how i DOUBLED my instagram growth + engagement !! (grow organically & fast)

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I would like to say that I've been hardcore instagramming for about a year now I have learned so many tips that I didn't know before about the algorithm and how to actually grow organically on Instagram whether you are if social-media influencer if you have a business or you're just like a regular person who likes to post on Instagram I have tips that actually work to grow your Instagram and to make your Instagram just a place that people want to follow these tips are tips that I haven't there's renovations going on in my house if you want to know how to really grow your Instagram and like own the algorithm which is so messed up and hard to understand then keep watching this video and you'll get my best tips also I have instagram presets launching on July 9 yes I have made to Lightroom presets I will definitely get into like what they look like and how you guys can order them and everything in this video but first I'm gonna start off with these steps but July 9 marketing your calendars my layering presets are coming out the first thing that I've learned is really simple and I'll just breeze over this and it's consistency I have posted every second day on Instagram for a year I don't think that's like the main thing but definitely I think keeping a schedule on how often you post and like being consistent with that is really good you don't have to post every second day but I wanted to really like challenge myself and definitely post as much as you can but only photos that you actually like if you really want to use Instagram for your business or grow it posting consistently is amazing here the probably second most important thing about Instagram is your engagement so yeah you could have three million followers but you could get a hundred comments on every single post and you could get 10,000 likes on every single post which is not the greatest ratio from followers to engagement basically Instagram is going to boost your posts if you have good engagement engagement is how your followers are interacting with your posts so are they liking them are they commenting sharing saving them to albums are they always checking on your stories like all those things the more that your followers are interacting with your content the more it's gonna get boosted up in people's feeds so how do you make your engagement better well I have the tips for you first so right after you post a photo 30 minutes to an hour after you post a photo you should be responding to as many comments as you can that hour or like 30 minutes is the most valuable time that instagrams gonna pay attention to your engagement on that post if you post a photo and then you start replying to comments you like a bunch of comments it's gonna get boosted up in people's feeds and more people are gonna see it when you are replying to comments make sure that you reply with forward or more replies Instagram will actually recognize this as a more like casual conversation instead of like a oh thank you or like a little heart or emoji or something they're really gonna like that and they're going to boost your content you're going to want to promote the schnitzel out of your posts every single time that I post an Instagram photo I put on my story the photo just to add more traffic to it right away and this is going to drive traffic to people who are just watching stories and haven't actually seen your post yet just in case they don't have notifications turn on for your posts so you can put on the story and then add some little likeyou to new post things you can add some little squiggles you can even add hashtags say if you were like a business selling a product and if you add like hashtag beauty products 20 20 I don't know I don't know I don't even know if that's a good hashtag but like if you put a hashtag then that's going to get exposed to more people on Instagram therefore doing better Instagram wants people to stay on the app for as long as possible same thing with YouTube you want your viewer duration your viewer tenshun to be high because then YouTube is going to suggest that video for a lot more people because it's keeping people on YouTube the same thing goes for Instagram so if you were posting one photo with no swipes and like a short little caption it's less likely that people are going to spend more time on your photo so if you're posting like carousel photos so like two or three that they have to like swipe through or if you have a caption where you have to press see more and like actually read it and it's like a meaningful thing so you're definitely gonna be sucking up to Instagram when you do that it'll definitely help boost your photo in the feed also when you're posting on your story they like go check out my new post it's really good to reference your caption or add a call to action it's like a call to action would be like comment what video ideas like you want to see from me and that will not only give you more engagement on your photo but it's really nice to talk to your followers and actually how they can nice conversation with them because a lot of the times they don't know like what to comment like yeah they can comment oh my gosh like so pretty like that but it's not like a real conversation so this gives them something to like base their comment off of that you can actually respond to with like an actual conversation if that makes sense super important actually look at your analytics so you have to have a business account for this I think but it's really easy to do that all you have to do is like make a Facebook page and then like put your account on a business account but check your insights and check when your followers are on Instagram this is going to make such a big difference what days are they mostly on and what time what you want to do is not post during that peak time you're gonna want to post at the beginning of the peak time if that makes sense so that little like Mountain thing you want to post before it if most of your followers are active at 8 