How to get Microsoft Office for FREE on iPhone & Android

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hi everyone my name is Kevin today I want to show you how you can get Microsoft Office which includes such popular programs like word excel and PowerPoint entirely for free on your iPhone or on your Android phone and is full disclosure before we jump into this I work at Microsoft as a full-time employee in the past you've always been able to get Word Excel or PowerPoint in either the play store or in the App Store so what's changed well a few months back Microsoft announced the office app the office app is now broadly available you can now download it through the App Store and in the Play Store and what the office app does is it combines all three apps into one what's the benefit of having one app well first off it saves a lot of space in the past if you were to download word excel and PowerPoint individually it took about 800 megabytes now with one app that combines all three of them it takes about 350 megabytes so you're saving a lot of space and there are a lot of efficiencies there when you bring them all together with the office app Microsoft also took the opportunity to re-envision what productivity looks like on mobile devices in the past which is word excel PowerPoint they were very similar to their desktop counterpart where you could go in you could read a document you could edit a document you could still do that in the office app but what Microsoft has also done is they've thought about what are different scenarios that you might want to do on your mobile device that you wouldn't necessarily do on your PC and they've brought those into the office app as well and in a little bit I'll show you what some of those are so you can see firsthand what you can do with the office app to get started why don't we go ahead and get the office app in this example I'm going to be using my iPhone if you have an Android phone you could do this just the same the app looks almost identical so you shouldn't notice too many differences as a first step what we're going to do is we're going to get the app and to do that on the iPhone we're going to go to the App Store if you're on an Android phone you're going to go to the Play Store so I'm going to click into the app store and then what we're going to do is we're going to search for Microsoft Office so I'm going to go ahead and type this in once I type in Microsoft Office I'm going to click on search and you'll see that the first option that comes up is Microsoft Office it says word excel PowerPoint and more the fun thing that we're going to jump into is what that more is what I've done is I've already installed it if you don't yet have this app on your phone go ahead and install it what I'm going to do is I'm just going to go ahead and click on open since I already have it all right so what's happened now is I'm in the office app and I land within an experience called home you'll see on the bottom bar you have three options you have home you have a plus and then you also have actions that you could take we're going to walk through each one so you can see what those are on the home screen what you'll notice is I have my pin documents at the Top If I scroll down I have recent documents that I've worked on and this is just a combination of all of my different office documents so I have Word documents I have Excel spreadsheets I have PowerPoint presentations all of them show up within the office app as I said earlier the office app combines word excel and PowerPoint into one so you get all of that right here within the office app now what I really like about the office app is they've really optimized it for mobile readability so here anytime I'm going on a trip coming up I have a travel list that I maintain in words so this way I don't forget anything that I need to bring on the trip so I'm going to go ahead and click on this I'm going on a trip soon and here you can see my word document within the office app and it's very easy to read it's formatted very nicely for this for my iPhone display so there's just kind of the basic document and all the same functionality so right now it's in read mode but if I click on the little edit symbol at the top of the screen this brings me into edit mode here I have all the same Rich functionality that I expect from Microsoft Word I could highlight I could change fonts here I'm going to click on home you have similar pivots to what you have in the desktop app where you could insert you can draw you could adjust the layout you could review so there are all sorts of things that you could do in word but compared to the word excel PowerPoint apps that previously were available in the store and still are available in the store all that functionality is identical to what the individual apps could do what I'm going to do now is I'm going to jump back to the home screen and now that I'm on the home screen what I also want to show you is I could also navigate throughout my OneDrive folders if I click on the folder icon in the top right hand corner when I click on there what that'll do is it'll allow me to navigate through all of my OneDrive folders I can also add other locations if I want but here I can see all my different folders that I have in my OneDrive account and I can just navigate through them so I could get back to documents wherever they are so that way on the home screen this is a view of my recent documents but maybe there's a document that wasn't recent and I could navigate back to that relatively easily on the home screen as well in the top right hand corner I have the ability to search for documents so if there's let's say a document I'm looking for I could easily pull that up so let's see what I have here so if I type in let's say concatenate that was a spreadsheet that I did for one of my YouTube videos here just pops up in the list and then I could open that document so very quick way to get back to to any content that you have stored in OneDrive so that's a quick view at the at the home experience so pretty straightforward experience right here now this is where we start getting into some of the fun things I'm going to go ahead and click on this big plus button in the middle and we're going to start from left to right so I'll start with notes this is kind of interesting I could say hey maybe I'll just type in test no but you can take quick notes on your phone and I'm going to go ahead and just click on done and if I go back to the home screen now you'll see I have this view where I have all my notes that I've captured on my phone and they just appear here right on the home screen I'm going to go ahead and click on the plus again and there's been an app called office lens with the office app what they've done is it's now taken office lens into the office app so not only do you get word excel PowerPoint but you're also getting office lens and so what is office lens this is an amazing program to take pictures of documents whiteboards or even photos and I want to show an example here so I have a letter that I receive in the mail and I want to take a picture of this document so what you'll see is here I'm going to take a picture of the document it's not I'm not quite centered over it and you see this box that identifies that there's a document there so I'm just going to go ahead let's take a picture right here and you'll notice that it does some processing now and look at that how it lines up the document really in just a perfect configuration there and so that looks good I'm going to also click on filters here and what I could do now is I could filter it so just a black and white document so it gets rid of kind of all that discoloration in the background so it really looks like just kind of a perfect scan that looks good and I'm going to go ahead and click on done and what it did now is it created a document that's stored in my OneDrive what I also want to show is how you could take whiteboard