Get Your Own Oil! - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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[Music] glory to god get your bibles get your bibles get your bibles get your bibles or your phones or your or your uh watcher wherever you read the word from you might have it printed into your eyeglasses now but go to the gospel of saint matthew chapter 25 verse 1-13 and there you will find my assignment for today you're watching online i want you to get your word don't just watch get your word get your word get your notes so you can learn so you can grow so you can develop amen matthew the 25th chapter verse 1-13 when you have its amen if you look and say wait a minute you got everybody who said wait a minute still got bibles on your phone it'll make you look like a bible scholar you can just punch it in it pops right up i still like the bibles i like to pay right turn pages and write stuff in my bible i tell you i appreciate it and it reads like this at that time the kingdom of heaven would be like 10 virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom now five of them were foolish and five were wise the foolish ones took their lambs but did not take any oil with them the wise ones however took oil in jars along with their lamps the bridegroom was a long time in coming and they all became drowsy and fell asleep at midnight somebody say midnight at midnight the cry rang out here's the bridegroom come out to meet him then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps the foolish ones said to the wise check this out give us some of your oil give us some of your oil give us can we can we buy a cup of oil give us some of your oil our lamps are going out no they replied there may not be enough for both of us and you instead go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourself but while they were on their way to buy the oil the bridegroom arrived the virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet and the door was shut later the others also came lord lord they said open the door for us but he replied truly i tell you i don't know you therefore keep watch because you do not know the day or the hour [Music] glory to god can you say amen i want to go back to that ninth verse that's what really got me that ninth verse no they replied there may not be enough for both of us and you instead go to those who sell oil and buy something for yourself look at your neighbor and say get your own oil yeah look at the other names say get your own oil let's pray while we're standing spirit of the living god fall fresh on us as we discuss as i discuss with them what you have discussed with me i believe you for blessing seen and unseen i believe you to unravel the word and untangle it in such a way that we get an understanding and are enriched by the word of god i praise you in advance for what you're about to do have your way o god in jesus name someone shout amen you may be seated yeah let's go to work glory to god the text before us today is normally an eschatological text that points to eschatological just means the end of all things how all things wrap up it is normally used in the context of end times to give the church a better sense and an understanding of of the coming of the bridegroom for his church but today we want to go even deeper than just that there is an inability actually to explain heavenly things to earthly people consequently jesus spoke a lot in parables because as high as the heavens are above the earth the bible says so are my thoughts above your thoughts and my ways above your ways when jesus comes down from heaven he comes to deliver us a message about the kingdom of heaven and throughout the parables he uses parables to teach us parables are stories that he uses that we can relate to to explain things that we cannot relate to so over and over you will hear the phrase the kingdom of heaven is lacking these types of terms are parabolic in nature or metaphorical they are meant to help you understand what it's like it's like going to hawaii and coming back home and trying to tell your cousin and them what it was like he uses these parables he uses these illustrations he uses his teaching to give us a deeper understanding of heavenly things because he has come down from above and he's trying to explain spiritual things and spiritual things are not visible things and so he's using visible things so that we might have a deeper understanding of the truth that is set before us a lot of what jesus talked about was not the church it was the kingdom the kingdom is the bigger idea the church is a part of the kingdom but the kingdom is a subtotal of god's plan for the world at large and what he's going to do both with israel with the church and with all of us the kingdom is the king's domain it is an abbreviation for the king's domain everything up under his authority you remember in isaiah 6 when it said that that i in the year king of uzziah died i saw also the lord high and lifted up and his train filled the temple well in the bible days the longer the kings train the bigger the kingdom and god's kingdom is so big that his train filled the temple his kingdom is bigger than your community his kingdom is bigger than your neighborhood his kingdom is bigger than your ethnicity his kingdom is bigger than your opinion i hate to tell you this his kingdom is bigger than america [Applause] i know y'all don't want to talk about that but his kingdom is bigger than america we think that that god's kingdom is just america so we think god bless america and in other words let the rest of the world go to hell but in reality what happens in one part of the world affects people in the other part of the world and god is concerned about everybody somebody say everybody you gotta take the bee out if you're gonna do this right you gotta now he is the master rabbi he's a master rabbi and a rabbi is a teacher and when he rose from the dead and mary saw him in the garden