Hypnotized for Success [Dr. George Pratt]

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[Music] what's going on everyone casey adams here welcome back to the rise of the young podcast today i am very honored to have mr dr george pratt here with us alongside jacqueline burnett who will be helping enhance the conversation today thank you guys so much thank you she's she's jacqueline's good at the so dr pratt you are a licensed psychologist and hypnotherapist and the first question i want to ask you is for those who may not know what that means can you tell them a little bit about what you do with these with these clients you work with okay so i see a wide variety of clients and i've been doing it for quite a while and i've used a variety of tools and yes i'm a clinical psychologist and uh and sort of board certified and uh hypnosis so we want to provide them with tools to help them accomplish their goals so many psychologists just kind of focus on problems etc i'm very good at helping fix problems uh i've been doing this for a while and then then my goal was always to not just take somebody from a difficult position to neutral but why stop there we want to take them to enhancement and to success and to accomplish their goals and objectives and to have a wonderful time doing it very cool so i know that you've for example you've done some work with jacqueline and i'd love for you to give the people some understanding of what that process looks like and jacqueline you can tag in this on this as well but you know when you're working with the client how does that go when you're first connecting with them and how do you analyze them when dealing with them right so what happens is we first i take a history and i we figure out um what what the true goals are now for some people let's say uh if there was a terrible trauma to get through let's say and i've had kidnap cases and things like that so many times people think okay i just want to get over this trauma so so that's half of it so you the person gets over the trauma but then what do you want to do then you want to have a wonderful life so whether it's in business or accomplishing objectives or sports uh or as some of our other friends are doing doing uh fabulous work it's it's a variety of four major tools uh the and i i've written four books and so each one kind of focuses in on this but the first book i wrote was 400 page i'm an extrovert and most psychologists are not and so i so it was 400 pages i had to co-author so on on hypnosis um so if we we don't use hypnosis right away what we want to do is we want to understand the problem what the goals are and help them to clear any debris that's in the way or associated with this the second book that i that i wrote which rob durden keeps keeps calling uh hyper hyper success it's hyper for performance he has a little block on that he's very funny with that because oh yeah george yeah you're right so uh and he's so funny and so that's a book on helping people achieve their goals the third book was a book on tapping it was the second book on tapping and tapping is an amazing tool to break through any issue which is wonderful and it's it's powerful it's rapid and it's it's really easy and it's easy to do on skype and facetime and i mean people obviously you know come into the office too in la jolla um but they don't need to because we have skype and facetime and doom and all these other things and so then the fourth one was uh code to joy which is a book on kind of putting it all together and as a matter of fact it just uh it just uh came out as an audible this week wow code yeah so that's it's using uh the subconscious using tapping using some tools also called emdr eye movement desensitization reprocessing when what happens is if you are stuck on some issue if you do some eye movements it changes uh some characteristics in the brain so which is nice so there's a lot of tools that are available and it's positive and uh uh the uh did i hear that you had larry king on your show yes i did back in december oh i heard about that well i was on his show four times i was the psychologist on the show and he's did did was he being funny on the show with you uh i would say so he was talking about his favorite jokes yeah he is really a character and uh he and i actually did a wedding together wow because so um i know him pretty well and i was doing the ceremony this is 200 people for his producer his producer had come to my seminar that i do in hawaii on the beach every year and so she they wanted me to marry him and larry was the guest a host so uh he's just hysterical anyway my parents were very thrilled that i was on the show this is a while back yeah yeah so um what what was uh so a little bit about the the issues yeah jack glenn how did how did you like the experience i absolutely loved the experience and we did we did both ways we did when i actually came into your office in la jolla and we did skype both experiences were absolutely amazing and i'm still reaping the benefits so my super power and i want to talk about super powers too i like that the superpower that you've downloaded into me and help me enhance is focus to finish that's the that's the line that literally goes through my head when i start a test i literally am just i have that like tunnel vision to finish it and it's like for example i've been writing a book non-stop and i've finished writing my first draft within three weeks like i am just it's been tremendous and yeah it's amazing that's that's fantastic and what as i remember we did do some hypnosis on that and i use those phrases in the hypnotic uh preparation focus to the finish and yeah and that is a wonderful tool to have because so many times people will stop short or they'll they'll have a trauma or they'll have something in the way and you want to get to get fully through to where you want to go to [Music] achieve your goals which you have absolutely thank you and i want to touch on too you know he talked about the importance of clearing traumas or traumas that you might not even known you had to actually allow you to flow into your optimization zone yes yeah absolutely the um there's when you came into the office i showed you something that's called energy psychology we have um number one the number of neurons that fire per second at the conscious level is 20 to 40 neurons firing per second at the conscious level at the subconscious level also