Microsoft Teams Tutorial

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(upbeat music) - Hello and welcome. Microsoft for the past several years has been producing a lot of powerful products and services that we use and love. Now, Microsoft Teams is one of the most powerful ones for collaboration, bringing all your colleagues into one place, and guess what? Getting all the content that is most important to you. My name is Haytham and I'll be walking you through all those tools and features for Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Teams is Microsoft's new collaboration environment. Microsoft Teams has the three Cs, our colleagues, our content and all our conversations, all in one interface. This is huge, this is powerful. Microsoft Teams has Microsoft's most powerful tools in terms of communication, collaboration. Collaboration will be more seamless than ever before. We will be using Microsoft Teams effectively to change the way we do our business today, stay tuned. You can use Microsoft Teams desktop application, web app or mobile app. Let me walk you through how we can go ahead and first access to Microsoft Teams if you don't have the desktop application. Now, in order for me to get that, what I need to do is go to any web browser. I'm using Google Chrome right now, and I will go ahead and log on to Office 365. And over here, I will see all the web applications that we use and love and Microsoft Teams is one of them. I'll go ahead and click on Microsoft Teams. And I will go ahead and log on to my Microsoft Teams web app. You would see that if you want to get that desktop application, what you can do is Get app. Once you click on Get app, you will download Microsoft Teams desktop client, and you can go ahead and launch that and it will take you to Microsoft Teams. Now, the difference between the web app and the desktop application is that the web app, you can have access to it anywhere, the start application, it will run while you start your computer just like Skype for Business. Once you start your computer, you'll hear notifications will start to pop up. Same idea here, once you download the desktop application, if you get into Notifications, they will pop up. You don't have to necessarily every morning, go ahead to, click on Teams and wait for things to happen. Once you launch desktop application, you will see that they look fairly the same. The only difference is the ones that I mentioned before. Now, having access to both will give you some benefits. You can use the desktop application if you're using your computer, you can use the web app anywhere else, or even better, once you download the desktop application, you can go ahead and get the mobile app so you can have access to the Microsoft Teams anywhere. In this video, we will learn how to create or join a new team. Now once you've downloaded your desktop application and you're all happy and excited about it, let's go ahead and do that. Now down below, you would see that link for create or join a new team. I'll go ahead and click on Create a team. And this kind of takes me to the home page of Teams or all the other Teams where I get to see over here that I can create a new team. I can have the code and join a team right away, or I'll be able to see all the public teams, just like this Book Club that I can join. If I hover over this Book Club, I can join that team right away and you would see everything here is dynamic changes right away. I am a part of that team by clicking on, Join that team. And here, if I click on that team, I can see the General channel, Thinking in Bets, or maybe even better, I want to create my own team, because I like to have all the control here. I will go ahead and click on, Create a team to create my own team. All righty, now we'll populate the team's name and I will call this one, the Training team. You can add a description so you can let people know what this team is all about. This is about training at learniT! The next part here is asking me, hey, do you want it to be a private team or a public team? And I will click on that drop down there to see it. Now public team, anyone in the organization can join just like I went to the homepage of Teams and I saw that Book Club but I joined it. It was a public team, I was able to join it. On the other hand, private teams are a handful of people that I want to invite and they will not see my team within that homepage for Teams. I'd like I'm private, I wanna create a private team. Down below, you'll see two links. The first one Create a team using an existing team as a template. If you have created teams earlier and you have kind of the same skeleton with all those channels, (keyboard clanks) you wanna apply the same thing, you can do that or if you do have an Office 365 group that you wanna create a team for, well, you can create a team from an existing Office 365 group. But in my case here, I'll click on Next. I just have a handful of people I want to add to this team. I'll just basically start typing here in that bar. I'll type in my coworker's name, Faz. Once I click on Faz, you would see the Add button lights