Fastest Way to Get Water - How to JET a Well with Pressure Washer and Connect Pump - Complete Guide

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hey good afternoon chuck here with apple drains so so far today i have went to replace a sump pump and i've done several live help consultations and so it's kind of late afternoon here but or mid-afternoon and what we're going to do today or start to do is we're going to use our pressure washer and the mini jetter to drill a shallow well and this is something that you guys could do you could do this yourself and save all kinds of money you still got to get your pump and things like that but you know paying somebody to come out and do what i'm going to do right here save you a few thousand dollars so basically let's get started here over here i've got a hole i'll show you in a second use my shovel just to kind of get started i'm going to use my post hole diggers to go down a little bit deeper so i can start a shaft i'm going to run a four inch pipe down as far as i can i hope to get down about 20 feet with the four inch then i'm going to run a two inch shaft down through that and inside the two inch we're going to run a one inch pipe that's going to be our suction up okay you can see i'm down about two feet with a shovel and i just wanted to cut the tree roots there's still one more big root there i'm going to use the post hole diggers to get past that root then we'll fire up the pressure washer and we'll put our mini jetter on there we've got about 50 feet of hose and if i can get that to go down 50 feet i'm sure we're going to hit some water let's see if we can get this last little bit of root out of here so you can see those teeth this is so that when i put it down in the ground that i can twist it kind of like a drill and i've got a t that i'll put on the other end that we can take on and off so we can just twist it back and forth that with the jetter this should work its way down slowly but surely into the fire up the jetter okay the way the mini jetter works is it's got two little holes in the front and that's going to dig down into the dirt and then there's a lot of jets that pull the debris back so we're going to start this down to the bottom of the pipe then we're going to kick it on we're going to be a mudfly it's working good okay i turned off the pressure washer so you can hear me but you can see we've got the water coming up can you see that water coming up that's coming up from the bottom of that 10 foot pipe and the jetter pushes it out it just comes out spills it out that's pulling out the sand so now we just need to twist we use this t as the handle just twist it back and forth remember the teeth i've cut on it we'll get this piece down in there and then we'll try to get the next piece on there but it's getting pretty tough so but that's good we have a nice shaft and we can get the two inch started through that okay we're down about 10 feet and you can see the shaft is full of water next we're going to go ahead and put the two inch i'm going to cut a drill bit on the bottom of the two inch pipe just like we did on the four inch and we're going to use that jetter okay send this down as far as we can see we made it into a drill bit so that when we push it down there we'll put a two inch t and if we need the extension for leverage we can twist it we're going to stick this right down into the four inch and it should go it'll probably drop all the way need to put another coupling on it right away but um we'll go ahead and get that started right now so let's go ahead and put this in there should just drop all the way down oh yeah see now we're starting to hit some soft sand as you can see i can push it right through there you hear the pressure we can get it down even deeper if we want but we're going to go ahead and put the jetter on there now [Music] okay i don't want to go too much i don't want to go too much farther because the pipe might drop where i can't reach it so let me start over put the next 10 foot piece on now we're going to use the ladder if we need the drill we need the darren to get down to it so that was quick 10 feet and you can see how i just was twisting the pipe i don't need to have any tea or anything it's just going down in there like butter but i don't want to go too much farther because it could drop and then i wouldn't be able to reach it i need to put that piece on with a coupling and then we'll start on top of the ladder and start again okay you can see why you need the ladder because we put 10 feet on there remember this is the eight foot ladder it comes down i got the hose the jetter already down in the pipe so now we're ready to fire up the pressure washer and as that jetter digs itself down pulls the dirt back up we can push that two inch pipe down into the ground remember i also remember i also made a drill bit at the bottom remember i cut that on the two inch so it should just be able to twist and go right down into the ground [Music] so here's the well that i started and what i did was i went ahead and sunk down 10 feet just as a guide tube of sdr 35 and then i put on this is about 34 feet 35 feet of 2 inch pipe and what we need to do is to go ahead and re-hook up the jet and loosen this up so we can continue to go a little bit deeper you know all the sand and everything underneath the ground has now collapsed and went all around this pipe so i should be able to take this pipe wrench and be able to twist this yep it turns and we'll loosen that up adding more water to that and we'll be able to pull this up and down and continue with the well this has been sitting here for about 60 plus days so it's quite some time but what i did was