Return to our Remote Property- It was Great... and then it WASN'T

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hey guys / Quibbler welcome to my channel I'm all about inspiring you to get outside and get happy and today Dave and I whoo we're headed to our property in the yupi that we bought last fall you know a lot of you guys been wondering about that it's it's been unaccessible we don't know if we can get back in there now lots of snow lots of flooding so we're gonna try to give it a go we got all of our gear we're gonna dig an outhouse we're gonna put the wall tent up cut some trees but first we got to make it there stay tuned so far so good yeah you're gonna walk it first no are you sure yeah it's the point of having a pool a little bit we run Jim and Ted through this last year tree down okay that does not look good holy cow solid wall of water I think we better walk that one like so yeah the mosquitos are bad see what it's like it doesn't look good well I bought up my boots gets better there a you guys see the mosquitoes whoo their thick bottom is solid right there yeah bottoms good mark a couple spots it's a little bit deep but we're not gonna get stuck in it I mean if it's not up to the top of my boot let's do it I'm just worried about the spot down the road yeah it gets really narrow it's not gonna get stuck shouldn't anyway what shut up you won't try it or not yeah if you think it's you walked it what it was solid out there where I was okay [Music] [Music] that's a deep spot that gets deep again down here in the end it's not bad it's worse than it was we're still not out of it though it's one more deep hole I'm ready to get some bug dough fun holy cow yeah can't sandy wasn't kidding bugs are bad alright this is the spot coming up I'm thinking about yeah looks okay this actually doesn't happen tracks on it these aren't as fresh this is about I was thinking to be washed out another tree to move we're on our property right now is this little spot right here oh that's good no big deal just one little side hold can we we had a place in Alaska that was always questionable to get in and out of and we buy a place in the U P that's questionable to get in and out of you never know when you're going if you're gonna get there so is what it is I guess it's just something we like about a place of danger getting there or not [Applause] all let's walk up and take a look before we drive up see the properties grew back yeah they're almost as tall as I am Wow everything's still here there's my little platform Oh what because it's warped it's not as much of it as you said there is Oh SEC gonna be bad for the outhouse situation I I think we can make it work we won't have a door this trip let's put it that way yeah that's fine yeah this is gonna be the platform for that other tenten's never made it back here this winter the woods still covered up we got nice dry wood to burn nice and dry under there need to drop a few trees now right by the for the tents gonna go up before we put it up open it up a little get a little more light in here we're gonna do that first so we're gonna take these two down was that the plan yep these two maybe this clump here it's kind of enjoyable anxious yeah we're up here just a fraction of the time before we can add fiddleheads oh I know well I think these two definitely need to go take the problem with these two is number one they block the Sun number two they're just kind of a mess right here yeah so one's a maple one's a hemlock yep and this is pretty much where the cabin is going right this area what do you think I'm thinking yeah I'm thinking when we come in here with shovels or whatever or if your uncle comes with a bobcat which I don't know if he's gonna get back in here with that but if we took this berm off and leveled this area this would be the building site yeah I agree believing that big hemlock you could put a little deck out there and wrap around that hemlock yeah it's what I'd see anyway most of this is gonna get thrown over into this area and like if the cabin sits here I definitely want a deck out here you want to deck out here yes I mean it just begs for a deck does it have to be attached to the cabin or can it be like a little walk and then a deck sure cuz I mean this kind of screams like this is the spot to put the cabin I think so we'll be able to move maybe the center of it over here I mean yeah there's the tree well I don't know you know it's soft it's not like you're dealing with clay no it's not bad this is all just sand I mean it's gonna be work for sure every place we do is work just how we have always done things we just you see a vision for a piece of land and you do the hard work yourself and then it's sweat equity I mean it's it's what we do it's what we like to do put in a place in surgically to is really important yeah yeah we have never been interested in taking a lot clearing off a ton of trees leveling it with heavy equipment into a parking lot and then building on it never it's it's great to build within what's already there so when you're done the place looks like it's been here for a hundred years you see these brand-new big homes and they come into a wooded area and they just like push clear the whole area and that's where the house goes it's so just generic and that's just not how we like to do it we didn't we've never brought in heavy equipment ever to a place we've built so we're going to be doing it by hand or I got an uncle nearby who's got a bobcat I don't know