🤷‍♂️ What is Microsoft 365 - Explained

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Hi everyone, Kevin here. Today we are going to  look at what is Microsoft 365. You might have   heard of it before. It's this subscription thing  that Microsoft offers, but anytime I bought a   computer in the past, I've already had Office.  So why would I want to pay for something like   that on an ongoing basis? And this reminds me of  a conversation I had with my dad a long time ago.   I was working at Microsoft at the time and I  remember I flew home to visit him in New Jersey   and my dad said, hey, Kevin, come over here. I  have something I want to ask you. And I said,   yeah, what's up? What do you want to ask me?  He said, you know, this whole Microsoft and   this subscription thing for software, I just,  I really, really don't like it. I just want to   buy my software and just have it. Now, first  off, that was kind of like a stab in the heart   because this is the stuff I was working on and  my dad was questioning whether it was worthwhile   paying for. But at the same time, I really kind of  understood his perspective. This is how software   was sold for the longest time. You'd go to the  store, you'd buy a new computer and you'd get   Microsoft Office and then you wouldn't worry  about it until you bought your next PC. Today,   we're going to look at what is Microsoft 365? What  do you get with it? What are all the benefits?   At the end of this video, I'd love to hear your  comments down below. Do you think you'll become   a subscriber or do you think it just makes sense  to buy Microsoft Office one time, or maybe you'll   even use some of the free alternatives? I'd love  to hear what you think. Before we jump in, I think   it makes sense to take a moment to look at how we  even got here. In the past to buy Office, well,   typically what would happen is you would go to  Dell or you go to HP and you'd buy a new computer.   And as part of that process of buying a new  computer, they would push Microsoft Office. And   you could buy Office for maybe two, three, $400,  depending on the version of Office you wanted.   And then that would come with your computer and  you now had Office and you wouldn't have to think   about it again for a very long time. And most  consumers with PCs, the refresh cycle tends to   be about three to four years before you buy your  next PC. So, people wouldn't think about Office   for probably about four years, and then they'd  go through that same process again. Now what's   really interesting is Microsoft too also matched  this same exact buying cycle. So Microsoft would   have three year releases and every three years  you'd have a new big release of Microsoft Office.   So you'd spend the first year planning out what  you wanted to build as part of that next release.   Then you'd spend the next two years going through  and actually building it and then testing it   and getting it ready to ship. As an interesting  aside at Microsoft, usually what would happen is   you'd join a team and you'd be part of that  team for three years. And then once the big   shipment happened, you'd go, and you'd switch  to a new team and try working on something else.   And that process continued many, many cycles. But  when you think about that, waiting three years to   get a new release out, that's a really long time,  especially in terms of technology. These days you   have new features, new functionality coming out  on a monthly basis. Some cases even a weekly basis   and at the extreme, even on a daily basis. Now the  industry was shifting, and Microsoft had to match   this. So that's when they introduced a service  called Office 365. The reason it was called Office   365 is it pulled together all of the traditional  Office apps. And when you think of traditional   Office apps, those are things like Word, Excel,  and PowerPoint. So you could get a subscription,   you got access to that software and you would get  frequent and constant updates and fixes over your   service term. Now over time, they've had this  thing Office 365 and Microsoft has continued   to add more things into that subscription.  So instead of just Word, Excel, PowerPoint,   now you get a lot more than just that. You get  Forms, you get To Do, you get Family Safety,   you get OneDrive, you get all of these other  things, which aren't really considered part   of the traditional Office or the Office suite.  And so Microsoft said, well, we should probably   update the name to reflect the broader scope.  That's when the name Office 365 shifted over to   Microsoft 365. And that happened back in April of  2020, just to reflect that larger scope. Now you   might be wondering why is it called Microsoft 365?  OK, I get it. There are a lot of products included   as part of this subscription, but where did the  name come from? Why does it have a 365 at the end?   Well, Microsoft views it and many consumers view  it as a service. You're getting constant updates,   you're getting storage space, you're getting all  of these benefits on an ongoing basis. So the 365,   well, that represents how many days are in the  year, and you get your service every single day   of the year. So that's what brought together  Microsoft and 365. And now you could argue on a   technicality that it should be 365.25 because of  leap year, but you get the point. Anyway, let's   jump in and actually see what are the benefits  of Microsoft 365 and what do you get with it?   