How to use Microsoft's FREE Video Editor - Clipchamp Beginners Tutorial

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hi I'm Jamie welcome to teachers Tech it's great  to have you here today I want to show you how to   use the free video editor clip champ now you can  use clip champ in a couple different ways you   could install it on your Windows computer  for free I go to the Microsoft Store and   download it you can put it on your Windows 10  or Windows 11 or you could just log in online   with your browser so whether it be Microsoft  Edge or Chrome it will work the same way the   experience is identical I'm actually going  to show you on the online version here today   but you could follow along with the app as well  there's so many great features that clip champ   has built into it and it's so easy to use it's  just drag and drop very beginner friendly and   you can be creating some great looking videos so  whether you want to add filters like green screen   with a couple clicks making your edits adding  assets like other Graphics or stock photo all   those things are available so let's get started  on how to use clip chat today on teachers Tech if you want to install it on your computer Windows  10 Windows 11 I'm just going to go to search and   I'm going to type in Microsoft and I just want to  go to the Microsoft store and this is where it is   right here so I already have it searched for  you can type clip champ into the search bar up   here and then you can go ahead and just install it  once it's installed you're going to get the open   here but like I said it looks the same online  so I'm going to move over to my browser here   now I'm just going to go ahead and get logged in  so if you don't have an account yet you can click   try it for free here then you're going to get some  options so if you have your Microsoft account if   you have a Microsoft account you can log in with  that or you can see you have Google or your email   but I just want to point out uh that they'll  be removing the login options in the coming   months and that I believe it's going to be only  a Microsoft account that will get you in okay so   I'm gonna go and get logged in to my account and  I already have my Microsoft account here I'm going   to pick this one here and get logged in so if you  go and open up your clip champ it's going to look   just like this you're going to find everything  in the same place I want to point out that we   have settings down here and you can see where you  can connect to Google Facebook and to Dropbox and   it shows an email and your profile I'm using  the free version here that's all I'm using you   can install the desktop app from here so I showed  you through the Microsoft store but you can also   install it here on your Windows computer now I  want to point out too I'm going to be focusing   on creating a new just going over the features and  creating a new video right here but you can also   use it to record your screen so like a webcam or  if you have your webcam microphone it can record   the screen and you in it too it can actually make  a video like I'm doing right now with me using the   green screen and you can have layers so I'm going  to do a different video on that one this video is   just about creating the video and I'm not going to  be using the templates because you can play with   those after I show you all the different features  so I'm just going to go ahead and start this and   create a new video and at this point if you open  it from the app you're going to notice it looks   the same so the First Step that I'm going to do  is actually bring in my my media to here right now   so the first step that you would need to do is  bring in media to you so when I say media if   you're new to this that would be like your  video there'd be pictures like images or in   audio so whether that be music or recording your  voice something like that that would need to be   brought in to edit this video now I'm going to  point out on the side here I have this folder   called clip chat media and I downloaded a bunch  of media from pixabay which is free I'll put a   link if you want to download some videos and  I have these that I'm going to work with today   that you can use stock video and we have music  and stock images here I just want to point out   though the stock video that they have in here  in the free version you don't get a lot so if   you're searching for something you don't get a  lot if you see the diamond on it that's going to   be a upgrade but you have to pick the ones that  say free so you could if you wanted to try some   out what you can do is go and pick one if you're  using the free one one I'll go up here and I'm   just going to hit this one if I hit add I can add  to the media and I could add your timeline as well   but if you don't have any video that you're going  to play with so let's go add it to your media to   begin with and I'm just going to cancel out and  if I go to my media you can see it there at 44   seconds too so if you wanted some video we can  do the same thing with our stock images as well   to go through and we do have some music here just  make sure that you look for the free ones and then   you can add them so I'm going to be uploading to  my media and you can see I am winding here right   now so I could import from a number of different  places I could browse from files from my phone I   could go from OneDrive Google Drive Google photos  and Dropbox as they change the accounts and if   it's only Microsoft you're probably going to see  some of these disappear in the next few months   but if I go browse from my computer I have all  these different ones in a folder on my desktop   I could select one if I hold down control on my  keyboard I could select multiple ones and then   let's say I pick those four and hit open and those  are being brought in right now preparing them so   I could bring them to my timeline another way I  could bring them in if I just open up this folder   again I could just grab from here and drag in as  well I could actually bring in the whole