photos with office lens and that's very similar to the document experience right here you'll see on the side of the screen when I go to take a picture of the Whiteboard it does a very nice job just cleaning it up making the background look nice and bright and white so even with whiteboards you really get a nice photo quality of that but the lens app integrated into the office app really produces this very nice looking pictures of documents or white boards and you can also take photos with it as well now the next thing that I want to show is let's click I'm going to go ahead and click on the plus icon again and the third option here is called documents so I'm going to go ahead and click on that and documents encompasses word excel and PowerPoint and you'll see a few different options here so with word uh because I'm on a mobile device what they suggest is I could scan text with Excel I could scan a table and PowerPoint I can take pictures and start a presentation off of pictures um and then I still have my option of creating a blank document and I also have the option of creating from a template so I still have those actions that I'm used to but it's a little more focused on kind of mobile usage where it's focused on scanning Tech so I'm going to go ahead Let's do an example with word here I'm going to click on scan text here it brings up the scan view again and I'm going to go ahead and take a picture of the same document again that I took as part of the lens example and here what it's done now is it's taken the picture it looks good I'm going to go ahead and click on done and what it's going to do is it's going to take this text and it's going to convert it into a Word document that I can then go ahead and edit so it's going to do a little bit of processing here but now it's opening a new document and so I could click into the document and you'll see now that I could edit all of this text so it took this document that I just scanned and converted it into a document so that's that's actually really awesome I love that functionality really really cool how you can do that so I'm going to go ahead let's go back to the main screen here and what I also want to show so that's how you can create new content whether blank or from existing content what I want to do now is let's look at the third view within here and this is called actions I'm going to go ahead and click on this and you'll see now these are mobile optimized actions and this is really the richness of the office app and the first one is transfer files or share files so let's go ahead and click on into that and see what that does it says go to on the computer and what I could do is I could very easily share documents between my computer and my phone or from my phone to my PC so let's give this a try so here I am on my PC and I have a document called winning lottery numbers for August 6th 2020. so this is uh this is kind of a nice document I'm going to make sure I play off those numbers coming up soon but what I'm going to do is let me open up a new I'm going to open up the Chrome browser here and I'm going to navigate to and what I want to do is I want to send this to my phone so I'm going to go ahead and receive on the phone and so I get this QR code on my phone what I do is I'll hold up my phone to the screen so it copies the QR code it looks like it's reading it and now what it's going to do is it's going to it's going to pair my computer to my phone I'll go ahead and pair and go ahead and click on pair on my phone now what it says is Select files to send to your phone I could either pull up a file picker here or I can drag files over so I'm going to go ahead and just drag it over and now the file has been sent over to my phone you'll see it show up right here on my phone screen called winning lottery numbers I'm going to go ahead and click on that and all of you could see what the winning lottery number is right there just totally made up don't give that a try you'll probably waste money on a lottery ticket um so there it is you can very easily transfer files I could also send the file back if I wanted to do that so I'm going to go ahead disconnect from my computer and let's click back into actions what I can also do so I already showed the example where you could take a picture of something it'll convert it into text I could also take a picture of let's say a table on a document and then convert that into a table within a spreadsheet that I could then edit some nice functionality there what I also want to show is the office app goes very heavy into PDFs so whether you want to create a PDF whether you want to edit a PDF or even sign a PDF you know you might be on the road and you have a contract you have to sign so let me see if I have any contracts oh here's a contract called modeling contract needs signature let's go let's go ahead and take a look at that so I clicked into this one here's a document and it says tap where you wish to sign so I'll just tap down here and I've already entered my signature into the app so now I could just select it and let me actually click on my signature I'm just going to go ahead and move that just a little bit there and there I've signed the contract I could also sign in other places but once I'm good to go I'm just going to click on that check mark and now it's saved the PDF with my signature in it and so the office app app very easily allows me to sign PDFs so very nice functionality there and the last thing that I want to show is how I could take pictures and then convert those pictures into a PDF so I'm just going to pull it up I have a bunch of pictures of my son one thing he was recently helping with is he's been big into helping me do the laundry and here you can see a picture of him carrying our towels to the laundry room and I'll go ahead and click on done what it did now is it turned this into a PDF and so now I have a PDF that contains this picture so also just kind of another I could save it if I want I'll go ahead and discard this for now but those are just a few things that I could do with the office app so not only do I get word excel PowerPoint but then you also get the power of office lens and then you could also do all these mobile scenarios whether it's working with PDFs whether it's transferring files between your computer and your phone they really bring a lot of richness and Microsoft has really thought when you're on the go with your mobile device what are ways we can really optimize The Experience Beyond just the word excel PowerPoint base experience so if you're looking at the App Store and you're trying to decide well hey do I download the individual apps or do I get the app or do I get the office app I would recommend getting the office app first first off you're going to save a lot of space by getting the office app and then you get all this additional richness you get lens and all these other good features that I just walk through with you so hopefully you find this helpful if you were able to get the office app and you're now you feel like you're more productive please give this video a thumbs up if you want to see more videos like this in the future please hit that subscribe button that way you'll get a notification anytime new content like this comes out and lastly if there are any other topics you want to see in the future leave a comment down below I read them all and I'll add it to my list of videos to create in the future all right well hopefully you enjoyed and I'll see you next time bye
Channel: Kevin Stratvert
Views: 376,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: office app, microsoft, office, iphone, ios, android, app, app store, playstore, play store, apps, word, excel, powerpoint, doc, docx, xlsx, pptx, view, document, spreadsheet, presentation,, office 365, 365, mobile, free, download, install, how to, help
Id: 490hWSaqJUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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