HOW TO FIX A DEAD INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT | The real reason why your Instagram account isn't growing

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okay so it's time for some tough love today i think i'm in the mood to dish out some tough love before we get started i just want to say i'm only saying this stuff because i care about you because i want you to grow on instagram i want you to have an engaged valuable audience but also i've made some of these mistakes before right so i don't want this to feel like i'm just lecturing you and like being like no no no you're doing stuff wrong and because i've done it before right this is a safe space in today's video i'm going to be talking about the reasons why your account is not growing the reasons why you're not reaching people the reasons why you don't have an engaged audience all of that stuff i'm going to basically help you fix your instagram account so if that sounds of interest to you then please carry on watching okay so this is probably the most common reason right so that's why i'm going to start with this one because in case people are like oh i can't have to watch this whole thing at least you hear this from me okay so when people message me and they're like i don't get it why am i not growing i should be growing by now what's going on when i look at their account the biggest and most common thing that i notice is that they are not giving anyone a reason to follow them so a lot of the time it might be a brand account which is purely sharing photos of their products and being like hey you know buy this or this is the features of my products or it's like a creative account where it's like selfies of them and that's kind of it right so no hate again i've made some of these mistakes before okay so the issue with setting up your account this way and the reason why you are having trouble growing is because people have absolutely no reason to follow you so instagram is changing it's not the same as what it used to be back in the day where if you found an account where you purely liked their aesthetic that would be enough for them to grow 10 000 followers a day whilst your aesthetic is still important i'll come on to that later it is no longer enough just to have a good aesthetic or just to share photos of your products or just to share photos of yourself it's unfortunately it's no longer enough we demand more from people now when i say we i say like the instagram users we demand more right what's important to remember when you're reviewing your profile and thinking am i giving people a reason to follow me is that as a species we tend to be quite selfish people so i want you to put your mind in your ideal audience or your ideal follower right they're browsing the app and what a lot of the time they're subconsciously thinking when they land on a new profile he's like hmm what am i going to get from this and that might sound so harsh and there's so many good like there will be so many amazing people watching this like i don't think that but a lot of people do think that they go through even if it's subconsciously and they look at people's content and they're like what can i get from this am i gonna get fashion inspiration am i gonna get amusing memes am i gonna get entertaining reals am i going to learn something are they gonna give me um updated news on my industry are they going to give me tips and tricks on how i can grow my youtube channel like what am i getting from this account and if that is not completely clear either through your bio or for your content or whatever the features you're using to communicate what your value is there's a big chance people will not follow you people don't follow accounts poorly because they just want to see people's selfies i'm sure there's an exception to that rule but in a nutshell people want to gain something from you so if you're not growing i want the first thing for you to do is to look at your account and ask yourself what value is someone getting from this page and if you do not know then i recommend you spend some time trying to figure out so the next reason why you might not be growing is because you're doing something which is against instagram's guidelines okay so this might sound like a really obvious one but i feel like there's some things that you might be doing that you might not even realize are against their guidelines so there's the basic community guidelines which i'll put a link to the article where you can read them all in my description but they're really obvious things like you know don't spread hate speech and you know don't post nudes you know really obvious stuff but then there's other things things like using a third-party app which is not approved by instagram and a lot of people think that's any third-party app which isn't there are third-party apps like panelly or later um which actually are completely approved by instagram and you can use and they won't harm your account in any way then there are other apps which aren't approved by instagram and these are usually apps which allow you to mass unfollow people or mass direct message people anything like that or like you know remove your followers at scale anything what's making you do things like that which instagram has restrictions on you can guess and assume that they are actually not approved by instagram and you shouldn't be using them right other things that might be restricting your growth are things like engagement pods or engagement groups or follow trains these are all different words or methods for basically getting fake engagement and fake followers but not in an artificial sense so people think that they're not breaking overall because they haven't purchased followers or they haven't purchased likes instead they've joined an engagement group where in order for them to get x amounts of likes they need to engage with x amount of people's content so they have to like 10 photos and then they