if you'd get down the trail with it though so we will see but it's fun it's fun to plan and look and finally we're here it's been a long winter long spring finally here so we're gonna get to work beautiful pile of dry wood there yeah a deck right here overlooking this it'd be pretty cool and then you know we've got plans to just really open this up in here take out a lot of the smaller stuff let the Sun in show off these big beautiful hemlocks and in white pines in here so lots of good things beautiful cedar right there that's gorgeous cedar yeah that's a nice one in there yeah well we better get to work or it's gonna be a cold night without a tent well think about this - what is it right now six five-thirty we got our our lots of time yeah as long as you're not too cold I am gonna get a jacket on but you got a scarf I brought my shemagh I'm not that cold I just need to get working I'm just chilly oh man I love this temperature I like it it's walruses well I'm a weasel so I need some I need to get moving to stay warm so it's really not super cold the wind is chilly it's probably mid 40s I don't know if I've ever talked about this I have Raynaud's syndrome I've Raynaud's disease or syndrome or whatever you can see how my fingers are all white all the blood has come out of here and these are these are just basically like frozen fingers you know it doesn't hurt it's a very annoying thing and it seems to happen about this time this temperature for me where I get it happens to my toes and my fingers so they just it's just awful feeling and you really have a hard time warming them back up I usually if I'm like near warm water I'll run it under warm water for like I don't know a couple minutes and then the blood will come back and it's better but I'm starting to get that right now I'm just gonna put my other layer on check out these gloves I got to show you guys Dave gave me these for Mother's Day so I wear leather gloves a lot I go through them pretty quick check this out it's get outside and get happy BAM all right he's getting the platform taken apart and if you're new to this channel last year I put this up right when it started snowing here thinking I was gonna be able to ski in here and it never happened and then I was gonna do it this spring and then we had coronavirus and nobody could go anywhere so I never got to use the platform for my smaller tent and now we need to put the big wall tent here we're going to in trees so this has got to go so we're gonna take the soft part right now we're gonna do right now is drop these two trees well he is and it's gonna form the foundation for out house that we definitely need but we need to do this before we can put up the tenant we need the tent to be here tonight and it's chilly so gay mom [Applause] oh I hope it didn't kill the spruce tree oh it's still standing but the birch I don't know mr. spruce it did but the birch is pretty lean II it didn't snap but like it's pretty pressurized right here oh snap back up we can get rid of this I think the birds wait he done why don't you get your yeah I'll get my saw hey that was brilliant how you brought those two trees down like that I didn't know what you were doing I'm like water what are you doing you got a seat like this is perfect we needed stumps for the outhouse but we also just needed to open the sky up where get a little more Sun where the the tent goes look at this it's it's really nice on the tree here I think we lost the birch but maybe it might pop back up but the hole in the sky now this is so much nicer over here what what a nice difference that makes because our tent sits right here that really makes a huge difference but I was like what are you doing with the two trees cut them like that that was genius they both came down together because they were kind of intertwined that was really super good huh get your outhouse logs right that's what I really need right here yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna start working over here I'm gonna free this up see if it pops back up [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we gotta move it up so the way knowing is a peasant sweet over fire like the cold oh my gosh we're different that means love it [Music] [Applause] [Applause] get that cleaned up get the tents up then about two hours they'll start that's amazing the difference though amazing these are the best you're doing great looking good that's it what a man that's the one I wanted okay so sexy not hit me the correctly said is I missed you just play a fraction what I'm your precious bride I'm fast [Laughter] my my fingers completely good now see that I just needed to get to work need to warm up I'll good now so if you're new to this channel you need to go back and watch the video where I discovered this property I was looking for property found this property doesn't look anything like it does now just a mess there was an old 5th wheel camper here that got pulled out by a guy for free who wanted it for scrap and now we're gonna put up the wall sit nice let me do this last year we don't have a platform but I found out it I can do it straight up on the ground I put this tarp down than a piece of carpet it's great for putting up the wall tent we got about probably two hours factual daylight trying to be 9:30 for neurologist meteorologist okay you're really you're really asking a lot of you in general let's get this her first no no we're not putting the tarp down scrap that what we need to do first lay out