dressed in gardner's clothes she thought he was a gardener until she heard his voice and then she said rabona rabona is means master teacher so as we step into the text right now we are stepping into the classroom of the master teacher the master teacher the master teacher i kept thinking to myself of all the things to say about jesus risen from the dead to see him resurrected from the dead and meet him in the garden and call him the master teacher that means everything that she had come to learn was a result of hanging out listening that jesus talked and she was grateful not just for him being her savior but for him being her teacher and i want you to know him as a master teacher amen a uber teacher an amazing teacher an incredible teacher an authentic teacher a profound teacher a prolific teacher a powerful teacher a life-changing teacher jesus rabona the master teacher the master teacher he must have been amazing because people would rather fade from hunger than to miss his class he must have been amazing because if he got in the house and started teaching you had to cut the roof open to get anybody else into him he must have been amazing because peter said i cannot leave you the words that you speak our spirit and our life he must have been amazing because as he spoke his word he gave life to people oh my god oh my god oh my god he must have been amazing because he woke up out of sleep and spoke a message to the winds and the waves and the winds lay prostrate and the waves collapsed to the floor rapuna the master teacher the gospel of saint luke contains the largest total number of parables about 24 18 of which are unique parables that you will not find anywhere else that is absolutely true the gospel of matthew contains 23 parables of which 11 are unique and not seen anywhere else the gospel of mark contains eight parables of which of which two are quite unique jesus loved to tell stories he was a storyteller he was a storyteller because communication is not complete with speaking communication is only complete with understanding so if i teach a truth and you don't get it i haven't communicated i've just made noise jesus determined to bring the kingdom to earth and help us to understand is using things we can relate to to explain things we have never seen the kingdom of heaven is lacking the kingdom of heaven is like him the kingdom of heaven is lacking it is like a mighty rushing wind it felt like a dove he's using things that you can relate to to explain things that you cannot relate to the holy spirit is not a dove but he descended like as a dove it was like as a mighty rushing wind on the day of pentecost cloven tongues appeared under them and set upon each of them they were all filled with the holy spirit he's using things you can relate to to help you to understand that which is unexplainable are you with me so far the last three parables center around how serious we take moments this is a moment this text is about a moment a moment that came while they were sleep a moment that came at an unexpected time a moment that they were some of them were ill-prepared for he is teaching us to value and to prepare for moments that haven't come yet [Music] how many of you are preparing for moments that haven't come yet he's teaching us to prepare for moments that have not come yet he's teaching us about the moment of his return he's teaching us about his relationship to us he's teaching us about the moment and the unannounced moment the unexpected moment the sudden moment you can't wait till you're in the moment to get ready you can't wait to the recital to have a rehearsal come on talk to me you can't wait till you're going in for uh an interview to prepare a resume and say just a minute let me type up this resume and i'll be right back in a minute no it's too late all of that work has to be done in advance you've got to be building the ark before the rain can fall you've got to have the business plan before you get the building come on talk to me you have to have the bassinet before you have the baby you have to have the house before you can move in you everything has to be done in order and in advance and that's why the just shall live by faith and not by sight because god is just asking you to be ready for now he wants you to be ready for next so in this particular parable he's telling them to value the moment and to prepare for the moment and that the moment will not announce itself but it will come and secondly in the 26th chapter he starts teaching them to value money he starts talking about in the king james version it says he gave unto one servant he gave two talents another servant he gave five to one servant he gave one if you read it in the niv it's not talking about talents like being able to sing it's talking about resources like money and he's telling him you should have put it to the exchanges you should have invested it he's teaching them to value not love not worship but value money and if god didn't value money he wouldn't have told the hebrews to borrow from the egyptians before he brought them out and then used what they borrowed as gold to build the tabernacle in the wilderness it was built with money somebody saved money so in this one he's talking about moments in the next one he's talking about money and in the third one he's talking about sheep and goats and when i was hungry you wouldn't feed me when i was in prison you would visit me and he's teaching us about mankind so he's talking to us about moments he's talking to us about money and he's talking about mankind god is watching how you manage moments you don't like it but god is watching how you manage money and god is watching how you manage mankind god cares how you treat me you might not like me but god cares how you treat me god is watching how you treat me not just me at the least of these the inmates the person that's in the hospital the poor people the destitute the the the people that need care and love god is watching