Activating Vision - Sarah Jakes Roberts

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hey family i'm pt pastor toray roberts i'm the lead pastor of the potter's house at 1la and denver on behalf of my wife pastor sarah and myself we want to welcome you to our channel and to this word i cannot wait for you to hear what god has for you in this message i want to tell you a few things really quickly subscribe if you're not already subscribed to this channel subscribe so that you can be made aware of all of the word that's coming at you week in and week out and also turn on your notifications so you don't miss a morsel that comes forth we're also grateful for you and your partnership if you are so uh compelled we invite you to support what we're doing not just our church but what our church is doing there are a number of outreaches a number of things critical necessary things that we support and we're able to do it because of your generosity so without further ado let's get right into this word god bless you i'll see you soon activate family i am so excited that we are together again it's been a long time since i've had the opportunity to activate with you and i have to let you know your girl misses you i love the worship song and if you guys have been hearing me speak for any amount of time you know that i'm always like man how is the worship going to align with the word that god has given me and i just kept hearing those words over and over again you're the only one who can and i feel like this is so in line with what god has been just pouring into my spirit to pour into you is about coming to this recognition that there are moments in our life that require divine authority divine vision divine power divine creativity and when we run out of all of our resources listen we try and get wisdom and advice from anyone and everyone we can find we take all the classes all the courses make all the phone calls and yet there is still something unsettled in our spirit when we come into the recognition that god you are the only one who can help me in this situation you are the only one who can mentor me you are the only one who can provide what it is that i need there is liberation in that sometimes we get so frustrated because we're like man you're now i'm down to my only resort god is down to you but the truth is that that is when the limits begin to open up when you say god you're the only one who can do it i feel like god is in heaven like birdman rubbing his hands together like yes now you get it you finally understand that i am the only thing that you needed that i was the only one who could possibly get you through this circumstance you're the only one who can heal me from this depression you're the only one who can help me into this new role in my life it's you and you alone and when we stop looking around and finally look up that's when our spirit says all right god you're the only one who can stand in this moment with me and it's not to say that other people can't cheer you on and other people can't love you through it but to recognize that the only way that i can get direction and clarity is if you show up it requires such beautiful intimacy from us and so that's my prayer for activate tonight my prayer for you is that you would have an intimate encounter with the only one who can you can't they can't they didn't they couldn't they disappointed you but just for a moment i want to invite you to join me in the presence of the only one who can if you're at home if you're watching at work if you've got the kids do everything you can to create a secret space where you can receive god's spirit pouring into you i believe he's got a word for you and for me we're going to navigate it together i've been praying and studying from acts 9 verse 10. the holy spirit has come the disciples are dispersed they're all throughout the world but acts 9 is pretty popular for those of the christian faith because this is when we see saul have an encounter on the road to damascus for those of you who are unfamiliar with saul's story saul was one who was literally persecuting people who followed the way you know back then after jesus had died and been resurrected they didn't call us christians right they called us followers of the way and paul or saul rather he was saul before he had his encounter and then his name is changed to paul saul persecutes those who follow the way and yet he has an undeniable divine encounter with jesus on the road to damascus and that is when everything changes he has this encounter and his eyes are blinded after this encounter he has an encounter he kneels down he knows that god is real he knows that jesus is real resurrected and his eyes are blinded and he tells him to go into the city and you will be told what you must do so he's blind waiting on his next move that's the mighty's testimony right now blind waiting on my next move i've had a divine encounter i know who god is i've received a revelation but i don't exactly know how i'm supposed to function now i don't exactly know how i'm supposed to move now and yet i don't want to focus on saul in his encounter with damascus i want to focus on ananias in verse 10 we meet ananias a disciple minding his own holy ghost business when he also has an encounter that reveals that he's going to have to come out of his comfort zone to come out of what he has known in order to step into a more acute assignment in his purpose i feel that for somebody oh some of us are stepping into a more acute version of our assignment i am convinced that walking with god starts off broad that it starts off big right i accept