How to Get Clarity in Your Life | Rob Dyrdek on Impact Theory

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what is your belief about belief is it important is it a starting point it is the only thing that matters it is literally the only thing that matters because your experience how you build something what you learn whatever it is anything that you achieve it is literally only based off of how much you believe that's going to happen goals and all the stuff all this is breaking it down into micro actions for you to understand it and believe it right because at the end of the day it's only people that lose belief that quit everybody welcome to impact Theory you're here my friends because you believe that human potential is nearly limitless but you know that having potential is not the same as actually doing something with it so our goal with this show and company is to introduce you to the people and ideas that will help you actually execute on your dreams all right today's guest is an entrepreneur and media superstar who managed to turn a career as a professional skateboarder into a multi-million dollar empire this man's real estate shoes food alcohol entertainment and several other verticals not bad for a kid who dropped out of high school at the age of 16 move west for the promise of a thousand bucks a month and spent most nights drinking and smoking weed until at 24 his sponsors thanked him for his service and told him that they believe that the best years of his life were behind him instead of that shutting him down however this wake-up call lit a fire under his ass and he promised before his contract expired he'd be an entirely different person and despite people's doubts he put his head down and got to work swearing that he'd never get complacent again and over the next two years he completely transformed himself mind and body and the resulting career is the kind of thing that people make movies about he's designed his own shoe dozens of times over launched the world's first true professional skateboarding League and a first of its kind skateboarding channel he's made toys that were sold Walmart helped build multiple luxury brands created a production company that's made hit shows for MTV Nickelodeon and CMT his shows robbing big Fantasy Factory ridiculousness and amazingness have not only made him a household name they've essentially made him the modern face of the entire TV network he's been attacked by a shark and the tiger kissed a bear on the lips and set the record for longest backwards car jump all on purpose he's also set 21 separate Guinness Book of World Records for skateboarding and actually flipped a car as a part of a Superbowl commercial without the aid of CGI his diverse and staggering success is hard to comprehend but it's all the result of intention and discipline so please help me in welcoming the founder and CEO of the full-service venture studio dyrdek machine rob dyrdek half of why I wanted to come here was for how I really thought to myself like man he's gonna give me like a really cool intro and be psyched I can't wait to show it I love that about the show and it was literally a thousand times better than I even expected so thank you man thank you thank you dude so this literally the show is about bringing on people that inspire me so writing the intro while the longest part of the process probably is it is that moment where I really like get to capture what it is and maybe want to bring the person on so what you've done is is pure insanity my wife and I have spent many many many an hour watching Fantasy Factory and actually when I left quest and I finally had the money to do whatever I wanted we originally were instead of building it in the house we're gonna get like this crazy thing we said all right code name fantasy factory like what do we turn this into so that that is still something that I would love to shoot on him and I just feel like your version of a fantasy factory would be incredible you know it would be a lot of fun and you got to think like I move at such a pace that even hearing so much of that stuff I just forget I I forget about the depth of a lot of the things that I've done throughout the time because I almost only have memory and like 3-year chunks at a time from doing so much different stuff and when I hear about the idea of flipping cars and breaking World Records jumping cars backwards and getting attacked by sharks and tigers it just makes me feel so warm inside it's like it's like a highlight reel like nobody's highlight reel that can never be taken away you know it's it's the joys of what something like Fantasy Factory allowed me to achieve not only from a business and media standpoint but really from these bizarre highlights of doing all this fun exciting stuff it's so there's a couple things in there that I want to talk about one too anyway but we'll come back to that and then to that memory right so you're in the water you just got attacked by the shark on purpose swim back up to the top in what I imagine is sort of an adrenaline rush but you stop yourself force yourself to really stop and take it in why do you do that I just knew at that point that I would never be diving most likely ever again I would never be around 50 sharks ever again and it was just this moment of clarity that was just like wow whatever happens for the rest of your life look at this you just allowed an 8-foot shark to bite you and attack your arm and it worked you know I mean it's like before I got in the water it was like this is so dumb like why would I even want to do this I'm gonna lose function over this arm for this television showing at the time you know they were saying they didn't like any of the cuts and weren't gonna air it right and so was even that much more stressful of lack I'm going down to get attacked by a shark all for nothing right it was sort of the intent of it and and I think