i went ahead and bought from harbor freight i went ahead and bought this mud pump and i watched a few videos of other people of how they're using the mud pump to make these wells so we're going to give that a try too and we actually bought a couple of hoses the discharge and the intake hose as well and what we're going to do is we're going to fill up a couple of pools so we have a water supply and we'll actually filter from here as that water comes out of the well from the pump it's going to come out here it's going to filter out all the sand and debris will come out to here and we'll be able to re-pump that water back in so we have a recirculating supply of water so let's go ahead and get started okay let's take a look at what's going on here we've got the outlet from the mud pump is this line right here it sends the water from our water supply up goes around it comes down it goes down into the bottom of the well remember this pipe is now 34 35 feet deep and we need a place so we can replenish the water as that water as that water comes back up it'll back up in this pipe pretty quick as it comes back up it's going to discharge through this line and it'll come you can see it just follow it around back over to our water supply this is the inlet and we've got the screen valve we've got the screen valve there so that any sand and sediment that comes out of the well will not go through our mud pump although it can handle a pretty good amount of sand and solid so let's go ahead and prime our pump okay we're going to go ahead and fill that up so it's going to take a lot of water because it has to fill up this hose until it comes to the same level as the pump itself and some water is going to go down this line too so it's going to take quite a bit of water it's going to take quite a bit of water but we'll fill it up [Music] yeah see it just wants to run down the line so we'll keep on going we'll fill this all the way up then we're ready to start this for the first time it's looking pretty good still has a little bit of air it'll suck a little bit of air you know because you can see the levels going higher up to that trash can but should work really good let's give it just a little bit more water that looks real good let me put that cap back on there and we're ready to start this up so we can put the cap back on here we might have to prime it a couple times but we'll see what happens just don't want to cross thread this it's always nice to have two hands but when you're using the camera [Laughter] make sure it's good and good and secure in there okay now we'll go over the starting procedures of this uh what is this harbor freight mud pump okay we've got you know the power we're going to turn on so we get electric when we turn this it'll have its own little generator make things run we put oil in there check the oil we've got brand new fuel in here coming over to check look at the carburetor looking good looking good real good so over here on the side we need to turn on the fuel on and off turn on the fuel we want to go ahead and put it to start to choke it and we want it i'm going to go ahead and put it all the way to the fast right there and then we're going to pull it and see what happens so we're pulling water a little slowly but surely there it goes okay things are looking good i know there's some leaks but that's okay i can see the water in the main shaft rising up it's boiling water pushing water down to the bottom but it's also sucking it back out comes around you can see it we're actually pulling more water than the pump because this is self-contained so we're pulling water from the bottom it's pushing it right out of there so next i'm going to send the well point down through the two inch pipe and then we'll pull this pipe off we'll take out the 2 inch and we should be in good shape so let's get started this is the check valve so we're gonna go ahead and secure that let that set up for a second we're ready to go can you hear that water now we need to get down to here set our vice grips on here so we can hook up another piece so and we're all set we'll let that set up for a second ready to go on down okay so that's the bottom of the well right there we've got 20 feet plus 10 we're 30 feet from here from here to the bottom of the well now for the hard part we need to pull this two inch piece out of here and remember this is over a month old we did loosen it up with the mud pump get a lot of water around it but i've already pulled on it and it's really hard so i've pulled it up about five feet but let me just show you get your pipe wrench on here you can see i can spin it just because it's so smooth and the sand is easy but now we need to lift it got to keep this wrench on here it comes up about an inch each time that i spin it yep it comes up so that's gonna take so that's gonna take a while right but it's coming so this really takes some energy i saw a video where they use a hydraulic jack just your car jack and that's how i started this but it only goes up so far okay so i'm hitting a coupling of the pipe that i pulled down i pushed down there and i don't know we'll get that out of there or not we don't need to or i might have put a screw in here i can't remember but so you can see how far i pulled it up and this is just covered with water now so i know that the big well head the well point with the check valve is way down into that water so we could just cut it off but i'll try to pull along a little bit more there we go frog frog or lizard frog see all we're 20 feet still coming up could use an extra hand that was the work but we got it so this is our well point and we'll cut this off and tomorrow we'll hook up the well pump