First off, you can install all of the different  traditional Office apps on your computer.   Here, for example, you can install Word, Excel,  PowerPoint, Outlook, Publisher, and Access. And   not only can you install them on your PC,  but you can also install them on your tablet   or on your phone. And best of all, anytime any  software updates come out or maybe new features   get released, you get access to all of those. Now,  what are some examples of that? In Microsoft Word,   there's now a new dark mode that changes the  canvas to dark, helping your eyes relax a   little bit more. In Microsoft PowerPoint, you can  now create and save your very own animated GIF.   In Microsoft Excel, you can now very easily  convert data from a PDF into an Excel spreadsheet.   Also, there are a whole bunch of new data types  where you can easily import data related to any   one of these categories. Now, those are  just some of the most recent examples of   new features in these different products, but  keep in mind, anytime something new comes out,   you get access to that with a Microsoft 365  subscription. Now you might be thinking,   well, hey, that's great, but really, I just need a  basic word processor and my old version of Office   or even some of the free alternatives out  there, well, they do all that. Basically,   a word processor is a commodity these days. Why  would I want to pay for a subscription? OK, I got   it. Why don't we jump in now and let's take a look  at Word, Excel, and PowerPoint and look at how   they're starting to connect to different services,  so you get value on an ongoing basis. I'm now back   within Microsoft Word and here's an example of  a service that has been integrated into Word.   Up here on the Home tab, over on the far side,  there is something called Editor, and this will   help you improve your writing. So here I could  click on that, and I get spelling suggestions,   I get grammar suggestions, and then here it  also helps me refine and improve my writing.   So, if you've ever used Grammarly before, this  is Microsoft's equivalent of it, and you get this   included with your Microsoft 365 subscription. In  Microsoft Excel, you get access to money in Excel,   and this helps connect your Excel spreadsheet to  your banking information. So, this way you can   stay on top of your finances directly in Excel.  And in Microsoft PowerPoint, up on the Home tab   over on the far side here too, you get access  to design ideas. So here I created a slide   called the Kevin Cookie Company and PowerPoint  looks at the content of my slide and here it's   identified all of these different design ideas for  my slide. Here I have some animated backgrounds   and I have different images that match the text  on the slide. So, this will help me create a much   more beautiful looking presentation. Along with  design ideas, up here too, by being a subscriber,   I get access to a massive quantity of different  fonts. Here as I scroll through all of my fonts,   you'll see this cloud icon next to all of these  different fonts. I can download these fonts for   free for use in my presentations. So now I can  really make my slide look how I want it to look.   Also, by being a subscriber, I get access to an  ever-expanding collection of templates. Here on   templates.office.com, you can see a preview of all  of the different templates that you get access to   across all of the different traditional Office  applications. Back within Microsoft PowerPoint,   but also available in Word and Excel, I get access  to thousands and thousands of royalty free images   that I can use in all of my creations. Here I can  search for different images and here you can see   just a sampling of the different images that I get  access to. Along with images, I also get access   to thousands of different icons, cut out people,  stickers, and I even get stock videos as well that   I can incorporate into my content. So far we've  been looking at the traditional Office apps and   the value you get from them. However, there's a  lot more than just that. You also get access to a   service called Microsoft OneDrive, and this allows  you to store files in the cloud. With my account,   I get one terabyte of space. Now, in my opinion,  the storage alone is one of the most compelling   parts of a subscription. With my OneDrive account,  I set up my PC so it automatically syncs with   OneDrive and I can back up all of my files. Once I  put my files in the cloud, I can access these from   anywhere. So let's say I go on a trip to Europe,  I can get to my files wherever I happen to be.   Also, I can share these files with others  if I want to work together with people.   So here I can share a folder or I could share  an individual file. So if I click on this,   I can share and we could work together now.  