Fastest way to drive a sand point well. #sandpointwell #drivingasandpointwell #karlsoffthegrid

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[Music] [Music] hey folks welcome back to the cabin this week on carl's off the grid we are going to be putting in a sandpoint wall um we have our sand point with us and all the piping that's necessary for it we're using inch and a quarter galvanized steel and this isn't regular inch and a quarter this is inch and a quarter galvanized steel that is shock proof that is made just for driving wells i have possibly the fastest way i've ever seen to install a sandpoint well and i'm excited to share it with you because i have yet to see anybody drive the pipe this fast now we've already gone ahead and checked the area with dowsing rods and we've got an area that reads out that it should have water but i have to let you know just because the rods indicate there's water there it doesn't always mean you're going to get a sand point well and that's a lesson i had to learn the hard way um yeah there could be water there but we don't know if that water is going to be 25 feet deep or if it's going to be 50 feet deep um so with a sandpoint well we can only drive our sand point up to 25 feet to have it work and then something else i want to show you i want to thank the fellas at milwaukee plumbing and piping for letting me use their jackhammer we're going to use that to drive this pipe i have a special bit that i have been designing over the last couple of um months just for this for this experience and here it is right here it's i screwed up on it i didn't make the shaft long enough to let this safety latch come in on my jack hammer but regardless i think because i'm just going to be vertically uh jackhammering and i'm not going to be moving around i don't have to worry about that but i went ahead and i welded up this rig where we've got solid steel here we should be able to put this right over our drive couplings we're going to have one sacrificial drive coupling that we're going to use to go ahead and jackhammer down on as we're walking over to the spot where we found water with the dowsing rods i wanted to bring up a pretty important point one of the viewers brought this up last week i can't remember who it was but uh if you look back in last week's video you'll see the conversation they said know your set point uh your setbacks and by setbacks i mean there are certain requirements here in the state of wisconsin the dnr governs where we can put our wells um if you have an outhouse that is not sealed you have to be a minimum of 50 feet away and if you have a sealed um outhouse you can be even closer than that 50 feet and then get to know what your setbacks are in your area there are some states that allow you to be closer than that depending on if you are pounding your well upstream or uphill from your septic system or from your outhouse or privy or whatever it is that you have so get to get to know what your setbacks are and your requirements usually here in the states that's governed by our dnr department of natural resources so don't forget to do that it's very important you can see already i have a hole dug right down here we are about four feet deep um i've got the honda generator set up and then the hilti jackhammer is right next to it so i think i'm gonna go ahead and start threading some of this pipe together i'll at least put one length on top of the sand point we'll put our drive coupling in and our drive cap and get to work all right folks so here's the bit that i that i made um to go in a jackhammer this fits it's a real tight fit right over the drive coupling but uh i know it's gonna be a little bit cumbersome and there's gonna be people that are gonna say oh you're taking a risk getting up on a ladder with a jackhammer but uh you gotta sometimes weigh the risk versus the rewards and i'm okay with this so i'm gonna go ahead and fire up this um generator and once the generator is fired up we'll throw the jack hammer up there and hopefully that bit uh holds out and um and works great um this is a real close take off of the bit that my grandfather originally had made so i got faith that this is gonna work so we'll give it a try and see how it goes [Applause] so all right we're going to change this up a little bit um this just worked too sweet to uh it's almost too good to be true what i'm gonna do and uh one of the guys at bakery hardware store kind of gave me this advice too i'm gonna throw a little piece of pipe in on top um so that when we put this jack hammer on and we hammer this down in um i don't want to damage the threads of the pipe that i'm driving so i am just going to put in the sacrificial short little piece of pipe or in a plumbing world they refer to it as a nipple we're going to put that in there and then i think i'm going to um once i get this all tight i'll go ahead and i'll jackhammer this sacrificial coupling when i'm done pounding i have one extra coupling i'll probably just throw that out or i'll save it for the next well that i drive so we'll see what happens um if this just keeps going the way it is i think we're in real good shape it's almost too good to be true so i'm a little bit worried but you saw literally the first um five feet of pipe and then the sand point is roughly a little over three feet that just sunk in here within a matter of seconds if i was pounding that by hand i did try pounding it in by hand first i can tell you it took me about 15 minutes of pounding with a fence post pounder to get it to drop about three inches so that'll give you a good unit measurement of how much time this uh style of of driving this pipe is really saving me so all right i'm gonna go ahead get the ladder set up i'll fire up the generator and we'll go ahead and drive pipe number two [Music] so the suspense is killing me we are on our last five foot section and i'm actually kind of feeling a little bit sick because if we don't hit water within this five feet we're kind of screwed uh that pump that we have won't pump anything over 25 feet so we're going to go ahead and prep this piece of pipe and we'll hammer it down and we'll see if we hit water i just pray to heaven that we do all right i just about have all the pipe in the ground and we had catastrophe struck um here's that jig that i was telling you about that uh we had made we snapped it um we hit a rock and i'm just sick because we're just about all the way down um i wasn't gonna share this video at all but i figured there's a lot of bits of uh useful information within the video for those you that might be driving a standpoint yourself think of alternative measures to do in your standpoint it is an expensive proposition you know i probably have somewhere near 300 tied up in material and we're on limited time here at the cab and i didn't have all the time in the world to sit there with a regular post hammer i'm soaking wet already the way it is using the jackhammer um but uh i wanted to show you there's alternative ways to doing things and keep in mind there's no guarantee that we've hit water so you know this all might be for nothing anyways but uh i'm gonna go ahead and i'm gonna end the video here and we're gonna do a follow-up video and i'll let you know what we find with the well but i think there's a lot of valuable information within here and that's why i went ahead and i posted it anyways for right now we're at a standstill and this video is going to be coming out a little bit later in a day usually i post earlier in the day on sundays is going to come out sunday evening but uh yeah that's that's that's where we're at i have just about all the pipe down you can only run 25 feet with a sand point so we'll know whether or not we have water um and who knows maybe we get lucky maybe there's nothing there it's the chance we take we'll catch you next time on carl's off to grid i hope you guys stay safe and thank you so much for those of you that have subscribed to the to the channel and for those of you that continually view our shows it's greatly appreciated have a great week
Channel: Karl’s Off the grid
Views: 200,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drivingforwater, drillingforwater, shedcabin, cabininthewoods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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