that moment of clarity just allowed me to soak in a moment that I didn't want to forget ever again you know and I think from time to time on really really big moments I'm able to really settle down into the present so so deeply that it becomes ingrained forever right versus where I'm so used to being surface level like moving at a hundred miles an hour achieving vision and goals as opposed to settling into moments from time to time that are super important I having my first child when I I got married I was able to just sink into it so deeply that every single moment of getting married is so vivid to me you know and and I think it's luck that I did it in certain times other times it was the type of moments that you don't ever want to forget and you have to purposefully put yourself there in a deep level to remember and otherwise you're just getting through it and do you say in those moments like really just slow down stop look at it like how do you make sure that this is what you're gonna hold onto yeah I literally like stop myself and talk to myself like just there's you know I would almost considered a level of presence I think people probably find a meditation right where you just just ground you get grounded much more you know and I just purposefully ground myself with the intent of remembering it which basically subconsciously like hits record almost right it's it's it's a different sort of level and and I just don't think you can do it without doing it purposefully you know so you and I share a sort of weird memory trait which is I've always looked at it as I live in these tenure chunks and I have like this sort of 10-year phase that I remember pretty intensely but even that it sort of dies off so that the tenth year I remember a lot less than year number one and at first it really bothered me because I would forget a lot of cool and then I realized this is actually really beneficial because the things that I see other people hold on to I don't hold on to them just because they they dissipate so rapidly in my memory yeah do you cultivate the like this is what I want to lose as much as you cultivate this is what I want to hold on to I don't think so but I'm I called my lack of memory the gift in the curse right it can come back and jam me up where I wish I would have retained certain things and and turned them into habit if you will but God it's a beautiful curse I mean I live without failure you know what I mean like I live without regret without pain without any of the stuff like behind of all the stuff that I went through it it bleeds away so so easily for me you know so I don't do it purposefully you know certain things may trigger more painful stuff as they're fresher but eventually I don't remember any of it but it also forces me now to stuff that I really want to retain especially turn to habit which I think is probably the most difficult transition of experience of how do you take something good or bad that you've experienced and then apply the lesson from it and now in a consistent way I think again for that aspect you have to like like recognize it identify it and then begin to use it with intent you know in order to have it sink it going back to the other thing I want to talk about from that Danny way so for those who don't know Danny was a skateboarder amazing skateboarder jump the Great Wall of China but you were there for that was pretty crazy that whole documentary was mind-blowing yeah but you've you've talked really eloquently about the fact that like he doesn't have a fear like ability to really recognize fear yeah talk to me about that and then I want to hear how it because to me like the way you feel about Danny way I feel about you just from a skateboarding shark-attack perspective that so no I was scared because I mean and it was like I look at that as look here's the delineation between me and him where I need to add up all of these things to fight through the fear right I need to have all these stakes connected to it like I was you know getting attacked launching my toy line in Walmart doing a television program for Walmart and launching this brand-new season brand-new show to follow robbing big right it was like the stakes and the calculation and just that's what drove me to that level to be able to execute and where I feel like he's just really doing it out of like the passion for the accomplishing it that's really interesting and I'll be really interested to see how that plays out in other areas of his life like if he's able to bring that that play and innovation which so one thing that you've described as being somewhat unique to skateboarding but it seems like you're doing as an entrepreneur is skateboarding allows this progression right you learn one thing at Stax you learn the Nexus stacks on that until doing you know crazy tricks like Danny do you see that as having correlates in entrepreneur ISM and and what is that notion of progression like how can people understand that and internalized in their in life I believe progression is the key to happiness right it's that the expansion of the universe and ultimate evolution and when you equate it to skateboarding you learn to ollie you learn to kickflip you learn to grind you learn to kickflip to grind right like you learn to kickflip the backside Smith you learn to kickflip to backside Smith to kickflip out right like it's these levels and you can only evolve and progress and become elite if you understand and learn the foundational steps along the way to put all of what you could consider experience together to do something really incredible and I think a lot of people don't understand when it comes to entrepreneurial ISM there's sort of these key elements that you have to understand from a foundational perspective in order to find success you know what you know which is ultimately creating a brand understanding how to operationalize that and understanding