you as my lord and savior jesus christ okay i believe that i'm filled with the holy spirit these are all broad things that we can agree on but then there is the question what is my purpose what is my role what is my responsibility and there are experiences that narrow it down until we have this acute understanding of our identity ananias is coming into a moment where things are narrowing down oh this is somebody's word i feel it already maybe it's my word i'ma preach to myself and you can just witness what god is saying to me but god is telling me that me and maybe someone on the other side of this camera is going through this season in which things are narrowing down and you feel the restriction and you're wondering why do i feel so restricted i don't feel like i can move in and flow in the way that i'm used to moving and flowing but i don't know what to do either that restriction is god narrowing you down to the acute identity that he has for you and in the process of you being narrowed down god says i'm going to make you a sharpshooter i don't know who you are but i hear god saying you're not going to miss if you let me narrow you down if i keep you broad if i keep you free if you don't feel the restriction you'll shoot aimlessly but if you allow me to narrow you down you're going to shoot with precision that everything you do is going to multiply because it's going to be so acute so potent so powerful that it has no choice but to multiply i'm taking that word for myself because i believe that i'm in a season where i cannot miss i'm in a season where i don't have time to waste i've played long enough i've had enough fun i've had enough experiences now it's time for me to start building and i don't want to just build with sand i want to build something that cannot be shaken and in the process of building with something that cannot be shaken i gotta build with precision i'm building with precision god builds with precision he's got this vision oh god i want to get into my text he's got this vision for how the gentiles will be reached in the world his vision says i'm going to take someone who used to persecute the jews i'm going to allow him to have a divine encounter on the road to damascus i'm going to interrupt what he's doing and allow him to have a divine encounter in the process of him having a divine encounter i'm also going to position a man named ananias in this city who will be there waiting for him because i'm building with precision and once they have this collision then i'm going to release saul into the world let's get into my text it'll all make sense later verse 10 says now there was a certain disciple at damascus named ananias and to him the lord said in a vision ananias and he said here i am lord so the lord said to him arise and go to the street called strait and inquire at the house of judas for one called saul of tarsus for behold he is praying and in a vision he has seen a man named ananias coming in and putting his hand on him so that he might receive his sight then ananias answered lord i have heard from many about this man how much harm he has done to your saints in jerusalem it appears is what ananias is saying it appears that you're calling me to have an encounter with something that could hurt me with something that could harm me with something that will make me uncomfortable with something that will require me to be vulnerable that will require me to be courageous and here he has authority from chief priests to bind all who call on your name but the lord said to him go for he is a chosen vessel of mine to bear my name before gentiles kings and the children of israel for i will show him how many things he must suffer for my name's sake god it is so clear to me that this word makes no sense to me and only to you and yet i stand here as a vessel saying use me let it flow allow me to only do what i see my father in heaven do i thank you for jesus because he's already shown me that this is possible and i pray father that i would become a living embodiment of the word so that those watching can step into the living embodiment of the word that hangs over their head because we are not here by coincidence nor are we random but we are the embodiment of a word that was spoken from heaven and all we want to do is step into it and make you proud in the process thank you for this chance thank you for this opportunity to receive and become we receive it bless this word in jesus name amen as i was studying for this text i was thinking about how when i was growing up i had these moments when i was going from classroom to classroom from grade to grade where i would think to myself when i grow up i want to get somewhere where i can move and all i want to do is be able to send my kids to the same school from k through 12th grade with the same set of friends this is such a childlike dream but there was something about always being the new kid and watching the dynamics and relationships and friendships from people who were like we went to kindergarten together that made me feel like this is the way things should be you should always know even when you are a student that you are in a comfortable environment it is this illusion that has challenged me in adulthood you see my problem wasn't that i was a student i don't mind being a student and challenge within reason but there's something about being an uncomfortable student you know what i'm saying an uncomfortable student like i don't mind learning but i don't want to have to learn everything all at the same time you know what it's like when you're that new student you don't know where the cafeteria