Spend the night with me- blizzard at the cabin

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[Music] snow look at the woof she looks good you know what they pick up the sacks too we go looks better we think should we go in okay she looks cozy tonight guys oh yeah get a fire going oh hi so snowy you want to come in or you want to sit outside oh good girl i'm going in it's supposed to get much colder kind of warm right now there we go i'm in here we go all right let's get a fire going my tripod in there we go oh snowy snowy snowy i love it boots off slippers on and fire going luckily you know what i did i prepared all my kindling and wood before i got here like i do start it get some lights some heat [Music] oh that is so pretty all right fire [Music] oh birch bark smells so so [Music] [Music] good oh my goodness look at maisie she doesn't want in she's just coming a blanket of snow out there it's really raging out there it's pretty great it's pretty beautiful in here real good when the heat comes in a little bit of heat already [Music] you ready to come in girl you're a snowy girl hold on [Music] oh good girl it's nice and warm in here yeah that wolf okay no no no no i'm turning you're in how's that yeah is that good good girl [Music] oh good good girl so last time i was here i had my little portable power generator this right here it's 500 watts and works out great and i had it plugged into some lights in the back but they were not leds and this thing drained so quickly so tonight i brought my little led string light and uh ah look at that i'm gonna hang that up on the wall that's gonna give us plenty of light in here so cool so cozy in here oh this lights it up really really nicely so i am ready to eat i'm going to get my stuff ready tonight it's reuben's gonna have reuben on a wood stove oh it's putting out some nice heat now feels so good i'm just gonna leave it open i enjoy the uh i enjoy the ambiance of having the the door open and it's cold enough that it feels good does that feel good baby you feel the heat get dried off oh girl so we get some food going i think we should okay just gonna let my i'm just gonna let my pan heat up there i'm gonna soak up this heat too feels good it's finally getting a little bit nicer in here feels so good hi what's a what girl you're so wet all right this pan is cranking hot i'm gonna get my butter melting amazing i love love sauerkraut i love reuben's so what i'm going to do i want to toast my bread let that sit a minute [Music] oh yeah this thing is cranking out some heat now here's the wolf's food here you go baby good videos is it good you guys see how red my cheeks are it's so hot near the stove to cook it's pretty brutal but hey that's where good food comes from i will sacrifice oh no ah oh no cooking the meat right right on the stove oh that's not going to be good smells pretty meaty in here now now what's going on the plate put the cheese and the one and only look i got frank's kraut my favorite what's going on next love these little singles they uh they work really good going on ouch i like to put russian dressing on mine not thousand island all right i'm guessing this is done all right look at this look at this beautiful sandwich you guys see that sandwich oh that is a beauty time to eat this is gonna be amazing oh yeah dear lord thank you so much for this beautiful day the snowstorm which i just love cannot wait to wake up in the morning and see how beautiful it is outside thanks for this awesome sandwich this warm cabin you're awesome thank you in jesus name amen all right i like i said i love the russian dressing it it just it's more tangy and like spicier than like thousand island it's just so much better so you guys know i'm a condiment girl anyway i just gotta have some more stuff to dip but you know the deal you guys get the first bite does that look good here's your reuben here you go take a bite it's all yours go ahead okay [Music] oh yeah oh yeah um if there ever was a perfect sandwich the reuben the russian reuben is it and you gotta have frank's kraut dewolf is looking at me but you already had yours i already gave you some food and it was good right maybe not reuben good but you know it was good that was so good that has completely set me straight nice simple meal now it's time for a piece of chocolate oh yeah maisie thinks this is treats and it's not treats it's chocolate yeah check this out i've got some dark chocolate covered almonds just a couple of those like i need something some a little sweet after dinner and they're good for you right nuts and dark chocolate are good for you but not you they'll kill you i'm gonna kill the princess i'm just gonna sit here for a minute i've got the window open behind me it just feels good to get some chilly air on me i'm so hot from being by that stove this is just so relaxing [Music] so [Music] maisy was just barking out there wondering what was going on she wanted to back out i went out to pee and she came with me so she's out getting completely covered in snow again and it's piling up you know what i think before i let her in i'm gonna get my bed set up just be a little easier more space let her in here for a minute really thirsty but uh i don't want to drink a whole bunch before i go to bed because i am not going to want to get up in the middle of night i definitely am not going to my pillow cozy oh yeah oh this is good this is so good i gotta let maisie in yet she's gonna be wet and she's gonna drip all on top of me yup that's what's gonna happen i'll tell you right now daisy come here girl oh my goodness oh come on so snowy okay yeah mama's bad come here get on your bed good girl that's a good wolf [Music] well guys i think we're gonna go to bed time for sleepy time it's warm in here and the reading and i'm just like [Music] pay for bed yeah pay for bed time for bed can you go lay down lay down kisses give me kisses thank you good night see you guys in the [Music] morning morning baby was a good girl did you sleep good did you sleep good you tell me rub your ears today oh it feels so good i got a fire going my water is hot i can hear it and the wolf is giving me a bath oh morning guys yes everybody sees you so beautiful outside and it is so so snowy [Music] hey i don't you can't can you let me get up please can you please let me get up you're standing on my cot hey baby do you sleep