the financial implications of how you do both those things right I think so many different times in the world of entrepreneurial ISM especially this day and age its idea driven right as opposed to the battles won or lost and how its operationalized and then ultimately the union economics behind the idea right I think that's one of the biggest things that's overlooked in the space especially this day and age of so many people having an idea that they think can be a successful business and wrapping some sort of service or need or disruption around that idea without clearly understanding how to evolve that into an operationalized business that makes money it's a huge gap you know and has your career followed that kind of trajectory where you feel like ok in the early days I learned this and then that helped me understand this and then now at this phase in my career where you've talked about you're going into the forever part of your career right both with your house and with sort of post Tony Robbins which we'll talk about cuz I'm so fascinated to see your response to him which is exactly my response to him so is is that is that how you're conceptualizing it now like okay hey I've learned all this stuff and it's going to allow me to efficiently run the dyrdek machine yeah I think I stopped and self evaluated four years ago right where I just evaluated everything right like what worked what didn't and then what do you have left to learn and I hired a group of consultants to basically dissect how to build flawless businesses and then along that way by basically spending almost a year developing the system of the direct machine it was really like going to college from the operational and financial side right because what I already had a deep brand mind what what that process allowed me to do is basically systematize it in a way that I could now look deeper into a brand and how to simply put the pieces together to put a soul into that brand I had to learn the depth of operationalizing a business because I didn't live on the operational side and I don't like it rights don't like it and from the financial perspective I just never got deep into it I always had somebody handle it for me and it required spending years of learning brand mastery through my lens operational mastery through my lens than financial mastery through my lens that I could then create a theory by which I approached venture capital right and inside that I learned that the type of individual I need to do the business with the clear path to sustainability I need to see inside a revenue model that's tactical and believable and then ultimately from an operational side is it doable and can you scale without the operational side needing to scale along with it I think these these now become these sort of cornerstones that I triangulate opportunity off of before I then look at it is it disruptive is it is it solving a need is it being reinvented in the right way by the right individual and then then can I have a big enough stake that will interest me right because what I realized quickly is I'm not an investor I don't have know if I don't own a significant stake of a business and and when it raises ten million or raises six million or you know does four million in profit that I'm getting liquid and from profitable companies and seeing a clear path to liquidity with every business that I create from a potential exit strategy that's significant that always keep me excited right I think that's sort of the blend that I had to fully understand within myself and what my personal mastery is right of wanting to you know where the most joy I get is creating brands you know whether it's in media whether it's a alcohol brand a vitamin brand a nutritional brand right whatever it may be it's that incubation side and creative side that I am so excited about but it's only fun if it goes like this right it's like the business that you you stumble out the gate and then you're like you're in no-man's land and then it's like when do we let go of it like even the emotional side I had to learn to if my passion is creating successful sustainable businesses you also have to detach yourself from being emotionally invested to everything that you do and analytically decide did you achieve what you intended out of it and when is it time to is the ROI on your energy just not worth it any longer right and I and I just think that all of those things are need to be systematized based off of your own personal needs your own personal master your own personal chase of energy and that's really what I did over those years you know so because I think a lot of people struggle with getting clarity on what they really want who they really want to become what they're like I deal world look like I know that you felt like I had tried all this stuff and some succeed in some failed and I've sorta all over the map and so what I had to do is really get clarity what what was the process of getting that clarity you have to seek it you have to seek like life mastery you're like your first thing is like what is your entire life look like right it's very difficult I know I think younger people struggle with trying to like look at forever and trying to design a life and then now evaluating every single opportunity based off of how it fits into that core master plan and I think as I began to unwind and systematize the way I looked at brands I at the same time began to look at my life the same way and I read a book at the beginning of this whole process called start at the end right and it was the idea of you must decide ahead of time what your intent is for this business that you're going to build do you want it to be a five million dollar business with 50% gross margin that you take home a million dollars a year from and it does 3 million of sales five million sales like do you want to build it and sell it is it your passion to run forever