is you don't know the politics of the school you don't know which teachers are good which teachers you mean let alone the material and curriculum that you're supposed to be learning from day to day now let's take that out of a school environment and let's move it into adulthood in which many of us are confronted with the reality of being an uncomfortable student every single day how do i become this husband how do i become this parent how do i step into this job how do i step into this role you see the problem with our culture and the problem with the world that we live in is that we have fed into this belief that when we start something new that we must be a master and a beginner at the same time and that's why so many of us don't step into new things because we feel like if i cannot master it then i won't do it at all but god is looking for someone who doesn't mind being a student i'm not always going to get it right as a matter of fact i have no background i have no idea how to do it at all but i'm willing to step into it because i don't mind being a disciple can we talk about being a disciple because when we think about discipleship if you're like me and i've grown up in church when i hear the word discipleship i think about just someone who follows jesus but the word disciple quite literally means student a pupil someone who has signed up for the identity of one who will constantly be learning i'm going to constantly learn i'm never going to be a master i'm always going to be a student that already don't sound sexy to me what always a student i want to graduate i want to move to the next level and not just be a student again when i graduated high school i was so glad because i could choose whether or not i would ever attend school again and the reality is that as long as we live with this idea that i get to choose whether or not i will be a student again then we miss out on the opportunity to learn and grow because the posture of growth requires that we stay within the identity of being a student that's why i love pt's message on sunday the war of identity because it challenged us to recognize that our identity is always at war if you haven't heard the message i highly suggest you check it out an uncomfortable student where i realized that i'm supposed to be learning something right now but i'm not exactly sure what it is i should be learning can we talk about it for a minute because there are moments when we're walking with god and we get to be those comfortable students who are challenged within reason i know where everything is i know who all the team players are i know what my career path is i know everything within reason and i'm only challenged to the extent in which i understand and yet the catalyst for change moments where there's going to be catalysts for radical change in our life i'm talking about stepping into something you've never seen before i'm talking about starting a business i'm talking about becoming a spouse i'm talking about becoming a parent i'm talking about starting something from the ground up requires this uncomfortable student identity and that is the catalyst for change i don't know who you are but i feel like you need to know that you have to be willing to be uncomfortable we hear it all of the time we know this to be true but sometimes you need to hear it in the moment of your transformation i don't know who you are but i feel like god is telling me to let you know that you are ready to step into a catalyst this is a catalyst moment in your life this is not just any ordinary situation this is not just any ordinary circumstance this is a catalyst you want to talk about being a generational curse breaker there are some moments that are the catalyst for the curse to be broken this is a moment in the text when the catalyst is going to be broken and the gentiles are going to have access to the messiah that was just relegated to the jews at this moment but this is a catalyst moment i wish i could say it the way that i feel it but i need someone to understand that this is going to be a defining moment in your life who you become in this moment how you study in this moment how you choose to take the posture of a student in this moment is going to be what makes you a catalyst i want to speak to the part of you i dare call it pride i dare call it ego that makes you believe that if i do this i have to be a beast when i do it no if you're going to do this you're going to need to be a student when you do it you're going to need to take all of the notes that you can you're going to need to have humility when you do it you can't step into this and go beast mode you can't step into this and be a master and a student at the same time and if you're willing to be a student i hear god saying i'll be your teacher that i'll send the holy spirit to teach you that i'll send the holy spirit to guide you as long as you've got it you've got it but when you become a student you say hey i need help i don't understand what just happened hey i need help i'm failing this test over here because i have assumed the posture of a student i don't mind asking the right questions i don't mind praying the right prayers because i recognize there is no pressure for me to be a master i can be a student we spend so long making god the principle that if you don't do it well god's going to be bad and if you don't do it well i'm going to send you to god's office and you're going to be in trouble and we don't spend enough time focusing on god as the teacher over and over again we hear the disciples saying rabble nigh that is to say he is my teacher did you know that you