How To Get Your Fight Back - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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[Music] i'm excited to share the word of the lord with you tonight i believe that god's going to bless you in a special way as we go deeper into the word of god i enjoyed ministering to you on sunday we had a great time didn't we it was awesome it was awesome in the presence of the lord as we uh did the message to the rainmaker and we were talking about elijah god has told elijah i want you to go down there and confront ahab and if you face a hand i will stop the drought and elijah walks up to ahab and he says to him i'll tell you what you got all of these prophets of baal gather them up as many as you can get and meet me up on mount carmel and the god who answers by fire the fire came down from heaven and it burned up the wood and it burned up the bullets and it licked up the water and all the prophets were aghast and all of them fell back and for a while ahab was convinced that jehovah was god elijah climbs up on the mountain mount carmel he goes back on mount carmel and he lays down up on mount carmel and and and gets in in a birthing position where he drops his head in between his knees he has told him i heard the sound of an abundance of rain it don't look like much but i do see a cloud the size of a man's head the skies went black and the lightning began to flash and the thunder began to roll and all of a sudden a great deal of rain i y'all don't hear me a massive amount of rain it started out small but meanwhile it got bigger that's what your blessing sounds like that's what your future sounds like that's what your prophecy sounds like that's what your destiny sounds like that's what your prayers bring answers sound like it sounds like that i'm gonna pick up from where i left off sunday and go a little bit deeper into his story into his life for some of you it won't take you into deeper waters and you're accustomed to going to for others of you it may be something new but for all of you i believe that god's going to direct you to a way of looking at this that's really going to help you go to first kings chapter 19 verse one through nine and i'm going to be reading out of the niv but it's first kings 19 1-9 and it reads this way now ahab told jezebel everything elijah had done and how he had killed all the prophets with the sword so jezebel sent a messenger to elijah to say may the gods deal with me may the gods deal with me be it ever so severely if by this time tomorrow i do not make your life like that of one of them um that was a strong statement elijah was afraid and ran for his life when he came to bear sheba in judah he left his servant there while he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness he came to a broombush king james version since the juniper tree sat down under it and prayed that he might die i have had enough lord he said take my life i am no better than my ancestors then he lay down under the bush and fell asleep all at once and the angel touched him and said get up and eat he looked around and there by his head was some bread baked over hot coals and a jar of water he ate and drank and then laid down again the angel of the lord came back a second time and touched him and said get up and eat for the journey for the journey for the journey for the journey is too much for you so he got up and ate and drank strengthened by that food strengthened by that food strengthened by that food he traveled 40 days and 40 nights until he reached for the mount of god there he went into a cave spent the night and the law and the word of the lord came to him and said what are you doing here elijah father sanctified the word into our hearts tonight as we go into the word that we might have a deeper and more full and complete understanding of the word tonight that we might grow by the word that we might be edified that we might be strengthened by it in the name of jesus we pray amen wow i trust you're doing good tonight i'm excited to have the opportunity to be with you to share the word tonight and i believe that god's going to do something special for you tonight as we go into the word i may go back into the scriptures again and talk a little bit more it is utterly amazing when you read the previous chapter how dynamic elijah was how he uh faced uh uh uh ahab and how he uh faced the prophets of baal and how he destroyed the 450 prophets of baal uh with great courage great tenacity uh how he went back and threw himself back on mount carmel and prayed again and put his head between his knees and and and blocked out everything and and then prayed till he produced the rain that broke the that broke the drought that broke the famine that changed things for everybody he'd done everything for everybody he'd set everybody free and then king ahab goes back and tells jezebel a woman that i talked about extensively on sunday a woman who was a foreigner to them was not really one of them had been brought into their camp from phoenicia and uh had married this hebrew boy though they were both semitic actually and and married him uh and be the king and the queen come together came together because the two countries are coming together it was a political deal she didn't choose him she didn't want him it was an arranged marriage not just by the parents but by the countries because they thought it would be good politically and here she is in this country and i talked about it uh quite a bit sunday and here she is in this country in this atmosphere away from her people away from phoenicia away from their customs and rituals away from their liberal attitudes she's now thrust into this extremely conservative environment