How to Be Consistent - Grant Cardone

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hey grant cardone here on my way out from my home here in Miami and pulled over actually because here it is Monday morning you know this might be finding you on some other day other than Monday if you don't know who I am I have written seven books and 13 business programs I've been working with companies for I don't know 25 years now and entrepreneurs and CEOs on how to grow their businesses but that's not what I want to talk to you today about I haven't always been a respected consultant coach businesses you know years ago didn't call me and say hey come fix my business so come help me with my business or come help me grow my business nobody knew me I was actually what I want to talk to you about today is inconsistencies and how look if you're inconsistent in your life right now if you're having trouble showing up on Mondays or Tuesdays or Wednesdays or Thursdays or whatever day right or you're having trouble staying consistent you're having trouble staying with it or you're going up and down if you've ever been labeled a DD or ADHD or bipolar I mean somebody might think I'm bipolar a TD or something just because I pulled over today I was on my way to the office and I'm like I had this kind of gnawing sense of I don't know a little light gray depression and it reminded me I've experienced this most of my life I've experienced like a little bit of unsureness I don't know what you call it exactly you know one morning you wake up you're ready I'm gonna take on the world and the next day you're like I don't know what to do today what's going to happen today was leaving I was leaving today and God that works with me said hey have a great day today I was like yeah I'm going to try to make something happen you know and I was aware at that moment how many times in my life I've woken up like not sure I think it started happening for me years ago like like probably around 12 or 13 I didn't know what to do everyday what's what are they going to bring up maybe it's after watching so much TV and eating so much sugar you not think our diet definitely have a lot to do with all that but look I want to give you something today about how to get out of the funk the funky hunk dunk when I by the time I was 25 this thing went on from 12 to 25 at 25 years old I was in so much depression every day I was using drugs alcohol I was self-medicating constantly making bad decisions I lived in a 275 I mean I just remember how much it was it was $275 a month and every other month I couldn't make the bill the payment I was late today I live in this joint right here I live up on the 33rd floor of this place and a completely different life today than I had been 25 I went to a treatment center for 20 28 days for drug addiction I was using drugs every day hated it because something worse than drugs is how you feel about yourself I hated myself every time I did drugs every time I smoked weed every time every time I did any drug the moment I put the pill in my mouth the weed to my mouth something in my nose I needed myself I never felt good about using drugs and so by the time I was 25 I had been using drugs for 10 years but my problems started before that my problems didn't start with the drugs it started with my inability to manage this light grade chronic depression this for lack of better words this this idea that I wasn't good enough this idea that that uh that I didn't love myself you know that that you know my mom gave him my mom quit on me my mom told me hey don't come around here anymore my twin brother pretty much was done with me my sisters both knew that I was in trouble and we're like oh my god you know we're gonna get a call on him today the people I worked with the principal at the high school I went to said I couldn't couldn't windall catcher in my 11th and 12th grade told my mom that my student my PE teacher said I would amount to nothing I wrecked my car on my driver's ed test I failed my driver's license test I was fired from my first six jobs wouldn't leave the six one kid I'm telling you I was a loser loser okay I'm telling you loser and I didn't have to ask other people nobody had to tell me I was a loser I knew I was a loser so look if you've ever been there I know there's people watching this right now maybe you don't even know who I am you're like who's this dude talking about himself you know I've come from that where I was bankrupt spiritually financially physically I weighed 134 pounds that's 40 pounds less than I weigh today I was broken every way possible I didn't have any money I was in debt but worst the worst thing the worst of the worst of the worst was how I felt about myself I got a treatment center the counselor told me on the way out of the treatment center if you read my last book be obsessed or be averaged it was the first book that I really shared anything about my life about seven of my books that that one gives you a kind of a look and something I like more than anything and maybe what I'll do is in this maybe what others I'll have my guys give you give you a chapter that book free and not what I came here to give you I want to do I do want to give you something but maybe my guys could put a couple of different links in here for you so I got on that treatment center and the counselor said to me I think his name was Philip I don't remember the guy now hated his guts then I still don't think much of him he said to me God was really confused he was more confusing I was he said now that I look back he said to me he said to me he said hey if you leave here if you leave here and you don't give up you know because when you're there you spill your guts tell them everything and I told him I wanted to be rich and famous and help people and write books and you know be known all over the world he says if you don't give all those ideas okay I think he called it grandiosity you don't give up all these grandiose ideas of changing the world being rich being famous if you don't change all those ideas there you'll never ever ever make it you'll never stay what do you call it you'll