How To Get 10k Followers On Instagram Per Week

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tell you a little bit of story. The story is this, I challenged my pro community which is about 280 people right now to set a two-week goal and I wanted to participate it usually I don't participate in my challenges but I said okay I'm gonna do it too so my goal was to get 10,000 follows in two weeks that was my sprint and I did the math I did the math so what do I need to do to get 10,000 follows in two weeks I figured I needed to post twice a day and to give get an average of 405 follows proposed now prior to this point in time I had only been posting about once every 3 to 22 weeks you know 3 days it was like very infrequent I wasn't really minding this but I to go thinking I was probably gonna fail I want to go for anyways even in failure we learn first day I went to post I only made one post that day not good I was off to a really bad start so I was like this is bad and it took me six to eight hours to make that first post it was a carousel post okay tough next day I told myself this is not good we have to get two posts a day so I said you don't get to eat until you finish your carousel so that day I had a late lunch 2:30 I post it and I felt a little strange I was thinking like if I work on something in a shorter amount of time would it affect the quality and the number of follows quality of the post and number follows to my surprise it did not and I knew I needed to get another one out no mind you I'm running a company I'm talking to staff just there's a lot of stuff going on and I needed a shorten the time so what I've learned in that time in the two weeks of posting twice a day I'm gonna share with you right now so let's get into it you guys excited for this yeah thank you all right there's some crowd participation I like that let's get into it now who here has a big following on Instagram and big like more than 5,000 raise your hand more than 5,000 oh we're on wrong okay we're in the right groove then okay who has more than 2,000 follows only one person good for you look at you oh really okay I like that so hey all you young people check out what she's doing she's already got more than two thousand follows she's killing it okay now III do have to say this it took me over a year to get to five thousand follows so what I'm saying to you is gonna sound like clickbait but I'm gonna share what works for me and hopefully it will work for you and if it doesn't you get your full refund I'll give you your money back okay here we go let's get into it now all right before I dive into this I have to talk a little bit about how social platforms work or how I think they work we have to understand something okay what do you all social platforms want you to do they wants you to spend more time on app right we know that it's a competition there the more the more eyeballs oval I don't screw up that's drawing and a lot of tea this morning they want more eyeballs watching their content we know that they want to also promote adoption of what what do they want you to adopt adoption of what okay this is okay it's still early everybody you break is awake oh we good okay they want you to adopt new features that makes sense right so they change the algorithm and this is about as technical as I'm gonna get about the algorithm because I'm gonna be making stuff up after that so they changed the algorithm to promote this you guys understand that right somebody made fun of me is like you can't doesn't Lane this arrow ever and it's probably true it's a lame arrow okay they want to promote they're gonna promote new features so it's important for all of you to pay attention to what's changing every time they have a new feature learn it use it figure out what makes it work and what doesn't make work okay so one of the new features and we're gonna focus today specifically on Instagram but this is broadly applicable to kind of any social platform you remember when 3d photos was popping up on Facebook and then everybody was seeing 3d photos and it was like how do you do that so what they do is they roll out new features to early adopters people who are very active on their program and they just randomly turn them on so somebody pays attention so some features are available to some people while others are not that's what's happening here okay they're gonna pick their best content creators and usually turn them on and serve it up first but what's the new thing that you guys been seeing on Instagram look what is jamming up the the social feed right now carousels Thank You angel carousels so carousels the way that they're being used and I don't know when it changed but back in the day I remember two carousels were limited to like three slides or something like that you couldn't post that many but for whatever reason they decided let's up it to ten so it's not exactly a new feature but they changed it a little bit and I always felt strange because I was very mindful of the grid you guys know your grid all right your Instagram grid you want it like all beautiful because we're graphic designers and we're very OCD so we wanted to make it like a nice pretty picture and so like it bugged me like I have to plan all my posts I have to think about this and I wanted to post multiple things but I thought if I post too frequently it was gonna hurt me so the carousel is ideally designed for people who like to teach who are good at sequential design to tell a story over time and it's perfect because now I don't have to wait and not them figure all this stuff out anymore I can just post 10 at a time and the first question people ask me is like well how many is the ideal number for a carousel what's it what's the answer to that 10 you guys who said that okay