and not only are they conservative they are contentious yeah they're conservative but they don't get along with each other and she hated it she sent for the prophets in the first place so she'd have something from home something that was true to her faith and her background and her religion and she's trying to convert them by killing the prophets and now elijah has killed the prophets of baal in a dynamic display of god's glory fire down on mount carmel licking up the water licking up the wood looking up the stones and burning up the sacrifice god it showed himself to be strong in the life of elijah elijah prays down uh the rain and it begins to rain again god has shown himself to be strong elijah kills 450 prophet god has shown himself to be strong in elijah's life elijah then tells king ahab just get on his chariot and slacked not by riding the less the rain stopped thee and then he girded up his loins about his girdle in his lowering belt and started running and out ran the chariot mighty man superman amazing man incredible man accomplished man admirable man in that chapter of his life but when he heard that jezebel had said may the gods do that and more to me if i don't kill you in the next 24 hours he got afraid now i would like to say that the pressure started with jezebel's threat and sometimes we have something that happens in our life that is the tipping point that takes us over the edge that drives us to a place where we just can't take it anymore and all of a sudden we react to it jezebel's threat on his life she never touched him she never got him she didn't get him within 24 hours she really spoke a curse over herself but he's running afraid and he's not a fearful person but now he's afraid and i'm wondering if there's anybody watching me tonight that you're not normally a fearful person but now you're afraid that your emotions are out quack in such a way that you're responding this way and that way that something that you normally would be confident about that now you're afraid or tired or frustrated or weary and he comes to the juniper tree i'm going to use king james english language he comes to the juniper tree and he said it is enough it is enough which really means it is too much but he's saying it is enough let me die the man who just killed 450 prophets is now saying let me die i am no better than my ancestors i want out of my own life i'm wondering if there's anybody out there listening at me tonight who has ever gotten to the point of exasperation where you want it out of your own life maybe maybe not suicidal we won't use that big of a word because a lot of people can't own that word maybe not suicidal but just depressed enough and discouraged enough and frustrated enough that you just want out of your own life out of your own skin out of your own world you could get in the car and just drive until you ran out of gas and then get on a bus and go to you ran out of money and wherever you were change your name and turn into somebody else because it's enough you've had it and you know you're a believer and you know you what we've got but you've had it and you know the scriptures but you've had it and you've seen the miracles work in your life before but you've had it and you've seen god use you in a mighty way but now for some reason in this season with all of this stuff going on on top of everything else you had going on you you you you've been sheltered in place you've some of you have lost your jobs you've lost loved ones you've we've seen a quarter million people die we're now seeing an upsurge uh in the virus and if that were not enough every day we're faced with political chaos like we have never seen before no matter what your politics are this has been stressful four years of all kind of hell breaking loose it's always bad but this has been exceptionally contentious everybody fighting with everybody and you try to avoid it and you try to turn and it's almost on every station now it's one thing to have hell on the outside and pressure on the outside and chaos on the outside but it's not like your own personal problems went to bed while the world was going crazy it's not like your beetles stopped coming because of covid no no no it's it's not like all of your children lined up and all of your siblings lined up and all your parents lined up because of kobe no no no no you still got all the drama you always had on top of this new drama you're saying look i'm a strong person but this is enough what do you do when when you feel like giving up you feel like walking away first of all there is the shame of feeling that way the guilt that comes from saying i should be a type a person i should be an alpha male i should be this i should be that i'm a superwoman i'm the woman for the job you've always thought that about yourself but now you don't want to tell anybody shh but you all out of your own life get me out of my own skin oh if i could just be somebody else for a little while and pressure and anxiety has brought the great man of god down to land up under a bush and he has despaired of life itself and he says it is enough i want to talk about breaking points because all of us have it not all of us know how to deal with it but all of us have them it is especially difficult for those of us who have been mighty at other chapters in our lives to come to a point of exasperation that the feeling is not only frustrating it's foreign and you would dare say it in front of anybody elijah didn't say it in front of anybody that's why i wanted you to notice that he left his servant in bear sheba judah left them back there did you stay here and went on a little further where the servant couldn't hear and said god i'm sick of everything and