don't have to do this by yourself did you know that you're putting so much pressure on you to figure out how to step into your moment for you to figure out your identity for you to figure out how to heal your own heart for you to figure out what to do with your finances for you to figure out what to do with your mind not recognizing that god says if you would just be a student you would know what to pray you would stop praying that god would make you and instead you would say god teach me teach me how to do this when is the last time your prayer said teach me teach me how to step into this moment with grace and humility teach me how to assume this position how to assume this authority and this power without hurting people in the process teach me i'm just a student if you mastered already at your age then you're going to be bored because those of us who recognize that the only way that i get to graduate and accelerate as if i am a student are going to be praying to teach me prayers if you're watching i want you to just type it in the comments teach me teach me teach me teach me teach me you don't even have to fill in the blank if you know what you need to be taught fill in the blank but there is something about just saying teach me teach me teach me how to walk with you teach me how to be your mouthpiece teach me how to start this ministry teach me how to move on from this greece teach me teach me teach me teach me we want this instant thing where god heals me and it's a miracle we want this instant reaction where god just shows up and he makes me confident and he makes me whole but sometimes what we need to pray instead is god teach me how to live by myself god teach me how to love myself god teach me how to see myself the way that you see me god teach me how to walk in authority god teach me how to walk in the spirit god teach me teach me teach me i don't mind being a disciple if i'm going to be discipled by you and i dare let you know that if you have not chosen who your teacher is then you have a default teacher and i want to talk about the default teachers that assume positions because we don't recognize that the ultimate teacher is god our father the ultimate teacher is the holy spirit fear has been teaching you too long i'm ready for you to flunk the class baby your anxiety has been teaching you for too long teaching you what you can't do teaching you what you should say and i hear god saying as long as that's your teacher there is no room for this new curriculum but i've got something that i want to teach you about what i know about you but you're going to have to unenroll from those classes your low self-esteem has had you in the wrong classes in the wrong relationships and the wrong friendships for too long but i hear god saying that there is a new principle in town there is a new teacher in class there is a new classroom waiting for you and this classroom has everything that you need and i've taken into account where you're weak and i've taken into account where you're strong and i've got the perfect curriculum for you and i'm going to show you that i can teach you and teach her at the same time that i can teach him and teach you at the same time because where we get upset is we see god accelerating and promoting someone else and we think that his grace is just limited to what's happening in someone else's life but i hear god saying that i i know how to have a multi-age classroom i know how to have a multi-age classroom everybody's hearing this message but everyone is hearing something different because i know how to teach multiple ages i know how to teach multiple stages i've got grace for everybody in the room i've got anointing for everyone in the room so when we're saying god teach me i want you to be bold enough to say teach them to to start praying that god would teach those around you how to step into their moment that god would teach those around you how to become more sensitive that god would teach those around you how to walk into the power and authority too because it's not enough if i'm the only one who wins it's not enough if i'm the only one who graduates i want everyone with me walking in the spirit i want everyone with me moving with purpose and moving with power and so god i don't want you to just bless me i want you to bless everything connected to me may we all become students may we all become tutors to one another may we all come up to a place where we recognize that if you win then i win and the generational curse isn't just broken it is destroyed that's what happens when we say i'm going to be a disciple and ananias is a disciple and god has given him this new vision this more acute vision for who he is and the role he is to play and what god is doing in the earth because at the end of the day discipleship is not about what god wants to do for you it's about how i can serve what god is doing in the earth it is my pleasure it is my honor it is my purpose to serve what god is doing in the earth whether i'm doing it at home where no one can see or doing it on a platform where everyone can see my purpose doesn't change my purpose is always how can i serve what you're doing in the earth and ananias is stepping into this moment where his identity his purpose his destiny is becoming more acute i want to talk for just a moment about the vulnerability that comes with transformation the vulnerability that comes with stepping into a vision god gives him a vision but that vision is clear but he doesn't know how to step into it and i want to look at god's response when he says i don't know how to step into it let's break it down when