Grow organically on Instagram 2021 | Instagram algorithm hacks | Instagram algorithm explained 2021

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you do not need to be the algorithm the algorithm is not something to be beaten it's something to be leveraged right i feel bad for the algorithm like it needs a better pr team hi everyone welcome back to my channel my name is jade in today's video i'm gonna be teaching you all about instagram's algorithm but not just instagram's algorithm and how it works but i'm going to be teaching you how you can utilize the algorithm to actually help you grow if you're new here then welcome hit subscribe if you like this video i'm not going to dwell on this intro too much let's get straight to it okay so first let's talk about what instagram's algorithm actually is and why it was introduced right so back in the olden days pre-2016 instagram did not have an algorithm it was all chronological order crazy right can't believe it couldn't imagine a world where your feed was just based on time and that's it instagram changed this because instagram's sole purpose as with any social media site is to keep you on their platform for as long as possible and they realize that if they produced an algorithm which sorted all of your content based on your interest then you'd be more likely to stay on their platform and you know what even though people hate the algorithm it works the algorithm works and that's why it's not going anywhere okay they changed the algorithm and as a result people were spending a lot more time on their platform because people were now seeing content that they wanted to see and how instagram actually does that and manages to achieve that is by tracking everything you're doing on their site like they are watching you all the time they're watching every single thing you like they're paying attention to any video or igtv that you watch the whole way through or you click on they're paying attention to which stories you look at they're paying attention to who you're dming they're paying attention to who you're saving which posts you're sharing they're paying attention to all of that good stuff right because it's telling them what you like what kind of accounts you interact with what kind of content you respond well to and they've used all that data and information that they've collected to curate your news feed your explore page and also your home feed so when you go on instagram and you scroll down all of that content you are seeing because instagram have been watching what you've been doing on their platform and they've decided that you want to see this content is it a flawless system no is it ever no but it does work for the most part which is why as i said it's not going anywhere so let's talk about what actually happens after you post this is something that i don't think a lot of people include in their videos so i really wanted to make sure i included it because i think it's really fascinating okay so let's imagine that you have just taken like the best photo ever you're absolutely gassed on it and you're like i can't so that was such english slang but i know that like half my viewers are american so gas just means like is that american slang as well though just like hyped on it i don't know and you've taken this photo and you're like i look great or i've just taken this photo of this scenery and it looks so good i can't wait to post it it's gonna blow up i'm gonna be all over the explore page i'm gonna be instagram famous and i can quit my job tomorrow so you do all of that and you post it and then you wait and you're like oh just like tumbleweed you know or that sound that sounds plays in your head because it just didn't take off like you thought it would so what i'm going to do now is just tell you exactly what happened within the first few hours of you posting which may have led to your post not doing as well as it should have so you've posted it's fresh out the back it's literally just gone out it's all live and within the first hour of you posting instagram is keeping a keen eye on that post it's always watching your post but especially in that first hour and what instagram is going to do the second you post is it's going to show your post to what i like to call your advocates so if you've watched any of my other videos then you'll know that i like to throw this term around because i think it's the most effective way to describe your followers who are really engaged with your content so instagram is gonna already know who your advocates are right because they would have used their algorithm to figure out who likes your content the most who shares your content the most who should you comment who comments on your content the most who do you exchange dms with and they're going to group them and classify them as their advocates well they're not going to use that term because that's my term they're going to use their own term but they're going to group them under that umbrella right so when you first post that's who's going to see your post if your advocates react well to that content instagram is going to be like okay all right this is a good one i'm going to extend the reach a bit i'm going to push it out to your wider circle so now you've got a couple of hours i mean the timings i don't know the exact timings but you've got a few more hours after that where instagram's thinking all right you know your advocates love this photo but what about everyone else does everyone else love it and if everyone else starts to love it and you're getting even more attraction engagement instagram's like okay this is a good post i'm gonna blast this and then next thing you know bam explore page that's not guaranteed but the chances are if you've passed those two tests instagram's gonna start pushing it beyond your advocates and beyond your circle to people who don't even follow you you know you're going to start ranking on explore you're going to start ranking on your hashtags that you've used that i'm trusting and assuming that you've used them and if you don't know about using hashtags and all these kind of tips and tricks and check out this video and but that's essentially what happens within the first few hours you'll be posting and i feel like that does a really good job of explaining how important advocates are when it comes to determining how successful your content is going to be so that's in a nutshell a nice way of explaining what the algorithm does immediately after you post so now you're thinking okay cool that makes sense but what does that mean for me and how can i use that to my advantage don't worry because i'm about to tell you but before i do if you're enjoying this video please can you like and subscribe and do all the youtube stuff it really helps me out and okay so if we go back to the first thing what happens within your first hour of posting on instagram if you remember what i said was your advocates are going to see your posts first and that's who need to react well to your post in order for it to get pushed out to more people so what do you do to help this right you get more advocates there are so many different ways that you can do this i'm going to give you a few now but i'd recommend checking out some of my other videos in my description and because they provide even more detail right but for example a way that you can increase your number of advocates is by building relationships with more of your followers so the next time someone comments on your photo respond to it i think we all know by now that you should respond to your comments but why not send them a dm if you've got a good reason to send them a dm and start a conversation then do it go on their profile look at their recent stories if they've posted a story which is interesting to you then respond to it and build a