up right now. And I can click on Add so I can add Faz to my team. Now by default, Faz is added as a member, I see a X sign and I see a dropdown arrow, the dropdown arrow, what it indicates the role of that staff member. I want Faz to be an owner or a member, I get to choose that here or maybe if I added Faz by a mistake, I can click on Remove Faz and Faz is removed. Let me go ahead and search for Faz again, click on Faz and then Add. And right now I did add Faz and I'm done so you can add all the team members that you want to be a part of this team and close. Right now, I created the general team. Now, in order for me to add more members to that team, you can see the ellipses right next to that team. Once you click on those ellipses it will populate a menu of actions for you. Now, by default, that team was marked as a favorite team, maybe you wanna remove from favorites. You can manage that team at channels, what I want to do is add members. So once I click on Add members, I can start typing in my coworkers names. I can add them, so I added Michael to this team. I can choose if Michael is an owner or a member, I can remove Michael if I made a mistake. Now, once I close, Michael will get a notification, specifically an email notification that telling him, hey, you have been invited to that team. All right, now there are three ways to be a part of the team you can create or join a team or have an access code to that team. But once somebody invites me to a team, I am a part of that team, I will find that team there. And for example, if somebody invited me into a team and I think they made a mistake, I don't wanna be a part of that team anymore. What I can do is go to that team, click on the ellipses and then choose leave team. And it's asking me, are you sure you wanna leave the book club? Yes please, I want to leave that team. They made a mistake and it's okay. So remember, you can add members once you create a team and after you create a team, you can also add more members. You can leave a team and you can remove members, and I will show you how to remove members. Also, if I click on the ellipses for my team, then go to Manage teams. So right now you will see Members, Pending requests, Channels, more settings, down here below I can add more members or I can use the search bar it's up to you. Down below you will see all the team members, Faz and Michael, maybe I want to remove Michael. I can click on that X button to remove. Michael is no longer a part of my team right now. Let's say I wanna change Faz's role to an owner to have same privileges that I do. I click on Owner and right now Faz and I are the owners of this team. Go ahead and try it on your own. Now, once we've added team members, changed the roles of the members, removed some of the team members, what's next? Is communicate with your team. Now, in order for me to communicate with team I'll go ahead and click on team again. And right now, by default, once I create any team, you will see that General channel is populated there. Now channel is a discussion in a team dedicated to a department, to a project or a certain topic. If I have a couple of projects I'm working on, well, it would be sloppy to have all those conversations in that general channel. One way to organize those topics about projects and different projects is adding channels, by clicking all the ellipses of that team. (indistinct) action pops up again. And what I can do (sings) go all the way to Add channels. That will ask me, hey, what is that channel's name? We're talking about creating class outlines. And then it's optional to add a description here. I can say Excel classes, PowerPoint classes, and other classes. And do I wanna automatically favorite this channel to all teams, or all team members. Yes, I'll go ahead and click on, Okay. So right now I have added a channel within my training team. So whenever I have a question about creating outlines, I'll go to this channel. Maybe we're doing a shooting videos project. So I can add that channel, Shooting Videos. And I'll also wanna favorite that because those are the two top important projects we're working on right now. So what I can do is creating class outlines, Shooting Videos and I can click on any channel here and start talking. By default, the general channel will always stay with here and you will see the activity of whatever I just did. I added Faz, I added two channels. Everything will appear down here. So if I have a question about outlines, I can go to creating outlines and I want to start the conversation. With that channel, there's a Conversation tab, Files and Wiki. We will talk about wikis in a later video, but wikis are a Hawaiian. They mean quick, quickie, quickie wiki. All right, in order for me to start that conversation, you've probably seen this before you click on new conversation and you start typing and it says type @ to mention someone, and that is cool, if you're a Facebook user, you know what that means. If you wanna mention somebody specifically in that team, you can do it, but for now I wanna discover what's below here. I can format, I can attach, send