everybody this is not the kind of prayer that you pray on sunday morning in front of the church this is the kind of prayer you pray when nobody's listening where you can really keep it real and you get what god say i'm sick of my husband i'm sick of my wife i'm sick of my kids i don't like my goldfish my dog is stupid i'm gonna kill that cat you just just just maybe you haven't been there i understand that feeling i understand that feeling where you are overwhelmed and you need to just be honest with god for a minute not religious not spiritual not perfect not anything and tell god i am sick of this i've had it i'm tired it's enough now when when people who are normally fighters come to this point the shame also comes with being there because they're not used to being there i feel like i'm talking to somebody tonight i don't i don't know i feel like i'm sitting down talking directly to somebody i don't know you're not even used to feeling the way you're feeling it's a strange feeling it's a foreign feeling not only is elijah in a strange place he's having a strange feeling at a strange time in his life laying up under a tree a bush as it were he can't go any further it's not like he he checked in to the bush hotel this is not the juniper resort no this is just as far as he can go and he just collapses and and everything spills up i have been faithful for you i have worked for you i've done this and that for you i did that he went through the whole list then he goes down to another thing he says there's nobody left but me they've killed all the prophets but me i alone am left now i want to stop right there because i want you to see something what he just said isn't true and he knows it's not true because in the previous chapter obadiah has reserved at least some prophets in a cave and he is aware that those prophets exists what do you do when what you know doesn't line up with how you feel intellectually he knows that they are there but emotionally emotionally and experientially he feels all alone he's he's left his servant just a little ways but he knows where he is there are other prophets that are yet alive he knows that he knows that but he doesn't feel that and sometimes how you feel about something becomes your reality and the bible says that he fell asleep under the juniper tree how do you get your fight back that's what i'm talking about tonight can i tell you something you're tired he has been doing everything for everybody he has fought against all odds he has confronted his biggest enemies he has stood up against 450 prophets of baal he has looked they have squared down in the face and talked smack to him he's been ferocious but he's tired he has climbed all the way back up on mount carmel again and prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed for rain his literally birthed rain and god has answered and if that were not enough he has outrun king ahab was in a chariot and elijah was on foot and he's outrun him he's tired and god who caught fire down from heaven and god who sent a dale use of rain that rebuked the drought and stop the famine does no miracles under the juniper tree other than letting him get some rest you can't get around it when you're burned out when you're at the end of your rope there is nothing wrong with rest now now i want to show you some things here this is going to get good it's already good he says to god take my life i am no better than my ancestors and then he lays down under the bush and fell asleep his body is trying to tell him i cannot keep pace with the life you're leading his body is saying he's tired it's not just his mouth saying he's tired he fell asleep he didn't plan to fall asleep he fell asleep before he fell asleep he said take my life he's depressed his emotions are off-centered his fight is gone he doesn't even sound like the guy in the last chapter but he is he's the same guy that caught fire down for on mount carmel and he still got miracles left in him and he's still got powerful gifts left inside of him but he's lost his fight jezebel's threat was the straw that broke the camel's back but it was not the only straw on the camel's back and i'm talking to somebody tonight which you have had strived to strive to strive to strive to straw until now they feel like bricks on your back and the lord's got you in this class tonight not only to learn about elijah but to challenge you to curl up somewhere in the fetal position with a throw or a blanket or a binky yes something yeah and he fell asleep and the bible says all at once an angel touched him and said get up and eat now i want to get into this so one thing how to get your fight back is to get some rest the second thing is to get up and eat is to make sure that you're eating right make sure that you're eating healthy make sure that you're doing all the things that you need to be doing to to feed your body to give it the nourishment that it needs that's that's one part of it that's very important we don't want to minimize the significance of that because the car can't run without gas and you can't run without the proper fuel in your body and when you get tired you know some people react to it differently some people get tired they lose their appetite some people get tired and they overeat it just depends on how you're made up but you get what i'm saying god sent an angel to tell him to get up and do what his body would normally tell him to do get up and eat and there are there's bread breaking on hot coals i want to tell you that god has prepared meals for tired people and he delivers i said he delivers i said he delivers he'll come right where you are you don't have to go to hawaii you don't you don't have to go to disneyland you don't have