relationship that way these different engagement things that you're doing with these channels is telling instagram hey i've got a relationship with this person you should add them to my group of advocates it's also down to things like you commenting on other people's content it doesn't just have to be your followers it can be you following a hashtag that's relevant to your niche which i always recommend finding cool accounts of big accounts who are posting within that niche and commenting on their content too you always want to make sure that everything you're doing is authentic and you're not doing it just for the sake of it because otherwise it's going to be really obvious and it will just leave a bad like taste in people's mouths you don't want to do that okay but you do want to make sure that you're being as social as possible it is a social platform with others because it helps you build relationships it helps you attract real advocates and it also helps you grow that pool of advocates so now by doing all that stuff especially when you do it half an hour to an hour before you post instagram's now potentially got 100 or like i don't know maybe 100 a lot 25 more people that are gonna add to your pool of advocates and these additional people are now going to see your content when you post right the good thing is that if you've just done all this interaction half an hour to an hour before posting not only are there more advocates in that pool of people but they're also more likely to engage with your content because you're fresh on their minds you've also just engaged with theirs so there's always a bit of a you know all right well they've checked my post out maybe i'll check out theirs type of thing going on so not only are there more people seeing your content but hopefully there's now more people engaging with your content which means that when that first step instagram has now thought okay there are loads of people liking this post i'm gonna push it out to my wider circle another tip that will help you really leverage instagram's algorithm and this whole process to help you grow is by posting at the right time so a lot of these steps you'll notice they're quite time-bound right i've said like the first hour the first few hours that's an important like clue here that you need to think about and there's a few different ways that you can figure out how many people are online or how or when your followers are online you can look at your instagram analytics and you can also go on instagram live and as if you're about to film a live and it will tell you how many people are actually online if you're interested in those kind of tips and like growth hacks check out the video up here because i share a lot more detail and i share just like loads more growth hacks but anyway and if you post at the right time then you're massively increasing your chances of your advocates seeing your post and therefore being able to engage with it it's all well and good having a pool of a thousand advocates but if none of them are online when you've posted then you've missed your window and it's not impossible to claw back engagement and and still rank in instagram's algorithm but it's a lot harder another tip and my last tip of the video unfortunately and that i'm going to give you is to aim for engagement there's always different rules going around you know or theories going around that you know now saves are the most important um like metric or engagement element on your post apparently um but you know these change all the time so what i would recommend you doing is making sure that you've got a strategy in place which aims for all of these different forms of engagement i'm going to give you a few really quick tips now so you can see what i mean so let's start with saves right so if you're gonna try and produce content what you want people to save which is what you should be doing then you need to make sure your content has value so whether that's including a carousel what's got loads of tips in it which is what i basically do on we side hustle that's a really easy way to provide value to your followers or if you're not within that niche and you're more in a fashion niche then maybe what you do is provide really detailed reviews of the different items that you're using or if you're in the travel niche in your captions you include different tips of tricks or restaurants that people should visit when they're visiting the country that you're photographed in there's so many different ways that you can add value whether it's for your actual content like your post or whether it's in your captions i would always aim to do so because then it's going to encourage people to save your post and that's going to help you rank on the algorithm there's also things like likes and comments so when it comes to trying to get people to comment on your page don't try and do something fancy and some kind of psychological technique literally ask people just be like comment below what you think or comment your favorite this or what's your favorite thing like just ask questions and provoke conversation people will respond and that's going to help you get more authentic comments and lastly there's sharing so producing content which is shareable is super super important and it's quite a growing trend in this year right so shareable content is often something which isn't necessarily specific to you it's something which could be applicable to a lot of different people and it's usually in the form of like a quote for example and the reason why quote channels do so well is because all of their content is shareable you see a quote you think oh yeah that's that relates to me i can really relate with this i want to share with others and you post it on your story the great thing about shareable content such as quotes is that it's i in my opinion i don't think it's niche specific i think any different account can include shareable quotes on their page it's just about using the right ones and making sure that they've been well branded and they kind of go with your whole overall theme okay so before you go i've actually got one bonus tip for you and that is to share any posts that you put on your grid onto your stories immediately after posting you probably see people do this all the time and you might wonder why they do it it's because it increases the amount of people who are going to see their post within the first hour or two of them posting and therefore it's going to increase the amount of people who are going to like and engage with their post which if you've been listening to this video you'll know it's going to help you rank on instagram's algorithm because instagram's gonna notice that there's loads of engagement on your post within the first hour or so of you posting i really hope this video was useful to you if you're interested in growing on instagram organically then i recommend checking out this video i share my top growth hacks for instagram they work they are tried and tested so i definitely recommend watching that video if you're interested in growing this year thank you so much for watching i will see you in my next video
Channel: Jade Beason
Views: 271,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to grow on instagram 2021, instagram algorithm for business accounts, best instagram growth strategy 2021, how to increase instagram engagement 2021, instagram growth hacks for small accounts, instagram growth tips 2021, how to grow on instagram fast 2021, instagram algorithm explained 2021, instagram growth 2021, instagram algorithm 2021 explained, instagram 2021 algorithm, instagram algorithm 2021 hack, how to grow on instagram organically 2021, instagram strategy 2021
Id: IJd0KDkmyc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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