emojis, gifs, stickers, meet now, all that in Teams is amazing. I can click on Formats and I can add a subject, oh, this reminds me of Outlook, I can send an email. I send the subject line (sings) creating the outlines. What about the Excel outline? And I have a question about the Excel outline. When is the due date and where will we meet? And right now, once I'm done, I can go ahead and click on Send to send it. So you see the subject line is kind of bolded and cool and where's the due date and where do we meet? I can start more conversations about different questions that I have or different things I don't want to mention. And maybe I wanna mention something to my coworker Faz. In order for me to @ mention him, I'll use the shift to the @ sign and I'll mention Faz. You see Faz he pops up. Faz, that are you ready? So I mentioned Faz. I asked a question here and all the team members will get notifications, banners, just like Skype for Business where it will tell them, hey, you have been mentioned, hey, there was a comment that happened there. So right now Faz responded to my message telling me, hey, I'm excited. And I get a banner from Faz about responding to my message. And once I @mentioned him, I send a message specifically to Faz within that team. So if we have a lot of team members, if you wanna mention some thing to someone specifically, you can use the @mention and it's kind of neat. I can attach files to the Teams. So I can use my OneDrive for business. I can upload files from my computer. I can browse my Teams and channels, and I can also access to my recent files. Cause it's the future, everybody loves emojis so I can send emojis right away, I can send gifs, stickers, and I can create a meeting with the whole team by clicking on Meet now. So I just wanna show you if I click on Meet now, what it basically does, it will not start a meeting right away, but it will show me a preview of what I'm doing right now. So you can see, I can fix my hair before I do so I can make sure that my eyebrows are straight, all right. And then by clicking on Meet now I will start the meeting. If I don't want to start the meeting right now, I can schedule a meeting later on, or I can use the Meetings tab to schedule a meeting, and we will cover that in later video. So once I'm done, I can close. And I'm hoping that everybody tried to create their own channels. Let's talk about managing channels. I can click on any channel. Let's say that Shooting Video was delayed, in fact, it was canceled. So what I can do is click on that channel and I can click on the ellipses here to delete this channel. You know, I don't wanna see it anymore. Once I click on Delete, it will tell me that all the conversations that happened here will be deleted. Well, I'm pretty sure here because nothing happened actually. So I did delete that channel and let's say creating class outlines here, we wanna change kind of what this team is about. So I can go to the ellipses over here and I want to change some of the things about this channel. I can go here and edit this channel. What that will do, tell me, hey, do you wanna edit the name or the description or do you want it favorite or not? I can change Creating outlines and the other class here, we wanna talk about the Power User class and then save. So I changed the description of that team. I did delete a team. Now make sure if you wanna delete a team that it's worth deleting and remember try this on your own. Now, once we created a team, added channels, started conversations in teams. Well right now, Faz sent me earlier, he's excited and ready and you know what, I wanna reply to Faz, but any replies I make here in the training team will be visible to all the team members. There is something that I wanna tell Faz, and it's kind of private about how excited he should be. I don't want Faz too excited, so I want to tell Faz, hey, just take it down a notch (laughs). So I want to be able to send Faz a message, a private message. This where Chat comes into play. The chat part here will allow me to go ahead and send a specific message to a specific person. Not the whole team. The whole team will not see whatever chats I have there. This is for me, just like Skype for Business. Once you start searching for somebody's name, you will find them and then you can start chatting with them over here, it's the same, but the layout is different. You can see once I click on Chat, I see Recent, Contacts. And over here at the top bar, you would see that button that says New chat. So wherever you navigate in Microsoft Teams, you will have that here at the top. So you don't have to worry about clicking on Chat and then clicking on New chat. I'll go ahead and select it. I want to send a message to Michael. Let's start typing in Michael's name and I'll see, Michael pops up here at the top and all the previous chats that I have with Michael are all here. So I can click down below on Type a new message and I will start typing. Are you still available? And once I enter it, I would see that my message is populated here, went to Michael right away, down below. I can see the format, the clips