never stay dry and sober my problem wasn't with alcohol it was with drugs but you know when you're drug in your alcohol and so I left there I left that place and I said dude I'm gonna make it I'm gonna show this guy I'm gonna show this guy I'm gonna get rich I'm gonna get famous come to change the world I'm gonna be known for somebody doing something I'm not using any more drugs i'ma show this guy fill up whatever his name was I forgot his name I'm gonna show this dude and I'm gonna show everybody else but most importantly I'm gonna show myself I can make it and I'm gonna make it big and when I make it big one day I'm gonna help people I'm gonna pull over on a Monday morning like I'm pulling over right now and tell people how I got how I made it okay now today just so you understand the sit situation today I have remember where I was at when I was 25 today I'm on four businesses we do about a hundred million dollars a year in sales I have five hundred million dollars with the real estate I bought and sold three-quarters of a billion dollars where the real estate and written seven books thirteen business programs I've traveled all over the world speaking to audiences we had a connects growth conference last year with 2,500 people guys like Daymond John Kevin Harrington all the Sharks were there I mean I have an unbelievable life today two beautiful children a beautiful wife that I somehow convinced to be with me and unbelievable customers and clients and and friends in my life I live in Miami I live in this place called regalia's 33 I live on a 33rd floor it's 40 and I think it's 42 floors every floor somebody owns a floor the whole floor I mean it's unbelievable I live I got this great car right here you can see the little little Horrors on it get a friend bought me by the way okay you know what nobody knows about this car I didn't buy a buddy bought it for me I mean how good a friend is that so why am I telling you all that I'm telling you all that to say look I'm still waking up this morning saying hey what am I going to do today okay look it's not depression it's not you you don't have a disease you're not powerless and you're not unmanageable like you told me in that treatment center they said I was powerless unmanageable my life was out of order I can never have control that I was just a manic bipolar ATD ADHD I was manifesting addictions and symptoms of addiction it was because of all my losses in my life and ah and I'm like man dude look come on me you know it can't like is that it I'm just gonna throw my hands up and I'm done I left that treatment center and this is what I did to solve my problem okay if you if you are or ever have been where I am right now you're kind of a menace to yourself your family and society you know and I know the feeling of that it's like what are you going to do every day okay my depression came from one thing this is going to blow your mind when you hear this okay this is what my depression came from no purpose I didn't have a purpose I wasn't working my purpose out okay now now that seems like kind of esoteric like how do I find out my purpose okay here's the trick to the purpose thing you don't need to know what your purpose is you need to throw yourself completely into something that you can measure throw yourself into something that you can actually affect and move anything anything like throw yourself into something where you can score now when I was 25 I don't know how many different things there are to do this I just know that sales as much as I hated sales I hated meeting people greeting people talking to people handling people's objections calling on the phone cold calling I'm actually an introvert by nature you know if I'm not around my buddies or an environment where I know everybody or I'm being paid to speak it's very difficult for me just to walk up and talk to people I know that might seem more to you today or hard for you to believe because I'm sitting here doing this video it's not easy for me you know don't assume that just because somebody can talk or do a video or get on stage that it's easy for them to do that they might be somebody completely different off stage it might be a little awkward it's always been awkward for me but you know your speak in front of you do 2000 presentations and one at a time and at some point you get used to it you're like oh I'm not going to get eaten you know I remember the first time I went surfing in California and I was I was paddling out there I started worrying about the Sharks you know by the time I had served 50 times I didn't think about him anymore because I had fifty experiences where they didn't eat me same thing with speaking to people same thing with extra birding you know getting outside of yourself talking to people the same thing with getting sober you know you put one day second day third day fourth day next thing you know you like dude man I got this dog I got this I ain't gonna use drugs again so when I was 25 the problem was what am I going to throw myself into what is my purpose so I was at a sales job at the time hated it and decided dude I hate that Phillip dude more than I hate sales I'm gonna use sales to show Phillip Philippe the counselor dude whatever his name was I'm gonna show that guy I'm gonna show my mom I'm going to show my brother i'ma show myself more importantly I'm gonna show myself I'm gonna show everybody I'm gonna show mr. Crawford the principal from high school that I can be great at something and I threw myself into that sales job now understand I didn't like sales okay I grabbed a program I said I just started asking the guys hey do you guys have any training is there any training education I've been in sales for two years and tried it probably five times before that awful awful okay so I asked I asked some of the guys there I said you have anything and the guy that owned the place three or four days later flipped me a cassette tape and I listened to it over and over again honey remember the name of it anymore but it was like how to sell something I was like wow there's a way to do this now I'm telling you all that not to talk