Spring Break?? DUDE food, Outhouse humor & digging OUT

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dave and i are headed to the cabin for a couple nights [Music] [Music] let's do it [Music] holy cow that was a bit precarious oh snow's so deep and this sled kept tipping over this sled kept dying dude it is there's probably three feet on the level so i'm gonna stand right here wait for dave to come in he he's behind me somewhere oh dude oh that's up past the knee holy crap i was trying to walk really ginger to kind of pack my steps oh wow there's so much snow oh my gosh look at the cabin holy man look i don't even have to like take the steps this is the same height as the snow everything looks good okay i think i hear him coming well that was hairy coming in here lots and lots of rotten snow pretty sketchy this is the kind of trip where you take the cheap cameras oh shoot there's the saw horses they're like we're standing at the same level as the top of the sawhorses i think the weight of the snows dude got the door jamb oh never mind it goes the other way [Laughter] it's like that far side where it says school for the gifted and the kids pushing on the door and the door says pull there's my sleeping bag i needed to know that was here there's our cots once you get a fire going i'll start cleaning off this roof that'll wear you out fast i've got enough of it i had to get my already hey the tostitos made my it a little crushed it should be fine wow that's something yeah i'm gonna get all this up here oh this way so much it does weighs a lot my goodness i was wondering if we were gonna make it it was dicey there for a little while it's like shoving a bully off the wood stack okay look at that i even put some birch bark under here that's awesome well we'll take much once we get that place warm because it is not that cold out [Music] [Music] oh boy [Music] keep bottoming out a little bit of heat in here would go a long way [Music] so [Music] you know you got snow when you're digging out the chimney from above it oh [Music] [Music] there we go [Music] [Music] yes oh that's so much nicer awesome [Music] [Music] if you're wondering why everything was outside the cabin the last time dave was here before he left you put a layer of uh varything down on the floor so he just built this so he had to kind of verify himself out the door and leave the floor empty so starting to feel some heat in here which feels good [Music] [Music] he's getting there with the roof there's the ridge cap [Music] i think that's enough for tonight whether it's enough or not i think i've had enough i'll clean the rest this off tomorrow so i'm going to take a walk to the outhouse dave went to go shovel off the outhouse i was out here once earlier today and i walked this whole trail part of it snowmobile trail part of it is snowshoes but it held me up enough it's a long ways away it's by our camp spot on this property i brought my sawdust toilet i'm like you can go use the outhouse like a quarter mile away it literally it's a long ways away i got a nice sawdust toilet sitting right on the porch so brookie's good to go you can see all the snow that fell off the outhouse over the winter the roof held up great here's where i had to dig it out to get the door open go dude go do your outhouse thing so this place is held up really good i can't do this hi hi oh boy nice table yeah works out works out for now oh my goodness nice and cozy in here huh oh i am beat i don't know why i don't either falling around like an idiot in the snow it shares all your shoveling all that roof yeah that's a lot man dude there's a lot of snow on that rough how was the outhouse yeah yeah roof was fine all the snow slid off the back oh good i'll be anxious to see my cabin tomorrow i'm sure it's just piled i'm sure you just see the tip yeah sure it's just piled in oh that feels good sleep good little cozy bug in a rug over here it's a little bit drippy outside it's raining a little bit oh gosh that's hot so it is a good morning it was a good night's sleep it's cranking hot in here stovis cooking us out right at the moment got the window open all right here comes a glove [Applause] [Laughter] it's pretty good i can be in a tank top in here yeah pretty good and the windows open and the windows open so we're having cheese and salami and crackers and then dave's got this concoction going on over here not really sure what it is it's a tortilla with some cheese and salami that's how you do it right there that's called a salami cheese that's that's called a dude wrap it's food man let's put it together and eat it it's a nice smooth hot pepper cheese and some salami and crackers we're just munching it's a little drippy outside it's a little rainy so uh we're kind of waiting out the rain we're gonna head down to my cabin when it stops raining right now we're just eating and enjoying the stove let's watch the master at work oh yeah here it comes oh it's a little smile that's right it makes you happy [Laughter] oh they just get folded like a taco this one is yours what i yeah you get to eat one too i'm not sure i need one i'm kind of i need one for you i do i'm not sure i need it so i guess i have to eat this he did make it for me she's salami taco yeah it's good you're gonna dig it did you say grace [Applause] you don't want to say thanks for it because you don't like it i don't know what to say here thank you lord for this food amen i'm gonna eat it and you need to don't you don't you patronize me that looks so amazing oh man gordon ramsay we're here what's the other guy that comes in and rips your restaurant a new one i never could