called the unconscious level it's 20 to 40 million neurons firing per second so here's the conscious mind and here's the subconscious unconscious times a hundred so when you have those tools it's very easy to achieve goals unblock things etc and uh then what i did with you we did a little energy technique uh we are um uh we're surrounded by a field of energy and so what i had you do was put a hand on the top of your head and then hold your arm to the side and and to say your your name and when you did that your arm was weak because you had a block regarding the issue and you were short-circuited so just fixing the short circuit which is takes just a matter of minutes helps people 20 percent like that wow and so that's that's just the start which is nice and so that what happens with the energy psychology uh when when you can um when you can correct a problem and have you be strong on your own name as opposed to uh my name is george my name is zelda see that would show that i was i had i had a block and it's also possible to do this over uh skype and facetime and things like that but we're all surrounded by that field of energy and you want to have when they use all of those neurons and we want you to use all of the body's energy system and it's very very powerful i mean we're talking about optimal performance in this situation i mean i have lots of professional athletes kind of a spectrum of of folks and i know that we can accomplish the objective for everybody that we see if they do the do the process properly even if it's long distance yeah i want to ask you about i know that you brought up um rob jaredek earlier and i've i've had drama on the show multiple times and i've hosted some events with him and we had rob speak at one and i know that he talks about you so much in not only his content but some of the interviews that he's done i'd love for you to expand on how you guys connected and what you've done with rob because i know he attributes so much of his focus and success in the early stages of his life to your practices yes well uh rob is uh now a close friend i mean we've worked together for decades now um but when he started uh you know he's obviously driven and a sharp guy and funny guy but he was pretty stuck and he things just would not work out so he i don't know how he found me but we started working together he did we we did some of the energy work first he usually kind of thinks about the hypnosis which he loves and uh which is nice and so he we all have events from our lives that sometimes they seem like a you know very small issue sometimes they seem like a huge issue the little small issues there's it's a little it's it's a little bit like there are small issues and then there are huge issues but even small issues can block you and if something that really traumatized you or hurt your feelings and even if you don't know it you can pull it up with the these energy techniques to find out what the age is and most the time we can identify the issue and then we just clear it right there and it doesn't take much time to clear issues so when that started happening with rob the block started dissolving and we would clear things from back in early childhood adolescence frustration with one thing or another but he he is so devoted to doing the right thing and he is one of the nicest people i've ever met i mean i'll give you an example in a moment but he's pretty hilarious but we had he had these blocks like we all do if you think back and um if you grew up in the problems in the family with your parents or divorce or difficulty or whatever you have to clear those but it doesn't take long to clear a problem and even if it's a fairly substantial problem which is interesting and uh and so with rob and he's he's allowed me to talk about this in fact he talks about it all the time i at first i i could say nothing i said he signed the release and he said i'm talking about you and so uh um you know we've had a good time so we we took out some of those disappointments and those traumas or even injuries that when you clear those things are just kind of smoother and it's easier to come to you so that it doesn't uh it doesn't block you so we started clearing those and then things started getting uh better and better right away so when we cleared all of the debris that we could from childhood adolescence etc then we could start doing hypnosis and he really loves that i mean that's he calls it hypnotized for success okay and uh yeah and uh i'll give you one example about how nice he is uh he he brought i have consulted with his whole team and he was he was down on a saturday at my home here and uh uh we decided to go down to the ocean which is just a few blocks away to just uh do a little work down there well this is a part of the ocean where most people don't and there are not much traffic so we're down there he's facing the ocean and in two minutes some cars stopped they recognized him from his profile facing the ocean and he uh five people had stopped he went in and they put their window down he shook their hand and asked them what their names were wow now that is pretty awesome so we finished that little phase and a group of uh japanese tourists on the uh what are the the the kind of the stand-up things with the little the little uh the white way segways yes um there was a group of them he took pictures with all of them uh signed the name uh did everything he could to just be so nice and that's the that's the way he is yeah he's smart and he's just gotten sharper and and uh and he's a force to be reckoned with i mean now he has he he was well it was kind of a bare start for him yeah and uh and then now to have 19 companies and incubation and be worth what he's worth and uh married to uh i know his wife very well who's a total sweetheart three and so married to a playboy playmate uh people are saying you know uh you overshot the runway because you have to dial it back you can't take over the entire world yeah it's gonna take over the world that's gonna take over the world very good jeff and i'll let you ask the next question that's awesome well just to bring it back a little bit too for someone who's listening that might have some traumas or they might they might not be sure if they're perceived to be a trauma what are some of the ways someone can just go ahead and help relieve that trauma or at least get back to center and then go from there yeah if you know