Oyo rooms data analyst will teach you how to get a data analyst internship

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Hello everyone. I am very excited to have Adarsh Rai here for this data analyst internship conversation. He works as a data analyst in Oyo rooms which is a biggest hotel company in India and surrounding region, I think in china also they have a great presence. Adarsh is going to share some useful tips for internships so today's conversation is going to be surrounded on a main topic which is how do you get internship as a data analyst? Now I will quickly share Adarsh's LinkedIn profile so as you see he is currently working in Oyo rooms as a full-time data analyst before that he was working for a zoom tail and he did internship there and then he was working with GoCrackit limited as a database developer. In turn so he has a lot of experience in the internship and being a data analyst in one of the top companies in india he brings a lot of value and knowledge and he can be.. I'm hoping we can have a very fruitful conversation today. It's going to be useful to all of you especially those who are looking for internship actively right now. So Adarsh, thank you very much for spending time time out of your business you do. We'll first go over Thank you. So we'll just go over your journey. So just talk about your journey. How you became data analyst step by step and how you manage to join Oyo rooms? Yeah sure. First of all thanks a lot for having me here. I'm delighted to add a value to your community, your youtube community especially so it's exciting. So let me tell about myself, I am a data analyst by profession and I'm a graduate in computer science and engineering. So I have around 1.5 years of experience like it has been around two years of experience into data analysis. My data analysis journey started when I was in third year of my college. So what happened was in India a jio came in during that time and the data usage that was earlier compared to the jio or when it came it drastically changed in India so like people started using data and like the focus on data went more and there was a lot of curiosity on data analysis and how can you create meaningful insights using data. So I was you know getting a lot of this this information from the internet so just like looking at I got this interest got this interest into data analytics and I also opted for subjects in my curriculum engineering curriculum in data analytics. So then what happened, luckily our dean he opted like there is an internship in Bangalore for one month you can just.. he opted us for that internship so three of our friends were selected for that internship and we went to Bangalore for the first time So that this was the first time that I was going to join a corporate place or a startup place. So the internship that we got was at GoCrackit private limited. Okay. It is a startup company which is incubated at IIM Bangalore. So there we went and we met some amazing people who uh told us like how they are running this. They how they started this company and how they are running this company and we were delighted to be there and in two to three days we got this project on what we have to work and what we what we need to do. So yeah. So that that was the first time I got this internship and like when I.. so at IIM Bangalore, I spend around one month so after the after completing one month, I realized that we get a lot of value in doing internship then the time we spend in our college college classrooms because there is a lot of real world problems that you get to solve and interactions with people but the traditional teaching in India has led us let us everyone back here in India like but like this internship proved really well for me. So I thought that okay, like I just want to do this. I don't want to sit in classrooms. So in my final this.. So this internship I got in my third year of computer csc. Then in the finally I decided that again I'm going to do this internship. I'm not going to sit in classroom So what happened was our college dean, He posted that a startup company in Bangalore is looking for a data analyst intern. So I applied for it and right away I was interviewed by that startup company and in 10 to 15 days, I got my offer letter. I some prior to that I submitted my resume so then after looking at my resume and I had a interview call with them, after that they selected me I and I got that internship and so that was what was the name of the company, the name of the company was Zoomtail technologies private limited. Okay so in your fourth year, through your dean you get this opportunity to apply in Zoomtail as a data analyst intern Yeah yeah. The first internship was through my dean and the second internship was through my college placement officer. Got it. So I think the tips for the viewers here is that if you are studying in a good college then through your college itself you will get this opportunity. So that's like point number one. Because many times people say okay we don't get internship opportunity but it might depend on your college like how good the how good is the relationship of college with the corporate corporate. Yeah right. And in zoom tell when you get in as students we need to have good connections with our faculties and whoever who has like a good connection with anyone. Networking is the key thing. The most important thing, yeah. I by the way, I recently made a video on how do you get software engineering or a data science internship and I'm gonna link that video in the description below. and there, I also talk about the importance of connections. So when you were interviewed at zoom tail what kind of questions did they ask during the interview? So yeah so the questions were like have you really worked on data analyst? Do you know what data analysis mean? Like have you worked on any projects and all and? Luckily in my final year, seventh semester, I had done this certification course on data science, so during that time we had done a mini project that was a very small project on you know rectifying a flowers data like it was like a typical flower, scientific