wait did you see that it sounded like a woman said that you get your very high pitch like did okay all right 10 that's and why should we post 10 does anybody know why yes that's a she's super smart if they give you 10 to use right if they give you 10 to use why wouldn't you use 10 it makes total sense but think about this one swipe everyone is interaction so your engagement is going up and think about that more swipes more time on Instagram makes total sense okay so what happens is then the algorithm dictates content and you need to know this it's happening everywhere it's happening on Facebook it's happening on YouTube LinkedIn right because why as creators we're concerned about this we should be concerned about this and this means ROI return on investment your investment is time creativity and energy you get inspired you want to make something and then you're like the world's gotta love your this is gonna go viral you don't really think that before this is gonna go viral you put it out there and it's like crickets on social media like for people liked it and all related to you that's not good and that's not a good return on investment right so we know this we don't want to put a lot of time and energy into this because it gets depressing if you do stuff and you get no return on investment so we have to play with the algorithm you can fight it if you want but ignore the algorithm to your peril one last little thing to note the big three something interesting is happening right now all right you guys know who the big three are on social media is it me now LinkedIn right let me write this well we won't get into just yet don't get ahead of me you're right but yes LinkedIn yes okay there's one that you're missing here okay tick tock I have to ignore cuz I'm a teenager is it tik yeah yeah all right tick tock whatever to wait at Twitter yes twitter twitter I have not figured out so now this is you YouTube thank you very much you guys are cute is our main channel you guys just a minute okay at YouTube YouTube right okay well YouTube is owned by Google right we know that Facebook owns Instagram that's why I put them all here who owns LinkedIn oh no you can't answer that question you weren't here alright Microsoft okay so the real battle right now is happening between these three the companies have a lot of money Microsoft you know they have a lot of money but you know Google has a ton of money and so this is where I want to hedge my bet because these other ones may disappear but these ones I think they have enough pocket there are deep enough pockets they're gonna stay in the game so I think there's this wonderful thing that's happening this is just me based on zero data just crystals brain I researched my brain and I said this is happening I'm gonna predict this right now so Gary Vaynerchuk does this all the time he makes a bunch of wild predictions the ones that come true he cuts back to happened remember when 2006 when I said this so remember in 2025 when I said this it just works out if it doesn't we'll delete this video okay here's the thing that's happening and I love this part no when there's one player because they have on monopoly they pretty much just screw you over right we own all your content we do whatever we want and now you have to pay for other people that are your friends just to see your pose now check this out since Microsoft they're not asleep at the wheel they're not the sleeping giant they know the game is unsocial right I'm just waiting for Apple to answer this maybe they'll buy them I don't know they don't get really interesting right because we need companies that are competing against each other to fight for us see I think there's a shift happening from platforms to creators that's you guys cuz look at this you notice this trend that's been happening there's been a lot of videos on this right now about YouTube burnout anybody here make videos on YouTube and get no views yeah yeah yeah so you make content on YouTube and unless you're an OG creator or you just like killing it on the unger rhythm it's kind of difficult now because they've changed the algorithm to serve more content to more people for more creators they're trying to democratize that but the people have spent a lot of time trying to build up the audience or no longer seeing that nice ROI so what's happening right now Gary Vaynerchuk talks about this LinkedIn the best in terms of my opinion next to tick-tock organic social reach until they make enough money until they feel like they have enough of traction to compete and then they're gonna make money for sure because they're in business to be in business right so right now what's happening is they want to lure creators you guys to post content organically natively on their platform this is good news for us this there's like more on one sheriff in town now that means if you don't like the growth that you're getting on YouTube or Facebook then move elsewhere to Instagram or to LinkedIn okay historical boring you get to the ten thousand follows bro okay I'll get there any questions so far live audience good job any questions over no there is how we did thank you all right let's keep going my gosh what's this okay now naturally you're gonna say well who doesn't make the content for you don't make it for yourself I know it's that so don't show any pictures of you eating cake a thousand selfies unless you're like super beautiful and some of you guys are I'm not saying all right if you are then then use what God gave you use what your mama gave you okay but otherwise you have to start to serve an audience and we have to move away from this idea of customers okay to an audience the power the influence the money is here the leverage is here okay because when you chase customers you'll