if you know uh that you've had some traumatic circumstances uh the books that i've written can help you to identify then when you identify with the issue then you can choose some protocols in the books to help you to get over it now it could it could help you know work with somebody a psychologist or or someone that's trained in these methods and that's what i do in the office on skype and facetime but uh they're in the books all have some evaluations that'll guide you to help you to understand how these blocks that we think are no big deal make a big uh a powerful block to your achieving your goals yeah because if you don't feel worthy of success you're not going to get there yeah and so that was one of the things that everybody works on is is you know how can we shine more brightly yeah i want to have you confess yeah i was gonna say how did you get involved with everything you're doing today when did this start and how did your life you know what what were you doing in high school and college that led you to diving deep into this field well you the when i was i had a near-death experience when i was just turning seven botched surgery and uh they my folks were told that i wasn't going to make it well i made it we transferred hospitals got some different doctors that's been a month so a month there i had a lot of time to think i mean even at seven and i thought well this is bs and i want to do these things so i want to accomplish some goals and so what happened then is um i went back to school played sports uh was active and then but what that did is that taught me that i don't take life for granted and i wanted to i wanted to do something that was significant to help people because i was helped and so um that was kind of a big one so then we'll go uh uh you know through high school i had a rock and roll band and and i'm still a voting member for the grammys wow and yeah yeah which is bad so i mean which is not bad and so i've had had a great time doing that and then i went to uh went to college and uh i was interested in psychology i wanted to help people and so then i uh i was i grew up in minnesota and so i that's why i can understand uh rob you know growing up where he did yeah both places yeah so uh i thought okay uh after college and after getting my doctoral degree i want to go to where it's warm so uh and that's where i am right now in la jolla california but i wanted to help people so i always did some teaching at the university level i still do and i'm a past chairman at the hospital that i have the private practice in too and so i wanted to unblock myself for optimal performance so i started working on myself and i would do these subconscious techniques these techniques using emdr and these other tools and these energy techniques and the energy the energy book that i co-authored uh was it's called instant emotional healing acupressure for the emotions now what i liked about that one of our consultants on that book was the sixth person to walk on the moon wow yeah and edgar edgar mitchell and so i have been i've had fabulous people uh that uh have helped me and so i like to help people and so that's what uh it's just it's just exciting yeah to help people be better so i can do it emotionally then that helps with the health and then that helps with the success and to achieve the goals first you want to identify what you want to accomplish in life write it down and you many people um probably are familiar with the original think and grow rich yeah well there's the think and the grow rich the legacy and actually rob and i are in there together talking about what how do you how to achieve yeah so how to achieve goals and when you use these tools because some of the the energy tools look kind of funny because we're tapping on acupuncture points in the face chest and hands and so you might be doing something like this um now people can people can get a free uh download on my website dr george pratt dot com of a deep relax a half an hour deep relaxation experience okay that's very nice but there's uh on my on my uh website there's lots of interviews and discussions so people can learn about these techniques and there's some there's examples so just dr georgebrandt.com love it absolutely yeah and i'm curious too can you talk about the energetic field of someone for someone who's listening that doesn't really know what that is or just they're just learning to understand the energy world can you dive into a little bit of that yeah absolutely uh we are all surrounded by a field of energy and there's ways that it becomes empowered and stronger and other ways where it gets in your way for example there's a um there and there's some examples on the website too so um let's say if you were going to test someone else let's say a friend of yours and since you know how to do some of these things from us working together if if there's a technique that is good for kind of a 20 improvement immediately so let's say if you were if you were here with me right now and we had you put your hand over the top of your head and hold your arm out to the side right and then i would press on your arm while you're maintaining this and then i would so right now because you are aligned i can tell um so you'd be stronger like this and then when you turned your hand over and i pressed on your arm your arm would go down easily now that's because you are properly organized but if you're dealing with a frustration or a trauma or a block about success or achieving your goals you're probably going to be have that inverse polarity so it's not a hard thing to fix but um there's some and there's some aspects that are important that you'd want some fine detail but let's say the easiest way would be generally to uh let's say okay the simple let's do the simplest way you would put your left ankle over your right your right hand out over your left and interlock your fingers yep and then just rest your hands relax and then tongue to the roof of your mouth as you breathe in and then relax the tongue as you exhale and you would do that for about two minutes that charges all of the chakras so they get lined up so you you've had some short circuits etc so that feels really good then that's feel good and then and then there's a spot on the middle of the kind of in the middle of the pledge of allegiance position if you uh have your hand uh pressing on that spot and rub the spot on the chest let's see other