Smokeless Burn Barrel

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This isn't my video, but I saw it on /r/biochar and thought it could be useful here too.
I don't know about you guys, but cleaning up my "yard" really creates a big pile of bio waste.
Has anyone come up with a better way to process it?
I use much of it for chop and drop and wood chipper mulch/compost, but I still end up with unsightly piles!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/theislandhomestead 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

Could also be used as a water heater or energy generation, powered by trash. Love it

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/QuirkyForker 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] so this project we're gonna need two 55-gallon drums nothing special you can get them almost anywhere not all drums are created equal but for the most part as long as two of them are the same you'll be successful and you'll be able to figure it out all right now using the seam of our barrel as a guide we're going to lay out two lines the first of which is five inches from the seam and the second of which is one inch further six inches total our dashed line now the opening of the barrel is over here and the captain is over here and it's tricky to see but we're going to cuddle the rim on the dash line we're going to cut the solid seam and we're going to cut along our solid line leaving the dash line as a guide [Music] [Music] now that we've cut just the middle section here we're going to put a ratchet strap on it to hold it tight while we cut the rest [Music] all right with our ratchet strap installed we're going to cut the solid line and the seam on both sides the ratchet strap will hold it together [Music] like we mentioned before we're gonna cut the rim on the dashed line [Music] now with our five inch wide strip cut we're going to completely remove the capped end of the barrel [Music] [Music] now if you can't tell this is pretty loud so wear hearing protection and your safety glass be safe [Music] all right with the end removed because we have the ratchet strap holding things together we can get our strip out i want to point out that extra one inch that we cut off the rim up to the dash line is going to allow the metal to overlap we use some sheet metal screws self tapping style to hold the barrel together ratchet her down pull it together screw it together you may have to monkey with it a little bit but i like to get the tabbed edge on the inside of the seam cut progress the ratchet strap and once you have it lined up you can fasten it together once you get a few fasteners in you can pop the ratchet strap off it'll help with lining up the opposite end [Music] now with both ends secured we're going to stand this up and then we're going to run our screws from the inside out now you'll notice i removed the screws that i initially placed to redirect them from the inside out point being i like to have all the fasteners pointed outward [Music] and for no real reason other than i just don't like i'm going to come by and cut the excess fasteners protruding out of the barrel off [Music] [Music] with the barrel secure i want to point out that we reduce the circumference by six inches total five inches cut out with a one inch overlap and the diameter is 20 inches now with the stock barrel having started between 22 and a half and 23 inches we've simply made it smaller which will help us later as we slide one barrel inside the other [Music] now sticking with the same modified barrel we're going to flip it over we've got the rim up right now okay what we're gonna do is we're gonna take this which is a piece of three and a half inch square plastic trash and i'm gonna go ahead and i'm going to mark a pattern all the way around [Music] there's one two three four five all the way around to number 18. so first cut number six we're gonna go ahead and we are going to cut along here here and here okay here here and here then number 12 we're going to go here here and here and a number 18. i'll point out this is side bottom inside okay we're gonna fold those up it's important to recognize we're leaving the rim intact [Music] you'll also notice the space between number 18 and number one that's dead space where the seam is we're going to cut just a little bit into the rim from the inside out to allow us to fold them up so now we're going to go ahead and we're going to bend this in and up please we're working with metal everything's sharp be careful wear gloves be safe using a sturdy pair of pliers we can apply a little bit of shape to these three legs that we're making obviously you don't have to be very precise we just want some geometry so there's some rigidity [Music] next up we're going to cut out the even numbers we're going to cut the bottom the side and the top leaving the rim and we're going to fold these in so once again even numbers we're going to cut the bottom side and the top leaving the rim bottom side top doing that for all the remaining even numbers [Music] [Music] we've got the bottom we cut the side and then we're cutting the top right