be chasing them all your life you build an audience like like you guys they'll show up for you they might even buy a hat or a badge or cap or something from you that's kind of cool that's really neat and what happens is people don't understand this when you serve other people they tell other people organically and other people have an ability to hire you to give you money to pay for a sponsored post to give you a publishing deal here's a little Side Story years ago I was calling up publishers like hey I need help in publishing a book yeah write a proposal write an outline like okay nevermind now because I have an audience and a following a publisher recently called me one of the biggest ones in design books called me and said Chris hi how you doing you have an audience we'd like to help you publish a book like well I don't know if I need it right now see the power shifting I love this so a lot of people complain about the ills of the the times are changing but they're changing and whenever one door closes another door opens that's an opportunity for you okay so audience so who who are you targeting okay so let's look at this the people here we have to know who our audience is who our audience well we know that their creators and they come from all kind of levels of the design sphere so I won't call them graphic designers but their creators we know that a lot of them are self-taught how many people here are self-taught anybody make some noise guys who hear self-taught whoo all right see that's that's changing and I my prediction too is like in 10 years this idea of degree not degree it won't even matter anymore right now it's still like I don't know I don't feel safe about that so we know that you're self-taught a lot of you guys are in transition you're moving maybe like you're a career switcher anybody here career switcher you did something else and now okay you you guys know how this works right you got to make some noise yes thank you very much okay so you're transitioning we know that and some of you guys I'm just gonna say is how do you spell gypped how do you feel like bamboozled you guys were bamboozled you you went to design school right you're disenfranchised I know that you were promised a beautiful creative career that you can pay off your student loan in five years you slow that bill right I see eyes rolling I get it right you're disenfranchised you did go to school that sold you something but you didn't get what you pay for it's a problem so we know that about you and we know you're an international audience your men and women all that kind of stuff so that's what and then the what is what do you guys need what do you need what do you need so once you identify to Europe identify your audience who they are what do they need what do you guys need so I think I know what you need you need to get clients you need to make money because you got to sustain your life it's part of our mission right help a billion creative people make money make money doing what they love it's just that simple and so how do you get clients well you have to get known okay so it's a logic tree it makes sense right you didn't get it known and so the cheapest most effective way I know how to get known is to blow it up on social well what are we talking about today how to blow up on social see so you want to get known through social right it's accessible anybody can do from anywhere and you're why why do you need to blow up on social well you're why would be I need leads I want validation that I know something that makes sense what else why why did why would you want to get known and do this thing that you do share knowledge I love that you want to share inspire thank you anything else those are pretty good what yeah fulfillment yeah fulfillment full filming I know Internet is like tight police so if I spell something wrong guys I'm trying to do a live show so what happens okay so now we kind of know this now we know you're the creator we know the audience so I'm gonna give you two prompts okay two prompts task and gap okay so if I think about you what are you trying to do in your life every single day if you just sit down and think about it for one second and Seth Godin talks about this can you pick out your audience from the crowd what is your name mm follower Sabine Sabine what's a day in your life like I'm trying to imagine you like what are you doing are you alright you have any kids are you married or are you single you want to help designers hub okay hub for designers have we met before yes we did now I know you yeah it's like I see you need to disguise I'm like I think we've met before okay Sabine no no no it's fine right Sabine okay so then I try to think about your life and if I can talk to you it's even easier but you can use your imagination creative people have a rich imagination we're just usually busy thinking about how bad we are and how the world hate says use that imagination for something else think about somebody else for a second think about a day in a life a Sabine and what she's trying to do running this hub for four designers right and then time map it out and once you get an understanding of that what's a gap like how can we help Sabine so Sabine tell us like one thing that you're trying to do that you haven't been able to do just yet she would get her Mike I love that okay you can keep the mike Sabine go ahead say 10,000 followers on Instagram and YouTube okay oh there 10,000 follows how close are you on YouTube I just started so I'm about 2,000 in 2010 okay so you're 2008 each right yeah okay great I've been doing YouTube videos for a few years now so I haven't utilized I need help really right I gotta help you I know okay okay so there's a like an ache a gap there right alright so you probably need