how you treat mankind not just your kind oh that went right over your head i saw it it just flew like a door yeah mankind and so these three parables embody that i won't deal with all three parables because i'm focused on one this text is about the moment of marriage and the problem is in this in this western culture when we hear them talk about marriage it does not line up with our point of reference because our marriages are not like that we don't have 10 virgins i mean we got you know i didn't mean it like that i mean we we probably do have about 10. but but but uh i'm sorry i'm just having a little fun with you gloria gotta hang in there breathe in breathe out breathe in breathe out you're gonna be okay breathe in breathe out it's going to be okay but we don't have a wedding that requires 10 virgins to be prepared with oil because our cultural understanding of a wedding is something jesus is not using he is using the the hebrew customs of marriage to explain marriage and and when i talk to some of my nigerian friends any nigerians in the house make some noise yeah y'all y'all's weddings are a better reflection of what the weddings were like in jesus time than our weddings are as i understand it anyway your weddings require multiple parts there's difference what you call the white wedding which is the part we have that's all we have the white wedding that's all we can afford but but when i describe the hebrew wedding i think you're gonna really relate to it uh because in the jewish marriage it included a number of steps the first was betrothal or engagement which involved the prospective groom traveling from his father's house to the home of the prospective bride paying the purchase price if it had not been paid already thus establishing the marriage covenant so the covenant begins before the wedding to be betrothed or let me use a modern word to be engaged was a covenant sometimes the arrangement was made while they were children and they never met each other and there was a price paid gentlemen there was a price you didn't just get to marry her because she was fine and five foot nine [Music] it cost you something i think if we paid a little bit more going in we wouldn't end up paying so much going out see in our culture you pay backwards you have to pay to get out in their culture you had to pay to get in you'll get it later nevermind and and so it costs him something to do that and if the groom delivered the payment and paid the price of betrothal to start the engagement it was as much a covenant as the wedding that's why when joseph heard that mary was pregnant he said i'm going to put her away or give her a bill of divorcement and they weren't even married yet because they were still in covenant are y'all getting at you with me so far you with me can i go deeper so the groom would travel and pay the price for her and leave because he couldn't marry her until he had built her a house and it was not uncommon for the groom to be gone over a year or more building her house whoa that kind of reminded me of i go to prepare a place for you that where i am there you may be also i shall drink no more wine until i drink it new with you in the kingdom of god in my father's house there are many mansions there if it were not tall i would have told you so but i'm not going to put you in one of them i go to prepare a place for you and when i come again i will receive you unto myself that where i am oh y'all are with me [Applause] so she's waiting for him to come get her and she does not know exactly when she when he's coming her bridesmaids don't know exactly when he's coming they have to be ready at a moment's notice so because once he comes the celebration begins there are two parts to the celebration there is the wedding feast which is crowded or the married supper of the lamb where everybody comes and you have to have a lot of people to come to the supper and then there is the ceremony where only few can enter in i need you to understand because not only do we not understand the kingdom we don't understand the parable because we don't get married like that we drive down to the jp and a pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt and a ring that we got from walmart and can you imagine somebody espousing you and they gone for over a year and you don't know when they're coming back now they didn't have face time so you had to trust and we're living in a town now if you go to walmart and stay too long where you been can you imagine being gone for over a year and you remain pure and you remain committed and you remain in focus you had to have discipline you had to have faith you had to have integrity you had to have endurance you had to be long-suffering you had to be prepared and you had to be clean you had to be smelling good you had to be fresh because he would not take a bride that had spot wrinkle blemish or any other such thing you had to stay ready for you do not when the master was coming [Applause] oh y'all don't hear me whether they were preparing for the supper or the actual ceremony i am not sure but i am sure once the door was closed it was too late to attend can we go deeper we have 10 virgins here i'm just not getting to the text i had to do all of that in the pretext so that you can appreciate the text now can i get to the text i want to get to the text we had 10 virgins here they had a lot in common they were all female they were all virgins they were all in the same place at the same time waiting for the same event they had the same opportunity they had the same exposure they had the same experiences they had the same lanterns the only thing that was different is that five of them had brought an extra jar of oil and five of them did not five of them did not underestimate how long it might be or when he might come or if he comes at night i need to be ready five of them were prepared for the unexpected glory to god five of them were just there they had the look they had the dress