Along with all of that, you also get something   called the Personal Vault, and this is a place  where you can store very sensitive information,   like maybe your passport photo or your social  security card. To be able to access this folder,   you need two-factor authentication, and then it'll  lock after a set amount of time. Moving on, in   Microsoft Outlook on the web, you can check your  email and there are no advertisements that appear   alongside your messages. This way you can just  focus on your email. This now brings us to Skype,   and this was one of the most popular messaging  apps back in the day, before FaceTime, Messenger,   WhatsApp, and all these other communication  apps came along. And yes, this is also part   of a subscription. To be fair, I really don't  use it all that much, but there is one really   nice perk. You get 60 minutes of free worldwide  calling with a subscription. And anytime I travel,   I've used this often if let's say I need to call  a local number. Now you're probably starting   to get a sense for why it's called Microsoft 365  instead of Office 365. There's a lot of additional   value beyond just the Office apps. And here's yet  another example of an app called Family Safety.   This is a place where you can set screen time  limits. You could set gaming limits all for your   family. And Microsoft is trying really hard. If  Microsoft products alone aren't compelling enough,   they also offer partner deals as well that come  with a Microsoft 365 subscription. So here you   can get a three month membership with Adobe, or  you can get some credit towards one-on-one private   lessons. Now, personally, I don't think these are  that compelling. However, Microsoft promises that   more value is constantly coming to all of these  different partner offers. And lastly, with a   subscription, you also get live tech support. So,  if you have any questions or maybe you're running   into some issues, you can talk with someone at  Microsoft via chat and you can get support. We've   looked at all of the different value you get from  Microsoft 365, but of course the question arises,   what is all of that going to cost me? And do I  think the cost is less than all the value that I'm   going to get? Microsoft 365 offers two different  plans. One of them is a personal plan. So,   if you're just an individual and you want to get  it for yourself, it's $70 per year. If you're part   of a family, or if you have multiple people coming  in with you, it'll cost you a hundred dollars per   year. This is a plan that I'm personally on and  I have a full family. So, we have six people   using this plan. And when you have six people,  it's an incredible deal. It's a hundred dollars   per year, but if you divide that by six, it  works out to $17 per year or $1.40 per month.   And to get one terabyte of cloud storage space  per account for only $1.40 a month, and also   get access to all of these different Office apps  with stock images and all the other functionality,   it's pretty much a steal. Now, despite all of  this, you're still going to have some people   who just don't like getting a subscription.  So, it's like my dad, you just want to pay one   time. And luckily Microsoft does still offer some  options. Here, for example, if you want Outlook,   Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and you just want to pay  once, it costs $250. If you just want Word, Excel,   and PowerPoint, and you don't care about Outlook,  there's also another option called Office Home   and Student. And for $150, you just pay one  time and then you have access to all of these   apps in perpetuity. At least for this version.  The next time the subsequent version comes out,   you'll have to either dish out money again, or you  could just keep using the 2019 version. All right.   Well, that in a nutshell is what Microsoft 365 is.  And if you're wondering, well, am I personally a   subscriber? Yeah, of course I am. Why would I pull  together a video on this? At least for me, I see   enough value that exceeds what I end up paying.  So, for me, it makes sense. Now I would love to   hear from you. Do you think it makes sense to get  a subscription to Microsoft 365? If not, why not?   I know there are a lot of other options out there,  but I'd love to hear your thinking down below   in the comments. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed  this video. If you did, please give it a thumbs   up. To see more videos like this, make sure to hit  that subscribe button. Also, if you want to see   me cover any other topics in the future, leave  a note down below. All right, well, that's all   I had for you today. I hope you enjoyed. And  as always, I hope to see you next time. Bye.
Channel: Kevin Stratvert
Views: 805,547
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Keywords: kevin stratvert, stratvert, microsoft 365, word, excel, powerpoint, family safety, onedrive, one drive, office, microsoft office, ms, microsoft, editor, money, access, forms, publisher, install, buy, 2019, 365, skype, outlook, web, office.com, stock images, stock, stock videos, videos, icons, template, templates, personal vault, vault, office suite, office 365, microsoft office 365, 360, what is office 365, what is microsoft 365, office365, o365, windows 365, personal, family, office 2019, review, tutorial
Id: XGD0eGfKwlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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