What Microsoft doesn’t want you to know about Microsoft Office

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stop paying the microsoft office subscription fee every year you just keep paying microsoft to use microsoft offers but you really don't need to firstly are you even aware that there's another paid for version of office that doesn't require you to pay every year so let's start with that and then i'm going to show you some free options as well remember the olden days where you just walked into a shop you paid for something and you didn't have to enter into this lifelong relationship of a subscription fee well microsoft kind of wants you to forget about those days too as they want you to pay every single year to be part of their microsoft 365 program but you don't need to microsoft actually has an option to buy offers for a once-off fee instead of renting it on a yearly basis if you just need word excel powerpoint and you don't need outlook and onenote and publisher and access then this is a great option especially if you don't intend on installing offers on multiple computers phones and tablets i will have a link to this in the description below so you can pay a one selfie rather than renting it on a yearly basis so that's the paid for version what about the free options well let's start with the obvious one but one that really isn't being used for some reason that is office.com which is microsoft equivalent of google docs head over to office.com log in with your microsoft account and you have access to programs like word excel and powerpoint as well as a whole bunch of others all for free and you can even share your docs with others as you can with google docs the nice thing is that this works on mobile 2 with either a dedicated office apps or through a regular browser now whilst the cloud-based apps are pretty nice and convenient they obviously are a stripped-down version of the full apps so what if you want the full power of office for free in an installable app on your computer well then you have options you need to look at free productivity suites like libreoffice openoffers wps and a whole bunch more but let's address the three biggest misconceptions that are out there the first misconception is that these apps only run on linux the second misconception is that these are free therefore they must be crap or at least full of ads and the third is that there is an issue with microsoft office and having compatible files only one of these is partially correct the rest are not so let's start with where you can actually install these so because these are all free you can try a whole bunch for example here's libreoffice.org simply click on the download and you can see that's available on linux as well as mac os and windows click the download follow the installation process the same applies to openoffice.org we've got wps wps.com and click on the download and again now you have a whole bunch of options so misconception number one that's only available for linux is clearly busted let's move on to the next misconception that is full of ads and it's pretty crap because it's free well you have a look at this and you tell me right this is the libreoffice setup that i have on the left hand side you're able to create your documents and i'm gonna go show you a couple of little features in here this is librewriter i mean come on tell me this doesn't look exactly like word down to the contextually changing menus in the rivet everything looks and feel exactly as you're accustomed to therefore this is a very very easy transition including the ability to personalize and customize your entire environment just like the way that you want it to work so let's move on to excel version which is called calc and in here you can see again things like that you used to right click on the cell you can choose format the cells make it into currency you can run your formulas as you did before very very easy to get used to same goes for the presentation if you create lots of presentation well you've got a tool for that here as well and again it includes all the features i mean even the fonts and the clipart looks exactly the same as what you're used to on the microsoft office equivalent but this is free and as you can clearly see there are no ads so i don't know where that little theory came from but if you just use it for two minutes you can clearly see there are no ads okay what about compatibility issue okay well this one is kind of partially correct microsoft uses propriety fonts images and sometimes even styles that don't really translate well when you open up in something like libreoffice right so this is a resume template that i went and i found using the normal microsoft word template i'm going to make some changes to this i don't know like don't forget to subscribe hint all right now let's save this little template and then let's open this up in libreoffice so open file there is the duck x file i didn't have to change the extension simply open it and voila there it is the only thing i've noticed is there's a couple of spaces which are different between this document and the original look i've never had a case where i couldn't open a file however i have had cases where the file formatting was a little bit off so clearly this is something you need to be aware of especially if you're working in teams where you're constantly sharing documents and of course this isn't really a big deal if all you're doing is creating documents for yourself right so a pro tip that i've learned in whatever productivity suite you happen to choose make sure you set up calibri font as the default font as that is the font that offers users and make sure that you save the default file saving to be office file format this way you're not going to have much issue when you share these documents with people and now that you're exploring the path to free apps what about trying out linux for free without removing windows or check out this video over here that youtube thinks you should watch hit the head here to subscribe and i'll see you in this video or this video and i'll see you in both let's go
Channel: Liron Segev
Views: 2,387,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: liron segev, the techie guy, free office, openoffice, libreoffice, wps, wps office, free office suite, microsoft office, office 365, free microsoft office, office, excel, word, microsoft office alternative, free office software, free office 365, powerpoint, how to get microsoft office for free
Id: diwvbVgloSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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