for attachments, emojis, gifs, you know what? I'm so fun, I just want to send Michael my name, in emoji world, and that's a high, and then that's a thumb. So I kept my name till this part. So I can tell you I'm a high and a thumb and you probably people are looking at the thumbs and their highs. So hey, Michael is available and I can tell Michael, hey, it's me high thumb, there we go. And those emojis are cool to use, it's the future. Everybody uses emojis and I want to say, it is raw. I want to be so cool with Michael so we can send emojis. We can collaborate here also by adding files and documents. It's not all about emojis and stickers. So right now you'd see Michael is typing so I can see that. And I hope he responds with something more, awesome. (groans) That's lame Michael a star, spinning star, that's all you got (laughs)? Something else here, I wanted to mention, I can go ahead and schedule a meeting between Michael and I. So if we said that, that star's really cool. I want you to teach me how to do it. I wanna schedule a meeting. So if you've used Outlook before this looks familiar, I can say, I can say stars and choose the location. Maybe you wanna do it online. Maybe I want to find rooms if you have any rooms available, Start and end time of that meeting. And I can type in here details for that meeting and I can invite more people. So if I wanted to invite the Faz, for instance, well maybe I'm inviting right now, Michael and Faz and I can schedule that meeting. We'll be talking about scheduling meetings later on. I just happened to find myself clicking on that button and ending up over here. So right now, once I'm done, I can click on Schedule, but I'm not gonna do that, we'll do it in later video. So right now, Michael and I, we're chatting, nobody else can see this chat. Oh, Michael was thinking heavily about sending me this. This gif, all right Michael, we're so fun, I know. Let's say Michael and I, we don't have the answers to all the questions here and I want to add one coworker of ours to help us figure out which one is the coolest emoji down here. Over here at the top bar, you see Michael's name, see Conversations that we are on and it's kind of highlighted and have a blue line below Conversation. I can add files, organizations, activities and even more. We'll talk about those in a second, but right now what we're going to add is a staff member. So I will go all the way to the right side where I get to elevate this, to video call or a call or share my screen. Oh, I wanna add Faz. Faz has all the answers all the time. So once I click on Add people, I can add in Faz just to let you know, once I add Faz, Faz will not see any of this that we just talked about earlier. Once I click on Add (whistles) Faz is right now added to a chat between Michael and I. So I can say any suggestion on the coolest emoji? And I can send it to that team members. They all get notifications and now Faz and Michael can think deeply about my amazing question. Now, my coworkers and I, we had a lot of fun and it's time to get to work. Well, we're done talk about emojis and I'm still talking to Faz and Michael, and you would see their names is populated there. Now, if you wanna get to work and start sharing documents, well, there are a couple of ways you can do it. You can click on Files. What files will allow you to see all the documents that have been shared within the three of us, or you can click on Attach and right away attach file. But I like to do it from the Files tab it's kinda neat. Where I would see all the files. Maybe somebody sent the same file and I didn't see earlier, we had a file shared one hour ago, we were collaborating on it. Now this is what I mentioned earlier, that this is one of the best collaboration tools that will make collaboration seamless. Instead of me emailing Faz and Michael that attachment and the first thing that they will happen to do once they get that email is download a copy of that attachment onto their computers. So we were having four copies, at least so the same document without anybody editing it. And that's a lot of copies. So you will see that Share button, go ahead and click on it. I see that I can share documents using my OneDrive or I can use my computer to upload cause I've been going to LearniT and learning all about OneDrive and it's cool features. I have all my documents right now saved in OneDrive so I can have access to them anywhere. I click on OneDrive and right now I will see all the documents that I have saved there. I want to share with my coworkers, this presentation, because I need some help in here and I want to update it. So I select that presentation, click on Share. Now that presentation has been uploaded over here. You would see under the Files tab that presentation, the document that was uploaded here earlier. Right now, what I wanna do is go ahead and start working on that presentation because we are getting to business. So once I want to work on that presentation all the way at the top, you will see the presentation name or the file name all the way at the top, you can edit, you can close. Well, I want to