Sometimes you gotta turn the camera off

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[Applause] [Applause] it's good eats right there yeah i feel like this has been the best trip ever [Music] hey guys brooke whipple here welcome to my channel dave and i have been up here to our new up property for about five days and i haven't filmed hardly anything we've just really been been chilling and reading books and exploring we cut a couple trails in got the well put in developed this really beautiful campsite i just wanted to turn the cameras off and enjoy the moment for once so uh let me give you a quick tour at the progress because this we've made this amazing little campsite here we just been really enjoying it so we pulled in and immediately needed a fire pit obviously so this has just been day and night enjoying enjoying the fire pit a couple of citronella torches the very cool shower location which i need to take care of all my stuff but we both got to shower using this on-demand hot water heater which was just da bomb coming back this way had our belt tent put up we don't have the wall tent here yet we need to do that but right now using the bell tent which is just awesome then i cleared out this spot which i call the cafe this is the cafe um it's been pretty pretty sunny here in the morning and early afternoon it gets a little bit hot so nice to be in the shade in a shady spot here got the truck parked in the trail i hung out in the hammock today which is amazing just been really enjoying being here cutting wood got my cooler powered by my blue eddie and five days keeping things cold it's been pretty great just been really exploring enjoying the place and just not filming which is okay you gotta take a break sometimes good food good projects lots of laughs this guy makes me laugh but really he just wants to hang out with me are you yawning while i say that i just got a shower for the first time in five days and i'm i'm in sweatpants you are in your cozy pants so i'm expecting way too much of you i don't know what you're expecting but i don't know i'm gonna roll for a while it was super exciting to get water today i honestly was not expecting that that was you're yawning again i'm tired but i i started driving a while at like in the afternoon when i was number one filthy filthy from days of not showering and number two i was it was just like it was late in the day and i'm like i know i haven't even been here for most of this i was doing stuff at camp and dave got started with this new setup which is a tripod ramming down this heavy well driver and um it's working good he said he already got waters don't try it yeah that's so much easier it's unbelievable it's going down so good that's amazing [Music] all right i was getting cooled down at camp but it's not an issue anymore here looks like you need a minute i see a second that's good it's going down fast yeah it is oh jeez oh you're there while you're there yeah we're doing with water oh that's amazing ah water on a foot over top of the sand point so we're gonna drive this down to the height we want it and put the pump on hold on don't let go of that no hello there we go yeah that's why you don't hold the pipe too you imagine that going through your foot no oh my gosh do you like the spot it's great everywhere i look there's like this this is probably a good spot you know the spot i like the best yeah i know we'll try it there sometime the spot where there's water is the spot i like the best oh i was gonna say i thought you were talking about down there well of course [Applause] i have a feeling we're never going to drive a well like we used to again no this tripod is amazing just for old time's sake okay let's do one oh that sucks oh thank you pulley oh man what a difference yeah what a difference this long come on oh wow so cool i really like the yellow primer up [Applause] oh my that's our water right there oh my gosh that is so freaking cool [Applause] oh my gosh that's awesome first bucket oh man that's freezing cold too oh yeah it's freezing freezing cold how many buckets we got the problem we had on our last well is there was residue from the pipe and residue from that pipe dope up on the threads and we're just this year able to drink our water so after we punch that well it had all that oily residue and you could taste it so dave cleaned this pipe all out before we put it in this time and he was real careful to only pipe dope below the top two threads so we're really hoping that we're not going to taste any of that stuff like we did last time so here we go looks pretty good so far it does it looks really good still taste it no but it's different it tastes fine yeah i don't taste anything yeah i don't taste i don't taste any pipe dope at all no oil nothing no that's good why'd you spit it out then i just wanted to gauge it yay good job i taste nothing i mean and that's what you should taste that's sweet actually it's really good it's not minerally it's not there's no oil or chemical taste like we did before with all the stuff yay that's a good cup of water babe kink nothing wrong with that at all no oh my gosh that's crazy amazing oh water of life yes [Applause] that's crazy that's good and now honey is gonna go take a shower with my on demand hot water shower with his new our new well water put this lid on take it up to camp the tripod was an absolutely amazing amazing difference that was genius we should have done that a long time long time ago people have been doing it ever since they had wells to drive well after this would be our fourth try fifth try really it's so much easier and it's just like crazy different so much easier yeah so it's been amazing to be here just relaxing and not filming and getting stuff done big things oh it's just great love this place it's been so quiet and peaceful it's so nice here it's so nice here the best thing about it is it's it's a big piece and it's just wilderness there's a few trails you can drive a car or a quad on that were cut in 50 years ago who knows but other than that it's just bush it is just bush like when we cut the trails in this weekend to walk from the north end to the south end we had to like find a path through because it's just woods there's no there wasn't even a trail the cool thing is just the exploring and finding you know the next thing which is it seems to be always like the biggest tree like we keep finding a bigger tree than the biggest one we found i'm just in love with big trees so it's just exciting to see new little pieces of the land that you haven't seen and there's land across the river we haven't even seen yet probably 12 acres i went across the river the other day and i was just blown away it was amazing over there and then i got to the top of the ridge and looked down and this uh crane goes about pooped myself speaking of poop we've seen three big bear poops here that weren't that old i think it's closer to six is it yeah cause i saw one way down by the river wasn't very old and then we have this little sandy spot here in front of the tent and this morning it was all wet and i'm like what did a little bobcat come by and do a little number one there this like something it was there was no moisture there and then this morning looks like it's been peed in who knows we've been having fun watching the june bugs that just seem helpless they just come out in the sun and then they flip over and then they just can't flip themselves back and i just watched when today crawl around and it finally just buried itself in the duff and it's probably going to re-emerge tonight fly around i don't know it's just interesting to take a lower gear you know we've just we've just grabbed a lower gear on this trip and it's just it's been so nice she says that now after we were just slamming a piledriver for two hours doing the well wow wow we have done some work but it's been a lot of down time too it's been very very nice down time yeah love hear how the birds just come alive at night so yeah that's the update it's not much else i'll see you guys in the next video scrolling woods she gone oh don't forget to get outside and get [Music] happy you
Channel: Girl in the Woods
Views: 144,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: off grid life, off grid, installing a hand pump, hand pump well, cabin life, husband wife off grid, putting in a hand pump well, installing an off grid hand pump, water pump, old fashioned water pump
Id: U4S46vTB4JM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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