the frame get the roof up then I'll pull put the floor down and then these long ones the other so I think this is the ridge you lay it out okay here we go so that's yeah did you like bring like a whole bunch of extras No oh I tore rafters these are the sides that's what they're right we put the legs on one side but not the other right yeah well you you assemble the roof first like this let's put the put the legs up on this side right here this is so great two people that's really helpful talking about science it's good now yeah it does help getting them squished out of it yeah perfect no it's a little higher yeah I think this one's like in a bit like its needs to be kicked out of it tight when you get to there you can flip your line over top of the roof you're way throw them up for you alright now we got a we gotta get the floor in and get the bed in and the stove and everything else in I got one to go and get stuff but Billy ocean stuck in my head I mean I like it but it's not Billy ocean when they go and get stuff here girls the bed frame so probably gonna have to burn this off yeah new stove this is just bare metal but the pipe is galvanized pipe that's never been burned you better do it outside so I bought this stove off Craigslist for like hundred bucks which is probably half price nor you know if you were to buy this from Cabela's so just a regular tent stove actually it's called the outfitter Deluxe stove if you're thinking we just go out and buy this stuff all brand new we usually don't go look for the deals you got to find them grab them if you're dealing with a brand new stove you're definitely gonna want to burn it up burn it off outside so burning off this pipe is gonna save us a lot of smelly nastiness oh yeah people get sick from welding galvanized metal it's it's poisonous yeah using a galvanized pipe inside like this stove is set up for you got to burn it off yeah same goes with some stoves you need to burn off too but you can see the difference here you want to do that outside first and then bring it into your tent matter of fact there's smoked fish shops in the Upper Peninsula here that actually burned their wood and galvanized wash tubs and you'd think it would poison the fish but once you burn a hot fire in a galvanized tub it burns all the zinc I think is what's on there you can see it's just burning on so we'll get that burned off I'm gonna finish setting up inside will be cozy get a fire going out here this is a featherbed I got all this off Craigslist paid less than 150 bucks for it I got the table in this bed a whole bunch of other stuff this makes it very very comfortable dad I put foam on top too it's amazing so you got the foam on the bed too one important thing to remember is if you're living out in the wilderness somewhere boys are gonna want to get into all this stuff so what I did is I bought a cedar chest and when we're not in here actively I put all the bedding all the sheets everything in the cedar chest because mice chipmunks squirrels everything wants to get in here to your crap up so you got to have it protected so I bought this cedar chest 50 bucks on Facebook marketplace works really really good keep yourself secure when you're not here I need the dining room table all right here's something pretty magical outside we got a look oh man that is fantastic how's the stove that woods burning good oh it smells good Oh beauty okay guys I got it set up come check it out yes look at this isn't that beautiful oh yeah oh yeah so cozy so beautiful oh yeah so all we got to do yet just get the stove in right there be good to go babe come look at the tent cozy it's up oh man I'm so ready said by his fire you gotta see the 1000 this is beautiful isn't this gonna be great tonight I'm loving it it's so it's the cabin oh that beautiful it is fantastic a higher net that one yeah yeah that one section over there needs to be squashed yeah yep oh this is fantastic yeah soon as that stove cools off I'll stick it in here put the pipe to the roof and we'll fire the stove in here and warm it right up I'm so ready to sit by the fire maybe roast Jogi absolutely listen to some Abba ABBA go old man well I couldn't think anything better dancing queen was like number four but it uh that was what I had to play first awesome think about it like some of the songs that bring back you know 20-year old memories from Alaska Abba gold we used to listen to it at Angel Creek all the time the lady who owned all the videos oh yeah the videos are crazy crazy what makes me want to Tony's pizza me too that's what huge we had there at the bars Tony's frozen pizza and barks $14 pizza is awesome good looks like that stuff burning good inside clear clear night real killer whoa good progress we got here like four o'clock that's great progress open up the sky this is right here is amazing yeah that's crazy isn't it yeah that's me I mean it was very dark right here buried and that was because of those two trees it's amazing it's totally worth it they're all cut up their firewood now well if you ever watch our YouTube channels do you think Ava would go good here it is right now we got ABBA and our daughter loves it the Sun does - they love have a great it's like great it's great memories really Thank You lessly catch oh man so here we are yes it's good you're gonna get digging for this it's gonna be no I don't think so it'll be in the background we're good [Music] [Music] [Music] look who woke up it's a perfect timing oh thank you honey oh my so