they had the lantern but they had no oil there are people amongst us that have the look they have the dress they have the slogan but they have no oil at the end of the day either you have it or you don't it's not enough to look blessed it's not enough to look like a christian it's not enough to have the walk and have the talk if you have no oil you're not ready for the blessing how do you handle the fact that all 10 of them had potential i want to talk a moment about the agony of potential all 10 had the potential the possibility but potential is painful if it's not taken advantage of if it's not maximized if it's not fully used if it's not fully executed all of them have potential i was talking to a young man the other day i said you got to be one of the most talented people i know i said you are so talented it's amazing he said yes and it drives me crazy because i have all kind of talent and yet i remain unsuccessful there are people in prison with talent there are people with needles in their arms with talent having talent is not enough having potential is not enough how you steward the potential determines whether you go up or whether you go down it's a terrible thing to have great potential and poor results it's a terrible thing to have an opportunity that you fail to act toward and end up in torment and become somebody else's hater because they did more with their opportunity than what you did with your you're not shouting enough i'm going over here some people hate you because you took advantage of your opportunities and they didn't we both got up this morning we both breathed there this morning we both got dressed this morning don't hate on me because i was more ready for the opportunity than you were if you can't hear what i'm saying holla at your boy right now all god gives us is an opportunity how we steward the opportunity is up to us you can blame your mama you can blame your daddy you can blame your sister you can blame your brother you can blame your whole family you can blame your community you can blame your size you can blame your weight blame whatever you want to blame but you're only playing games with yourself you fell asleep with no oil you fell asleep unprepared you fell asleep because you thought it would be easier than it is and there's nothing worse than the regret that comes from getting serious too late [Applause] whoo glory that's so good i'm gonna get the cd myself there's nothing worse than the regret of getting serious too late in a marriage in a ministry in a business in a leadership role it doesn't matter where you apply this truth it will fit you uh it will fit all sizes i'm kind of scared of stuff when they say it fits all sizes but this will fit all sizes they were all in the same place at the same time wearing the same outfit carrying the same lanterns and they all fell asleep the wise and the foolish fell asleep the prepared and the unprepared fell asleep because the bridegroom tarried so long they fell asleep we're dealing with a sleepy church i'm gonna say that again from the steps so you can hear me we're dealing with a groggy church if you don't have church on sunday we don't see you we're dealing with a groggy church if we clap too long it gets on your nerves if we don't clap enough it gets on your nerve we're dealing with a groggy church if you have to walk too far you don't come we're dealing with a groggy church who leaves during the altar call we're dealing with a groggy sleepy lethargic indifferent church what the bible calls a lukewarm church but i came to ring the alarm this morning i came to sound the bell i came to wake you up i came to get you excited i came to tell you that every day is a gift from god every breath you breathe is a gift from god every move you make is a gift from god every time you stand is a gift from god there's somebody that hadn't stood up in 10 years there's somebody that hadn't been out of the hospital been in a hospice for three years and there you are wasted days murmuring and complaining about stuff that don't matter it makes me sick it gets on my nerves that you're not happier you're not more grateful you're not more thankful there's somebody in the hospital that would trade places with you right now there's somebody in the nursing home that would trade places with you right now and if you don't want your life give it to somebody else oh i feel something in this room something is about to happen in this place today i feel some gratefulness coming up in somebody's spirit i feel somebody growing up in this room right now i feel somebody waking up out of their sleep right now i feel somebody that's about to seize the moment that's about to take advantage of now that's about to step into the opportunity that you've been given i feel somebody in this place that's starting to recognize i'm blessed whether i'm in the city or in the field whether things are going good or bad i'm blessed in the city i'm blessed in the field i'm blessed in my uprising i'm blessed in my down city i'm blessed i'm blessed i'm blessed i'm blessed with my single self i'm blessed with my marriage self i'm blessed in my apartment i'm blessed in my mansion i'm blessed on my motorcycle i'm blessed in my chat anyway you bless me lord i'm blessed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what good is potential without preparation somebody saw preparation looking for your neighbors say preparation people who are in preparation don't have time to be haters don't have time to be gossipers don't have time to read bloggers don't have time to respond to foolishness because you're in preparation i want the folks that are in preparation to make some noise in this place [Music] [Music] i came to church because i'm in preparation i got out of bed this morning in preparation i came because i'm expecting something to happen in my life i've been in preparation every day preparation preparation because potential without preparation leads to frustration potential