folder if   I wanted to do that too so simple ways to bring  your media just taking a quick glance you can   see this would be audio you can see kind of the  wave in the back here if I hover over it gives   me a preview of what it sounds like I have videos  here and I have pictures if I look up top we have   videos audio images and it just goes through and  it knows the differences so I just want to look   for all my videos if I just wanted to look for all  my audios and all my images like that so that's   how you import your media into uh lip Champ here  you can see your media isn't backed up and this   is important to understand if you're using the  online version like this you do have to stay on   the same computer if you move computers you won't  have access to those files unless you upgrade and   everything was backed up so if I switched over  to my MacBook I won't be able to have these same   assets there they won't be over on that computer  so I just wanted to point that out if you are   using the on line version you would have to be  on the same computer each time if you're just   using the free version okay so what's the next  step that I just want to point out I just want   to kind of give you a quick walk around here what  you're seeing and it's very quick because there's   no hidden menus or anything on this at all if I  start down over on the the left here you can see   this button right here brings me back if I click  on it I can go back to home you can see where you   upgraded and everything I'm under my free account  there's keyboard shortcuts in that but I'm not   going to go back right now we have a record and  create this is where you can create your screen   and Camera what I mentioned about I'll create  a different video on this later showing you how   you can do both of those we have our templates  again where you can access I've already showed   you these there's uh we can scroll down here  and we have our transitions graphics and text   everything's just going to be drag and drop over  on the right hand side when we select our audio   we'll have some features that we can do that we  have some features like fade we can add to audio   or video we have our filters we can adjust colors  we can adjust our speed transition and color here   as well all right now what I like to do first is  when I start I've got to be thinking about well   what is this for so this is let's just say going  to be a YouTube video and so the ratio that the   aspect ratio I'd want would be this 16 to 9 but  let's say you're making something for YouTube   shorts well that would be different that would  be this one or Instagram gram or Tick Tock you'd   use the 9 to 16. and then this one here we can  see that would be for an Instagram post and one   to one four to five gives you all the ratios I'm  using the 16 to 9 in this example I like to title   mine right away so I'm just going to call this uh  practice video and we're going to be just making   a number of video a number of edits as I show you  all these different things all right I'm going to   move back to my media I'm just moving up here and  I'm going to start by bringing some media into the   timeline and making some quick edits I just want  to point out if we just go back like I showed   you before back to home now and it says your files  aren't synced to the cloud uh then we can go ahead   and continue with sync if I scroll down right here  this practice video is what I just started so it's   already saved in here and if I want to go you see  I have some options to make a copy or delete if I   just click on it again it brings me back so I  just want to add that in a navigation point in   okay let's grab a video and I'm going to grab this  one so I need to add this to my timeline down here   to start my editing process so if I go up to this  I could hit the plus to add to timeline or I could   just drag it down and so when I drag it down it's  giving me some tips here I'll go over this in a   bit with the fading here because again this makes  it super easy to use if I go ahead and hit play   you can see right away there's no volume to this  clip here uh so I'm just going to uh just show you   to play it the way I like to play it actually is  use my keep my uh space bar so I hit my spacebar   to stop and start I just find it a little bit  more quick rather than trying to get up to the   play button all the time and it helps when you're  editing as well so when I bring this clip in I can   drag it around very simply I can actually move it  uh around I can move things to other layers once I   bring in another video and then I'll show you that  in a moment but I can zoom up on it so if I zoom   up you can see it looks like it's getting longer  it's not really getting longer it's just allowing   kind of seeing it broke into a time period where  I could go frame to by frame a little easier so   then if I hit to zoom to fit It just fits in what  I'm seeing across and then as I move my playhead   here this bar if I keep zooming up on it then it  allows me to get to an exact place a little bit   easier when I'm zooming up on it so I just want to  point out that feature and then down at the very   bottom we have this bar if it's reaching past what  you can see you can just move your uh this bar by   clicking and dragging on it with your mouse okay  so that's how we can bring some in I'm going to   zoom back out a bit so we can bring in multiple  clips here so if I go back up here and grab this   second one I could just place it in my timeline so  I could place it right next to it or I can move it   over remember any gaps are going to be just come  out as black so if I go ahead and hit play you can   see the Gap that happens there I can place them  together like so and I can move this one as I   mentioned into a top layer and I can move it on  top but I'm going to show you that come back to   this when we do some video transform our videos to  show how to use picture and picture in some other   techniques here even with green screen so I'm just  moving on here if you want any of these gone you   have