edit it. So I'll click on the dropdown arrow and I have three options. Hey, do I wanna Edit in Teams, PowerPoint desktop client, or Edit in PowerPoint online? Well, I find it easier to edit in Teams. I don't want Teams to take me to the PowerPoint web app. I wanna stay here. So what I want to do is click on Edit in Teams. And I hope one of my coworkers join me because I need a lot of help here. So right now I can see that there's that PowerPoint presentation, there's nothing going on. I want to add a slide, title and content at that slide and I want to start typing in here. Don't worry, I'm a quick typer. And right now I see that one of my coworkers is joining me and he's trying to work with me. You will see that Faz here is editing and right now, whatever Faz does and I see that Faz is on this slide. Let's see what Faz has to add in here. So right now, Faz added (chuckles) I don't understand Latin. Yeah, maybe a lot of people here don't so I'll work on something else. But collaboration right now is so seamless that we can use the same document altogether, join in, share it with our team and start working. So once we're done with our collaboration session, maybe it's time to schedule a meeting and talk about those updates. On the left hand side, you would see the Meetings tab and you've probably guessed that's where you schedule a meeting. But if you remember earlier under Conversation, we did see that Add a meeting or Schedule a meeting icon down here below. So he can do it from here and also from Meetings. I'll go ahead to Meetings and give that a click. And right now I see my calendar. This is not any calendar, this is your Outlook calendar. And all the meetings and upcoming appointments you have for today will be populated here. As you see later on today, I have office issues that I wanna talk about with a coworker of mine and I'll click on the Class outlines meeting that I wanna talk about on both of those, are Teams meeting. If you click on a meeting on the right hand side, you'll see all the details about that meeting. Start and end time, you can chat with participants beforehand. You can cancel that meeting. You will see the description of that meeting. Who's the organizer and who are the attendees? Well let me start one from scratch and all the way down below you can schedule a meeting. Likely I'll schedule a meeting and over here, I'll give my meeting a title. Down below you can choose where's the location of that meeting. If you have rooms, you can choose rooms within your department. Down below, you can choose the start and end time. Well I wanna start at 3:30 and we'll end at four. Down below we'll add more details. Talk about a planner, Teams and Excel just keeping it simple. On the right hand side here, you can see that I select a channel to meet in, well, I'll do this if I'm meeting with the whole team. I can choose which channel within which team I want to meet in. Down below I can invite attendees. I'll go ahead and search for my coworker Faz and right now Faz is an attendee. So before I go ahead and schedule, I wanna make sure that both of us are available. This scheduling assistant that we know and love from Outlook. I'll go ahead and click on the Scheduling assistant. And you would see right now, 3:30 to four is perfect for me and Faz. Faz is not available from four till later, five or six. I'll go ahead and click on Schedule. And right now I did send out a meeting for Faz and I, and Faz can go ahead and accept or decline, just like any Outlook meeting. Once I'm done, I can click on Close and you will see that meetings for the update, once I click on it, I can see all the information about that meeting. You know what? I wanna join the meeting ahead of time to show you how things look like. First, it will ask me, hey, do you wanna join now? Do you wanna turn on your camera? Do you wanna turn on or off your microphone? I'd like to turn on my camera see how things are looking back there, (groans) that's not cool. I can adjust my camera, I can adjust my seating. Make sure that it's not there or nothing is stalking behind me. You don't have to worry about it. I'll turn off my camera now, I'll click on Join now. (computer chimes) So right now I am in the meeting. I am the only one here in the meeting and you will see once I move my cursor, those icons will pop up. Hey, do you wanna turn on your camera again? Do you wanna turn off your microphone? Do you wanna share anything or click on the ellipses for more? So let's go ahead and discover Open and Share. And this looks fairly a little different than Skype for Business, but it's kinda the same idea. Right now I can share my desktop. So anything on my desktop will show up to the participants. Window, if there is any window that I want to share within my desktop, I can show that window only. PowerPoint, if there's a PowerPoint presentation, I want to show only, I can choose which one I want to show. If I click on the ellipses right now, or more action, you can choose if you want the video with a blur and let's see how that looks like. I want to blur my background and you will see some of that makes my