to go to the swedish alps you don't have to go to paris to get some rest he'll come right where you are if you rest and he'll feed you i want to go deeper into this thing about feeding we talked about it but i want to go deeper we talked about risks we talked about feeding i went to uh a seminar for clergy and it was uh clergy and ceos and we were all in a room together and the the gentleman who was teaching a workshop said to us something i want you to do he said i want you to write down on a sheet of paper all the things and all the people the choir the whatever the willing to fried chicken committee the the handi-baked committee the board you're on all the grandma your aunt nelson your cousin willie who's that nervous right now write down all the people in your life who need you i want you to do that i want you to make a list right now many as you can think of of all the people organizations causes jobs houses taxes everything that needs you that makes you outrun chariots that makes you slave false prophets that makes you climb up on the hill and pray all those people who need you to do all the amazing things that you do every day even if it's making peanut butter and jelly and helping the kids with homework in between trying to run a business for yourself in between trying to figure out how to pay bills i want you to write down everything that needs you every person who needs you who calls on you who wants prayer who wants advice who wants support who wants you to pick them up who wants you to carry their clothes who wants you to do something for them who wants you to stop by and check on granny all the people who need you and they're wonderful they may be great causes and great missions and wonderful people we're not trying to x none of them i just want you to put them on a list where you can see them go ahead make a list the people you counsel the people you comfort the people who call and dump on you the people who borrow money from you the people who borrow wisdom from you the people who want your assistance the people who demand your company the people who take your attention and your time and your energy and i'm not saying you don't love them but just write down a list of all the people who need you and i bet you anything i can't see but i bet you anything you're still writing and if you're like me the list got longer than i thought it was than i had ever put down on paper to see that it was i had never looked at it i saw everything in isolation call by call need my needs situation my situation but i had never made a list to line up and take a look at how much was on my back look at all the people who need you come check the garage door i'm getting ready to move i need you to help me get this refrigerator down all the people who need you this baby is running out of diapers all the people who need you don't judge them just write down the list and i'm giving you time because i'm assuming your list is like by my list of law because every time i put down my pen or every time i stop typing i thought of somebody else and the list kept getting longer and longer and longer and longer and longer and then he said to us in this room now make a list of all the people who feed you and that was harder to write than the need you the need you list everything popped into mind really really really really really really really really really really really really quick but the featureless the people who being around them feed me the the people who replenish me who refuel me that was a shorter much shorter list and if that list is that big and the other list is this big then you're operating in the red elijah was operating in the red and he didn't even know it and the bible says that he ate and laid back down again he's exhausted he just woke up he woke up eight and went back to sleep again gets up and eats again and the angel says to him on the second meal arise and eat because the journey is too great for you oh god i know you don't want to admit that anything is too great for you and anything is too much for you and you sign up for everything and you do what everybody else won't do and you go get everybody that nobody else will get you go check on people it's too much it's not enough it's too much the journey is too great for you he was saying it is enough the angel said the journey is too much okay if your journey is too much and it's too great for you if your list is too short of people who feed you intellectually spiritually emotionally validates you who being around them reignites your flame and all of that and you've got more people who drain your battery and pull from you and pull on you all the time all the time all the time all the time you are operating in the red and we've got to get some balance in your life balance and sometimes the people who need you will always find you but you have to be intentional about the people who feed you the places who feed you the things you like to do that feed you you don't have time for them because you have said yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes to this list over here you have said i'm gonna get to you later i'm gonna call you back i'm gonna spend some time with you soon to this list over here now you wonder why you're feeling the way you're feeling and where did your fight go it ain't jezebel that's the problem it's being out of balance it's being terribly out of balance and some of us do it to ourselves we're not happy until we're surrounded by people who need us and it's it's for many of us it's it's a hidden symptom of low self-esteem because everybody's more important than us and we keep putting ourselves on the back burner because secretly we don't think that we matter enough to prioritize