without preparation leads to frustration potential without preparation leads to frustration what i'm trying to tell you is that what god has for you is bigger than what you imagined it's bigger than what you thought about it's bigger than what was in your head it's bigger than what you fantasize now unto him that's able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we may ask or think god said what i got for you is gonna blow your mind get rid of your meager plan get ready to help mika go and expect me to show up [Applause] all my extra-all people make some noise in this place [Applause] i got extra oil i got extra oil i'm 64 but i got extra oil get rid of your nursing home i ain't coming i got extra oil i got stuff to go i got places to go i got people to see i got extra oil extra oil means if it takes all night i'll fight all night if it takes all night if it takes all month if it takes all year i brought extra oil because i refuse to underestimate my future [Applause] fist bump somebody say i'm getting ready i might look like a fool right now but i'm getting ready i'm getting ready for something that hadn't even happened yet i got some just in case oil i got some just i wish a devil would oil i got some oil out inside of me don't start nothing i'll fight back if the singer's gonna sing and the preachers don't preach and the deacons don't be i got my own all i got enough glory that if you pick on me you're gonna be shocked [Applause] somebody shot preparation you can you have got to get past this the least i can get by with is what i'm going to do having a lantern with no oil means you're dependent on him coming during the day at midnight [Applause] that means that you get your greatest blessings at the most unexpected times that means that your blessing may not be convenient it may not come when you feel like it it may come when you're tired it may come when you're in a dream state it may come when you're in a crisis it may come at a bad time but when god opens the door you gotta move you may be high you may be low you may be rich you may be poor but when the lord gets ready [Applause] get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready that's the whole message in a nutshell get ready get ready get ready get ready eyes have not seen ears have not heard neither have entered into the heart of man what god has in store for them that love him and if you're not ready you're foolish five were wise and five were foolish it is foolish to underestimate the power of an opportunity it is foolish to half prepare for what is about to happen in your life [Applause] and like most foolish people do when the time came and they weren't ready they looked to the wise and they said to the wise yo bro give me the hookup and i'm saying yo bro ain't no hookup over here get your own oil turn to somebody say get your own oil get your own oil get your own oil it's not my fault you didn't prepare it's not my fault you dropped out it's not my fault you walked away it's not my fault you quit your job it's not my fault you won't go hard it's not my fault that i brought extra oil it's not my fault that i took this serious i don't know who i'm talking to but i feel like i'm talking to somebody god is saying that somebody whatever he's going to do in your life is bigger than your plan it's bigger than your strategy it's bigger than your preparation you need to run home and increase your strategy enlarge your pitch and strengthen your dwelling plate oh god i feel like preaching god is about to blow your mind you're gonna need extra oil [Applause] somebody shot the extra when kovic came and they shut down the state and the buildings were open and i had to preach it here with no people some people said how are you going to do that i said i enjoy the call and response i enjoy listening that you talk back to me i enjoy the way we have church but just in case you don't come i brought my own oil i brought my own puss i brought my own pride i preached almost a year with nobody in the building but my wife and a couple of more because i got enough oil down inside of me that they could turn the camera on while you're at home and i can still do what i gotta do because i got enough oil do you have enough oil that if you don't have what other people have you can make it then let me help you with the guilt that comes when you have enough but you attract people who don't [Applause] who helped me jesus [Applause] because for every wise virgin there was a fool [Applause] isn't it amazing how you attract people who are so different from you that if you are not careful you become guilty trying to be a savior to everybody else when you have just enough oil for the calling for the position for the opportunity for the favor i'm gonna give you some help today i'm gonna give you some resources today the bible said tell them no somebody shout no oh i just sent somebody free i just sent somebody free somebody just got free in here you've been wanting to say no but you said i can't say no i'm related to him i can't say no i grew up with him i can't say no i'm in love with him i can't say no i feel sorry for him but i'm gonna help you out open your mouth holler through your mask and shout no wisdom demands that you know how to say no you can't be a wise virgin and not say no it is foolish to say yes to a fool if they wasted your oh y'all don't hear what i'm saying if they wasted their oil they'll waste yours too and you you're so busy being nice that you are saying yes to a fool so the wise virgins were wise enough to say no i will not be your provision so we we talked a little bit about potential we talked a little bit about preparation and we talked about provision foolish people think that wise people are their provision i'm coming against y'all pray for me cause i'm coming against a strong spirit i'm coming against a spirit that's killing us i'm coming against a spirit of entitlement they think they ought to have your house they think they ought