like every business that I am invested in right now everybody every single one of the CEOs and founders all have a clear path an end in mind I demanded Russ I don't I don't have any interest right and I I think I applied that same sort of mentality after discovering it in the business world of like well why would you not look at your life like that and then build your life backwards and then it just opened up this insane level of deep clarity because then you start thinking about time and energy and okay how do you systematize your life to stay balanced and and what I like to call just living in the energy right and because the reality of it is is there are so many different things in life that suck the soul right out of you and you have to learn to basically build a life with very few of those and so few even when you you get hit by one every now then that it just simply doesn't stay because there's so few things taking energy but giving you energy because at the end its energy and first so many people it's different it unfortunately for me it's I want to live in a 20,000 square-foot house and that has endless views and is super modern and is $750 a square foot to build and like some incredible lot and have five children and live a fully balanced amazing life and and fly private everywhere and be able to build companies non-stop for the rest of my life like my needs as an individual from a material side I didn't try to deny right I didn't I didn't build with the intent of oh let me get to this level and then I'll change my life plan like it was it was build a life plan from both material energy and where you would like to spend your time and then now look at opportunity and chase down everything you do to fill that thing in you know and it's the depth of clarity is the greatest form of peace and happiness because you you begin to now optimize your clear goal and when you say clarity do you mean clarity of what I want clarity of the the path what's the I would say both not only of you what you want but the path and then as you begin to optimize it it becomes so much more believable right and as you you know there's no part of like I on my dream board it's it's my company's logo and then all the companies I'm starting with acquisition liquidity like all the different things then it's actual renderings of the house that I want to build it's like every month I look at my entire net worth on a on a on a net worth and a cash basis versus every single holding and how much the ROI is at this point and my total expenses verse all of that fully connected then connected to those expenses to them what my tax deferred with a fully blended tax liability just gives you clarity you know there's just no aspects you make no moves in life there's not one thing that I don't do that's not serving sort of the purpose of my progression towards that you know so I want to talk about transformation like it's incredible to hear you talk now and to even compare it to say five or six years ago was very different and the the transformation that you went through at 24 when they said okay basically we're gonna give you to your contract as a thank you this is DC right to your contract is a thank you but we think the best years are behind you which is crazy did they actually say that yeah that is amazing so what stings what was that moment like so obviously it sucked and then why didn't you crumble and what did you do look I I'm I've always been driven right in and I think it at that particular time it was I was I just wasn't getting enough out of being a pro skateboarder you know I was starting all these random companies and doing all this different stuff and and working on building to skate plazas and Street League and what that could be had a hip-hop record label and skate shops and just all these different companies that I was building but but I still felt generally at that age lost right and that led to a lot of partying which then led to like just eating terribly and just being genuinely lazy and where it affects you the most is being an athlete right so now you're not executing at your core business and that lens that he was putting on me was like you should just come work at DC just design shoes you're so good at designing shoes and you're so creative and like you should just you know will you be satisfied with an Audi a4 and buying a condo you're like you made it you know I mean you own a condo and you got an Audi eight you know and I was like no no no and I said I promise you in two years from now I'll be a completely different person and it I don't I'm not even gonna say it I'm just gonna to prove it you know and and that was you know truly all the fire that I needed to like you know get kick-started on on you need to take control of what your opportunity is and make sure that you focus on on skateboarding as it will allow you to maximize all of your other ambitions long-term you know and so then what's that process you put your head down you get to work but I know that you reach out to a hypnotherapist was like step one yeah so what was the thinking why hypnotherapist what they help you do I think at the time like in theory I was beginning to focus and skate a ton and I was skating in contests right so I sought out a hypnotherapist that had worked with Phil Mickelson to win a major in pro golf right and so the idea was that I was just going to go in there to help make me more consistent under pressure based off of that but he had written a book called hyper success the great dr. George Pratt and he was like look can we test first if you believe like subconsciously that you're meant to have great success and I think oh yeah let's get to the root of this and what what is your belief about belief is it important is it a starting point it is the only thing that matters it is literally the only thing that matters because your experience how you build something