to you about sales even though I want to give you something on sales but most importantly I want to give you that be obsessed to be average most of you I know are not in sales you don't like sales you don't want to learn sales who wants to be a Salesman anyway right but if you do want to link on sales I'm going to give you something I'm going to give you I'm going to give you something that that that if you use this I guarantee I don't care if you're terrible at sales it'll make you good if you're good who'll make you great if you're great it'll turn you into a master and if you don't like sales listen to it anyway I'll show you how to give anything you want life okay it was an award-winning program and and I want to give it to you okay so check it out called seller be sold and I'm talking to you about seller be sold right now because here's the deal I was sold that I was an attic I was sold then I was broke I was sold that I was powerless I was sold that I was unmanageable and I bought it I bought it and it caused me even when I finished using drugs could of stopped using drugs it caused me to continue to not do well and I don't want that to happen to you okay see see when I learned in the sales game this is what I learned I learned how to sell myself every day on doing things I don't want to do I learned how to sell myself on doing whatever it takes whatever it takes okay whatever it takes I learned how to do whatever it takes professionally okay to learn how to show everybody whatever it takes I can get my money right my physical condition right family right how can I get what I want in life how can I actually score see see the thing is you need a purpose okay and the purpose has to be tied to something you can measure you understand what I'm saying you got to build a measure if you can't measure if you can't measure you're going to feel depressed and down okay so let grab the link cost you nothing and in spill out the information we'll send you that will send you the content listen to it on your phone listen to it on your phone it's going to show you exactly how to get whatever you want life most of what everybody wants in life is not about money not about money and you pull over here and I suppose be doing this and driving come on land I getting I got I got a start acting like a decent decent member of society I'm pretty well so most of us well most of us want most of us don't care about look you don't care about living in our in a high-rise most of you don't even want that okay you don't want two rolls-royce you don't want to but you don't want to be a millionaire most people don't want that what most people want is they want to be happy okay you can't be happy without a purpose and you can't have a purpose is not measurable and if you have a purpose and it is measurable and you can't achieve it you're not going to be happy so the point of that is this if you can't get your way in life guess what you're going to be a miserable freakin human being I know I'm talking from personal experience if miserable human being for for twenty years was in the dictionary my face would be right next to it little about this big said this is what a miserable human being looks like tremendous potential and not living up to it but that describes you okay don't count yourself out and please don't label yourself a DD ADHD or COPD or OD D or whatever the hell they call you they just call y'all that because they don't know what the hell's wrong with you and they don't know what to tell you what to do I'll tell you what to do quit using drugs quit drinking alcohol watch out who you hanging around okay but most importantly I'm telling you more important than all the all those things get it get it get it get a job you can measure not a job where you just get a paycheck get a job where you can measure and you can actually influence the results of it get a job where you can change your income from 5,000 to 6,000 get a job where you can change your income from 3 grand if you don't have that job do something in your life that can move you from 3 grand to 4 grand 4 grand to 5 grand 5 grand to 10 grand 10 grand to 20 grand I know money won't make you happy but I tell you what will your ability to move yourself and measure it okay so grab the link below I hope this helps you I hope it finds you well man I hope you're not as troubled as I was okay I'm not so troubled today have I have high-class problems today I'm so grateful for where I'm at and what I've done in my life and I'm grateful for you and I promised I promised myself when I walked out of that treatment center I promised myself I am going to help other people fill up or whatever your name is I don't think to do to name was Phil I know this I know this he's the one that said I couldn't make it and if I did if I did go for it you know don't have high expectations that's going to disappoint you so dude if I don't have high expectations I don't want to live so look have some high expectations okay grab the link get the data tell me what happens okay doesn't cost you anything imma give it to you if it does something for your mind tell other people about GC grant cardone okay I want to help you I'm making I'm paying it forward now this was my commitment I'm going to help other people let me help you I want to help you if you're down and out if you're struggling if you're having trouble right now please let me help you okay and stay away from these people to tell you I think big and dream big just because they gave up I mean you need to be great [Music]
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 325,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rolls royce, handle depression, how to invest, 10x rule, grantcardone, how to get out of a rut, inconsistencies, habits, how to be focused, how to become millionaire, yt:cc=on, how to get rich, marketing, motivation, be obsessed or be average, inspiration, wealth, how to move forward, how create momentum, grant cardone, consistency, how to make money
Id: Gmli_b_Bco4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2017
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