flower and rectifying its data so that was just a mini project that we did during our certification course. So that project I just explained it to the manager hiring manager who was hiring me for the data for the internship. So he was quite impressed with what I had done and I had also learned some tools and tools during my like during my extra time and all in my college. so even that knowledge really helped me get this internship. Yeah. So after the interview, yeah I.. so yeah, before we go ahead I have a few more questions on that specific experience. So yeah, did they ask any coding questions during that interview? No no not at all not at all. Yeah, because because I'm seeing some pattern like where in some of the data analyst interviews they don't ask any coding question at all whereas in some companies they ask you to write. I have another friend who got a job as a data analyst not an intern like proper data analyst job and they asked him to write a test on Python it was like few questions like written test but the very basic questions like okay how do you read excel file into pandas and how do you filter any rows and how do you merge to pandas data frames like very very simple not too crazy but I'm seeing that trend some companies ask Python questions whereas some companies only like verbally discuss they even discuss like case studies. you know. Like here is the case study what are your thoughts how would you do data analyst and then some companies, I think they do even group discussions as well so it actually depends so whoever is watching because I see many people who don't feel confident in coding so it's not like for data analyst internship interview they will always ask quoting questions you know based on the company they might not ask depends on the company also. If you're applying for a fresher job in data analyst you will come up with these questions like just basic questions that how to read an excel file in Python or how to merge two data frames? What is excel? Yeah so I will continue with my journey. Yes. journey. So what happened I so I then I went to Bangalore, I joined this company and in this company, I started learning a lot because the manager, my senior manager he was very helpful and he helped me in lot of things like in understanding business processes and in understanding basic tools such as excel and all, and there I also learned tableau for data visualization so this company really needed outputs on data visualization and a lot of things. So there I learned all these things and yeah, so there I spent around six months and they I was also getting a stipend working there. Yeah during my college time yeah so Yeah so I completed then I wanted to work in my hometown in Mumbai. So after completing my graduation like my profile was well built because of these two internships that I had did so this internship really helped me in building my resume profile as well. And also my linkedin profile as well so after leaving Bangalore, I came to my to my hometown and I applied for the daytime analyst position in at oyo rooms and I was called for this call for the interview I had like around two rounds of interview and I was selected for the job. So then I saw it was like the last year, I joined in july at Oyo and from then onwards, I am working at Oyo itself. It's been a great journey. Yeah nice. So yeah as we mentioned before he works for Oyo which is one of the biggest like hotel management company in India and surrounding region in some Asian countries so others can you talk about what do you do in your day-to-day life at Oyo rooms. and I understand that you have some compliance requirements of course you can't share all the details but whatever you can share with our viewers just tell because many people are you know we had a community post and many people want to know that what do you do day-to-day life? Yeah definitely. Why not. So what exactly I do is like I need to do a lot of automation process in my day-to-day life as this Pandemic has approached and automation now the demand for automation has increased a lot. Yeah. So my day-to-day life is collecting some crammable data from the databases and you know after collecting it the data so I use SQL for querying the data Okay, it's a sequential language that that is used to query the database and I use python tool to filter the data to any to for cleaning processes. So that's the process first you collect the data from the source. Your source can be anything or the database postgresql or any hive database or any excel file also in your computer. So from there you collect the data and you you sort of clean it. You you just convert it into your name according to your needs like you will filter it. You will sort it you will merge several tables and all to get what you want and then you will just showcase the dashboard that you have created to whoever in your company who needs it , 383 00:13:20,320 --> 00:13:25,680 who wants to see at the numbers like suppose for example if if my if the sales manager of my company wants to look at the sales what for the previous week like what sales had happened in in Delhi or in Kolkata? So the numbers I represent the numbers what what in Delhi was in what is what in Kolkata and the better way to present these numbers in is in data visualization. As well like data visualization also gives you a better picture a better representation of what you have done. So yeah so and then the question arises that who will always you know do get this data clean this data and all that's where automation comes in you you just write a script in Python or javascript for web oriented applications such as google sheets and all. So let me tell you like excel and Google sheets are the widely used application for showcasing data around the globe so you can also code from the web end in Google sheets or you can link the Google sheets to Python and you can you can work with it so the automation process is important because every time you know you can't just manually do write the script again and run for every day. So that's where I write the script and the entire system gets automated and the