background blurry. If there's something distracting, that's going on behind you or the colors are not kinda your thing, they're distracting others. What you can do is turn it on. You can turn it off. Which one do you like more, this or that? I like it this way because the hairs, they don't look messed up. So I look clean and tidy. All right, if you wanna turn on a key pad or starting recording, but if I wanna caution you against starting recording, because if you wanna start recording, you wanna make sure that everybody is on board with the recording. Let them know, turn off incoming videos. Maybe you don't wanna see anybody's handsome faces. You can turn it off, but for me, I'll turn my video off right now. You're probably wondering, hey, where's that chat pane? Over here at the top, you would see the meeting's name, how long it's been running and more icons to the right and let's discover them all one at a time. I can make it full screen. I can add meeting notes and I can start taking notes over here. And right now I can start taking notes with that meeting if there's anything I need to take notes for. Conversation, well, maybe I want to start chatting with people. We can start chatting here, a little more to the right. I can add people, maybe I miss somebody. I can go out here and add my coworker, Michael. Now once we've seen we can add and invite people that we forgot, you can copy the link to the meeting so you can copy that information and then paste it for somebody, send them an email, or you can go to Show more settings. And the settings here, you can adjust your audio devices, speakers, microphone and camera. So if you're using multiple speakers, multiple microphones, you can choose which one works for you better. All right, so now once I'm done with the meeting, I'll go ahead and hang up. (computer chimes) All righty so right now we've seen a video call within a Teams meeting, right now, I want to go ahead and talk to my coworker, Michael. And if you remember, how can I go ahead and talk to Michael? I can click on New chat and I will search for Michael. I want to elevate this chat to a video chat. I can call Michael, we can talk to each other, if chat is not cutting it, but all the way over here at the top, I can start a video call. I'll go ahead and do that. I'll just say hi to Michael because I miss him. I'll give that a click and right now I'm calling Michael. (video call ringtone rings) So once Michael picks up, we will be able to see if this test works, hi Michael. - Hey, how's it going? - All good, I just wanna say I missed you, man. I wanted to see you. We started this video call for the video. - Great I missed you too. (all laughs) Glad I got to see you. - All right, nice headphones by the way. - Thank you. - Okay all good, we'll see you soon. - Great thank you. - All right bye. So I ended that video with Michael and it was a kind of a short, weird video. So you're probably watching this right now and saying those two see each other every day and that's kinda weird (laughs). All right, so we saw how we can elevate chat into a video call. We can start a meeting and join with video with audio, turn the chat pane on, and we can change some of those settings. Now, once we talked about those amazing features for Microsoft Teams, let's talk about integration with other services. Adding a tab integration with SharePoint and OneNote, maybe any tabs that I want to add, I can add for my team. I'm talking about Teams here, right? So if I'm talking about Teams, I will click on Teams. So right now I can see that I am on the creating outlines channel within the training team. And you would see it, it's fairly highlighted and it kind of obvious that I am here. So under creating outlines team, I'm under Conversation. I can click on Files, Wiki and Add let's go ahead and discover those. Again Conversation where we want to start a conversation, Files, all the files that have been shared within that team. Wiki is kind of the Hawaiian word that means quick and over here, what you can add is something quick for the team so they can know what is this all about? Is there like an outline that you want to go for creating those outlines that you're talking about? So you can add here a description, team goals, team meetings, updates, anything you can do here so people can have access to it easily. So that's why they called it a Wiki, easy access, Wiki quickie. (chuckles) All right, so let's say maybe that's not cutting it. So what we're gonna do is add more tabs so people can have access to content a lot easier than ever before. If you see the Plus sign here, I will go ahead and click on it to add a tab. And I will see lot of things here. I can add Documents, Excel, Workbooks, Forms. OneNote, PDFs, Planners, the web, all those applications are under your fingertips. You can add them so your team can have easy access to that content. Let's say I wanna create a plan. We have a plan to create outlines. So once I go ahead and click on Planner and you will see, I am integrating Planner with Microsoft Teams, all I have to do is give it a name, Planning Outlines. I'll go ahead and