How to Get Office 365 Free for Students

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hi everyone my name is kevin today i want to show you how you can get microsoft office entirely for free if you're a student or if you're an educator let's say a teacher or a faculty member and when i say get office for free what i mean is you could use both the web apps and the desktop apps that you can install on your computer whether you're using a windows device a mac device you could get office for free and this full disclosure before we jump into this i work at microsoft as a full-time employee and i'm going to show you what i work on all right well let's jump to it here i am on my pc and what we're going to do is i want to search for office free for students now this is going to help us get to the website that'll let us get office for free so i'm going to go ahead and search for that and one of the the top results here is the student discount for microsoft office what we're going to do is we're going to click on get started what that's going to do is that's going to bring me to this website i also have it open here if you'd prefer you could also just type in the url i've also included it in the description i've also included it in the comments so you could also just click on that to navigate to this website so what you can do on this website is there's something called office 365 education now what will happen is many different educational institutions will sign a contract with microsoft that allows all of their students faculty teachers anyone to be able to use office for free the school pays for it students simply get access to it so how do we do it well it says get started with office 365 for free and so what they want you to do is if you're if your institution is part of this program what you do is you enter your school email address so here i have my college email address at university of michigan and i simply click on get started once you click on get started that'll bring you to a form where you fill out your name you fill out your date of birth and then you also have to enter a verification code and so why do they do that well they actually want to confirm that you do in fact go to that educational institution so what will happen is in your email you should get a you should receive something that looks like this that has your verification code and then you'll enter it in and that confirms that you have access to uh office 365 education so i'm just going to go ahead and click on get started and i've actually already gone through this flow i answered all that information so i'm going to just click on ok got it now what that'll do is that's gonna drop me on a website called and here on i get my first run experience here it's telling me that i have access to the office 365 apps great and i also have this app launcher so let's take a quick look so what i can do on here i could create a new word document an excel workbook a powerpoint presentation i also have access to all of the web apps right here so i could use let's say if i click on word here i could use word for free online but let's say that i want to install the apps on my computer what i could do is there's this big button up here that says install office so if i click on install office i can click on office 365 apps and so what will happen is it kicks off a download process right here and then i could go and install office i've already done that so what i'm going to do is i'm going to open word once you install office on your machine what you're going to do is you're going to click on your name up here in the top right hand corner and then you're going to sign in with your edu account so i would type in my edu account here i'd go through type in my password as well and then this version of office because it's tied to your education account you can then use all the apps installed on your computer entirely for free your school covers it for you so what's nice is you could use either the web apps entirely for free or you could use the apps that you install on your computer entirely for free using this process now what if what if you go through and you know you're on this site you type in your edu email address and unfortunately your school does not participate in this but you still want to use office for free don't despair there is a way that you can still use office for free and i'm going to show you how to do it so what you do is if your educational institution is not participating in this what i'm going to do is open up another browser and you're going to head to the website offices where we're going to go to be able to use office for free now you'll see two different links on here one of them is get office and the other one is sign in if you click on get office like i just did what that'll do is that'll land on a marketing website where you can buy office uh to install on your machine you have two different subscription options and then you also have a version where you can just pay one time the benefit of doing that is you can use office and you can install it on your computer however if you don't want to pay money and you just want it for free what you could do is you click on the sign in button anyone can click on this and you can log in with an existing microsoft account or what you could do is if you don't already have an account you could simply create a new one for free what i'm going to do is i already have an existing account so i'm going to go ahead and type it in here and then i'm going to type in my password and what will happen is i land on and what i could do here is i can now use all of the web apps entirely for free and this this this works whether you're a student or even if you're not a student anyone could use this to get office for free one of the things you'll notice though is if i click on install office i have to go premium if i want to be able to install office on my computer however if i just want to use office online here i'm going to click into a new blank document i can do that so as long as i have an internet connection i'm able to use office so that's how you can get office entirely for free if your student a teacher faculty member of an educational institution and your educational institution has an agreement with microsoft but even if your educational institution does not have an agreement with microsoft you're still able to use the web apps entirely for free by going to and the web apps are pretty good in terms of functionality it might not have every single thing that the desktop apps have and you don't have offline access however they're constantly getting better there's more functionality that's constantly being added to the web apps and if there's something that you're looking for that's not included there's this give feedback to microsoft button and you could always request functionality if something you need is not there so they're getting better and better every single day i hope this helped you get office if you're a student if you did please give this video a thumbs up if you want to see more videos like this please hit that subscribe button that way you'll get a notification anytime new content like this comes out and lastly if there's anything else you want to learn anything else you want me to cover on my channel leave a comment down below i read all of them and i'll add the idea to my list of videos to create in the future alright well that's all i have for you today hope to see you next time bye
Channel: Kevin Stratvert
Views: 884,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft office, word, excel, powerpoint, sway, forms, outlook, onenote, microsoft, office 365, office, document, spreadsheet, presentation, docx, pptx, xlsx, how to, free, free office, no download, download, google docs, sheets, slides, slide, windows, 2019, 2007, 2017, 2013, 2010, student, account, laptop, desktop, microsoft word, full version, education
Id: WG-WjMlc4ME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 51sec (411 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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