what you learn whatever it is anything that you achieve it is literally only based off of how much you believe it's going to happen goals and all the stuff all this is breaking it down into micro actions for you to understand it and believe it right and I think you know there's two levels of it right it's it's why I love from a business side having tactical revenue models that show you step by step we can grow this many units by this many months and this many doors over this much time that's unbelievable to execute that's why goal setting in a specific way means so much right but at a 30,000 foot level you know from a mentality standpoint that unwavering self belief is what I look for in people I partner with because that's allows you to micro fail and take big losses and take them as lessons and just move and chase down and constantly be doing micro pivoting to achieve your bigger vision of your big goal right because at the end of the day it's only people that lose belief that quit and belief gives you so much energy and again why when you begin to tie all these things together especially from goals and planning aspect it's easy to weather storms when you you understand okay I've got to move around to get to the next pillar of this goal rather than thinking like none of this is going to work type of mentality you know but it is it is it is the hardest thing to teach right I think it only comes with I had so much success so early on and all of my big risks that when they didn't work out other big risks worked out behind it there was this layering behind it that created such a deep self belief that you have incredible patience you have a deep understanding of who you are personally and what your bigger goal is and what you're setting out to achieve that you may not be able to articulate or make others fully understand right and I think it is what I seek the most and everybody that I do business with right that at least one person whose mind and eyes and soul is behind this idea that has that that deep unwavering belief because that's what it takes to truly find success you know I love that you call them doer dyers yeah so other than belief what are what is a doer Dyer I tried to identify it of sort of the core values of individuals that are like me right and and one it starts with being passionately compelled right where you're not your fire comes from the desire that you have to realize the passion you're more compelled to execute it you're not proving someone wrong or looking for some sort of material aspect of it it's really more who you are as an individual I think you have to know what you're great at and know what you're not great at in order to assess and put the right people to help you achieve anything that you want to achieve on on any level right honestly in the sense that you're being realistic about I suck at this but also I'm really good at this right it's okay to be very self-aware at how good you are at something but it's as long as you know the great super driven people tend to believe they can be great they they would be great at everything if they just spent the time learning it or knowing it right and I think there's it's the self awareness idea of like you know which are really great at and you have the ability to find people like you in identifying to fill the gaps that you don't have you know how do people get self-aware like that though I think it's a certain type of person that can even get there right like if you're not someone that's trying to evolve and grow and have sort of that idea of wanting to progress and become a better version of yourself and and beginning to like self analyze in a positive way I don't know if you can I think if you're profoundly grounded you're you just you don't like float away with the highs and you don't get broken by it by the lows you know and I think you understand that it's all part of the process and it allows you to be what I like to just call a good person you know at the end of the day you just want like good people to do business with and when you win and do stuff and meet you just want like you just want good people you know and I think that's kind of what that core value for me on on what it was on why you know at the time when I was really dissecting like let me understand the individuals who I am and then who I want to partner with people don't talk often enough about when creating a business it is there are thousands of layers man thousands of layers that on a daily basis you are making all these micro decisions and choices that that a lot of times have to be generated off a gut and feeling by the direction of it kind of being off to you right and and there isn't as simple as you can make a perfect plan but you still have to be relentlessly evolving inside that that entire thing and I think someone that constantly is looking at how to optimize stuff has that sort of mentality and in the final one to me is like relentlessly consistent right it is like you're just this is who you are and how you are consistency is the only pathway to greatness and ultimately it's the only pathway to trust you know when you're doing stuff with other individuals and other human beings and people like you you build trust through the dependence of how consistent you are in a and a human being on all levels right so when I identify that it's strictly for other people that I'm gonna be in business with and be like this is how deeply I've thought about the type of person that I am and I believe you're this type of person and why and what makes me make that decision to do this deal together to execute this so I'm listening to this and I'm thinking okay I I want to know that I can become this if I'm not this already and one of the things that I know that you've talked about being really powerful as habits so how can people put habits into place in their own lives that'll help them get closer to