to learn all kinds of things like what kind of content to pose when to pose how to post what what gets views how the algorithm works all that kind of stuff so I'm gonna make a list of all those things you see just me yes cuz you're our audience you think about it right okay okay you complete me alright so what I would do is I would make a list of the gaps okay and now that starts to become a roadmap for the content strategy so the gaps live here right now here's the thing you may have many challenges in your life I can't solve them all so I'm looking at for me what are my interests right where am i strong what kind of skills do I have I think about those things okay does that make sense and I'll make a list okay so I like to teach my backgrounds in video I make video right I enjoy helping people I want to help others I read a lot and I read about things like you know so I go down the list and then I look for the overlap he's just trying to help you understand your audience okay so you know your audience really well because you talk to him all the time through the hub right so if you were able to make your list that would be your content strategy so what I would start to do is the measure highest impact least effort first prioritize that have you seen that impact effort graph you know what I'm talking about right everybody else look it up on the Internet unfortunately I do okay so you want to do the things that are the easiest to do that gets you the greatest results first everybody understand that sometimes you screw that up we do the things of the hardest to do I don't know why that give us the least results and then we get depressed like it's not working we quit we give up do the things that are easy I like to tell people I'm super lazy I just want to do the easiest thing possible and if it doesn't work I'll make more effort and I'll keep increasing effort till I get the results that I want okay are we getting any comments or questions so far on YouTube so far so good moving on Oh Jana's son Tommy he's like I got it Chris I got it how many people are watching inside 300 200 okay weird roll camera are we on right now I need to talk to him this one guy's a little hurt 220 I'm trying to help you get 10,000 follows tell a friend right now I'm gonna stop recording into two minutes if you don't tell two friends all right all right thanks a lot Jaden are we taking this livestream off after we for 24 hours we might don't don't do it don't do it okay Sabine says she she lives a like a busy life don't take it away right away 48 hours okay 48 hours okay now I tried to find out like who created this thing but this is very well known and within the marketing community right AI da you guys have heard of AI da you've heard of ABC right what does ABC always be closing or always be creating that's cool ai da what does AI da mean for marketing anybody know it's not like a handicapped thing it's not that the graphic arts guild we know it's not that we know oh my god nobody knows it okay you know it sabine tell us brain freeze yes you have heard of it so this is good that you don't know this because here's the thing if I share something new to you today then you'll walk away with some value that's my goal you you have given me an investment of your time and attention I need to return it like in a multitude right then we develop a relationship so the first one what is it stated to the mic attention yes first one is attention great grab my attention tell me why should I care why should I care okay makes sense why should I care give me a reason so this is a benefit this is about them not you I don't know why I put a period there damn not you calm or not you okay it's about them not you okay I'm ready to understand that this is really critical a little while ago I tweeted out to saying I want to write a new book the hundred books that changed my life and then I think those marty knew mine who responded back changed a book title 100 books that will change your life like genius so good that Marty guy I think was Marty or could be Blair I'm sorry I'm sorry if I mess it up all right that's what I'm talking about benefit you need to grab their attention we we are victims of this all the time you guys ever go to CNN or Fox and then you're trying to follow a story and they run ads at the bottom like you won't believe how the child star turned out and you're like I'm trying to be the star but I'm so compelled like to click that stupid thing pay attention to how they write to you to grab your attention pull you in so if you do a quick search like the most effective headlines you get a list really quick and they involve words like how to like how do you get 10,000 follows on Instagram per week you see how that works okay the next one is interest okay this is critical okay very critical you got my attention if you don't deliver and give me more and build interest I'm out so the headline captures my attention the sub headline and the body copies built interest and if you drop here it's over and you have to keep building on this okay capture my interest so you have to give me more okay now as it relates to Instagram you have a total of eight slides to give me more that's it okay and I'll tell you why it's eight later and not ten we'll get to it so the magic number is eight guys I want everybody to know it's like infinity it's eight just think eight okay think eight eight is great eight eight is great okay and four plus four eight okay next one is desire okay in the desired state what you're trying to do is to make them imagine now their life change transform that's what you're trying to do okay desire and the last one is accented action lights camera action action you want them to go do something and the way that they talk about this is you