below the wrist [Music] so now that we've got our three sides cut out we're gonna gently fold these in just like that bending these just a little bit past 90 which will direct the air as it's pulled into the bottom of the burn barrel these six tabs will hold up the grate in the bottom of the burn barrel [Music] so now as you can see we've got one two three legs we've got six tabs folded in we're gonna flip it back over and it's gonna stand on its legs so next we draw two lines the top one is one and a half inches down from the cut edge and the second one's another one and a half inches or a total of three from the cut edge now you can take your precision and chuck it out the window because we're gonna eyeball this it's a square make them one and a half inches wide all the way down to that first line and what we're going to do is take our grinder and we're going to cut from the edge down to that first line one and a half inch wide squares all the way around cut tabs all the way around eyeball it don't make it perfect [Music] [Music] once you get going you realize you don't even need the permanent marker you can just eyeball the cuts [Music] if you want to ruin the screen on the phone that you're using to shoot a video throw sparks at it like i did right here i i did want to point out that this area where we have this double layer we're going to go ahead and we're gonna cut off the outside edge [Music] this is actually a pretty satisfying portion of the project we're going to take all these tabs that we cut and we're going to bend them in i like to use the pliers to get them lined up just right but realistically they just have to be inward and you'll see that they bend in pretty easily you'll notice as you bend these in you get a little bit of geometry on the upper edge of the barrel which helps stiffen it up a bit for the next step and next up we're going to drill a single hole below the center of each of the tabs we just bent in and we're going to do it along that lower line that secondary line we're just going to you can mark them out if you want or you can eyeball them but we're going to drill a small hole below the center of each tab this is a 1 8 inch drill bit it's a pre-drill centered on each [Music] tab after you get going you realize this is pretty easy [Music] now with all those holes pre-drilled we're gonna move on to a unibit this is a stepped drill bit and it's a number four pick it up on amazon great to have around [Music] you can go inside or you can go out [Music] so [Music] i'm sure plenty of you are looking at the spacing of my holes and realizing that they are not that precise we're building a burn barrel not a clock [Music] be safe and do not drill into your hand [Music] [Music] and now we have a completed inner barrel it has three formed legs six holes with the tabs bent inward the holes built on the top formed upper edge and of course it is a smaller diameter than when we started [Music] so time for our second barrel this will be the outer barrel we're gonna flip it over so the rimmed open edge is upward next we're gonna take our tape measure we're gonna put two lines around the upper edge of this barrel as well they're gonna be an inch and a half spaced each so the first line will be at an inch and a half and the second line will be at three inches respectfully and as you can see i'm just going to eyeball this and trace the lines around the barrel accuracy doesn't have to be perfect inch and a half each and then next we're going to space out some lines we're going to drill some holes a pattern of holes i'm going to space them out an inch and a half and then we're going to stagger the holes so eyeballing an inch and a half of spacing and then we'll stagger the pattern and in this instance i am going to recommend that we actually lay them all out with the marker it'll help keep everything in line and we're going to take the same drill bit that we used before and we're going to pre-drill all these holes stagger the pattern and if you didn't catch it earlier this is the open end of the barrel that this pattern is going on [Music] it's unibit time we're going to drill all these out this takes a while got our staggered pattern drilled all the way around and we're gonna flip her over now knowing the diameter of the inner barrel we made we're going to lay out that diameter on the bottom of this barrel we'll mark out the circle and ultimately we're going to drill a hole here cut it out measuring your barrel so you get the right size hole here [Music] and there we go cut it all the way out we're going we're going to save this for later now taking that outer barrel with the hole we just cut into it and we're gonna slide it right over the top of our inner barrel it'll fit right over and since we measured it'll seat just below the upper edge above the holes below the bent tabs now you'll notice it probably sits on that first fastener you put in to make the inner barrel smaller since our inner barrel has a smaller diameter the legs are inward of the outer barrel by about an inch so we're going to go ahead and put a fastener through the outer barrel pulling the