to have your car they think they ought to have your favor they think they ought to have your relationship for every wise person in here there's a fool trying to burn up your oil and the answer the holy spirit gave you today is to just say no i release a no of no spirit in this place so no i know get your own oil [Applause] you see i'm still too wise to underestimate the journey and i may run out of oil if i don't learn how to say no there are some people in this room who are depleted not because you didn't have enough oil but because you could not say while other people are being delivered from drugs and cocaine and domestic violence and all those other wonderful things that they're being delivered from you need to be delivered from people i'm gonna say this for the people in the back every wise person in here has a full close by [Applause] that's what the text says five wise five foolish every wise version had a fool trying to get your oil and there was no need an interceding there was no needing going into towns it wasn't even getting slain in the spirit just say no get your own oil i don't know how many more hills i will have to climb it's midnight i don't know how far i'll have to go before daybreak this is somebody who is wise enough not to underestimate that just because you are elected and selected doesn't mean that you won't have to face adverse conditions i need oil enough in case it's harder than i thought in case marriage is harder than i thought in case raising children is harder than i thought in case opening up a business is harder than i thought in case pastoring is harder than i thought in case being an entrepreneur is harder than i thought i have to have reserve we are in a season right now where reserves is all that matters you need reserve wisdom reserve grace reserve resources you need to have stuff on reserve you got to stop spending everything you got your money your energy your time your compassion your emotions your efforts because we are in a midnight season and you only have a jar full of oil and it's cold as it sounds and it's tough as it sounds you have to sometimes say even to your own family oh who said that get your own oil say it with me get your own or say it again say it again i don't i don't counsel people like i used to i might do one or two if you don't get it by that second time i refer you [Applause] because i can't be laying up at three o'clock in the morning crying about what's going on in your marriage and messing up mine while i'm worried about yours get your own oil because i learned that if they don't obey session one and session two there's no need to be going through session three and session four you're gonna do what you want to do anyway get your own oh i'm talking to all the people who are spending all your time on the phone listening at other people's troubles who never take your advice and you still answer the call every time it rings i just released you i just broke a chain i just opened up a door i just opened up a window i just got you ready to go into another dimension they didn't obey what you told them yesterday they didn't do what you told them last week they didn't do what you told them last month tell them get your own oil and hang up the phone hang up the phone hang up the phone hang up the phone [Applause] behold the bridegroom covered and what got me is all ten of them trim their wick what y'all trimming your wick for why would you trim your wick because they're fools yeah why would you trim your wick you so sure that i'm gonna come through that you're trimming your wick based on my bank account i mean my oil you spending my money you're spending my wisdom you're spending my time you what you trimming your wig for [Applause] when i come to a close the wick is the thing that turns oil to light it is the object of conversion everybody had a lantern everybody had a wick but only five had oil it is the wick that turns the oil to light everybody who has ever read their bible over two weeks understands that the oil is a type of anointing and whenever you see the bible talk about oil you are talking about anointing and in order to convert the anointing into light there has to be a wick that's dipped down in the oil that is soaking it up everybody's here but everybody's not soaking everybody's listening but everybody's not soaking there's some folk in this room right now that are soaking up this oil that's coming forth and converting it into lights [Applause] so the wise virgins left they have left the building and they told the foolish ones get your own oil and the wise ones went in to the ceremony or the supper and the and the bridegroom close the door [Music] yeah what do you do when by time you get your all and get yourself together the door is closed by the time the foolish ones took life serious by the time you recognize that life is not a game by the time you recognize that you are not a kid anymore that it ain't about you being cute with your broke self [Applause] with your dysfunctional self yeah you fine but you're crazy it's not about [Applause] you got all kind of selfish posted everywhere and no retirement you got on gucci underwear and can't send your kids to school you a prophetess but you can't see how to own your own place [Applause] oh i'm gonna make somebody mad i'm gonna make somebody mad i'm gonna make somebody mad how can you be that anointed and have no lights you need to dip your wick in that oil and convert some of that anointing into enlightenment [Applause] i'm almost closed the oil is the thing that's missing we got people who can sing like never before never in the history of the church have we had people who can do the kind of riffs that they do now all kinds of stuff all kinds of talent all kinds of instruments all kinds of building we've never had buildings like this we've never had opportunities like this we've never had information at our fingertips like this there's nothing you can't google there's nothing you