ourselves to get what we need so that we can keep serving people with more moderation and more space in between and taking time for ourselves so that we can be available for god and for ourselves and you're on the front lines and a lot of people need you and they don't know that the person that they need is about to die and as you are watching this bible class and as you are going through this bible class with me tears are welling up in your eyes because you are tired and you are empty and you are depleted and you can't even tell anybody because what would they think of you if they knew that the person who called fire down from heaven and has all the answers and fixes all the problems for everybody is in a mess themselves and you have all the shame of not wanting to disappoint anybody and and i call these types of people god players we have been so busy being god in people's lives that god doesn't get to be god in their lives and we think that if we take time off and if we stop and if we get rest and if we refuel or if we get around people who feed us sometimes it's not about sleep sometimes it's about getting around somebody who's got something smart to say that invigorates you and motivates you that's talking on the next level that feeds you intellectually that feeds you spiritually that feeds you emotionally some of you are on this this this bible place tonight and you're going to click off in a minute because you know you just happen to be passing by you thought you'd check it out you may be on and you get distracted you go do something some of you on this bible class like this you're trying to eat like a man who just got out of jail because there are many places that you can go to be fed and you've got a degree and you've got a position you've done all the things and you're in power you have very little places where you can go and be honest and say man i'm so tired that it's affecting how i think about my life and i completely forgot that there are other prophets i could have got those guys that that obadiah had in the cave and they could have helped me but i i forgot how to say help maybe i didn't think they would do it right maybe i didn't think they would do it like me for whatever the excuse is this list is real short and this other list is real long and getting longer every day every day and now the great man of god is not helping anybody he's not healing anybody he's not pardon any waters he's not rebuking any diseases he's not doing anything because he's curled up under the juniper tree and god only knows what your juniper tree might be if you don't stop see the thing about fainting and the thing about falling is that you don't get to pick where you're gonna do it the other day somebody was getting out of the tub they fell and hit their head bust their head open hemorrhaged and ultimately died and somebody else had everybody say why did he fall there he didn't pick it it picked him you don't get to pick where you faint at it's not like elijah left and started going and saying i'm going to go up here and get up under this juniper tree and i'm going to collapse no he was going to go pray he was going to go a little further and pray like jesus went a little further and prayed you claps you don't get to pick where you fall thank god for the angels that come and minister to us when we are in our most vulnerable places and that's what i want to be tonight i want to be used of god to be god's angel god's angel means a messenger i'm not saying i'm an angel so don't write me about that i'm saying i'm just a messenger that's what angels mean sent from god to say get up and eat and then lay back down again and get up and eat again because for where you are getting ready to go you have to change your pattern and regain your balance and get your fight back and the bible says that he went in the strength of that meat for 40 days he went in the strength of that meeting you see some of us we don't need a whole lot if we can get a little bit we can we can get back up again and we can run on a little while and we'll get this false start and we'll get this function and have you ever been sick and and had a good day and overdid it and relapsed sometimes we want up so bad that we get up too soon and he he got enough to go 40 days but then when he gets to mount horup he goes in a cave and he collapses again because he's not really fully recovered it's not over yet and and i want to show you this come on go with me go with me i want to i want to go into this and i i trust that somebody's being blessed uh by this word and then uh you should share this with somebody you know that needs to hear this word you should put it out there to somebody who needs to hear this word and and he ends up in in the cave and the bible says in verse 9 there he went into a cave and spent the night and the word of the lord came to him what are you doing here elijah you think god didn't know why he was here he's trying to get elijah to know why he's here i have been very serious for the lord god almighty the israelites have rejected your covenant torn down your altars and put your prophets to death with the sword and i am the only one left and now they are trying to kill me too he was not the only one left but they were trying to kill him and the lord said go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the lord for the lord is about to pass by you and then a great and powerful way to tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the lord but the lord was not in the wind he's not in all the noisy big stuff that you think he would be in and after the wind there came an earthquake but the lord was not in the earthquake he's not in the shaking and the jerking and the