script is automatically run in the morning around eight of eight o'clock or nine o'clock and the report is directly you know submitted to anyone who wants to look at it. Oh okay so it's not manually you're doing it it's just scheduled, it's just yeah the first process is very like you need to put in a lot of hard work because you need to like think and think beyond the logic syntax and you need to Google like what will be the syntax here lot of googling and stack overflow helps a lot/ So yeah so after like after the scripting process and all you submitted to the manager and if they have any ad hoc requirements like on the movement requirements they will ask for it and i will submit it and there is no email automation processor as well. Like if I need to send out automated emails to any of the managers. So yeah that's my day-to-day work. Okay so in terms of tools basically you use for data collection like SQL is kind of a must. It's very important right if you want to the basic for in data analysis right? And then using SQL you query those postgresql high all those databases collect the data that you need. So during sql, sql query process itself you might be doing some cleaning and some like merging and whatever and then you have this Python tool where you do further cleaning, then you generate report and once that process is manually done, now you automate it through daily emails or dashboards and so on. So overall sql python data cleaning data cleaning skills as well as when you present these dashboards to your stakeholders. Of course the storytelling and the communication those soft skills are equally important as well. Correct! Equally important. Now let's move on to the most important question of this discussion is how do you get an early internship in the field of data science? So when we say data science right now we are talking about data analyst but even if you're targeting data scientist internship like yeah many people what they do is they graduate and after the after that they start preparing for the internship. But I think we were having discussion and you told me that you need to start preparing for internship from the very first year in the college. Right. So let's throw some light on on that aspect. Yeah so see internships are really important why because is that you are not a permanent part of any company and you don't have a permanent responsibility. As an intern working anywhere this is the first point okay the second point is you know in India we have a very traditional form of teaching in classrooms and in most of the tier in the below tier one tier two colleges these traditional colleges lacks interest in innovation and like in all any sort of you know doing getting better things like in day day-to-day life. This is not the case in IITs and IIMs because uh they're like students and teachers are really enthusiastic and they work really well but the problem is with the tier two, tier three cities The teacher the teacher lacks interest in teaching because of the median salaries they get and even after that even the students lack interest in you know getting to teach. There's a lot of rote learning that is going on and you know just uh copying from like your like any of your friends copying assignments writing writing and writing and that's the only there's no thinking that that is being done college classrooms and anyhow like there's no innovation that is coming out of the college. So yeah so that's the reason internship is very important and the the most part.. important part of the internship is that you can get it easily if you try a bit hard not you don't need to work really hard to get internship. Even if you see the let me tell you the process to get an internship now. Okay so it's not important you to be in any branch or in any particular technical branch or any computer science background to get a internship in data analysis or data science. You can come from any background you can come from you can also complete your like plus two education or higher education and if you have that data analysis thinking in your mind like you if you have the ability to uh think in an analysis manner. if you are good at statistics like if you can understand statistics really well and probably all those subjects in mathematics we had like a statistics probability and all. So if you can understand really well and If you have a lot of keen interest in doing data analysis work. So like for anyone like anyone around the around the globe, it's easy to get into even if you have become graduate or less mechanical You can be a mechanical engineer you can be a biologist, you can be a doctor also if you, if you want to get into data analysts so it's uh you need to just take a first step. So the first step is to do some mini projects uh related to data science like it can be anything like so yeah so first I will tell is that to create an account in Kaggle.com okay k a double g l e. So it's like the facebook for data scientists and data analysts. Okay. So there you get free courses to learn on data analysis and you also get projects that has been already completed by people around the globe. So it's a huge community of data scientists if you log into Kaggle.com you can explore there you have everything that you need for a data analyst also the roadmap that you need for to get into data analysis So pick any simple projects that you look and just learn this basic skills at the beginning like first like learn microsoft excel, don't just dive just look at a advertisement or look somewhere around and like data and so now there's a very big hype of this data scientist like data science scientists earn 20 lakh rupees, 30 lakh rupees this is getting like this is really getting into everyone's mind and everyone everyone wants to become a data scientist, right. This is what happened 20 years ago. Yeah I say that for one data scientist job there will be 20 data analyst job. So data analyst job career is very important one people don't realize that they just want I want to become data scientist and they appear for an interview they get rejected and they're like oh this is not cup of milk