jesus first comes to ananias in a vision he says to him arise and go i love this because he's a disciple already but now he's getting particulars about his assignment oh that's my prayer for you i'ma put a pen in that and come back my prayer for you is that god would begin to give you particulars for your assignment you're in the right neighborhood you're in the right environment but i am praying that god would give you particulars about your assignment i'm not just in this relationship i'm not just in this ministry i'm not just in this moment in my life for myself god give me particulars for who i am to be in this moment and the lord begins whispering to him in a vision oh let's talk about vision for a minute i told you i'm working this message out when we think about god speaking to us a lot of times we want to hear this booming voice come over like a pa system and yet what i have found in this text is that when god speaks he gives ananias a vision you will know that the vision comes from god when it requires you to be vulnerable uncomfortable and reliant upon god in order to make it happen any other vision that makes you feel like you got it is from you and good luck with that but the vision that comes from god requires you to come into this place of i don't know if i can do it i am afraid the only way i can do it is if you are a part of it you are the only one who can allow me to step into this a vision a vision god's been giving somebody vision god's been giving somebody vision on who they could become god's been giving somebody vision on how they could function on how they could heal on how they could communicate i want you to understand that that vision that requires you to separate yourself from who you have always been and step into a version of you that feels uncomfortable and not bold enough and requires you to pray before you open your mouth that is the vision that came from god and that is the vision that makes heaven happy because now it's not about you it's about you being connected with heaven in order to make it happen and that is the kind of partnership that allows vision to become manifestation and ananias just received a vision from god and you've got a vision from god i don't care if you've seen it or not you are not just here because you want to live out your vision you are here because god had a vision before i formed you in your mother's womb i knew you before i formed you in your mother's womb i had a vision of who you were i had a vision of you standing in this exact moment god had a vision of you standing in this exact moment you did not take god by surprise when i was 13 years old and pregnant god had a vision that i would be standing not just in that moment but standing in this moment too because god's vision is not limited to your present circumstance god's vision spans the entirety of your lifehood and he recognizes that there are some things that will take you by surprise but nothing will take him by surprise so when god gives you a vision you got to communicate with god because he understands how this vision is connected to that vision is connected to that vision is connected to the generational vision the kingdom vision that he has on the earth so he's given this vision to ananias and ananias says that he's afraid before he says that though he says here i am lord it's what happened in verse 11 that stood out in my mind in verse 11 god says once he is established that he is in communication with ananias he says his name ananias responds and then he says arise and go he has come to ananias in a vision and before he tells him fully what he's going to do he says arise and go i don't know what it was but there was something about that arise that stood out to me god didn't just say go he didn't just say do he says arise that word arise in the greek means to stand up you are going to have to stand up in order to fulfill this vision i'm a mother and when my children are watching television and i need them to go upstairs there are some times where i say go upstairs and get this but then there are other moments when i am so serious that i say get off of the couch and go upstairs i recognize in order for them to go upstairs they are going to have to get up but there is something about me explicitly saying you need to get up and go that lets them know i am serious about what's happening in this moment when god says this when jesus speaks this to ananias he says arise and go i got a vision that's going to require you to stand up i have a vision that's going to require you to come out of where you've been i've got a vision that's going to require you to stop sitting down when you should be standing up i'm going to need you to arise i'm going to need you to get puffed up with my spirit i'm going to need you to stand up with power and authority you're going to have to get up for this you're not going to be able to just sit down and watch everyone else play this game you're not going to be able to sit back and watch someone else do this work you are going to have to arise and go stop waiting for someone else to do it stop waiting for someone else to give you permission to get up and understand that god is saying you're going to have to stand up you're going to have to use your words you're going to have to implement this vision there is no donor coming there is no miracle beyond the miracle of the two legs that god has given you to stand up and make this thing happen you got it in your own mind you got it in your own spirit you've got it in your own creativity god is not asking you to do something that you don't have the ability to do god