get 10 likes now the issue with these is that even though it comes across as a really genuine way to increase your engagement because it's not artificial we haven't purchased anything is that it's still actually not real because you're only getting engagement in response for giving engagement out but more than that and the biggest issue is that it messes with instagram's algorithm and how they categorize your content if you're engaging with a bunch of people who aren't relate who you don't usually engage with or you're getting a bunch of people from different niches different backgrounds different content categories all engaging with your content instagram is going to find it really difficult to categorize you and who you are it will be like i don't get what your content's about i don't get it like who do i share your content to i don't know because so many different people are interacting with you that i obviously just don't i can't categorize you right they can't figure you out so that's another reason why those types of engagement pods and that type of stuff just doesn't really work follow trains and anything like that yeah you might not be buying followers but you're gaining followers who aren't following you because they like your content they're just following you because they feel obliged to and what that means is that you end up with a bunch of inactive accounts who aren't engaging with your content and they're basically just dead they're not gonna help you grow they're just gonna sit there and ruin your engagement rate another thing that you might be doing in regards to breaking the rules without realizing that you're breaking the rules is that you might be using a banned hashtag now i've just actually released a video all about my updated hashtag strategy because a bunch of changes have come to hashtags recently so i recommend giving that a watch but for the purpose of this video what you've got to know is that there are some hashtags which instagram will restrict the reach to and they do this because they feel the content under the hashtags are in breach of their community guidelines now you're probably thinking these are really obvious hashtags like offensive hashtags but they're not like sometimes they're really simple hashtags that you never would have guessed would be banned right i'm pretty sure like hashtag love was banned at one point or beauty blogger i don't know if it still is but hashtag beauty blogger was banned at one point which i reckon tripped up a lot of accounts because no one would have guessed that that would have been banned right so the way in which that you could tell if a hashtag is banned has changed and i would guess that it's probably going to continue changing previously you could search a hashtag and a notification would pop up which said this hashtag is being restricted by instagram so instagram would literally tell you this hashtag is banned right now it doesn't seem to tell you anymore instead the only way you can tell that it's banned is that it doesn't have a follow button so when you go on instagram and you search a hashtag a follow button usually comes up which allows you to follow the hashtag right so the hashtag content appears on your home screen but now if a hashtag is banned the follow button won't come up because obviously instagram don't want you to follow the hashtag because they're restricting the content but they're just not being as straightforward or as upfront about it as they used to be so that's a really key tip that i want to share with you go through your hashtags double check which ones you're using because if you are using bang hashtag that is a big reason why you might not be growing so another reason why you might not be growing and your account just might be kind of like on the point right decline is because you're not being social so right say it with me instagram is a social media platform it's a social media network it's whatever you want to call it it literally has the clue in the title it is a social platform it is for being social so if you've created an account and you just think i'm fine this is gonna absolutely fly and grow because the content i'm sharing is so high quality that the followers are just gonna come whilst for a few small people that might be enough for the majority of us we can't sit back and just wait for all of this to come to us we need to be out there and giving engagement to others if we ever want to expect to receive some engagement back so i want you today if you can you know if you've got some spare time spend the next half an hour engaging with your followers if you're looking for some inspiration as to what you should do during this engagement session or routine i recommend checking out this video i share with you my engagement routine and you can just copy it and i recommend you start doing that at least a few times a week if not every day so another reason why you might be struggling to grow is quite simply because you don't actually understand how instagram works there is so much value in understanding the algorithm which runs instagram when you get to the stage where you fully understand the algorithm how it works it massively impacts how you post when you post what how you engage who you engage with it basically becomes your guiding light between how you manage and interact on the platform now the good news is is that i have created a master class which is called decoding the algorithm where i disclose exactly how the algorithm works how do i know because i spent weeks upon weeks researching it and putting all that information that i found into this master class so that it was presented to you in a way that was easy for you to understand and of course you know me i'm going to give you my top tips on how you can leverage the algorithm as well so if that sounds of interest to you and if you're really serious about growing on instagram utilizing instagram to grow your business to become a content