want to give step-by-step instructions if you can go to your mailbox pull this out open the envelope write this put $5 in put 25 cents down 50 cent stamp and drop in the mailbox by Tuesday they're that clear this is effective marketing Direct Marketing all that kind of stuff I want to change one of these things from desire okay I want to change it for social media what is desire I'm gonna just give you this thing maybe it'll work maybe I'll change it later I'm gonna tell you give me the details okay and I'll tell you why that's the only difference otherwise it's AI da just like it's said here now you know you have a maximum of 10 slides okay the first light let me change markers here questions so far everybody okay you guys alright no okay all right yes thank you yes all right let's get down here so the first slide in your carousel as I've learned has to pull me in this is your magnet this is your clickbait this is whatever it is that you need to do to grab my attention the combination of type and image there's there's a formula here if you could do it right it works I've been a little lazy I just use type and then my wife tells me honey I can't tell what it is it's all type everywhere so she told me to put images so I went on the internet and I found this image and I was like what what I'm gonna do with that and it's this woman's lip right this is her lip and it's like breaking through a piece of paper okay sorry for the rendering okay all right okay got it and then I put some I came remember what I wrote just wrote something down here and it was all pink this is now my highest performing post it's got 21,000 likes for my size audience that's really good and it's already earned me over a thousand follows in one post lets do much better I know you hate me I know and that's not even counting the traffic that brings in for other people to watch or look at other carousels so it's helped me out a lot this is a very provocative image it's mysterious so I think these are kinds of things that are formulas you want to use it's not complicated because it's kind of almost like monotone duotone it's all pink it's like pink on pink and it works and the combination of image to type really works and this is what all of you guys are really good at doing for other people we just don't do a good job for ourselves okay that's the attention part if you don't have me here bye bye tell me the benefit what's in it for me why should I care okay now here's the interesting thing about the rest of this I've talked about this before with my pro community you have to get them to go beyond slide three this is super critical okay there's this momentum being built here if they can't get beyond slide three if it breaks here I don't think your post is gonna perform well the algorithm will think no clickbait lost me lost me out so how can you lose me you don't tell me anything new or believe it or not you tell me too much because there's a flow if you think about it when you're on Instagram you're swiping right like 1,001 1,002 so if another 10 second swipe I'm gonna get stuck then you don't want to do that don't get stuck on that slide who's calling me right now is it okay good okay okay it's like unless is my wife like the Palisades are on fire again I've been or answer that okay so here we are now I made this mistake before I put the densest most juicy value-packed piece of information right around here guess what happens okay if they read it all well we're done you gave me all that I needed to know so the value is right in here somewhere okay so this is like a story there's a there's a car crash boom that we're jumping into the story what happened and we starts to move the camera around just you know what's happened so we see like one of the wheels fall off there's some smoke one another cars upside down we see a deer what has that so we're going into the car now we're building into like what what's going on and then we then we pan to an open bottle of alcohol oh that's what happened and then there's a twist usually right around here so nothing this is what it seems and then there's some bullet holes oh it's a little more you see how you like pool people in now you can't you guys gives you but they're all not in full agreement no yes you know man all right they're not doing that but I'm just telling a story the way I want okay so this is where you have to get really deep into it this is the juice right here most of us most of us logically start right here tell me what it is that's gonna be valuable right and what you want to do is you want to educate tell me something I didn't know before educate or tell me a joke make it funny entertain me okay that's it that's what you want to do here and I've tested this theory I've researched and read books marketing and pricing and all itself and they gave me pretty good views and then I just take a joke I found on Twitter somewhere and I cut it apart I'm like I wonder how this is gonna go and it does just as well it's crazy it's crazy so I'll get into a little bit content strategy later like it doesn't even need to be your idea most of the ideas I have all the good ones come from someone else alright so the only thing I want to caution you about and I'm gonna put a post on this too is if you quote somebody just quote them don't take it and then leave their name all over it so it's weird it creates bad energy between you and the person who wrote it because guess what at least for me I have some fans they tagged me and they started like throwing shade on this person and you think about it if you take somebody else's idea and you don't get proper attribution you make it popular and as soon as you get popular they're going to trace it back to that one post and you're on scumbag now you're doing your