see what we get let me go over the well point for you so that you understand what we did we've got you know basically the well point is a piece of pipe and it's perforated and it has really tiny slits all around it can you see them really tiny little slits and they run all the way around the pipe you can join the pipes together this is an interior coupling and you come up after you go past the perforated part that's going to be where all the water is collected you need to put a check valve and this is inch and a quarter we need to adapt to one inch the check valve keeps all that water from coming back back down from the pump so the pump stays primed then you can add as much pipe as you want as deep as you go real simple but you do need to cut these off you see i cut one of them off then we just couple them together so this pump i bought about two months ago and it just has been sitting out in a storage shed and it's an ever built it came from home depot and you can see it's totally self-contained it's got the pump it's got the air it's got the valve it has a regulator it's totally tough self-contained which is really great about 300 bucks and the only thing that you have to buy is you have to buy a few fittings so that you can make your plumbing connections and that's not bad but what's nice about it i like to run things on 110 and what that means is that i can hook up just a regular plug you know directly into where we wired it together let's take a look in there first and i mean it makes it so simple one of the great things about this particular pump and most pumps today you can switch it from uh 115 to 230. and granted 230 does pull less power i mean it's a little save you a little bit of money on your electricity but like i said i like to run 110 because i can easily plug this into a receptacle a gfi receptacle which we've already got close by here so to wire it up real simple you've got your power wires together got your hot wires you got your neutral wires together and your grounds real simple take a look and it's so easy to put this back together you know it's just you just need a screwdriver of course you can use a handy dandy drill as well secure the screws put it back together and it's ready to plug in and we're all set so kind of go over it real quick we've got our inlet the suction line coming out of the well we just watched that video of how much work that was um to put that together and bring up a one inch pipe comes up goes into the pump the pump's just going to pull that water right out come right out through here i added a little valve just to keep it so i can show you real quick but what a great little system to run i mean it works so good so this is a typical well point and this is what i use this is inch and a quarter and if you look closely you can see all of the lines that have been cut in it to allow the water to come in and i used two of them and put the insert inside the coupling to push them together and so we've got i actually use four foot pieces so we've got about eight feet of well point that goes down into the ground that's right over here so just a real quick review this is just kind of a protection shaft just because this kind of moves around a little bit and when we put the cap on here we put the well cap on top it's not going to move at all but protection for right now this goes down about 10 feet this pipe this is the inlet it's got the well point at the bottom of it and a check valve after the well point you need to put a check valve so that the water does not just run back out of your pump and go back down into the ground you got to keep that pump primed all the time so that's the setup there real simple comes over got some inspections right here we're going to turn it on and see what kind of pressure we get out of it really excited let's see if it works so here we go oh it kicked right on [Applause] oh it's pulling water right away let's turn this off so we can build up some pressure oh i can hear it building up beautiful beautiful [Applause] so we're building that pressure let's see how much pressure we can get and hold looking good over 40 pounds 50 pounds 50 pounds well 48 pounds of pressure not bad not bad so now we're just going to go ahead and let it run for a while see what kind of you know flow we got oh wow yeah you can see that water that's shooting out all the way back here beautiful beautiful we're just going to let it run see if it clears up also i want to see if we have sulfur water so let's just smell it smells pretty clean real clean pump just kicked back on we'll watch that again [Applause] i think this pump set for about 20 pounds that's when the pressure gauge will kick it back on again [Applause] so we're doing really good let's let this run i'm going to turn the camera off i'm going to let it run for about an hour and see how much you know just make sure that that well is going to pull plenty of water [Applause] so a really great buy i think for 300 bucks totally contained don't have to buy anything else it seems to be functioning pretty well yes we could get a larger storage tank and get a little bit more pressure but you know for what i'm doing with it this is going to work really good hey this is chuck with apple drains reminding you that if you believe you can do something i guarantee you can do it have a great [Music] day [Music] so [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Apple Drains
Views: 1,117,981
Rating: 4.7943387 out of 5
Keywords: Jet well, Dig well, Jet Pump, Mini Jet Nozzle, Pressure Washer, Apple Drains, Drainage Contractor
Id: udGhHFv0sTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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