Right. But that's I think people need to realize that data analyst is an equally promising career and there are more job opportunities. Yeah so let me tell you data analysis late analyst and scientist is not a different two different jobs, it's the same job but data is come first as you join first the first process into data science is the doing data analysis yeah data science comes later in your career where you create predictive models, you create a prediction you create a high-end automated systems and all but as we are talking about internships we uh also like who are looking for data science enthusiasts data science internships they need to focus on getting data analyst internships like so my advice would be learn basic skills. Don't just dive into pi or Python users, listen like Python is a great thing and not just learn basic skills such as excel and google sheets. Learn what the formulas are we what the formulas functions we use in Google sheets how do you add a data like how what is a row what is a column keyword table and vba macros. Because even in our school right we started to learn abcd right we didn't start directly we learned into writing paragraphs of stories, right? Yeah. Then we started writing sentences so this is the same with data analysis as well like learn Microsoft excel then just look at big data and slowly start learning sql. sql is not that hard like it's it's very.. yeah. It's very easily English language so others people like sometimes say okay excel but how do I learn excel you know what I say is you start maintaining your monthly expenses on let's say groceries and rent and all that in excel file and then start doing analytics like the trend how expenses are increasing how income is increasing. Yeah. So that would be your first project and you don't have to go to anyone you are your own client and I created this three-month data analyst learning roadmap which I'm going to link in the video description below where I have outlined step-by-step process so starting with excel then for sql there is a great kind academic course that I suggest that everyone watching is free and and you learn sql then you learn python. I have some python tutorials along with the exercise exercises is very important you have to do coding and then you can go to Kaggle then see when people go to kaggle they find all these machine learning notebooks and they get confused but for data analyst you need to look into data exploration notebooks. Do not worry about machine learning aspect because then it gets too advanced so look at some notebooks which is doing eda which is your data exploration right exploratory data analysis. And then you just slowly go step by step yeah absolutely! You're right. Yeah so yeah so learning these basic skills are really important because that's how you if you will make your basics strong. You'll get a lot better at this data analyst internship yeah so after learning this basic skills try to do some projects on your own or if you're in college like uh try asking your professors or teachers like what can I do or any projects on this and all so like try doing this projects try getting good output and try documenting your project like what all you have done then the next process after it would be great that if you do two three of might be four or five mini projects in data analysis then yeah if someone is looking for ideas for their project, I did this sales insight power bi project which again I'm gonna link in the video description below. Maybe you can look at that project and do the same project maybe for a different data set or maybe do a same project instead of power bi. I use tableau so if you're looking for project ideas because others what happens is people know actually that they have to do projects but they sometimes like ideas and what type of projects so I have done this one power bi project. I'm gonna do one more tableau project and and if you're watching in this in future there will be maybe 10 more projects so check video description there will be links. So now let's say you did some five six mini projects now what's the next step Yeah so for doing this mini projects you can refer anywhere in the internet like if anyone has already has done the project like the whole has done the sales projects on Youtube so you can see look at any projects that have done and you can learn from it and create your own projects as well to solve any problem and you can document it. So the next step is creating a very good profile on Linkedin. Okay so this is really important. Linkedin is the best professional website out there and it's a very it's very professional like we have a lot of websites as knockout.comsign.com but as professional as Linkedin there's no other website out there in the internet so make a very good profile upload a very good picture of yours fill in all the details that has been mentioned in the profile like just you as you fill all the details in Facebook. It's the similar way that you fill in Linkedin it's more professional way. So yeah so mention about your projects post post everything like what had you done in your projects. Try publishing your documentation on LinkedIn then try connecting with companies startup companies, Most importantly startup companies because these people need interns the most rather than the MNC or top companies that we have here. So yeah so try connecting with startup companies on Linkedin all the companies in India and around the globe are listed in LinkedIn. So you can connect with them you can try connecting with their HR you can just and after after creating a linkedin profile also create a very good resume of yours where you have all your details even if you're in your college suppose you're in your third year or you know you're in your final year of your college just create a good resume which has a basic details of it most probably a one-page resume is enough you know where uh you just showcase what projects have you done and what are the technical languages or technical tools that you know that you you can just showcase in your resume and what you can do is that through your Linkedin connection