to 10 a.m. you're gonna want to post at 7 so you've got that full length of people that are going to view your post you also want to have really good interactions with your followers I just love doing this because I love like talking to you guys and getting your opinions like you guys helped me so much on just like opinions because I'm so bad at deciding things so it actually helps so much but putting interactive things on your story and also using all of the little like gadgets that Instagram offers you like Instagram live polls countdowns those plan to chat things q and A's using your DM responding to comments all of those things Instagram love when you do that because when you're more active they're going to want to promote you more so put a bunch of poles on your story I know Melanie uses us so much and I love like answering her polls but she basically does like a bunch of polls and I'm sure it like boosts her engagement and stuff definitely try it out and now I'm just going to touch a little bit on Instagram stories I find that when I edit my Instagram stories and make them super cute and like aesthetically pleasing they do much better than ones that are poor quality that could just be like my audience's preferences but I'm just sharing like what I have learned posting so many stories a day has boosted my engagement and my followers so much like I cannot stress that enough I'm more than doubles my Instagram views this year I might have tripled them I have might have close to triple them just because I was posting way more on my stories and I didn't understand the importance of this until one day I posted like six stories and then my story views went up so much and I was like wait like people can actually like watch my story and I'd like to switch it up so like don't just do like businessí you know posts and stuff don't only do promotion of your own videos and stuff do fun and quirky like working things that are going on with your life I know Ava Jules has really really nice like mix of informative and engaging and aesthetically pleasing Instagram stories I love them so if you want some inspiration you can go to her Instagram what I love to do on Instagram stories is use like cool little filters I have some apps that I really like to use for Instagram stories SCR Elle has really good templates snow has really good templates and also story art also canvas stories and especially if you're a business and you're selling something if you use like animated Instagram stories instead of just like a still photo with a text on it it makes you look a lot more professional in my opinion when you are posting on Instagram make sure that you use the location feature so make sure using all the features make sure you use the location feature on my Instagram photos I always use the Ontario location it is going to help a little bit with boosting your content in the algorithm especially if you are getting a lot of likes on it and then it's going to be in the top post and then more people will see it tagged people that are relevant your Instagram so your whole outfit tag everything that you're wearing because you never know if company's going to like notice you and then like want to send you stuff or maybe even sponsor you I get a lot of questions on this and no you don't have to be a social-media influencer to get sponsored by companies companies are always looking for faces that reflect their like brands image so they can literally look on Instagram if you have a public account and they will go through just a bunch of random instagrams and see if you are the look and the accountant the personality that they're looking for use hashtags and there's an hashtag I wear garage there's like a bunch of different company hashtags but they always go through and maybe you'll just got some free clothes from them I don't know but don't tag irrelevant accounts I cannot tell you how many posts I've been tagged in that literally have nothing to do with me um it's just kind of to maybe get close or something you for tagging a bunch of random youtubers likes your photo like I go the point of that is but like it just doesn't really make sense to tag in a photo that you're not related to at all so don't tag irrelevant accounts also the more shares that your photo is getting the more reach you're going to get maybe make sure to in a DM maybe they showed it on their story or something like that Reach is actually like the number of people that have seen your post impressions is like the amount of people that have seen your post but like x how many times they've seen it I really pay attention to that cuz doesn't really make sense but Reach is like super super important so if people are sharing your content then more people are going to see it I know the ones with the like zodiac sign do really really well because they're always getting shared to people's stories just little tips now let's talk about the aesthetics the feed I honestly don't really care about like my feed matching anymore I'm so over that I'm so over that I really don't care I just want my feet to be like bright and interesting and have like a lot of different types of photos on it speed is relative so there are a bunch of accounts that I follow that have a perfect matching feed and I follow them just because her feet is nice and I like looking at their photos so honestly feed is relative a lot of people ask me if it's like crucial no it's not social but it kind of just depends so for me not really my account has been grown or lost followers from my feet and an amazing thing for my Instagram that has definitely grown my Instagram and it is to just know what people want to see from you because sometimes I post photos and I'm like oh my gosh they're going to love this one like this is definitely a type of photo that it's going to like blow up and stuff and then it doesn't and then another photo that I don't really think is going to blow up does just have a little like checklist of stuff that you like to include in your photos and that your followers want to see in your photos another thing that can really grow your Instagram