our delete here and we also have our undo  so we have our undo and redo here so if you need   to go back any steps if you've made a mistake you  can go there I can also hit delete on my keyboard   and it will go away we can bring in images so if  I go up to images images are part of the media   so I can place them next to video and if I was  previewing it goes from video to image and I could   place another video in if I wanted to go to audio  I could go grab an audio and place it usually I'm   going to place it below it and if I bring it back  you'll be able to hear it like so and I can move   it around just like I moved the other ones I can  select multiple things they have that green around   it so if I grab my selection tool and select  both now they're both moving at the same time   so just some little things about moving in your  media into the timeline I'm going to delete this   for now and just leave this one I'm just going to  start some basic editing if you're new to this to   edit video there's going to be three different  ways that you can do this you can edit you can   trim for the beginning you can trim from the end  or you can split the clip so if I select this clip   if I go to the beginning I get these handles if  I want something taken from the beginning trimmed   off I can just click and hold and drag and it  trims it from the beginning and then on I can also   do it from the end so if there's extra footage or  you need to make it sure you can just drag from   both ends you can drag it back you haven't did  that deleted the source file or trimmed anything   off of it so if I drag it back I can just put them  back to how long I want to go so very easy to take   things off the ends you can also take things out  at the beginning so I could go ahead and use my   split tool and since my this is where my marker  was was there it did a split so I bring it and   I click again and now I have another split on this  side all right so now I could take this and change   the order like so so I can change the order all  around just by dragging things in uh so that I   could play it back and the order would change on  how it's happening so you can see how it goes back   and forth there again you have your undo here if  there was a part that you just want to take it out   of the middle you could delete it and then push it  back together I'm going to go back a couple steps   here and I just want to point out I showed you  with trimming to I make it shorter you can't bring   it the other way so yeah I can't make more video  if this is a nine second video I could I I mean I   could slow it down to make it longer but I can't  stretch it and add more there now that's makes a   difference with a picture so if I go grab an image  like so and bring it in images are static so I   can grab it and have it play for as long as I want  just like that so I can make it as short as I want   or as long as I want because it's static that's  a nice option if you're using it as a background   here but editing would be the same if I wanted for  to split this like this I could go ahead and split   it we can duplicate too so if anything I select I  could you can see the shortcuts with Ctrl D but I   can hit duplicate and I put the exact same thing  in so just some features there that clip champ   make it very easy to do I and with the audio and  I'm going to go grab an audio all those things I   just showed you with video if I drag it in I can  drag the trimmed from the very beginning like so   and I grabbed so I can grab it and trim it I can  drag it around I can use my it snipped it over   here where my playhead was so all these different  things that I can do to trim the audio to line up   everything how I want because I can be dragging  my audio to match where I want it in the video so   that's just some basic editing tips and you can  see how easy this is done inside of clip champ   so I just added a couple videos in one image in  here just for a short 30 second uh video here   what I wanted to show you is how to add text to  this now there's a couple different ways look at   it right here I could just go click and add text  and I go right to it it actually just gave me a   shortcut to over here I could clicked this as  as well now I can go through and pick some of   this text and change what I wanted to say and  I like how some of these have the animation in   here so if I go through and just hover over it  you get to see so if I take this groovy one and   I'm just going to drag it on and then I drag it  on and then I can just change what it says here   so if I just I click in here it comes up here  as groovy so but if I wanted to say hello and   I changed it that easy so we have our fonts that  we can change remember that these are going to be   the upgrade here so but we can pick different  ones and really easy to change so very easy   easy to add that if I go back I'm going to close  this here I can move this around I could size this   larger so now if I hit I'm just going to bring  back my playhead hit my space bar and it comes   popping up if I wanted to play later I could just  bring it down so text is super easy to add to any   of this another thing that's really easy to add  and I'm going to just go down here to transition   so I'm going to choose transitions here and I  can just drag them in between my video or images   so again these that would be a free one if I go  to beams and I drag it across notice I can add   it's do I where do I want to add it to if I just  drop it here it's added to it and now if I go back   and then there's a transition between them so  let's go to Crossfade drag it in between these two   so now I've added another transition uh very easy  to add to these uh to these videos and everything   just drag and drop them over another easy easy  thing to add is the graphics so the graphics   here uh I'm gonna grab a free one so let's grab  this little fire if I go ahead and click on it I   can add it to the timeline it will pop open in the  timeline here so it just takes a moment I'm just   going to close out of this here and