that and then what are those habits habits are different for different people depending on the stage and depending on what you do but I'm I'm big on systems III just think like if you don't have deep structure and systems and you create some sort of quantifiable accountability for what you want to evolve and do a habit you are you saying you would create a metric for a habit itself depending on what it is right like when it's sleep structure and getting up at five and and getting in the sauna having connected to that having a diet that includes your shake and your meals and and every last thing that you would do that optimizes you and makes you the best person it's it's tracking all of that has something for you to answer to but then ultimately helps turn all this stuff into things you don't have to think about anymore you know and even for me like I am rather than like hope that I find balance I have deeply structured balance you know in the sense of how I run my days and how I run meetings in time around that how I scheduled a time and systematize time with both my wife and children and and and free thinking and all of these different aspects of what I need and then I live free inside that structure right in in to me the less you have to think about the better things you can turn to habit right and and habits just aren't like oh I want to start doing this how do I do it like it's it has to be like done for a while fail done for a while then like it has to be in and literally you know that's why I love the book the one thing is like if God if you can identify just one thing at a time that you want to rip through and and do it so much that you just don't have to think about it again and I think someone that's naturally optimizing in life and getting better and better you end up all this stuff that you had to force into habit that's just now a part of how you live you know I think even you know for two years I I would get up and every day I would rate how motivated I was zero to ten and where it became so profoundly effective for me is what I realized there's any time I was under five I would look at the world half-empty right so in those like mindsets you pick apart every decision you just hate every like you just literally like everything annoys you right and anything above that like you could take with a grain of salt regardless of what happens and by just doing that exercise it made me be able to identify the things that were sucking the energy out of me and driving me below and I was able to slowly evolve those out of my life to where eventually I just don't ever wake up under a five I just don't right away you've constructed your life we have constructed my existence right all the way down to how I live in everything and that sort of clarity that I spoke about and an understanding was a major part of that right that led to understanding and identifying like like all these things that that took energy and mindshare from me that brought me down there and again it was the process of self evaluating and learning and developing that life plan and business plan all that stuff and the same sort of timing and framework added to this entire collective life existence if you will that's built around what you get energy from right but but all of that required understanding and having quantifiable data even if you're qualitatively attaining the data it's still the number that you get to eventually be like I shouldn't even collect this anymore right at one point I was also doing calories and then I would also I had these incredible charts where I would track how many hours I worked how much I spent on my health and how much I slept and then did regular activities so I had this incredible data and I was trying to correlate that motivational number each morning and I would then at the end of every day I would do qualitative 0 to 10 on how I felt about work health and life right and all that did was make it incredibly clear that there's like a handful of things that you need to systematize and turn to structure and get clarity on and you wipe away every even needing to to chase this data it's just a little bit of discipline and some clarity and a couple key aspects and you can be free from from even needing to go this deep so well can you give an example because I actually find it really interesting and I really hope people at home are listening that you are generating the data so it'll be interesting to see how you've moved past that but you're generating these data points are dropping into Google Calendar if I remember right your system turns it into these Google Docs and you can actually like graph out where I'm feeling low where I'm feeling high okay I make this adjustment you're correlating your arcs with where you're at in life and what you're accomplishing like that level of specificity by the way gets lost in your persona because your persona of course is like the over the top okay right exactly her partying and so talking to drama it was like he was like no no no like this guy works yeah now obviously with what how successful you've been that wasn't surprising at all but it's like I I think people will lose that very very enlightening message which is when what worked for me was massive amount of clarity plan data point even like I'd love the way you threw it out just like Oh even if you're getting it qualitatively you can still get like these data points that geez this like actually really brilliant if people are actually listening to what you're saying we're sure it's a qualitative point but now I have an objective data point and so I can begin to build this map of am I going where I want to go and hearing that level of detail then it becomes clear how you've been able to achieve everything that you've been able to achieve and I heard one time about Jeff Bezos the founder of Amazon somebody was like oh can you like do an interview or something