click on Save. What do I have here? An integrated plan within Teams using Microsoft Planner. So if you've used Microsoft Planner before you know how to use it, or if you don't, I'll just go ahead and create a quick plan. What do we wanna do here is make scripts. And then what I want to do of course, because I love food, I want to order food, click on Add Task. So right now I'm adding tasks and I can add people to tasks, start and end time to tasks, and then creating a plan in a tab here, will make people on top of their plans within Teams in that channel. So people can go back to conversations and then I can mention my coworker that he has been assigned a task, check it out. It's all the way up in one of the tabs and what I mean by that is it's there. All righty, so I can tell Faz, Faz will get this notification, will go click there and will start working on those tabs. Let's say, I always wanna add a website over here too, because people have access to a Planner. Now they can have access to the website that they can get and gather information off of. So right now I'll go ahead and click on Website to add that website. So I'll go ahead and add that URL over here, I'll paste it and I'll go ahead and save. So people can have access to that website anytime they click on this tab, Wiki quickie. Now, all that content we can bring all together in Teams. We can specify channels, talk about certain things. That's what we meant by the best collaboration tool that Microsoft has so far. We will be able to create channels, talk about specific projects, adding content to that channels, adding people to those Teams. Collaboration is more seamless than ever before. Now, once we've added tabs to our channel, this is huge, getting everybody in one place, having channels so we can talk about specific topics, adding content in tabs that will make people access that content easily has never been better than this. Microsoft Teams, thank you. All right (chuckles), so right now let's talk about our activity and our activity will show me the feed of people who replied to me. So right now you see Faz replied to me earlier, and it will show me that reply over here. So I don't have to think heavily about it and think deeply, oh, when did Faz reply to me? Or the last thing that Faz replied to me was? You will see them all here in the feed. And guess what? You can also filter, right now maybe I have one and you're like, hey, it's easy for you to figure it out. Well, if it's a lot, you have a lot going on, you can go to filter and then you can filter by what you want to see missed calls, voicemail, likes, following, replies and so on. Unread, most common one. once you're done with the feed and the filter, you might wanna see the last things you've just did. So you can click on the dropdown arrow and then change that to activity. So right now you can see all the recent activities that you have just created. I posted and created an outlines, I posted a tab, I talked to Faz and so on. So this is huge here. You can look for your feed and you can filter for it and then you can see your activity. What were the last actions that you just did? Now, once we've added conversations, added our colleagues into one team, created new channels, talk about a particular project, made content easy to access to using tabs. Let's talk about searching for content. Now Microsoft Teams is powerful in terms of searching for content, that content is not gonna do me any good if I can't search for it. It's kinda obvious that's a search bar here, is big and powerful. I'll go ahead and click on the search bar and what I want to search for is let's say test for example, and I'll Enter, well, it will tell me that no messages says test. Earlier, I was talking about emojis for somebody and I wanna know where that was. So I'll click on emoji and Enter and it will show me that earlier or two hours ago, I did say something about emoji. Any suggestions on the coolest emojis? Conversation was with Faz and Michael. Oh, that's kinda cool. I hope I don't have any coworkers who are called emoji. Cool, files nothing. Oh, there was a file I was looking for earlier today and it was called, I don't know what was it called? But it had that cool word in it that everybody's afraid of, a test (chuckles). All right, so I'll click on test. This document is called class outlines. How did test get me there? The search bar is powerful, it searches in the subject line. It searches in the body of your document. If I click on that document, check it out, it says test here. So all the documents with test will pop up all the way down here. Search bar is amazing, powerful than ever, so you can search for your content easily. You can search for people and you can search for messages all by using the search bar, give it a try. So we've never get it all through those amazing features for Microsoft Teams. Let's go ahead and talk about presence and managing our profile. Now, if you've used any chat or software application for the past, what 20 years, you know what that means and how to change your presence in Microsoft Teams. It's all so simple all the way