can't find we've never been exposed to education with the click of a button like this so we've got more lantern but we've got less oil the old folks didn't sing good but they sunk with power they didn't have five rifts but they had a glory the old church didn't have padded pews but there was a glory that would hit the church the power of god would saturate the church people got delivered in the church we survived atrocities in the church you know what we need we need more oil we need oily preachers we need only singers we need people playing instruments until the power of god knocks you off the instrument we need the kind of oil that comes down in the church where witches don't feel comfortable in the service we need the kind of oil in the church that binds people together that heals yokes that pass down barriers that opens doors that loosens the bound that sets the captive free we need the kind of oil to come in this place that depression cannot come in here fear cannot come in here suicide cannot come in here we need the kind of oil that will break yolks and tear down barriers and open doors we need the kind of oil that'll give you favor on monday we need the kind of oil that will lose resources from the north to south to east and the west we need the kind of oil that are set before you an open door we need the kind of oil that'll bring your children into alignment we need the kind of oil that will pronounce generational blessings until you and your daughter you and your son you and your grandson you and your granddaughter are walking in the supernatural power of god we need the kind of oil that covers our families that come with our bodies that come with our resources we need an oily praise can i get an oily praise i need three minutes of it all in praise [Applause] [Music] i need an oily church i need an oily church i cannot come from substance abuse and sit up in a dead dry church i need something that will counteract the addictive behavior of my past i got a devil to fight i need some oil that'll drive my devils away i need the kind of oil that will renew my mind and quicken my spirit i better stop but i feel oil coming in this place right now the walls can't stop it the roof can't stop it the pews can't stop it the mass can't stop it if you open your mouth god will release glory in this way father i stretch my hands to you no other help i know throw your hands up and let god send his oil all over that all over fear oil over suicide all over anger god is spending fresh oil fresh all fresh all right i got all for sale i got all flowing anybody wants them all [Music] [Laughter] better get in the car with you i have you sitting in the parking lot with tears running down your face i'm talking about the kind of oil that'll get in your spirit and drive depression i drive suicide right out of this building right now in the name of jesus if you've been feeling depressed this word is for you put some oil on it let the oil of the holy ghost flow in this place right now in the name of jesus shout yes behold the bridegroom cometh soon and very soon we are going to see the king time is winding up it's winding up we've never seen our country like it is today it's a sign that time is winding up behold the bridegroom cometh go ye out to meet him he's coming in clouds of glory hell yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] only a fool could be standing in the middle of a pandemic the worst we've seen in a hundred years and call it political when it's in italy and rome and brazil and europe and russia how can it be american politics [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how can a mask take away your freedom but a seat belt don't bother you at all if my faith is only proven by whether i wear a mask or not you really want to have faith leave your door unlocked leave your pocketbook in your car and your door unlocked let's really play faith let's walk across interstate 35 with our eyes closed let's really believe god i mean we go really straight if that's what faith is wise people prepare for the times they are in wise people if it means carrying around an extra jar of oil all dressed up can you imagine what that looked like all dressed up with a jar of oil look like urine walking around with you just in case you got to be willing to look crazy and still be prepared because the only thing that matters is that you survive the times you're in [Applause] i was watching i had the news on down low and i was reading my bible and i was studying my bible and the news was in the backdrop and after a while i stopped reading my bible and i started looking at the news and i looked at the news a while and i looked back at my bible and as the news was flashing around the world and it was showing what was going on in cuba and it was showing what was going on in brazil and it was showing what was going on in iraq and it was showing up what was going on in america and then i looked at my bible and then i looked at the news and it was showing what was going on in haiti and i looked at my bible and then i looked at the news and it was showing how hospitals were filling up and i looked at my bible and i looked at the news and after a while i couldn't tell one from the other generations against generations mothers killing daughters fathers hating son everything the bible said would happen diseases and plagues one right after another can't finish one before here comes another one don't you think that might mean that the bridegroom jesus said when you see these things at this time it is a sign that the bride groom cometh they call it when i go on the news and do interviews they say you know it's a post-christian society i said no i didn't know that because it doesn't look post-christian to me i said it does look like people are changing the way in which they ingest information big box stores have given away to delivery services everything is having to recreate how they reach their audience but my numbers are not