plagiarism we all hate plagiarist so give credit it doesn't hurt you in fact it helps you write I wrote something I tagged Austin Kleon I put his name all over I should go by the book whatever and then he says private messages me thank you next thing I know two weeks later he's on her podcast and he said I'll send you a book hey Austin if you're watching this you haven't sent me the book yet I'm just just being honest okay right and I have the same relationship that I'm building with a lot of authors who are like thank you Ben you're helping me to sell books right now we all win okay so there's good stealing there's bad stealing that's stealing you don't give attribution at all good stealing you give credit and you try to steal from more than one person all right the last ones action what do you want me to do now this is good so you tell them one thing they do bookmark this like this comment give them a prompt tell me what was one of your biggest challenges or tell me your highest performing posts and why do you think that was so you give them a reason to engage with you this is really critical okay or you can say hey you have a question for the next two hours I'll answer them that way that generates your next post isn't it awesome yeah so now we get back to why it's eight why it's eight because you basically lose two slides first one in last one right this is why you need to focus on the Magic eight okay how many slides you need to think about oh my god it's a bunch of designers how many slides you need to think about much better awesome guys great job okay any questions so far remember you got to get them past number three if you can't get passed through you're in deep trouble so keep it light give me a little bit more and one thing I'd like to use is the when we do storyboarding when I used to teach sequential design I told them use the speaking metaphor every time you take a breath entertain put a comma new slide I looked at some of my earlier posts before I figured this stuff out they were so dense this is good news what I should have done was I should've taking that one dense slide and broke it out into four slides why is that good news I have way more content to share because I don't have to put so much in ten slides this is critical this is how you can do two a day don't try to put too much in there's all obviously the opposite side which is there's nothing here it's like hot candy but there's nothing it feels like I'm eating something but there's nothing there okay everybody are you like I have ideas now I do know what's on this page oh there's something on this page not a lot let's recap okay we're almost at the end of this whatever I'm trying to do here let's recap guys let's summarize what do you need to do to post a day so frequency thank you frequency and consistency is key I've tested this I posted one every three weeks I got some follows I posted once a day and I've done as many as five a day guess which one gets me more follows there's no mystery believe it or not now five a day you guys are gonna faint you're like I have a job I have children to raise a spouse to argue with you know whatever I can't do five day go for two a days see what happens okay now when you post when should you post when okay you want to look at your analytics you guys know what analytics are everybody everybody here of analytics yes if you don't you need to switch to a business or creator account it's easy you just hit a button I thought it like you have to apply or something no just hit a button and it lets you do it and you get your analytics and you look at they'll give you a I think it's like Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday they'll give you a little chart like that and then I think they tell you the time too so my time is usually around 7:00 a.m. something like that to like 2:00 p.m. but I've done a test I posted at midnight I still get follows probably not a good rule of thumb for you guys and then all of a sudden it used to be Los Angeles was my highest engaged audience and then it became Indonesia Tolle p.m. must be a hot time for them or something that's what I'm thinking I don't know why so if you put a good piece of content quality here good put a good piece of content out the time doesn't matter as much but try to hit it when your audience is paying attention the next thing is you need to engage you got to engage with them okay and this is really critical so I usually reserve about one to two hours to respond to every single comment and if you've ever followed me if you ever made a comment I either heart or I give you sarcastic answer I harass you or I give you an answer and one of those three things will happen right I literally am going through my son say what do you know I'm like hold on okay let me answer this okay all right now I'm gonna give you a shortcut cuz people always ask you this how many people are working in your account how many of you work on my account one me that is how is this possible and I live a highly optimized life okay I'll give you a little hack here so this is the first hack I'm gonna give you how many of you guys use an Apple device raise your hand almost I know I know right all right there are two Apple snobs here it's the bean of myself right so here's the hack if you go into keyboard setting right I I think there's something like text replacement have you guys ever done this yeah have you guys done text replacement no yeah okay open up your phone go into your preferences go into your keyboard do it right now everybody go get out and I'll do it with you it's shortcuts it's called shortcuts yeah thank you it's called shortcuts thank you what's your name thanks Nancy Nancy's the best i'm right Anne Anne siese named Aaron Nancy Nancy you have a big Instagram