at the top right corner, just right next to minimize, maximize and close. You will see your user icon and you can click on that and over down below, you will see your presence. You can set available, busy, do not disturb, be right back and so on and then you can reset status and what that means is whatever you are doing, if you're in a meeting an appointment, it will sync your status here and you can break it by selecting any one of those manually. So if I select do not disturb and I highly recommend, if you do not want to be disturbed, it will silence all your incoming notifications, regardless of people message or not, you'll not be disturbed because if you're unavailable or busy, be right back or appear away, people will still message you if they need you. They're in trouble. ♪ They would want to talk to you. ♪ (chuckles) So please remember to use, do not disturb once you really don't want to be disturbed. Saved, when you get messages from co-workers, like maybe in that team, there was something important that somebody mentioned Faz was excited, I wanted to save that. So you see, once I hover over what Faz has said, I see more options where I could mark it as unread, copy a link to it or turn on Immersive Reader, save this message or like that message just like, hey, good job man, I'm so, I like that you're excited, but I already saved it because once Faz is not excited I'll bring him over and I'll tell him hey, you were excited one day (chuckles). All right, so all those saved messages will appear here. So if I click on Save, it will show me all the saved messages that I think were important that I wanna get back to or I wanna keep for the future. I can save them all here so I can have easy access to them by clicking on them and then finding that content easily. All right, moving on to the settings. Now, the settings are huge here. If I click on the Settings, I can change the themes. Maybe I want it to be darker. High contrast, oh man, I'm not goth or oh man, that's so dark for me. I like the default theme, it's brighter. Down below, you can choose what do you wanna do with the application? Do you want it to start automatically when you start your computer, do you want it to open up in the background? Maybe that's people, what they wanna do. They wanna check their notifications using Teams If the company chose Teams as their number one communication and collaboration tool, you can have it on close and keep both applications running. You can register Teams as the chat application for Office, or you can change language and please don't change it to something you don't know. Moving that to the next tab on the left hand side, you see Privacy, now this is huge. Remember that do not disturb that I talked to you about presence that if you don't want to be disturbed? Well, sometimes you want people to disturb you, especially if you are on, do not disturb maybe they your CEO or your boss. So you can go ahead and manage that axis. You want them to disturb you while you're on do not disturb. Notifications, notifications are huge here and people have a lot of questions all the time here. Do I always need to get an email when mentioning happens somewhere over there in a team or a channel or somebody mentions me? Well, we don't wanna do that. We don't wanna get all those emails. We have enough emails already. So what I can do, I can change those settings. Well, please show me a banner or show in the feeds only. So you get to control all your notifications. Do you wanna get banners, emails down below under messages, also, how would you wanna get messages? Do you wanna see a banner in an email? Well, if every time somebody sends me a message and I get an email, I just wanna go ahead and jump off of the Golden Gate Bridge. I don't want that. So I'll go ahead and turn it off. When I get a chat, I'll go ahead and see it in the banner and I'll go to my feed and I will see all those chats. Down below, you'll have more control over your notifications with team role, if your team role changed, if there are any sounds you want, email frequency, no, never for me. So you can adjust this based on your needs. And once you're done, you can just go ahead and close. There's nothing called that need to save or do any of that. It automatically saves. Microsoft Teams is Microsoft's newest collaboration platform that will allow us all to seamlessly collaborate, co-author and documents and have our colleagues all in one place. I hope you learned a lot watching those videos. (soft music) - [Narrator] Thanks for watching. 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Channel: Learnit Training
Views: 1,114,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft teams, learn microsoft, learn microsoft teams, how to use microsoft teams, microsoft teams tutorial, learn teams, learn how to use teams, how to, tutorial, microsoft, learn how to chat, chat based programs, learn it, learn it now, how to learn, teams
Id: 2zB2jiCxxuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 36sec (2796 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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