is saying arise stand up to it become someone you've never been before stand up and take control of this situation and stop allowing this situation to take control of you you've got a mouth you've got a vision you've got a word you've got power you've got authority you can do this but you cannot do it sitting down you're going to have to stand up and build this family you're going to have to stand up and build this marriage you're going to have to stand up and build this ministry you are going to have to arise before you go stop waiting to go before you stand up you're gonna have to stand up and say i'm ready for this thing you're gonna have to stand up and say god whenever you tell me to move i'm gonna already be on my feet ready to go and that is the posture of a student who knows how to move when god says move i'm getting up i'm getting up i'm getting up i don't know where i'm headed but i'm getting up i'm getting up i'm not just going to sit back and take it anymore i'm getting on up yes i'm calling a therapist why are you calling the therapist because it's time for me to rise i'm going to have to quit the job why am i quitting the job because it's time for me to arise i'm going to start putting pen to paper because it's time for me to arise i'm going to have to stand up and go why does the lord put as a part of the instructions arise and go because if god doesn't let him know that you're going to have to stand up to do it he'll be beating himself up for not being able to go when he didn't realize the first thing you're going to have to do is stand up some of us can't hit go on our life but we don't recognize that there's a part of me that is seated in the seat of defeat of depression that i have acquiesced to this despondent version of who i am friend i came to wake you up friend i came to stand you up friend i came to let you know that the only way this good's done is if you become uncomfortable that you're going to have to be willing to stand up before you go not stand up when you find out where you're going we're going to have to stand up to this thing but we don't have to do it alone because this text proves to me that god doesn't just say arise and go but i'm going to give you a play-by-play instruction of what to do when you stand up arise and go to the place i'm going to tell you exactly how to do it i'm going to tell you exactly how to function i'm not you're not going to have to wonder is this my lane is that my lane is this the place i'm supposed to land god says i'm going to give you specificity oh god i don't know who this is for it's for me i'm blessing myself god is going to give us specificity i'm going to be specific with you no more just being a disciple as god is getting specific with us and when we receive that specificity it empowers us to admit our fears now god that you're getting specific with me now god that you're telling me exactly what i'm going to have to do in this season what we see ananias do next is admit his fears because he says you're asking me to go up against someone who is known for killing jews who's known for killing excuse me for killing followers of the way because there's something about specifics when god speaks in specifics that allows us to be specific about what we're afraid of this is an intimate conversation between a student and a teacher about who we're going to have to become in order to step into a vision and i want you to know that even when god says arise and go that it's okay for you to say i'm afraid that if i fail i can't come back from this again i'm afraid that if i don't do this right that i'm going to break this child in the same way i was broken i'm afraid that i'm going to lose my marriage i'm afraid that it's too much damage i'm afraid that i won't do this well i'm going to get specific with god because god got specific with me and when ananias gets specific with god god gives him a why you got to read the whole text and i know i'm kind of all over the place trying to put it together but this sequence as the lord comes to ananias and says i have something for you to do ananias says here i am he gives him what it is that he has for him to do he then says i'm afraid but then he says this is why you have to do it you want your why your why is in the sequence of you being real real about how you feel real about what you're afraid of in the presence of god some of you have been real with other people you've been real on the socials you've been real maybe even with your therapist and all of that is beautiful but the why that will make you actually arise and go is when you're real in the presence of god and god says to him in verse 15 go this time he doesn't say arise and go because i can tell by how real you're being with me that you're willing to stand up to it so i don't have to tell you to arise anymore someone's already standing but you're afraid and i hear god saying thank you for finally admitting that you're standing up but you haven't gone yet every no one else can tell because you're standing up but god knows you haven't gone you're still showing up you're still acting like you're moving but you're not really moving and god says i want you to be real with me and now that you've been real with me i can give you a why at first he says just arise and go and lay hands on him right in verse 15 he says go for he is a chosen vessel of mine to bear my name before gentiles kings and the children of israel for i will show him how many things he must suffer for my name's sake the lord tells him this is why you have to go some of you are going to have a divine encounter with your wife i really