hakamas all that kind of stuff you can't hukam an ashunda pass tired you can't take a spiritual antidote for a natural problem you can't put an anointing over an emotional collapse after the earthquake came of fire but the lord was not in the fire and after the fire came a gentle whisper oh god father make me a gentle whisper tonight use me to be a gentle whisperer holy spirit nudge these that are watching online tonight a gentle whisper they've quaked they've seen fire they've seen dancing they've had shut-ins they've done all kinds of stuff trying to revive themselves but let me be that still small voice or use me as a general whisperer when elijah heard it when he heard it he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave then a voice said to him what are you doing here elijah god keeps asking him the same question what are you doing here does god not know why he's here and then he repeats the same answer i've been very serious uh uh uh for the lord god almighty the israelites have rejected your covenant torn down your altars and put your prophets to death with the sword i am the only one left and now they are trying to kill me he just said that a minute ago he's saying the same thing again then the lord said to him go back the way you came and go to the desert of damascus when you get there anoint haziel king over abraham also anoint jehu son of nimsha king over israel and anoint elijah son of shaphat from abel mahola to succeed you as a prophet get a plan get a strategy get some help anoint some people to handle some things that's too great for you you're handling things beyond your anointing beyond your calling beyond your gifting you don't have to fix national problems prophet and anoint a successor and then the successor's name is elijah some people say elisha however you want to say it get some help because even though he's not ready elijah elisha is not ready to succeed elijah yet and even though he has to walk with him a long time and even though he has to train him and prepare him some help beats no help and when you can look in the future and see that one day you can pass some things on that gives you hope and it makes you throw your anchor forward and you can forget those things which are behind you you can reach those things which are before you and you'll be all right and not one time does god mention jezebel because what got him up under the tree and what got him in the cave has nothing to do with jezebel it has everything to do with how his life is structured and ordered i'll tell you this and then i'll close for tonight i have learned a long time ago my life has a lot of stress a lot of responsibilities i've got a lot of things going on there are only 24 hours in the day there's only one me i am a limited resource i'm not god i'm not i'm the president i can't be everywhere at the same time i can't answer everybody i can't fix everybody i can't respond to everybody i had to admit that i'm not god and in the process i began to learn that as stress mounts more pressure is laid on you you have to add more structure and all god did was call him outside of that cave and give him structure and strategy for where god is getting ready to take you and the way he's getting ready to use you and what he has planned for your future you can't wait till you get there to get ready you got to get structure and strategy while you're in the mouth of the cave and yes your down time is down time and rest time but it's also a time for god to get you still enough that he can give you the structure and the strategy and the successor that you need to get your fight back when elijah leaves the cave man he starts doing his thing again he starts working his miracles again he starts moving in power and glory again he has direction and insight the fog is gone the confusion is gone he got fed not just food insight direction clarity thought as i close tonight i pray that a still small voice would speak to you your life is not over you're not going to be with your ancestors you're not the only one left those are all distortions of reality based on the fact that you need to take some time get some rest get some food and get that short list to be longer intentionally by making time to be around the things and the people and the events that feed you because anybody who has more withdrawals than they have deposits end up bankrupt can i pray for you tonight can i pray for you tonight because nobody knows what it's like to be you like you and people could be so cruel and so critical and so judgmental and so quick to be angry you didn't do this you weren't here you should have been there you should have been here if you would have been here my brother wouldn't have died if you would have been here that would not happen if i would have been there let me know the enemy is an accuser of the brother some of you are walking and not just grief you're walking in guilt because the enemy is accusing you of not being on the president you can't be everywhere you can't fix everything you can't solve every problem take that that responsibility off of you of trying to be everybody's god and everybody's savior and i want to pray for you tonight because your thinking is sometimes distorted and you forgot that you've got help and that god has more people than you and that yes you can turn an engagement down and the world won't stop and you don't have to be at every luncheon and you don't have to do every funeral and you don't have to do every wedding and you don't have to make every event and you don't have to make cookies for the girl scout you don't have to do everything so you're gonna get your fight back when you get your balance back when you've heard that still small voice speak