completely free uh for lots and lots of Home users um so I see all the time people kind of talking about you know they only use Office occasionally or they're not great power users but whatever um what are their licensing options um and quite often people are really kind of quite laser focused on getting the applications on the desktop um and that's probably because that's the way that my Microsoft Office has been for quite some time um but other tools so let's say Google Docs Etc people don't seem to have kind of any problems about going yeah just go and use the uh the online version of the Google tool set but sometimes the uh Microsoft Office tool set has a little bit of a a bad reputation that it doesn't have all of those features in um so today in this video I just want to show you actually that that's completely not true um the office online versions are fantastic tools and you can get access to them completely completely free um and it only just takes you a few seconds so here I am I'm on my desktop here so I'm going to open up um Edge now um I've got a couple of scenarios here so this is actually my work device you can see here that it's signed in with my work profile so I already have office here if you're in that situation and you want to separate work and office you can go up to that uh picture in the top left set up a new personal profile um and then here just go start without your data um and just go through these options here so I'm going to allow um and like for a lot of Home users this won't be a problem this is just if you use the same device for work etc and then in my browser I'm going to go to okay which is the homepage for getting us into Microsoft 365 um there are lots of there's Microsoft there's loads of different ways in but for me it works and then all you need to do is Click sign up for the free version of Microsoft 3 65 and if I click on that then I need to create a Microsoft account um now if you already have an account so let's say that you use Xbox or you've already got an account or something like that all you need to do is Click sign in so if you've already got a Microsoft account just click sign in and you're good to go but if you haven't if it's brand new click up click to sign up for the free version here um and if you've already got an email address somewhere else so let's say I've got a Gmail account so I might say pretend my email address is stuart. R.R coach atgmailcom then I can go through this process and connect it to my email because I might not want a new email address but if I'm completely new and I want a new email address and everything I do click uh to get a new email address and then I set up my new email so I'm going to say stewart. Rd out. prod coach or if you want to pick you can do that and then I do next then all I need to do is create a password so I'm going to put a nice secure password in here uh pick what country I'm in and whether I'm a child so put my date of birth in uh so put that in and then um I'm going to put in I'm going to make up a date of birth here just for the purposes of this video here so stick in um a date of birth obviously you should put your proper date of birth in here but this is just for an example here okay and then I'm going need to prove that I'm not a robot so I can click next if you can't do visual puzzles there's an audio option here down the bottom but um I'm going to click next and here it wants me to use the arrows to rotate the object to face in the direction of the hand so I think the drill there is pointing the right way as those Fingers um and now Microsoft art happy that I'm not not a robot okay so just a few more seconds then as part of that sign up um and they just need me to add my first name and surname in there oh that's how you spell my name so that's it okay and I'm going to click next and again just a few seconds while it just sets all of that up um and then you'll be good to go so now I can say yep stay signed in uh uh edges identified that I've got a new account here so I could click sign in to sync data and then that keeps it all uh synced up together so I would recommend doing that um importantly you know uh even though it's free your privacy the priority of Microsoft Etc and you're in control what you can do with it um so it looks like that is it and then just a few more seconds there you go and we are now into the office homepage here and you can see here it's going to take us through a little onboarding experience here so welcome us to Microsoft 365 uh so you can create all of your content um and you can store it in the cloud so you get um 5 gig of one drive storage for free you can share it with other people so they can collaborate um if you find that you do want to kind of go beyond that then you you need more storage you can upgrade to uh premium later and you can see the pricing there but right now you're doing all of this for free um and now it's going to talk us through how we can uh get started so um to get started all we need to do is Click create on that little uh plus icon on the left hand side um to get to your content you've already got we've got this manage content button here um we just show some of the common apps here but there's loads more so if you click on the apps option here you can see all of the wealth stuff that you've got here um anything that you've worked on or uploaded recently you can see down the bottom so you've got this quick access panel um and again if you do want to upgrade at any time but it's not required then you can do so just there from that button okay so um I can uh let's get started really so you can see here there's loads of different ways to get started with blank documents or you can click on those icons uh on the left hand side or you can click on Create and if you click create um as well as having the blanks there at the top it's got loads of different templates um and different things so it might be using Microsoft form so instead of using Survey Monkey and being limited on how many responses you could get you could create a new form so let's say that you were recruiting volunteers there's a template for that uh all you need to do is Click