feel like my job when i speak is not to bring you to a conclusion but to lay you at the feet of jesus to give you something to take into your own personal relationship with god if i do this thing right this message is the beginning not the end it is the beginning of you saying now that that is over god this is something that stood out in my spirit teach me what to do with what i just experienced [Music] teach me how to navigate these fears teach me how to stand up this is what i hoped to do in this time together for activate i realized i didn't even give you a title we'll call it activating vision because that's what happens in this text as ananias wants to understand how am i supposed to activate this vision you've given me this vision for a family this vision for a business this vision for my wholeness this vision for my health how do i activate this vision and what we find in this text is that the activation first comes in partnership with god i want to pray for you but i'm hoping that it is just the beginning of your prayer with god my hope is that this is the beginning of a conversation that at some point throughout this message that i introduced you to a version of god that you forgot about or never knew about [Music] god who will teach you god who wants you to be a disciple because you assume the posture of a student not so that you can be this super religious person who does everything the right way a disciple is someone who recognizes that i'm a student and i'm on a journey just like you're on a journey but we have this reflection shining from heaven that is meant to teach us if you don't know jesus he is the ultimate student he never failed a test he got hard he sweated through some tests he cringed through some tests but he found a way to pass each and every last one of them that's why we love jesus because jesus embodied what it means to do this thing well and to be resurrected and to defeat anything quite literally even death and so when we look at the life of jesus what we're studying what we are following what we are disciples of is how i'm supposed to navigate my humanity and my divinity and there are so many different layers of humanity and divinity that we must navigate and all of them require that we stand up to them if you don't know jesus i dare you to just become a student i'm not asking you to become a christian i'm not asking you to become a religious bible thumper i want you to be a disciple a student of jesus and his ways and how the power of god was able to flow through him and how he defeated sin through his life to just study the life of jesus what kind of jesus would say turn the other cheek when someone violates you not that's my jesus but i need you to teach me how to do that because that's not how i'm built okay that's what we learn when we're in relationship with him and when we say i want you to be my teacher so as i'm praying if you feel that call or that urge we've got instructions on the screen for you to learn how do i how can i be taught by jesus how do i receive the spirit of god so that it shows up in my life [Music] god this is your word these are your people and this is the life that you've called us to live sometimes it feels scary sometimes it feels uncertain but each and every time god we know that you will never leave us nor forsake us father it is my prayer that this message in some way activated a hunger for your presence a hunger for your identity a hunger for us to be in relationship with you god i pray that you would pour out vision and as you pour out vision for those who are under the sound of my voice that it would become increasingly clear god that you have specifics about who they are that they are not just random that they are not just dispensable but you called them into this family into this region into this community this ministry this city with specificity god we ask that you would make us students that we may learn the lesson that is available to us in this moment god i thank you that you're going to seal this word with your holy spirit and that even with this word being sealed that there's going to still be an outpouring and we will call that overflow we receive that overflow we repent father and we exit you would help us to change our mind about our circumstance and our situation and our potential forgive us of our sins we receive you jesus as our savior save you from sin savior from failure savior from low self-esteem save you from from insecurity and we thank you rabble and i that you are our teacher lead us and guide us as only you can in jesus name i pray amen and amen again family will you type amen in the comments for me that's we'll steal the word together just type in man i hope this message blessed you it blessed me i think i'm going to go back and listen to it and receive it over and over again and i pray you'll do the same stay plugged in god is really speaking through this house about who we're supposed to be in this season of transition and i don't want to i don't want you to miss a word about you god is speaking god is moving and you will not be left behind we'll see you on sunday
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 331,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TPH, The Potters House, TPH LA, The Potters House LA, One LA, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts, tphla, LA Churches, One Church, onela, Sarah Jakes, Pastor Touré, TPH Denver, Bishop Jakes
Id: 13du5kT7KwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 37sec (2737 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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