to you when you've added structure enough for the life that you lead and a strategy for the future not what's behind you but a strategy for what's in front of you and don't worry about your jezebel because god's gonna fix her little red wagon and they have to and you don't have to worry about it what you do have to worry about is getting your fight back i feel the holy spirit ministering to somebody i don't know who it is but i'm praying for you tonight that this wednesday night bible class will be your still small voice and i'm praying for you tonight that you would recognize that what's in front of you is greater than what's chasing you behind you and that you would walk in the power of his might and i want you to live like it and i want you to give like it i want you to sow like it i want you to walk like it but you can't do any of those things if you haven't heard from god tonight you hear from god tonight and tonight on a wednesday night not a sunday on a wednesday night not a conference on a wednesday night bible queen just me and you hanging out tonight you get your fight back tonight you get a renewal tonight you get a sense of relief tonight you get a moment of clarity tonight you can hear a still small voice the thing that elijah did well it wasn't so much his prophecy elijah has a gift of listening that's how he heard the sound of an abundance of rain but he had stopped listening you need to get in a steel place that's how you can talk so you can listen because god is not going to be in an earthquake and he's not going to be in the fire and he's not going to be in the loud wind whistling around you and all of that distraction he's gonna talk to you in a still small voice holy spirit i pray tonight that you would touch people all over the world that are listening at this bible class tonight and some of them are executives and some of them are janitors and some of them are nurses who are working double ships and some of them are house labs who are trying to be teachers and housewives and and trying to be wives and trying to do their business and run their life and some of them are young people sitting on the couch and they're all worn out because they've tried and tried to get up on their feet and they can't figure it out and some of them have mobiles and they have money and some of them are in a crisis right now and the journey is too much for them they've lost their fight so many doors have been closed in their face that they've lost their fight so many boyfriends have rejected you that you've lost your fight lord so many of them have been hurt so many times that they have lost their fight but tonight let a still small voice speak amidst all the clamor speak to them tonight and give them clarity and above all things let this be the beginning of them getting their fight back let this be the beginning of them intentionally writing out a list when i go to my grandmother's house it feeds me i'm gonna go visit my grandmother when i do this it feeds me when i play golf it feeds me when i go to the library it feeds me when i go to the opera it feeds me whatever it is god let the list get longer that feeds him and let the list get shorter of people who need them so that they can have balance and make their whole journey complete in the name of jesus of nazareth i pray amen now if you don't know jesus in the free pardon of your sins this is not just some an exercise in motivational understanding i'm preaching out of the bible the very word of god and if while we are in the spirit of prayer if you would just bow your head and say lord jesus i'm a sinner and i admit that i'm a sinner and i'm tired of being a sinner i confess my says i'm helpless to fix myself without you come into my heart or i'm a backslider i slid away from you i need you now i need you now i'm so sorry i let you down i embarrass you i failed you i hurt you i rejected you please forgive me and give me a second chance in jesus name amen just before i go i'm going to leave in just a minute if this ministry is a blessing and you got on late and you didn't get a chance to give and you think that this ministry is worth keeping on the air if you think that this ministry is valuable please support it plan into it it's not just me it's not just a man i have 300 employees i've got offices i've got workers i've got people working with people in the hospital i got people feeding people i've got people reaching out and doing all kinds of things and giving all kinds of service trying to make the world a better place but i have to pay them and they have families and they have light bills and water bills and all of that i've got musicians and technicians and i.t people and all kinds of people and social media people and they're wonderful i got the best team in the world and i have to feed them and i want to challenge you to help me to keep them employed in the middle of the biggest crisis we have ever seen in this country in the last 100 years in any small way you can i would appreciate it i hope that something that i've said tonight has been a value to you i hope that it unlocks the second half of your life and most of all above everything else i pray you get your fight back in the name of jesus we pray amen that's it i love you have a great night [Applause] [Music]
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 439,575
Rating: 4.8906946 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, td jakes 2020, td jakes sermons 2020, tdjakes, how to get your fight back, wnbs, how to get your fight back sermon
Id: J1u0dxMM7WQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 36sec (3216 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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