there it is on  the timeline I can bring it over to where I want   and I can bring it over to a different point so I  can size it all these when you see those handles   it just makes it so easy it pops up right there do  I want it there or do I want it at the beginning   drag it to where you want so you have all these  different frames shapes then they are identified   as the free or the upgrades as well okay so all of  these we've kind of covered these I haven't didn't   pick anything from the music or stock video but  I showed you those ones I want to show you some   other effects that you can easily add so what  I'm going to do for now is just delete some of   this here and let's say at the very beginning of  this video I want to add a fade so notice it just   starts but I want it to kind of fade in what I can  do is go up to fade here so when I go to fade in   I can pick how long I want it to fade in so if  I wanted to go for one second and then I have   that fade I can also do it at the end of every  video too so very quick to add sort of like a   transition that I could have put in with the face  Median on any of these you could also apply this   to your audio so if I go back to my media and I  go and grab an audio and bring it in to here I   could apply fade in to it so just the same thing  it will start quieter for almost a second and then   it gets louder as we're on audio I just want  to point out you do have audio here and you   can decrease or increase the volume on it just  by pulling that down and you can if you wanted   a quieter you can play around with that so again  very easy to use I'm just going to move this back   here okay so let's just talk about some of the  other effects that we have on the side here below   so anytime I click of any of these any of this  media you can see what comes up if I go to here   I have filters now with the filters we have can go  through and I'm going to scroll down here and we   have all these different ones let's get one that's  more easier to see if I added if I hover over any   of these right now I'm on the transition I'm just  going to move my playhead so we can see what's   happening then just like that if I keep scrolling  down you can see the intensity level here that I   can change that I can adjust on these so very easy  again we just can add these and if I go back there   you can see I even added that filter to that clip  so you have to select the clip first I can do it   to the images as well if I wanted to but then you  can see if you can choose an upgrade what happens   there but you can click change the intensity very  easy on this last clip over here I'm just going to   move my playhead down a bit I just want to point  out with we have our colors and this is where we   can change you know things from our exposure or  saturation temperature just drag the handle which   way you want and we have okay the opacity here and  I'm going to come back and show you this opacity   when I work with some layers in a moment because I  do want to show you one more thing here and that's   going to be the speed on these so if I go to this  clip here and if I want this dog running really   fast I can go to speed and increase the speed here  and you notice it's getting shorter because I've   increased the speed and now this dog is running  really quickly if I wanted to go slower I could   go the other way and it's going to push the other  ones out of the way there it's running in slow   motion so all these effects are just so incredibly  beginner friendly with the drag selecting the clip   and adding adding to them okay so these other  great features and I'm just going to go ahead and   delete all this stuff here so I'm just selecting  everything and I'm going to hit delete and it's   gone I'm going to go back to video and I'm going  to grab this video right here that I started with   before so if I go ahead and grab another video  and place it on top notice if I play now it only   shows the top one because I can only uh because I  can that's the layers that's showing the top one   it's blocking everything I'm going to show you all  of these in a moment these transform tools because   they work really uh well and I but first before  we do this I wanted to go back to my my colors and   talk about this this is transparency right so if I  bring this one down here to here now you can sort   of see that the top ones see-through I can still  see the bottom one but I have two videos happening   at once in this one because they changed the  opacity and I can change it back or I could reset   everything back to normal too so I just want to  point it out how you could get a see-through video   by changing that and using layers let's go ahead  close this up because these are super easy to use   and fun to fun to use so if I take a video like  this first thing I want to show you is the crop so   with crop I'm going to go ahead and crop this one  right here so if we just play it and maybe I don't   want all the background right here if I go ahead  and crop it I can bring the handles in and focus   on maybe the just this dog and I can bring it in  from each side like so and let's see what we have   so I hit play now you can see what's happening  behind so now I've cropped the top video now you   can see everything that where it's not cropped  this here if I wanted to fill with this entire   one so now it filled the screen so now I can't see  it behind and now I'm just focused on that okay so   I'm going to go back a step you're going to leave  it here as as cropped because I want to point out   this next picture in picture so picture in picture  allows kind of make the same thing so I what I'm   going to do is bring in another video so I'm going  to bring this one in right here and place it above   add another layer so this is the only one I can  see right now if I go back to this and hit picture   in picture and just click one of these it's way  up here I can move it around I can size it so now   I have three different videos playing at the same  time here and I can keep bringing more in so maybe   if I