following what's your what's your Instagram handle Nancy Nancy XD you must like XD okay and how many follows do you have 9 whoo I like that one one okay okay we'll get some beans information here you go so Nancy Nancy XD you guys can follow her if you want okay she's smart she's telling us go to shortcuts what I do in shortcuts I change all the things right so I type very little to save me a lot of time so you guys don't know this I type in Y the W you're very welcome I type in s are are Y sorry I can't give you individual critiques I hope you understand I love you you know I write full phrases I even use them for my hashtags cuz you don't have to go and copy/paste anymore right smart right I learned it for somebody else okay so I use something like what I use biz ht1 because I have many hashtags so I use about 30 hashtags that my friend at Dave Tallis he's awesome you guys should follow him okay he does similar things as me teaching people how to grow on Instagram so it gives me about 30 hashtags boom I'm done I don't have to think about it it's awesome okay that also is the cap you cannot do more than 30 hashtags if you do more than that something funny happens so don't do more than 30 hashtags okay so this is what I do right i typing API appreciate it I type of TFS thanks for sharing its optimizing my life it's all built-in no extra plugins totally free totally free is a good price right yes okay so engage with your audience why should you do this because I want to reward my audience for paying attention and after that and I always respond I tried to but I can't always I prioritize those people now here's the next beautiful thing is this is what they call kind of generative you guys know that we're generative it's kind of a fancy word right things that generate more things right something like that so like generative art like fractals you know you just keep zooming and just keeps making more stop I read the comments and if I keep seeing the same kind of comments and questions that's another carousel right I don't have my notebook here but then I just jot it down in my notebook okay so I'm an analog kind of guy in order for me to be able to post five times a day I have a book full of ideas literally in my notebook like if you guys want to pick up an amazing notebook you can or field notes or something like that if you look at my notebook it looks something like this right and it's very small it's like that I draw a line across a line across I divide in half and divide it in half guess what there's my eight frames and I jot down the ideas sometimes I have the whole idea mapped out sometimes I have fragments I need to get them down and later on when you see me do my master class on this you'll see oh my god that was a note that was the carousel yes sometimes how you can get a carousel done thirty minutes because it's already been planned I want to do this here right here's another little thing I do I leave a little gap between this and my next grid and I'll tell you why all right messed that up that's horrible bad designer I leave room here so I can write little notes like I'll think about this so there's a little room for me to add other ideas without making it all messy okay so that's what I do so if you're really super good you should use both sides right and it would look like that it's gonna look amazing and when you get super famous and big doing this this becomes a really beautiful artifact that then you share - it's so generative that's how it works okay this makes sense so far reward people give them a call to action you can and next thing I'm gonna say is write something witty if you can if you're witty person but personal tell me a story in the caption it's very important there's a few people could get away without doing this like people he's had over a million follows because he makes amazing art every day cares right a witty personal caption use the hashtags add a call to action you're gonna do really well okay let's talk about hashtags for a second I don't wanna get out of my league here you're allowed 30 hashtags okay somebody told me you've used too many it's not good so I don't really know what the rule is nobody knows what's going on you some not too many but not more than thirty now there's a balance here okay when you search for hashtags you need to have a mix of high low and medium search traffic okay now you want a couple low ones like you know average search for this yields like 100k or less than okay let's say 50k it's not a ton of people looking for that that's fine and then highs like a million-plus right it's very hard to compete against those people but it doesn't mean you shouldn't try the ones in the middle so you want a mixture of these okay do a couple low so you become really well-known for something and that's good builds traction you're teaching the algorithm and other people we're kind of related and if you don't know the the best thing I can give you a shortcut without any fancy tools look at somebody that you like that you think you want to compete against it has a good sized following look at their hashtags copy/paste into like some program and then research each one of those your goal is to be top 9 you know I'm talking about top 9 when you search for hashtags there's a magnifying glass you want to be somewhere here if you're not there's a good chance that people are not gonna look for you anywhere in there you're golden okay I didn't talk about IG TV embedding video those are all good things those are also features they want you to use I'm just super lazy that's all right so this is the fast way I know how to do this I'm pretty sure there's other things I forgot to talk about so I opened up for questions and we'll wrap this segment up any questions so far well I