creator whatever it might be i really recommend that you grab your free ticket the link is in the description okay so the next reason why your account might not be growing is because you're not actually asking anyone to follow you and which might sound weird you might be like i'm not gonna ask people they should just do it but unfortunately people don't if you don't ask you do not receive okay so what i'm referring to here is a thing that we call call to actions or in marketing language it's a cta because that's the abbreviations and ask marketers love a good abbreviation what a call to action is is literally some copy asking someone to do something and how that relates to this tip is that a lot of the time people don't include a call to action in their captions and some of the course actions that i will use if i'm doing a real sometimes i'll use the call to action follow me for more tips and tricks because i know that a lot of people who view that reel will be people who don't necessarily follow me i know that reals are great at reaching a new audience and therefore i want to make sure that i've got my opportunity to say hey new audience follow me right and for anyone out there who is experiencing you know reals which are getting picked uploads well done that might be the real game changing tip for you that you're getting loads of reach but you're not converting them and maybe that's because you're not asking for them to actually follow you you know quarter actions don't always have to be follow me type call to action sometimes they could be things like comment below or they could be save this for later whatever it is as long as you're encouraging some form of activity or some form of action it's going to help you on your growth journey because even if you're just asking for engagement the more engagement you get the better it looks in instagram's algorithm eyes and you know the easier it's going to be for you to grow so the next thing i have for you or the next reason why you might be struggling to grow on instagram or you feel like your instagram account needs fixing is because you're not coming across as genuine it's like a really awkward thing to say to someone thank god i'm just talking to a phone and not to actual people the thing is about instagram and just every social media platform or just everything like marketing branding all of it people like to engage with accounts get engaged with brands and engage with content creators who are genuine and who come across as relatable if your entire instagram marketing strategy is purely based around what you can get from others rather than what you can provide or what others can get from you you'll find that actually your content is going to come across as not genuine at all right and what happens is that people can see completely through that they will land on your account they might follow you and then eventually they'll start to think i feel like this brand account all they want is to get money from me all they want is for me to click on their affiliate link like that's all they want from me i am dispense dispensable dispensable i think that's right and they can get rid of me at any moment they don't need me you know they purely see me as like transactional like that's how they see our relationship right and no one wants to feel that way no one wants to follow engage or support an account what makes them feel that way what they want to do is to engage and follow an account where they feel like there's a bit of a two-way relationship there that yeah they're giving that account their time their engagement maybe even their money but in return they're getting entertained they're getting inspired they're getting supported like they're just getting something from them and that kind of leads back to my first point about what are you giving others like what is your what reason do people have to follow you right so look at your page and ask yourself okay is all of my content just centered on me me me and what i want from someone else is every photo a hashtag ad does every photo relate to an affiliate link is every single photo a photo of my product and with the call to action shop now just ask yourself those questions and if you're really stuck on this then i do offer audits which basically allow you to get a third party opinion that opinion being mine and it will basically give you a full analysis of every element of your account but if you don't want to go down that route then just get your friend get someone who you can trust get a work colleague get a stranger ask them to follow you and provide their advice on your account and specifically arcs does this come across as it's been run by someone who is genuine and see what they say okay that is it for today's video i really hope you found that useful if you did then i recommend checking out this one it is all about the main reasons why you might be losing followers so such depressing topics so today i'm talking about the reasons why your account might not be growing and in that video i'm talking about why you might be losing followers so if you're serious about kind of fixing your account and getting off the ground and getting running then i 100 recommend checking out that video thank you so much for watching as always i hope i see you in my next video
Channel: Jade Beason
Views: 46,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: instagram growth hacks 2021, how to increase engagement on instagram 2021, how to fix a dead instagram account, why my instagram account is not growing, organic instagram growth hacks, how to get organic growth on instagram, grow instagram from 0, how to increase organic growth on instagram, instagram growth strategies 2021, how to grow on instagram as an artist, how to revive a dead instagram account 2021, how to increase engagement on instagram business
Id: vZix3x-CszM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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