brought in another one and now this one is  going to be the one on top so I could go to this   one again uh pointing out these last few options  here I can rotate this way you can see as I go   around and just rotate I can flip horizontally or  I can even flip vertically so all these options   are there with just a simple click if I go to  picture and picture again I'll put this one over   here I'll move him over here stretch it now I  have four videos playing at once so very cool   easy to do with all these options of transforming  I want to show you how you can do green screen in   here very quickly so I'm going to need to upload  another video file I just downloaded from pixabay   I'm just going to move over to that browser so  I went to pixabay looked in a green screen and   I downloaded I believe a dinosaur from here so  this one right here so I did a download it's free   to use and I'm going to go and upload this now so  I'm just going to go into this folder I can see it   right here and I'm just going to drag it over and  it's going to get added right here to this so it's   like a five second little clip all right so what  I'm going to do is uh move let's take we're going   to just take this this video right here of this  here so it's eight seconds long I know this is   five seconds long and this is a little random but  I just want to show you how it works so if I go   and take this dinosaur now and put it above it so  it takes place uh it takes everything I see is in   there here I need to remove the green and then so  that dinosaur will then be the only thing left so   what I'm going to do is go to the filter so I have  this selected here if I go to filters and I start   moving down and what I'm looking for is the green  screen one and it's right here so green screen   even as I hover over it you can see it's gone  so I I can change the threshold so if you did it   yourself in front of a green screen you might have  to change the threshold I've played with this with   even with my green screen behind it I just had to  change it but it came out really well and after   that I can go and adjust this in different places  so I can move this I can make it smaller so maybe   it's not a small a large dinosaur it's a small one  so I'm going to go close this out of the way if it   was you could see its screen color is green well  it could be green blue I could have other types   in there as well depending on what you were using  let's close this down and now I have this little   one it will even make it smaller I love working  with green screen I love showing different people   how easy it is to use and how creative you can get  with it so now if I just click let's play it here   we have this dinosaur with the dog in front of the  dog so that's how quick we can add green screen in   here so let's say we're all done our video we've  had our transitions we've made any adjustments   let's I want to show you how you can export this  to share it out depending on what method you want   let's say I have this little video here I have  a little bit of text I have some music playing   I have the green screen and I'm all done  and I want to share this out uh you've gone   through and you've said Okay I want to make  a quick adjustment you can go through click   uh remember you can fill even with the picture  you can fix you don't want those black screens   like that and we're all done or we think we're  all done we go to export up top and what does   it saying mind the gap okay I'm gonna go back  and fix so what I'm going to do is go to this   right here oh why was this over here so I'm just  gonna go and delete it so I like how that knows   that there's this bag big gap in here and they're  thinking well this isn't quite right okay so I'm   going to do this again what do I want to export  it as well I want to go 1080p here if you make   a gif a gif if it was under uh 15 seconds but  I'm going to go 1080P and it just runs through   to add this and it doesn't take very long I  want to point out as this is going through   you can save or share currently to Google Drive  I could upload to Youtube send to tick tock save   to OneDrive save to Dropbox all these different  options and if you're following along with the   app on your windows everything's looking the  same uh here so that's what I like on this is   that it looks the same you could just be logging  into the browser if you're having difficulties   with the app all right so it goes through  finishes up here let's watch our finished video so it downloads I can see it just download it  down here I'm gonna go ahead and click on it   it opens up what default layer I have and I have  this little 15 second video it has my animations   there's my dinosaur into it uh everything's  looking good it's a 1080p so that's how simple   the process of it is is creating a video editing a  video with clip champ I'm just using the complete   free version here online so I wanted to kind of  show that online version because it just uh it it   looks the same and it I had no lag working with  it at all so thanks for watching this time make   sure you stay tuned when I show how to create the  video with using the screen capture and the webcam   making videos just like I do and that would be  all for free using the free version thanks for   watching this time on teachers Tech I'll see  you next time with more Tech tips and tutorials
Channel: Teacher's Tech
Views: 229,181
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Keywords: clipchamp video editor, clipchamp video editing, clipchamp, teacher's tech, jamie keet, microsoft clipchamp, microsoft clipchamp video editor, clipchamp free download for windows, clipchamp online video editor, clipchamp tutorial, free video editing software, online video editor free no watermark, best free video editing software for pc, windows 11 free video editor, windows 11 free video editing software
Id: Kf_14bvASxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 54sec (1854 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2022
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