good you're a big elephant aren't you it's still snowing pretty good should we get some videos beautiful out there just covered in snow it's awesome let's give you some more water the tree is sunk so low it's like the feeders below the window now i gotta go outside and clear them off so these birds can have a spot to get to the food is that good you want to go out now we'll go outside i'm gonna be all snowy yep she just wants sick sit and watch things can taste that coffee already as soon as i get my hair braided [Music] that is not bad for a view right there i'm loving it the wolf has settled in right there to keep watch she's kind of scaring the birds off for a minute but they'll be back beautiful coffee go for it dude go for it chickadees are in there you can do it now i can get this only here we go the bed is put away i get my socks on look at look at my so my gary socks you know spongebob's little gary pet snail i love fun socks i smashed my toe last night i was bringing in wood in the middle of night had to go pee brought in some wood and dropped it right on my bare toes yep got my toes good last night i got a little banged up temperature has really dropped you can feel it time to venture out looks like the snow slowed down a little bit [Music] oh wow look at how deep it is almost up to my knee oh man there's a pretty wolf birdies can't get to that one go over to this one it's so low oh the wolf fig's excited sure is beautiful cold and windy we're coming get something to eat it's a beautiful day it's absolutely a magical winter wonderland out here it's so nice i love big storms i just love them nice and dry in there oh you already had yours let's go back to the cabin it's cold what's what's good crystally brought in a couple pieces of pine last night but i can use some hardwood in there that way i won't even come back out i can just settle in there we go switch hats now i can let go off in if she wants to come in oh getting more birds already ah nice mazie's looking for squirrels in the wood pile she just keeps circling sticking her face in the snow so cute i want them ready come in snowy princess look at you oh hey come on good girl come on step up right you're so well trained you know the drill okay come on in i totally should have brought your your booties need your booties today baby should have brought them yeah you're good so today for breakfast i'm continuing the corned beef and sauerkraut theme i'm gonna do a corned beef sauerkraut hash with eggs and tabasco lots of tabasco so i'm warming up my pans but i want to cut up my potato this is a pre-baked potato the best kind skin on now put them in the pan use some onion powder garlic powder on them and salt and pepper smells amazing in here guys i'm going to add in some corned beef i got this other pan here i'm going to get my toast going of course i have a piece of rye for breakfast put that in there and kind of let it toast up a little bit get some butter i know this probably sounds a little weird but it sounds really good to me i'm adding sauerkraut to this and the corned beef and the garlic and the onion check my toast oh my goodness she just burped blessed you huh you know you already had breakfast yeah i think that's enough i think that's enough big nose i don't know i think that looks amazing that would be a meal all by itself but we're going to top it with eggs and a piece of toast this is like a ton of food i don't yeah i don't know that's a lot of food so it's pretty great i kind of like cook a little and then i sit down and drink some coffee stare outside watch the birds it's like so amazing the hard work putting this place together is like this is the payoff it's so enjoyable so blessed right wolf i didn't drop anything there's nothing to forage down there you like it in here she's shedding so bad there's hair everywhere oh i don't want your butt look at this just falling apart oh that's just grabbing the side of her right now and it's yeah it's it's february why is she shedding in february this is the time she needs it the most okay i'm gonna take this toast off it's gonna be a while it's not super blazing hot right now these are my own chicken eggs from my cheekbones oh yeah oh beautiful low and slow is what's going on right now which is good because it's not roasting me out of here this goes on the bottom the eggs get flipped looks pretty darn good guys oh i tell you what it is warm in here i gotta take this off oh it looks like i overcooked the eggs but oh well let's say prayer dear lord thank you so much for this beautiful snow thank you for this cab and this food pray for each and every person watching this today be with them comfort them keep them safe and healthy i thank you for this food lord in jesus name amen all right a little salt and pepper of course you know i'm gonna put tabasco all over this thing especially since the yolk is broken which is a bummer and i might put some russian dressing on here too but here we go you know the deal you get the first bite here you go there it is homemade corned beef hash and eggs cheers um oh all the flavors i was hoping for that is really interesting and good like trying new things i just made this one up that's a pretty good cabin breakfast right there look at that character right there she's like hey have you eaten something what a beggar [Music] well guys now that breakfast is over i'm just sitting here enjoying myself doing some sewing make these little buckskin medicine pouches like this one had this one forever it's been wet and it had been on a lot of adventures but i saw these on my etsy store so it's just a nice day to sit around and do some sewing and probably turn on some music and just enjoy myself that's gonna wrap up this video hope you had a good time thanks for hanging out with me and i'll see you in the next one this girl in the woods she gone oh don't forget to get outside and get happy
Channel: Girl in the Woods
Views: 4,783,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: off grid, off grid cabin, blizzard at the cabin, overnight at the cabin, blizzard off grid cabin, chill, chill out, overnight in blizzard, brooke whipple, collies, da woof, overnight with my dog
Id: CJ-QFfn1N4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 33sec (1773 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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