good have your coffee too Oh bless you yeah I'm pretty much awesome yes oh dear lord thank you for this beautiful day that we got our tent up we're having such a good time thank you for this amazing breakfast jesus name oh I can dream thank you I love breakfast this bacon it's super good it is good thank you obviously what you're trying to be clever there it was a bomb this is your fork out of there fresh homemade pico slathered on my eggs yes No you know who makes the best coleslaw in the world I do yeah don't you woof up son you know who doesn't make the best coleslaw yeah everybody else yeah it's so hard to find good coleslaw what makes you think a coleslaw right now or righty I was just looking at this picot and I'm thinking I just kind of you know there's so much water in it he kind of drained it right it's like it just reminded me of coleslaw and then it made me angry because every time we get coleslaw anywhere it's made by people who don't care they make it like five minutes before you eat it and it doesn't have time to like that's awesome yeah cooked everything it's just dripping and bacon grease [Music] that's okay Oh oh that's so good I brought Mexican stuff too for that Pico mm-hmm carne asada nice it was like gourmet living yes it is rustic gourmet living this is wonderful honey it's so good thank you new thing is we eat this every day every single day you guys might be thinking wow that's quite a breakfast we eat this every single day it was completely normal we're pretty enthusiastic about breakfast in the morning yeah we do it up like this every day Tuesday ham mushrooms eggs peppers chopped up sauteed in butter and then two eggs scrambled into it hash browns sometimes we have homemade sausage gravy that we put over top to oh that's amazing but yeah this is a completely everyday breakfast for us in fact if I don't have it it's kind of like panic something's wrong like I need this flavor combination in my life how is this Louisiana I mean I've tried it a little bit but that's good I'll take any hot sauce if I don't have anything yeah I couldn't find a little Tabasco and bring so guys grab that every hot sauce has its place yeah this is a little more like it's like Franks isn't it well more like Frank's or Valentino's Frank's is awesome in soups mm-hmm we go through a big thing of Tabasco like the big giant bottle one every month plus we have other hot sauces in the house but it's mainly breakfast just it's fantastic ah where'd you find it under a log these guys yeah me too had these ones all the time growing up in the blue speckled ones big black ones with the little light blue specks yeah those are pretty too I'm found one of those yet but I'm looking okay now we'll get you a good spot to buy it oh that's awesome these guys are so cool I always loved salamanders yeah me too love finding them Skeeter's are bad we looking for outhouse places or whatever phenomena oh you were awesome [Laughter] had just kind of dozed off in there for a minute after breakfast oh gosh I gotta get bug dope on oh yeah buddy nice one no but there's warm that's good to know there's a warmer to around yeah totally with Sandy growling you never know Dave and I are walking this Ridge that goes way out into the swamp wilderness for miles hundreds of miles and it's just so cool in here it's unbelievable it's like a park just stunning you just high above swamp holy cow man I could throw a hammock up in here oh my gosh [Music] I'm speechless this is so so cool we've been walking for 45 minutes along this Ridge amazing in here man I could use some water kind of took this detour unexpectedly these big rats out here you don't see these two trees much man so beautiful finding the wild red pine you got nothing in common no they don't see them in the countryside there you know three feet around and a hundred foot tall there's a cool tree finding some treasures this is a shrub I don't know so I gotta look it up at beautiful flowers just just gorgeous and that's a daisy so it's young Willie stop while you're ahead what daffodil you know this camera just can't do justice here how pretty this is huh it's crazy yeah and no one's been in here ever it's just us this is not a trail this is like game trail and just the way the land lays that's a cool girl we are stopped to resupply the bug spray they're pretty bad just swarming us we're so enjoying this laid-back day we're on our way to the lake on this trail and we're gonna dig the outhouse hole maybe today yet but we've been kind of just goofing off and exploring it's been so nice the bugs are by Ed rig bad finally got some wolf scat right there all the breeze is nice keeps those heaters beautiful nice so pretty that sandy bottom it's just great hard sand bottom I'll get in it yeah it's not bad don't you love that bottom now it's cold beautiful fine yeah I wonder what's in here I wonder what's in here I'm seeing them come up to the surface no beautiful beautiful beautiful place man this is a massively huge lake big big big no it's huge all the winter berries yummy
Channel: Girl in the Woods
Views: 1,863,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wall tent camp, off grid, off grid property, setting up a wall tent, bad phone call, brother dies, brooke whipple, brooke and dave whipple, wall tent, how to set up a wall tent
Id: rGSffengyXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 18sec (3318 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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