he's like I'm trying to optimize my tooth brushing routine I don't have time for that right like he's trying to eat every like grain of opportunity out of every second that he has and I feel that in your system as well so now tell me what are the things I can structure to not need those data points and look I I would let me say this too that it's why I don't do press or interviews or very often and why why even coming here like you know the only the only people that I've even spoke to impress you know outside of having a promote amazingness for like one day that's the most I would do even though they've just given you another television show on MTV I'd like to have these conversations from from time to time as just another layer of like hey this is actually how I think you know what I mean before you know it's the future of how I will talk you know from from a a long-term perspective but needing to share it outside of just opportunities like this or all that I really see because at the end of the day I love saying no to everything because it's also you know I live right here my office is at the bottom of the hill you know I've even optimized my existence of not even getting on freeways in Los Angeles you know and and make everybody come to me you know and I mean it's the reality of when you are seeking this level of clarity and and purpose and and energy you really love to optimize any and everything about your life because you're just you're happy there's so much more happy so how do you do it what leads to it and how can someone apply it what I'm trying to say about it is even though those data points were helpful for me to create a quantitative foundation based off of qualitative data I couldn't triangulate much when I looked at all you slept here oh you overrate here what it actually ended up being was how much clarity I had on my long-term financial planning how much clarity I had on how I wanted to live in my businesses and what I wanted to invest in how much balance I had with my social time and my wife right it's all of these these deeper levels and different aspects of time and energy actually became the the tentacles that fed back into that data and those are moving mountains right those are relationships and friends and family and different things that you've got to begin to adjust that you know were affecting yourself and it includes getting rid of a ton of things you know the mean like there were there were a ton of businesses and other opportunities that I had years and timing that I that it became very clear that nope you just got to get rid of it doesn't matter what type of L you take it doesn't matter what it is you need to rid these based off of the energy that they're draining from you it's total sense man and and your obsessive return to clarity I think is is exactly why you're able to execute at the level that you're able to execute talk to me about Tony Robbins like doing the research on you I was really blown away by how you talk about Tony and did you read money master the game first or did you meet him first so he had reached I you know I didn't I didn't really like study anything I never been to like one of the seminars never even knew much about everybody I think like the mythical side of kind of who he was III would say that sort of prejudge side of like what you think he was up until maybe the last couple years when money in the documentary and all the different stuff were you really understanding like god he's like a real master and he had reached out to me he asked to meet with the intent of sharing with me money massive the game and promoting it to this millennial audience that I reached through my platforms right and I just thought it exciting what I didn't intend is is for how i opening money master the game was for me and it was the instantaneous sort of moment that I realized that I did not even understand money never thought to understand it but inside that book it also talks about not approaching it as money but what does money mean to your life and your existence of your wants and your needs and sort of your core needs as an individual and that was another major piece of like know you've got to seek clarity here and you've got to begin to understand like why are you doing all this and if you're doing all this where is this all leading to because I used to say that I you know I would be doing a thousand different things in a thousand different directions right and you kind of end up standing so many different things that you almost stand for nothing type of thing and and that even same sort of mentality now is on a micro level and that meeting with him and reading that book literally like unlocked the beginning of building this entire life plan and looking at stop looking at the idea of you have a life and you have business that meeting with him like drove me into like start looking at everything holistically and truly changed my life forever yeah that's amazing Tony tony has had a huge impact on my life as well and kind of in a similar vein of you know not having spent I went to one day of one of his seminars and and admittedly I was blown away by how for like 14 hours or something they can get you to the whole fourteen I was there for you only a hundred percent so I've always said I would walk across fire for my wife not ever thinking one day I will actually have to like do think about it right so then they say oh he invites me to the thing then cuz he'd come on the show and comes on the show he's like hey we're gonna be doing this event you should come as be my guest and I was like oh my god like I'm not gonna pass up being Tony Robbins guest so I go to the event it culminates with the fire walk so literally like walking up to it I was like there's no universe in which I don't walk across these coals my thing is what it gave me was a sense of importance there were stakes and so now I could say