legs outward and fastening them together they're all going to be at a slight angle one fastener per leg is all you need [Music] and with the legs secured at this point we have a completely assembled burn barrel remember the end that we cut out of the outer barrel is conveniently sized to make our own grate but first it's got to be a slight bit smaller so we're going to remove about three quarters of an inch from the outer edge and then using a straight edge we're going to criss-cross and make essentially eight pizza slices we'll put a dashed line between each of those pizza slices so we have 16 total lines eight solid and eight dashed we'll draw one more ring about three quarters inch further in that's going to be the inside of our grate ring and we're going to drill a hole at the intersection of each of the solid lines in our inside great ring so to say it differently each of these holes eight holes in total are being drilled at the intersection of each of those eight lines and the inner ring of the two that i've marked out [Music] now the center of our grate needs a smaller circle for us to reference so we're going to draw one about four inches in diameter this provides us with a unique geometry so we can draw eight tabs to form and bend upwards almost like a propeller so by drilling eight more holes along that inner circle on the intersection of those very same solid lines we are creating the start and stop points to cut out this geometry each of the tabs we define here goes from a dash line to a solid line from hole to hole dash line solid line and from hole to hole [Music] we'll cut that outer ring off so the whole thing fits inside our inner barrel this is that outer three-quarter inch ring [Music] and now we're going to use those holes to start from we're going to cut to the dash line between on the solid lines and then from the hole to the dashed line again we're going to do this for each of the eight locations three cuts a piece solid to dashed solid to solid solid to dashed solid to dashed along the solid and solid to dashed [Music] once again some tabs that are c-shaped and we're going to take our pliers and bend them up this gives it a third dimension some geometry which not only controls the airflow and helps our burn barrel burn more efficiently but it provides that geometry which offers some rigidity and support to the grate in the bottom of the barrel with this cut out and bent we are going to go ahead and install this right into the barrel you can just drop it in it'll sit on those tabs [Music] so there you have it finished burn barrel inner barrel outer barrel great in the bottom those three legs are going to hold it up off the ground and the air is going to get pulled in through that grate mixed with whatever fuel you're burning it'll burn well and then whatever smoke comes off of that fire is going to have to pass the upper rim of the barrel where more air pulled between the barrels will be introduced to the flame causing secondary combustion unlike a traditional burn barrel a secondary combustion eliminates almost all of the smoke so what's so cool about this project is that we hope we're not the last ones to try to improve upon the burn barrel every year millions of people go ahead and burn yard waste leaves refuse in their backyards using traditional style burn barrels obviously this isn't a novel idea people have smokeless fire pits in the backyards all over the place applying it to a burn barrel is something we haven't seen before which is what gave us our inspiration for this project now the whole purpose of this channel is to inspire others and to receive inspiration from you and ideas and projects so we can all get better together so why not challenge you to build a better burn barrel than what we have here someone can do it and i hope we do because it clearly burns faster it clearly burns cleaner and we all have something to gain by inspiring each other [Music] do you know that you make my day straight out of the garden huh my little carrot delivery [Music] i love you [Music] so what do we do no so that's the gimbal right and it's holding the camera right there okay so daddy's got both of his hands right here and this way i can show everybody what we're doing with the drum because the gimbal is holding the camera you guys are awesome i love you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Building Stuff Is Fun
Views: 1,031,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: burn barrel, smokeless, firepit, fire, burn, smoke less, diy, smokeless fire pit, smokeless grill, solostove, solo stove, solo stove bonfire, burning, fall cleanup, breeo, breeo fire pit, how to make a burn barrel, incinerator, vortex, vortex burn barrel, cyclone, BSIF, Building Stuff Is Fun, make a burn barrel, do it yourself, breeo burning, DIY Breeo, DIY Solo stove, DIY solostove, campfire, turbo burn barrel, 55 gallon drum, gassifier, green burning, green, grill, clean burning
Id: 07P-6gqYg2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 9sec (1569 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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