WELL INSTALL with a sledge hammer

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awesome day to put in a well i'm gonna try got my sledgehammer and i just need to pick a spot so let's go take a look around i want to be close to the cabin got to be in a spot that i hope doesn't have any tree roots i'm kind of thinking about this spot right here kind of thinking about right here so to give you perspective it's the trail i come in on river drops over the bank there and then here's the cabin and i know what you're probably thinking that if this cabin's on the river why am i bothering putting it well the river drops quite steeply down there's no really good access to get water and just for drinking you're still going to have to purify this water so that either means boiling or filtering somehow to get rid of the micro bacteria and viruses that may be present we are in the wilderness but still better to be safe than sorry so any amount of processing of water is just going to involve more work where if i put a well in and i think it's going to be probably a pretty shallow well i've got fresh water right out of the pump anytime i want it so let's get started first thing i'm going to do is get down as far as i can with the post hole digger that's also going to tell me if i have any roots right here that are in the way it's pretty sandy country in general hopefully i won't have too much trouble getting this in oh supervisor just showed up how's it looking boss all right so i got my point now i cleaned out all these pipes before i got here took a long bottle brush on a piece of pvc with some hot soapy water and cleaned out any kind of manufacturing leftover oil or shavings or anything out of these pipes so this should be nice and clean this is my point now i'm going to use a coupler and some pipe dope put another piece of pipe on this and we'll get started pipe thread compound that's what you want so when you put this on don't hit the top threads because you just don't want to have this pipe dope taste in your water this is going to prevent any air leaks you know it's supposed to be like non-toxic for this stuff but still i don't want to taste anything if you want a really good detailed video on putting in wells by hand like this my husband he's got a channel called bush radical he's got some really good detailed videos on putting in your own well i'm just going to kind of gloss over most of the details and get this thing in just going to make that hand tight and then join this one hand tight then i'll put the pipe wrenches on it all right one going one way one going the other way when i get these as tight as you can okay i'm gonna call that good let's see where we're at right now two feet so we're gonna shove this in and we'll be two feet ahead [Music] [Laughter] all right i kind of forgot about the fact that i need to pound that in i need to be taller atv is going to do that i'm going to get the drive the drive cap on which is this right here just going to screw it on we can get to sledging this thing in before i put this on i forgot i've got a i got to put another coupling on so i'll do that i forgot about that [Music] so this is the drive cap that's gonna keep this drive coupling from getting all buggered up so that just goes in there just just hand tight and then i can start pounding away that ought to do two feet down about six feet up i'm gonna go ahead and fill in this pipe a little just a little more stable here we go i might as well just take this off right now all right i should back this thing up that's going down really good i mean really good [Music] that's too close all right too low now see that is going amazingly well all right let's check it and see what we got pretty amazing if we had water already here we go i got water i'm pretty sure i'm at eight feet this is water dripping off of here oh my gosh water and eight freaking feet one stick i got water in one stick of pipe i feel like i heard water at six feet oh my god it's right there it's five feet water at five feet listen hear that five feet oh my gosh look at that water water i'm so happy all right so i've got one more short stick of pipe got like another three foot section of pipe i'm gonna just pound that on we'll put the pump on and we'll be good so one thing i'm gonna do right now before i put that last stick in is get this pump out and i'm gonna put it in a bucket of water so that the leathers and the pump can soak up and then they will work properly they gotta be they gotta be wet the leather has to expand i'll go the river get a bucket of water soak it [Music] [Music] perfect let's put that last stick in look at this put maisie's bed in there for a little man he's all cozy and there's the boss she's keeping everybody in line let's move this out of here [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] i feel so incredibly blessed to have land where you can drive your own well like this i know so many other places uh it's so hard to get water and water is just so necessary we hauled water for we're still hauling water in alaska we were without running water for 10 years and uh it's tough living without running water living without water on your property is really tough so i can't tell you how much i appreciate being able to sit here and drive my own well it's like it's like magic okay that's what i can do all right here's a drive cap going on the one thing i didn't do picking up this coupling okay all right let's get this going finish the job this is an eight pound sledge it's really not that bad for driving this well we've done it with um homemade well drivers before that weigh about 70 pounds i've got good soil here so it's going through it's going down easy but it's a lot easier than than our other well driver we've got okay i think that might be about the height that i want the pump's going to be right here so we're at 11 and a half feet here at the top and i got water at six feet so yeah we're good four feet over the point which is good it doesn't get old now i can thread this on i just put pipe dope on there okay it's the moment of truth i'm gonna prime that pump and we'll see if we can get water [Music] [Music] here it comes [Music] yes look at that we got water yes check this out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it smells a little rivery to be honest i might need to put another stick in and get it down a little farther [Music] starting to clear up [Music] water i got water puppy i got water buddy come here oh it is getting chilly we got water baby girl yeah we got water baby this man's just sitting on the porch all right let's do a couple more buckets and we'll try this stuff oh baby waking up they were taking a nap while i was pounding a well just to our buddies look who's here look who's here daddy daddy's here oh good he can taste the first sip with me i'm just about to take the first drink really so you're just in time i'm gonna dump this one it's getting really clear how many buckets you run through it i'll probably run about 60 gallons through looking really good you know this pump is working really really good this is water oh yeah it's working good i mean this is probably the smoothest pump we have i almost feel like the water is pushing it up i don't know it's very easy very very easy so this is the moment of truth testing and tasting the water i smell like it smells a little rivery i smell swampiness but it might be the ground yeah i mean i did pour a ton of water on the ground right here oh and the bonehead show has started what are these dummies doing what they do all right look at this water so this is about after 60 gallons but it's looking really good okay this is the moment we're going to taste this it's really cleared up nicely [Music] didn't smell too bad [Music] oh god that is so good you gotta try it i think it's better than our water at base camp it's delicious yeah that is really good but it is better than the other water there's like no taste to it at all i mean it's just good [Music] that is perfect water yes that's that's really good water so amazing that went in so easy oh too easy holy cow so it's a one pipe and then a three footer and then the point yes so the point is down bottom of the point would float that'd be five eight [Music] i'm like four feet over the point because the point the water was at five feet it's like 11 feet to the bottom of the point yeah 11 and a half i got water at five feet so i'm about four feet over the point that is really good water yeah yeah i'm so sorry it makes me want to drive the other world deeper maybe because that's really good yeah i've been drinking anything in a while i forgot how to do it cool [Music] wanna try some water [Music] dude [Laughter] this is dog cups just that one no well guys hope you like this video amazing easy well install i'm so happy i'll see you in the next one this girl in the woods she gone oh don't forget to get outside and get happy
Channel: Girl in the Woods
Views: 853,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hand pump well, old fashioned hand pump well, off grid, off grid water, how to install a hand pump, woman outdoors, ALONE, Brooke Whipple, Woman alone, off grid cabin
Id: wdMmaWIC1tU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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