like with certainty I would walk across fire for my wife because I actually did it and the only reason that I didn't stop myself saying this doesn't make any sense like why am I doing this was because I said that I would do it for is there anything more beautiful than love they don't man because I think at the core of of even my clarity is that I have great love you know it's like I truly am married to my soulmate and the person that I was destined to build a life and family with and and I really just don't believe without that piece that I would have even come close to achieving this level of clarity and purpose either right it's it's that one great x-factor that I had to prepare myself for in the sense that I I took a step towards changing who I was as an individual and building a life that would fit the person that I believed that I would want to share the rest of my life with rather than waiting to meet someone that would change me into that person I actually took that step forward in that same sort of time and and became very committed to like creating a life built for great love and then found my wife shortly thereafter so interesting so you said that rather than waiting to find somebody that would change me into that person I did that work ahead of time what what was that work as man if somebody is watching this right now they're thinking oh my god like I want to do that to make myself available to that person or at least useful when we find each other like are there any sort of nuggets you can share around what you did I just built a respectful clean life you know that that was it's really when I started to like you know stop going out and even how I approached relationships like I stopped like every relationship was like if I don't think I can potentially marry you I'm not going to invest the time or energy I want to begin to build a life that when someone shows up that the track record of how I've been waiting and building this life from you know from just the way that I took care of myself to the way that someone would fit in it the way that I would act the things that I would do the the hobbies that I would have you know I think I just started first with like if I was the perfect boyfriend or husband how would I be living if I want this type of girl what would she expect out of her mate or someone that she was to get together with and I really just built my life backwards from that point to the dismay of everyone around me very cool yeah all right before I asked my last question where can these guys find you look man you most likely you're gonna find me on MTV on repeat you know but you know the the core of my business the dyrdek machine and all of my ventures and all that stuff kind of live on there of sort of the epicenter of where they all lead out to and then of course rob dyrdek on all my social medias where sometimes I'm active sometimes I'm not but really most likely you're gonna find me on repeat on like a Saturday afternoon and 11:00 on MTV nice all right what's the impact that you want to have in the world you know I it's a pretty profound question to ask somebody I think you know and I I would hope that when it's all said and done and one day I put all this thought into a a system that it would all altom Utley help create a pathway for people to learn to master themselves and and build a life system that leads them to predictable happiness you know I think at the end of the day creating some sort of program or outlet to be able to achieve that would be what I would like to do long term you know all right guys I really really hope that you were paying attention in that episode one of the things that I find the absolute most fascinating about him is you can get lost in the mania of all the things that he's done from intentionally being attacked by a shark and a tiger to all the different businesses that he's built it literally is staggering but if you listen to what he's talking about and especially listen that part that he was just saying about what he would teach his kids how to set those micro goals so that it's burning into them the sense of I know what I want to have clarity around that and I know what I need to do I have clarity around that and then it's just about executing to get to that point that is to me exactly what it takes to get the things that you want in life you've got to have that clarity and so that is to sum him up to some of this episode of everything just revolves around that level of clarity knowing exactly what you want how to get it and then making sure you need to go after it and do it all right if you guys haven't already be sure to get clarity in your own life if that was gonna say subscribe but get clarity and your own live so you can go out and crush it and if you haven't already be sure to subscribe and until next time my friends be legendary take care what's up impactive as' if you've ever failed your New Year's resolutions we've created a free guide just for you the resolution reality checklist it teaches you how to write smarter resolutions so you will actually crush this year you can download it today at info impact Theory comm forward slash resolutions
Channel: Tom Bilyeu
Views: 400,355
Rating: 4.8916469 out of 5
Keywords: Tom Bilyeu, Impact Theory, ImpactTheory, TomBilyeu, Tom Bilyou, Theory Impact, motivation, inspiration, how to get clarity in your life, clarity in your life, rob dyrdek, Rob Dyrdek, rob and big, fantasy factory, nitro circus, rob & big, rob dyrdek interview, rob dyrdek skateboarding, how to get clarity in life, find clarity, how to find clarity in life, design your life, design your life ted talk, law of attraction money, law of attraction coaching, millionaire success habits
Id: z1fXr4ORF54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 47sec (3107 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2018
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