you can connect through the HRs of any company so hrs are the human recruiters human resources, recruiters who uh who recruit interns or any so when you when you connect to HR what message you send because people complain that we try to connect but no one is responding what do you do with that. So yeah you can just say hi Yeah you can just tell that I can say like Hi! I'm Aadhar shrai I am like starting in my third year of engineering and I just came across that across your startup company and I saw that you need someone in a data analyst data analyst in into data analysis and please have a look at my resume once I think I might be a good match good fit okay we are a good fit to your requirement. So please have a look and just share your resume with them and also in your resume mention your Linkedin profile link that's also important and if you have any special achievement probably you can mention. Right let's say you had some rank on Kaggle you have done some special project mention that like quick like short description so that HR because HR is see if I'm HR, I'm getting like 100 messages I mean out of 100 message whichever message stands out i will pick that person right sometimes people do advanced study of that company. Let's say I'm HR, I'm working for company Oyo rooms and if someone send me a message and if that person knows what Oyo room is what are our products you know if you add one line of that then it shows that this guy is serious and he or she has done research on the company it's not like just applying. Yeah absolutely! And also it is important that if you have any senior friends who are working in an IT company or any technical company you can just connect with them and ask for a referral to get it to get like like an internship for a small duration. Yeah many companies many colleges have portals to connect with alumni for example my call my college has a portal called alumni connect so if your college has alumni portal then go log into that portal try to connect with your seniors and they will give you a referral and referrals are the best once they give your referral you will most likely get an interview call. Yeah and don't try with only one or two companies and just give up like okay it's not happening try Like try with a lot of companies like try messaging there are a lot of companies that need data analyst interns and canvas employees so try connecting with a lot of companies send emails try messaging them on Linkedin and uh tell them like what have you achieved or like what have work have you done what knowledge do you have what skill sets do you possess. And that's really important even if you like try around 100 companies there will be one company that will reach out to you that's for sure like like in hindi we say right that's a similar way like like if you try and you will get you will get for instance and base most probably try in Bangalore or Hyderabad Mumbai these are these regions are very equipped with tech companies in India. 958 00:32:44,080 --> 00:32:47,440S So these companies are really important and but during this time, it's like we are all working from home so it's easy to connect wherever you can also work for a company in US right? Like you can also connect with a company in US and you can work for you can intern with them and you can get a experience certificate from them? Yes yeah and let's say I applied unless I got an interview call let's say I have inter movies so how do I spend my two weeks How do I prepare for the interview yeah so if you have an interview coming up so just uh you know brush up your basic skills in excel and just basic skills not high-end skills just basic skill like if you would know some functions in excel or if you know some pivot tabling in or excel or if you know any you know reading data or collecting data in Python or if you know any SQL query basic SQL carry like inner joins and selecting and all just brush up your basic skills and just be aware of your.. if you have done projects are very important to do because you need something to discuss with the hiring manager right? Yes that should be something that you need to discuss with your hiring manager to tell them yeah like I have done this.. I have done this otherwise like the hiring manager will also will assume that you just for namesake you're just coming for this internship and all right. So you need to show a real interest that you have really worked and what have you learned while working on your project. So yeah, basic excel skill excel skills and Python a basic Python just reading collecting data and all and sql yeah that's a t this three if you if you know really well that's that's a lot okay and dude. Yeah yeah yeah. So during interview like you said for you it was like two round of interviews so generally so let's say I prepared for two weeks less I prepared and now today is my interview day right so when you go for an interview what is the experience like so if there are two rounds do they ask same question in two rounds or do they are different so just just tell us that experience of interview. Yeah. So if you are in a college they will basically first of all ask for a permission like whether you will get for or get a permission or not that's uh and that's in your hands like to get permission from your college it was really tough for me to get a permission from my college from my hod so luckily I like I wrote a lot of application to my call because I was staying in the hostel the permission for for doing internship for doing internship to go to like uh Bangalore. So I was studying in Bangalore so from angular to Bangalore it's it's quite distant so I had to stay for six months in Bangalore right? So I need uh needed several permissions from my uh head of the department so wait so then your some of your class members who are not doing internship they studied in college right while you were they were studying in classrooms. Yeah. They were studying oh so you are asking for a permission that I will skip all those classroom and do the internship instead. Yeah you need to uh convince your head. I had to convince my hrd that I will finish