onto that you'd be able to personalize anything add any questions remove them do whatever um so and then once you're done you just hit collect responses copy the link or share the QR code or whatever all of that's generated for you um and again completely for free we've got word templates here for agendas and cover letters invoices all of those things a really quick way to get started um some beautiful Excel things like personal planners or calendars or budgeters um and then again some really nice looking PowerPoint templates um and you can filter those there we've got different filters for different types as well um so you can see really really uh great looking presentations there there to get you started with something really professional and just remind you that is completely free so here if I click on to this one it looks kind of like a like a I don't know it's like a really abstract design here um it's given us all of those slides that I can uh use to get started and then I can edit that and tweak that uh and make it work for me alternatively um if I wanted to create one from scratch then I could go file and then I could um either pick one of the sample presentations there if I go more themes then you can go off to the web and find uh more templates searching those there uh but what I'm going to do wrong tab there we go I'm just going to do a blank [Music] presentation okay and then I'm going to type in my title so if you use PowerPoint you can see here really familiar uh so I'm going to say using Microsoft 365 pop my name in there okay I'm not using any temp templates or anything like this I'm just going kind of uh really plain slides cuz I want to show you some of the AI that's already built in that can help you for free so again I'm going to say what's included for free and I'm going to type in some of those options there so web versions of word excel PowerPoint forms and much more uh f 5 gab free one drive storage just just pop a few things in here email using Outlook so obviously if you set that up using your outlook you get all of that for free as well video editing using clip champ which is really cool and you can see here what's happened is uh on the right hand panel this designer is uh has opened up so it's kind of gone oh I can see that you know you're trying to make a list let's make that look really fancy and you can see here that it's doing all that formatting for me um I could use icons if I want if I don't want to use icons I could pick uh different designs and there's a whole range of things and all of those icons are kind of matched to uh to what it is that you're talking about here but I'm going to go with this version here because that's kind of what I'm looking for and again I can use that on the front slide as well so um yeah if the designer panel doesn't open up you can click on the design menu and then pick on designer um and there great templates like this is a video template here that'll uh that'll uh look really nice when you go into presentation mode or I could go with this one that kind of matches the theme that we've got but what's really clever about the AI that powers designer um is if I go and find an image so let's say that I want to get the Microsoft logo so I'm going to pop and just grab that so there's a few different ones and let's we're just going to grab the the Four Color square logo here I mean I could get that long longer one if I wanted but we're just going to go with that one so let's open that up and copy it obviously we're just using this for the purposes of demo normally you would have to make sure you've got the permissions to use the image and then I click on to paste that's paste it right in the middle of my slide but you can see here on the side that Designer has updated it and kind of going oh I recognize you've got an image let me see what I can do so you might be able to use this one that fits in really nicely it's identified the shape of it or um it's kind of got this one so it's got it a bit in the background loads of different options here but I like this one here okay so you can see again really powerful really easy to get uh up to speed really quickly and then if you needed to um uh kind of present it you could um or again more AI we've got rehearse with Coach it's built in so if you need to practice your presentation let's say it's for an interview or a present presentation for school or something like this that rehearser that presenter coach will help you to rehearse that um it uses your microphone to listen to what you say and then it gives you realtime feedback so if I hit start rehearsing um welcome um to my slide um this is about um using Microsoft uh 365 so you can see here now it's identified that I'm using filler word so it's giving me that and if I exit that rehearsal then you can see that uh it's given me a point a hit about fillers but it talks about the pace about whether you just read the slides about whether you what your tones like and things like this so it's a great way to get started let's just close down some of these tabs I'm not using um and then if I want to save it all I need to do is just click up here um and then give it its name so I'm going to say using Microsoft 365 um and even if I don't put that name in it's saving all the time but now it's allowed me to use the file name that I want and if I went and added a new slide let's say that I wanted to have an agenda slide in here just pop a little bit of text in here um and some of the things that we're going to be covering okay yeah just a few of these oh features um buil-in Ai and things like this now I I could go through and Design This slide and and use designer here by click on this but I'm I'm not going to um but what I'm not going going to do is hit the save button so because it saves as I go so if I just close this down now um and let's closed down the other one I had open then now back on that office homepage if I go to my content and then just give it a second you can see there that it's got those two presentations so the abstract one here um it's got the form that I had um but it's also got this one that I created from scratch and if we go and look