declining any given sunday there's 29 to 32 000 people on youtube 35 right now 35 000 people on youtube right now 10 000 or so on facebook right now 19 000 on the app right now just because people have stopped coming to church in masses that mean that they're not coming to jesus because the jesus i know cannot be confined to a building this is not post-christian this is pre-arrival now is your salvation nearer than when you first believe finally the spirit of the man is the candle of the lord the spirit of a man proverb says is the candle of the lord not wax candle because wax candles were created in the 19th century so when the bible says the spirit of the man is the candle of the lord it's really talking about oil through a lantern the spirit of a man is the place where god illuminates revelation the spirit of a man not the flesh everybody dancing doesn't have revelation and everybody has revelation is not dancing if if you are getting this in your spirit that's where god is sending illumination that's where the oil turns to light check yourself out whatever was on your mind worrying you and oppressing you check yourself out do you feel it now you know why you don't feel it you drug that thing [Applause] into the glory of and the anointing of the spirit [Applause] wonder what would happen if you did that in your living room if you did it in your kitchen if you did it in your house this is not a post-christian era it might be cause of various situations that we're going through be a post-church era where people are coming to church less but just because they're not physically in the building there are way more people watching me through that lens then who are in this building and all of those numbers i gave you that's just streaming that's not even touching television our messages are being translated right now into how many different languages 50 50 different languages right now there are people watching us at midnight right now there are people who are up at two o'clock in the morning to watch this broadcast right now how does somebody get out of the bed at two o'clock in the morning to hear somebody preach no it's not about hearing me preach it's midnight [Applause] the word of god is more treasured today than it has ever been one company says we get more engagements than anybody in the country except lady gaga engagements it's where people act if they respond to a page or post or information people are hungry they don't care whether you're black whether you're white whether you're blue whether you're green whether you're a woman or a man if i have a car wreck i do not examine the paramedic half of my doctors i can't even spell her name but if you can if you can fix this right here if you can fix this right here if if you can fix what's going on right here this is not about color it is not about politics it is not about the nomination it is about midnight and the cry is being made and who's got oil and who does it anybody feeling kind of oily right now it's bowed eyes closed the oil is in this place i'm asking for something really tough to to to admit are you foolish are you professing something that you don't possess are you foolish do you have lanterns and wicks and no oil are you foolish do you know christian colloquialisms but don't know christ are you foolish are you here because some cute girl is here are you foolish are you here because you want to do business are you foolish do you not understand that the lantern without the oil leaves you standing in front of a closed door if the foolish virgins would have recognized their foolery sooner they would have gotten in i'm just asking you have you been foolish whatever you value what good is it with a respirator in your mouth with tubes down your throat feeding you are you foolish i know you're cute but are you foolish i know you're smart i know you're educated got more degrees than a thermometer but come on this is not about knowledge it's about wisdom wise foolish do you know jesus i'm not calling you a fool to call you foolish because all of us have done foolish things if the truth were told you you get to be wise from the things you learn from being foolish if the holy spirit is drawing you and would you stand just a moment so nobody has to crawl over you if the holy spirit is drawing you if you're able to stand if the holy spirit is drawing you and all the signs of the times are upon us if the middle east is trembling if we've just seen war between israel and gaza if we're seeing troops being pulled out of afghanistan if we're seeing coups in haiti and almost in america if we're seeing earthquakes if we're seeing buildings collapse like pancakes and nobody knows why you're going to keep going like everything's normal are you foolish then it's time to get wise come down this aisle with one thing on your mind to meet jesus one thing on your mind if you're watching online there's a number on the screen for you to call right now if you want to meet jesus our prayer warriors are ready to pray with you right now are you are are you wise or are you foolish it's not about being perfect the people the the people who have all are not perfect they're prepared they're flawed they're still people they make mistakes but they're prepared midnight is very dark it doesn't mean that it's daybreak it may be six hours till daylight i don't know how long it's gonna be mask on mask off open doors closed doors i don't know how long is going to be job seeing jobs out technology or artificial intelligence i don't know how long are you foolish [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 874,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, sundayservice, tdjakes, td jakes 2021, td jakes sermons 2021, get your own oil, getyourownoil, how to prepare for the unexpected
Id: HlbgI1rScJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 24sec (4764 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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