all of my assessments, assignments while doing my internship I will complete all my work like whatever the projects and all like the the academic curriculum is that. So I just convinced my actually that I will do and all of them so you need to you you said it very right so you need to try really hard because now you are first try is you have to convince your actuary or your college professors that you will skip the classes and do the internship and at the same time you have to do hard work to make sure you pass and you cover that curriculum which you missed while you were doing internships. You have to also give exams and all right internals exams which was around for 20 marks and we had a semester external exams which was around for 80 marks. So you have to do the internship in a company right and also prepare and study for that your academics also. So it's really tough but it would be really worth going ahead in your future yeah and during the interview. So we are discussing like the interview process right? So what is a typical interview process so the typical interview process is they will uh ask about yourself you just need to give a brief introduction it it needs need not to be more like a long introduction opportunity. Basically in three points because you don't have much to say compared to an experienced professional. So you can just give a basic introduction that you can say yeah my name is Adarsh and I'm just starting in my final year engineering I had this keen interest in data science analytics so I started opting for subjects and I did some mini projects in data analytics so while working I you know I learned the skills in sql, excel, python and all so using that skill sets I completed my project and this is what I got from this project my seniors helped me a lot you can just tell that uh your seniors help you know that shows that you were very indulging in this project like you did like you didn't do it on your own but you seeked help you team management like team management skills come into this like you seek help, you seek suggestion and how you completed the project and you can say that I just saw this job description in your requirements so I thought I would be a best fit for this role and I'm ready to you know join your organization and deliver to my best. That's it. Okay and in the interview, I think we already mentioned that they ask a case study type of question they ask questions on your project so if you mentioned approaching in your resume, I think you should be able to explain really well right otherwise they will be like yeah yeah so if you have done project you yourself will realize like what problems you get into in data analysis uh what problems you face and uh especially if you are going for a data internship uh brush up your statistics skills that is that is the most important because statistics is the very basic of data analysis. So like like any small statistics problem you can just Google and you can just you know analyze how this this how this answer came to this question. Like what how this problem was solved just basic if you brush up now that's fine and they don't want like the perfect answers. They just want your enthusiasm and like just your basic skills. Right. That's it Yeah okay. Good. And what are the expected so while you are doing the internship what are the expectations from an intern? Yeah so first of all I would say that if you're getting an opportunity just grab it okay? Don't just let go any opportunity because if you're very lucky if you're getting an internship in India because there's so much competition there is so much people like looking up for that and if you're getting it just grab it it might be anywhere like you might be in Punjab and you might be getting an internship in Bangalore so just go uh just tell your faculties like I want to go to Bangalore and I will look after or whatever the like whatever the cost I need to spend there in Bangalore and uh you're very lucky if you're about to get a stipend in any company uh or uh if you really think that you're not You if you really think that you you will not be able to you know live in in any city any metropolitan city, to manage your expenses you can request the company that I might expand.. I might expect some stipend like around five to ten thousand that would be that would be enough for you to survive in any city in Bangalore or Hyderabad. Yeah. So when you yeah yeah so when you join as an intern.. Yeah. What are the expectation what do they so do you work in a real team do you work on a dummy project or real project and what do they expect from you like do they expect you to finish some work like like talk about that experience. So I joined a startup so I was really like straight away pushed into solving real world problems. There whatever I was just I directly joined the team so we were just around 30 to 40 people in in our company and I just started getting the sales numbers and all the data from my managers and I was directly post into doing analytics and creating dashboards and creating data visualizations in tableau. And so yeah, so they might not give you any dummy project. If it is a short internship like for around one to two months they might give a tiny a mini project as such but if you are staying like around for four to six months then they will surely give you like a big project to work on. Yeah okay. So the expectation is that they don't really expect a lot to do from you they will they will very they will guide you a lot as an intern because they really all the companies they look after your in the interns and also you need to you know question you need to ask questions to your managers. You need to clear your doubts with your seniors because you will be at the lowest level in your company and everyone around you will be at the higher level at leadership level. So you need to really interact with them you need to understand you need to learn a lot learning is a big thing in internship you will not only learn data analysis you will also learn professional ethics, how to work on a project how what is team management. What is networking? How to