and get people to click on your profile is showcasing a niche that you have for example I saw this girl doing like a tik tok dance on tik tok and it was like a really popular dance so I was like ok come on I was ready to scroll and then she had a CGM on and I was like wait like that's kind of cool so I clicked on her account I followed her I liked a bunch of her site talks cuz it's something that I can relate to her with and not a lot of people actually are diabetic and show that so if you have an itch make sure that you show it that can definitely attract a super real raw like genuine audience to your profile and it can grow your Instagram so quickly and so organically so I just wanted to explain something and go over it really really quickly yes I could get a new phone you guys are probably really confused because I'm also posting a video sponsored by case 2phi in like a week and it's with my old phone and I'm posting this one before that so it's really confusing basically I have a friend that wants to buy that phone off of me I was really thinking about getting this one mainly because of the camera the camera is so freaking nice on this and as I just said I take Instagram very seriously I post every second day so it would be really nice to have a really crisp good quality camera just always in my pocket I did buy this one and I don't know if you guys are going to think this but it wasn't anything about the drop press that I did with that phone that made me get this one the phone is completely fine from that drop test my friend just wants to buy it from me so I got the iPhone 11 and this camera so God literally I'm obsessed with it I cannot stop taking photos the camera that I usually take my Instagram pictures on is the EOS cannon ATD with a I'm reading a can yep as 24 millimeter STM lens I have actually seen better engagement on the photos that are taken with my camera instead of my phone but lighting and nice editing can literally fix anything so I'm going to show you some really perfect filters that you can use on your Instagram photos they might be mine you might be able to buy them on July 9th when you buy any of my presets I have two available right now they're going to come in an email and they're gonna have a zip file on it so you just press on that and then you press preview content so this one is the full of light mobile and this one is like the really soft light airy pretty filter and what you're going to do is press the little share button at the top right and scroll down to Lightroom and this app is free to download and you also don't need a subscription to use it but if it's not here and then just press more and then you can add it from the suggestions you just click on Lightroom and then you press launch the Lightroom now it's going to come in as a DNG file whichever photo has a little DNG thing in the right corner is the one with the preset on it so this is the original photo and then this is the full of light Freeside just like brightens up the photo with like a softer color palette and adds some warmth to it what you're going to do is go to the three dots in the top right and press copy settings so everything should be pressed on and checked off except for the maybe geometry and tools because there's no settings applied there everything should be checked off and then press the checkmark at the top then you're going to select the photo that you want to put the preset on press the three dots at the top and paste settings this would already have really high exposure to it so just adjust any of the colors to your liking I'm going to turn down the brightness a bit and play with the colors okay so this one will like the blues really pop cuz you guys know that I really love to make my eyes pop in photos so if you have blue or green eyes this one's really going to make them stand out but you can adjust the colors any way you want like if you wanted your shirt to be purple you can literally do that can you even address how tan you want to look so like the saturation this one is done and this is the before this is the after I love this preset so this is full of life this is the first one the next preset that I'm going to use is hi-five preset and this one is the one that I use on like 90% of my Instagram photos and was going to copy the settings paste it onto this photo I literally am obsessed like look at the before and after that is before that is after this one adds such nice saturation and vibrant colors to your photos is kind of similar to these c6 visco filter which I'm pretty sure you need to pay like $20 a year to have but these presets are very affordable and if you want to post the photo or something and export it you just press the share button at the top and save to camera roll I will definitely be sharing all the information of where you can buy my presets on my Instagram and also on my channel closer to the launch date but July 9th I am so excited and I've been wanting to do this for so long I can't believe it's actually happening but that's going to be it for my Instagram tips video and if you want to follow me on Instagram it is say the Aldus if you want to go over there and maybe see some of the examples that I was talking about in this video if you liked this video and want more tip videos like this and make sure to subscribe and press notification bell I would love to have you here we're so close to a million I love you guys so much and I will see you in my next video [Music]
Channel: Sadie Aldis
Views: 902,258
Rating: 4.9607658 out of 5
Keywords: sadie, sadie aldis, how to, how to grow your instagram, how to grow your instagram 2020, instagram growth hacks 2020, how to gain followers on instagram 2020, how to have better engagement, instagram growth tips, how i grew on instagram organically, sadie aldis instagram, sadie aldis instagram presets, sadie aldis presets, sadie aldis how i edit my ig photos, free instagram presets, instagram followers, instagram growth 2020, how to grow on instagram fast
Id: FOU3lqbVP98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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