at it even though though I didn't hit the save button um then you can see that it will have saved that agenda slide there as well so it's it protect you it's uh make sure that you don't lose your work um we've all been there with versions where we forgot to hit save and we've lost it and things like this so you can see PowerPoint really fully featured again uh with word here you can see we've got some great templates uh for CVS or flyers or reports or things like this so there's loads are great ones there or we could just go through and we could create um blank documents if you've got someone's already sent you a document you can upload it into that and open it straight through in there um and because it's word it keeps the formatting really well um but it it's so familiar so um I think some of the people who've perhaps said oh the the web versions haven't got a lot of those features haven't really looked at them recently because if I open up the desktop version of Word just so we've got um a side by side comparison so this is an Enterprise version this is like all got all of the features all of the bells and whistles all of those things here if I open up um a blank document here um and just go side by side you can see here that if I look at this all of this this ribbon up the top with font and paragraph style Etc if I go and look at it here font paragraph style in fact open up this designer for me so it's trying to help me to um create some really nice templates but again if I look at these side by side um all of the a lot of the stuff that I've got there is on here I don't have co-pilot so co-pilots on mine because that's an additional subscription but if we went and looked at layout for instance and we looked at layout here then those key things like page setup and paragraph layouts and uh background colors and things like that they're all in there um so there's you know it's not exactly like for like just because there is a a difference with using the web to using the desktop C but for most people actually uh what's in that web client is more than enough for what they need there um and similarly if we go to say something like Excel um Excel for most people you know unless you're a power user um for most people what they need is there now Excel looks slightly different because it's got this compressed ribbon but if you just click on the end here and go to the classic ribbon then you can see here that that Excel looks virtually the same that Home tab looks virtually the same as on the desktop a lot of those things um like the formulas inserting pivot charts and uh graphs and things like this um a lot of the stuff that most of the people need is there and you haven't had to pay anything for that at all so you're probably better off using a much more upto-date version of the web tooling than you do have like if you've got like a really old desktop one but there's great other things as well at one notes for collecting notes um Loop is great for collaborating with people to do like task management lists you've got sway for creating um newsletters and because you've got a Microsoft account you get access to loads of great AI as well which is also completely free so if you go to co- pilot. um then if we click accept on here and I just sign in with my personal account then you've got uh you using GPT 4 you can get co-pilot to uh generate text for you or help you come out with ideas or things like this um and lots of other tooling to have GPT for uh maybe if you were on chat GPT you'd have to pay for that but you've also got designer as well so if you go to designer. and again it'll just give that a moment to load and you sign in there with your account um then you can do things like you can generate images um um you can have design Creator um you can gener it's got this generative AI so you can add things in remove things you can remove the background from images so if I just try this out with the image Creator and I go on to generate an image you know that problem where you can't find an image that you really want you can just describe what you want so if I say create an image of a couple shopping in a supermarket in a clation style so let's say that I want something that looks a little bit more Pixar like that's a very specific image if I went and go and search on Bing or Google or things like this it's going to be really hard for me to find that image that I want and I can use designer to create that for free um and get the right type of image I want so we'll just take a few more seconds while it gets put together and there we go nearly there and the this kind of Carousel hit there you go and there's our image there uh we've got it in kind of a a clation style but you could explore more examples and and there's lots of examples there that show you here what kind of art styles you can use and you could just keep generating over and over again um until you get the one you want so there you have it hopefully um this has kind of really opened your eyes to what you can get for free uh with Microsoft 365 on the web um again just give it a go you know you might find later on that you need to have a desktop version or you might find later on you know if you use it loads and loads you need to kind of upgrade to get a bit more storage but actually for most users then everything they need they can get for free so just head over to uh to Microsoft 365 um and sign up and uh and start using Office 365 Microsoft 365 all of those tools all of those great AI tools completely for free um one thing that I would just ask is that you hit the like or subscribe button um and hit that notification Bell And subscribe button a lot of people who view the videos and and give it thumbs up they don't actually go on to subscribe so please uh give us a subscribe uh and a like so that we can continue to deliver that great content to you but hopefully you found this useful and I'll see you again [Music] on
Channel: Stuart Ridout: Productivity Coach
Views: 125,370
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Id: jgJfhZBxzIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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