solve a problem how to come up with the solution you will come up with. You will learn a lot of things other than also with a data analysis got it got it. So those are like really useful tips for all of us. All right, so I think the last question is and someone asked like how do you get an internship at Oyo. What are the prerequisites and day-to-day life? I think you already mentioned about day-to-day life, I mean if you feel comfortable you can discuss otherwise I think we have generally go cover the guidelines of internship. Yeah, if you want to apply at Oyo you can like uh search in Linkedin or is available if they any if they have any job openings or regarding any data analysis data analysis or business analysis they will post it on Linkedin. You can just apply on Linkedin or send the mail to the recruiter or you can connect with the HR at oyo rooms.com and you can send your profile to requesting that oh yeah I'm good at this, can I can I connect with your company or if you know anyone who is working at ou you can connect with them and ask for a referral. Got.. is the process. Yeah got it. Now others we are going to share uh your Linkedin in the video description if you don't mind. yeah if some people want to connect with you and they can they want to have more conversation maybe they can do it this was a great conversation Adarsh. I think we covered a lot of useful topics which are going to be beneficial to anyone and as really and friends as we already talked about this topic that your background doesn't matter you know I just mentioned that you can be a doctor and still become data analyst. the process of data analysis is all about having the data enthusiasm and you need to have a little bit knowledge of statistics some sql, python see these these skills are easy to learn. Trust me they are not available on the internet exactly yeah. That's the best part and I have created a complete roadmap of how you can learn data analysis skills in three months. So if you're serious enough the description contains the video link all the resources are free. You spend zero money all you need is laptop internet and a willpower. Okay. So I hope you will find this video useful and start preparing for your internship very early in the stage. See the whole conversation was about preparing for internship in a early stage of your college. So don't waste your time in your college if you are in first year, second year of college start preparing from today itself. Okay yeah and also yeah, if you are like uh a 30 year old or if you have a lot of experience in a company like you can also still apply. Like if you really want to start a career into data analysis or data science you can like apply any time for an internship. It's not like it's never late right it's never late you can apply it anytime there's no.. I know and yeah and and don't directly jump into data science jobs because I've seen like people are really enthusiastic about learning machine learning and data science but they need to understand that though what's the first basic level to get into that what is excel what is basic things what is sql how do you analyze a simple data sets like maybe of 20 50 rows like start with basics then experience like around three to might be a minimum of two to three years experience you can get a data science job easily. Right. Perfect. I have a friend I have.. I know two people actually one physiotherapist person who already became a data scientist there is another physiotherapist person who is learning it data data analysis things right now and he's probably more than 40 years of age so your age is not a barrier you can learn your background is not a barrier these skills are as I said like it's not a you're not building a rocket for spacex very easy skills easy to learn and it has a lot of scope. Right now in India. I also saw some questions like it was US they were asking what is the scope of data analysis. There's a really very good scope here in India what is that average what is the in India what is the average salary data analyst? I know it depends upon a company and and a city but what are your thoughts on that so the average salary is around uh 4.6 uh for a one year who has an experience of one year and for freshers it began it starts with 3.6 to 4.6 and for one year experience it's between 4.6 lpa or to 7.8 lpa. Okay. And if you are good and if you're working for big companies then you get even more so the scope is humongous and the best thing is once your data analyst you learn this machine learning skills and you can become transition to data scientists easily yeah so that's automatically it comes in like you when you're doing your job you will these requirements are needed like in your day-to-day work so you will learn from Youtube from yourself and you will you will you won't even realize when did you become a data scientist it's a natural evolution. It just happens the natural evolution yeah so the first step the monkey step, I would say like when you start the evolution is uh getting into is a management information system executive, like maintaining excel data mis or data analyst like that's the monkey step you start the evolution then you become a man when you become a data scientist or you get into AI. Yep perfect. All right others thank you very much for this conversation thank you for having me. Yep. I hope everyone will find it useful check the video description we have all the useful useful links there. Thank you. All the best everyone. All the best!
Channel: codebasics
Views: 38,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:cc=on, data analyst internship tips, data analyst internship interview, how to get data analyst internship, data analyst virtual internship, data analyst career guidance, data analyst, how to become a data analyst, data analyst internship, data analyst career, how to become a data analyst in 2020, how to learn data analyst skills, data analyst internship skills
Id: Kh6k7Vh7Rs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 42sec (2982 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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