remember his name i like him though big pro wrestler looking guy oh no no no that's right you should eat this i've had oatmeal and salami and crackers and cheese all right i didn't think you were gonna make me one give you guys the first bite yeah yeah oh yeah so on that one i think you'll be okay that i give you the first bite i mean it's just would you imagine it's even better it could be could paint even better all right go get some fresh water oh oh i just all right i'm just gonna scrape off the top thanks keep the water train going oh it feels so nice in here perfect this is so funny [Music] look at this [Music] there's the trail but that's my quad and my trailer that's insane just buried so that's where we would set our tent up and then the other tent goes right there behind the tree and there's our drive in we're gonna go a little walk enjoy the sights [Music] [Music] big old buddy that's almost uh my side of the mountain tree right there oh yeah it would have been amazing when it was alive yeah [Music] wolf tracks right here good thing the daisy wolf ain't here she eat them man is this gorgeous or what holy smokes i could sit here and look at that till i die [Music] look at that blue sky just a banner day [Music] that's pretty great really [Music] i thought for certain that chair was just going to go right down through the snow which would have made great footage really [Music] oh there we go yes we'll take almost all the trees especially the dead ones but we'll take a lot of trees out of here yes so you see through i'd like to be able to see that woods on the other side i love sitting here this is great i love the wind and the pines so my cabin is buried yeah it is gotta go take a look at it yeah it's totally buried all right i'm on my way to my cabin on the river dave went late last night without me and uh said it's just completely buried i am almost to the river i need to walk along the river again beauty oh my gosh oh my gosh [Applause] smokes [Laughter] oh it's like a hobbit hole oh wow dude that's incredible oh my gosh oh that does not look good on there like pushing in pretty bad right there oh my words the height of the door oh i feel like i should try to get some of that off oh my goodness i like the height of the swing wow [Applause] [Music] this river stays open all winter oh my gosh that's incredible wow so i'm just recovering from a sinus infection i feel pretty weak but i really want to get some of the snow off i feel like i need to make an effort you know i do not feel like it [Applause] all right i'll get back to you in a minute okay you want to go in and take a look i do i have to see what's going on inside here we go see how things look huh everything looks good it's just a wall of snow [Music] but it looks good no issues except that's just a lot of weight on that polycarbonate everything looks dry everything looks good there's my little buddy heater so i had thought maybe i would come in here and put in a little tiny wood stove but you know oh yeah that is bowed i see that now this is just a little summer cabin and uh i think it just needs to stay a summer cabin we have a nice warm insulated cabin half mile away with a wood stove and i just don't think i'm gonna mess with putting a little wood stove in here there's just not enough room and i you know this little buddy heater totally totally works yeah i think i'd like to try to get some of this off it is that is just so much weight on these two by threes happy to see my little cabin can't wait to be to be back here in the spring get out of here turkey [Applause] let's go over and check out the well there it is nope needs to be primed dave had it going yesterday must just had enough water sitting in there to prime it i do need water that's all i got just have to eat some snow i guess shoot makes me happy it's a lot less pressure on that wall a lot brighter oh yeah it opens in oh yeah there we go that's so much better oh that's good that's much better that makes me happy look at this beautiful place i can't wait to be back yeah that looks so much better happy yay mission accomplished this beautiful place god i got that done back to the homestead [Music] a month or so [Music] loving this blue sky [Applause] [Music] pretty nice for winter actually i think today is the first day of spring i will take it some good water right there [Music] [Music] my [Music] time glad [Music] [Music] these cats [Music] [Music] that is a pretty slick setup you got yeah it's pretty ingenious this is a special spud for holding canteens [Music] my babies [Music] i will hold you in my heart so i've been working for a few minutes here oh that's my quad i'm trying to on bury it a little so it can melt out and not be crushed this this is the seat of my quad unbelievable oh wow okay we are just about ready to pull out of here it's a beautiful morning we're hoping for no snow machine problems as soon as we're ready we're gonna get this thing going and i'm just gonna go for it because it kept dying on the way here hope you like this video guys we'll see you in the next one it's girl in the woods oh don't forget to get outside and get happy all right here we go see you later guys
Channel: Girl in the Woods
Views: 297,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: off grid cabin, off grid, UP michigan, UP, spring break at the cabin, spring break, digging out, snowed in, cabin in the snow, off grid cabin snowed in, deep snow cabin
Id: zE-ukurL_7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 44sec (1904 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2022
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