have the mic yes please talking about video because I mean what's your Instagram paper specs at papers pay paper specs specter like this paper as pcs pay respects I do a lot of videos and I try to keep them under the minute yes but that's where the IT TV comes in so do I do I not do you or do you longer do you what do I go for the longer videos or not yeah so what you do is you post on IG TV and then you do some linked version on Instagram I think that's how that works right and I just saw some new announcements for premiere that they can do this auto Reese entering thing which is like whoa my god you know no Jason talked about let's talk about this for a second Adobe always picks exactly the right clip and then just do these perfect demos right and you get home you're like wait it's like looking at the cat I don't want that yeah in real life it but that's a really cool idea to do the center cut so you always want to produce content that's natively designed for this format here's the analogy that I have for you and I talked about this earlier is that radio is the dominant media form right so when they went to TV they produce TV programs like radio static camera people just read super boring and then they realize we can move the camera and we can cut and we can cross this off we can do so then TV became its own thing same thing is happening right now it's like well I used to make content like this and I'm gonna smash it into this other form it's not gonna reward you for that so you definitely want to do vertical videos and I think Instagram just recently allowed you to tell people you can rotate it so you can go widescreen now I don't know if you guys know that sounds like huh okay we can do that but ideally you would have your videos captioned and you gotta come up with a cool headline the whole bit you gotta follow the rules okay it'll do really well any any other questions so far yes if you can't create like no hi if you can't create like jaw-dropping art every single day what if you do like one carousel of your idea and then another one of the witty personal stuff as well it better be friggin really witty okay I mean really yeah are you that witty no me neither no I'm not yeah and so what I try to do is do the jaw drop okay jaw drop is like that's a high standard suit to hit right I'd rather be clear and to give value and then if you can make it beautiful jaw-dropping and be witty that's like layers on top of the cake but the cake needs to be there first all right be clear make sure the type reads so here's another thing I want you to design for somebody who's nearsighted like our yet nearsighted right because it's hard for us to read so when you put like 12-point type because you know you're designing something on screen that's ginormous and then you look at it's like I can't read that so what I would advise you to do is zoom out of your artboard whatever program you use to kind of like roughly the size so can you read that if you can't it's not gonna work okay so make sure you're designing for the platform how it's being used everybody is using a mobile Mobile's where it's at' not desktop yeah mobile okay another question I'll take your hubble questions and we'll wrap it up what's your name dead room what's a what we have dijeron dead Rijn okay when it comes to Commerce and you're trying to sell trying to sell product should you focus on getting follows first or selling the product audience first always I believe yeah because you build credibility yeah so yeah the rule would be give 10x take 1x okay now I've been able to grow my following I'm gonna hit 200,000 followers pretty soon here's a really cool story people are gonna pay me they are already starting to offer me money to just post on their behalf that's all I need to do and I'm a small like relatively Instagram influencer so I'll get like hey Joey like like they've evolved for $2,000 for posts I know other people graphic designers artists $30,000 for posts 3 posts you made more than a lot of people have made in a whole year so it's worthwhile ok now your thing in terms of selling product it shouldn't be selling at all get rid of the words telling your mind educator entertain teach me how to use your product what problem does it solve stuff to go to talks about this in his book this is marketing he says build a product or service that matters with the built in story and then just share that story do you make a product that matters ok so then tell the story does have a built in story you got seeing some Mike if you want anybody yes yes ok well that's what you want to do so you're gonna talk about a lot of your why like why you're doing it because that then today all show and all things look the same right so there's a story there okay anything else in last minute questions anything that I know I'm forgetting a whole bunch of things I had a whole elaborate presentation prepared I just just decided to write it out instead anything else okay Jade any question from the 220 people that were watching huh you answered all of them how many people watching now 100 all right we got 361 all right since there
Channel: The Futur
Views: 2,704,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, instagram, grow, get, followers, following, growth hacks, algrorithm, tips, advice, what is aida, marketing, gain, adobe max, adobe, max, social media, hash tags, content marketing, growth, organic, AIDA, using AIDA, 2019, carousels, slides, IG, 2019 instagram algorithm, how to grow on instagram 2019, grow on instagram, get instagram followers, instagram growth 2019, instagram followers
Id: 89bF5Dzh_F4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 30sec (2910 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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