hand and a little bit there you go that's okay yeah perfect right there and you're going to rub clockwise as the clock is on your chest facing out and you're just going to let these words go through you i love myself i love myself i love myself i love myself and if you haven't if you've been struggling for with some issues for a period of time i would do that at least 50 times or a hundred wow however once you get into the swing of things it's like three times but there are different places that you can stimulate on the body with feedback loops to the brain to help uh accomplish the goals and to feel better and more clear and uh etc i mean let's put this way larry king does the tapping too okay so yeah about larry king and how um because you've been on his show four times and he's someone that i've had on my show absolutely love him and i've learned so much through him just you know through the way he communicates so how did you guys originally connect and what has that relationship been like in your life well we've uh we've had a very good relationship he also i have a another interest i i always try to give back so uh we have a organization called making the world a better place foundation and we're helping kids from distressed countries etc but the uh you can actually google that making the world the better actually the information's on my website if you're interested but we actually filmed a half an hour video and i asked larry to participate in this and so he did out of the goodness of his heart he narrated part of the film and so uh we've been out we've been in social situations we've been in a number of situations and his his two producers were close friends of mind and and that's how i had uh that's how we all got together but he is very very funny and well most people see the serious side of him i have seen him do stand-up comedy and he was terrific so i mean that's when i interviewed him he said if he wasn't someone that interviewed people he wanted to be a stand-up comedian with his life and that's true very cool yeah and he's he's funnier than peck well i want to be respectful of time i'll have two more quick questions jacqueline i like sure sure sure dr pratt i want to know how do you define happiness and what are some simple ways one can return back to center okay say the first part again i didn't hear the first part how do you define happiness and what are some of the ways one can bring themselves if they're a little off center right um the there's lots of good things to be able to do for yourself the balance breathing that i just showed you is a very good way and then tapping uh tapping there take a look at the things on the website that will show you lots of different things and then identify what your goals are and then then write to yourself why haven't i gotten through these issues so so you do a little personal inventory and uh in in the books that i was talking about they they have a little inventory so it'll help direct you to what the problems are but if you have somebody and you can look at these things online you can have somebody that you can work with as a partner to help identify the issues so that you can do something about it for example um the the biggest issue for me to work on first is you know and with the erect arm is uh age five or less so that so that would not be less than age five age six to ten and it's strong and just go in through and identify let's say age six okay and then you think about what would what happened at age six oh that's when my dad left and so then you go in and you treat that issue so it's it's kind of like a geiger counter when you when you do this but it's it's a very useful tool and energy psychology is a very exciting field and just as it is there's several other tools that are uh combining to help people to achieve their goals and it also deals with some very significant issues i mean i've had plane crashes and yeah all sorts of difficult things but so it works at sort of the therapeutic level but also for everyday sorts of things to help you to achieve your goals be happier at home uh helping block yourself for exercise and block yourself for achieving your goals and work business etc and so it's a wonderful tool and and then you can find somebody to work with that's also skilled in these areas i mean there are there are other people and uh i mean i i do it on skype and facetime and in my office and uh but there are there are others and because i've trained others so and um last question before we wrap it up i know it's funny because i asked larry this question that and i loved his answer and that is so you've been able to work with a lot of highly successful people and help them identify their their blockages that being said what do you believe makes successful people great in their area kindness caring about others that helps create a positive bond with other people and then working towards achieving your goals but with an open heart love that well dr george pratt that being said i just want to say thank you so much for coming on the show today and i'll make sure to put your website down below so that people can go check that out but last thing where is the best place for people to stay connected with you to follow your journey as you're talking about this and doing interviews and changing the world in your own way well there's they can just uh they can use the uh the the web address um it's got the phone number at the office and um and so i do uh they i think and i'll sign also sign up to be on our email list and and because i will send out some information and do things at times that you know trying to just help other people and they can also probably pull up the uh items from the past that i've gone on to try to help people with too perfect so the uh so it's uh yeah and it's la jolla california and uh love it i think that'll do it absolutely well dr george pratt thank you so much and jacqueline thank you so much for coming on the episode as well and everyone listening make sure you subscribe to the podcast follow dr george pratt on instagram go to his website thank you i forgot about it you got to get them on instagram rob told me rob was relentless he said okay are you on instagram he said no are you on instagram i said so the tables have turned now yeah you're kicking my butt yeah so instagram and uh i guess all of this yeah all social medias i'll make sure to link them down below that's how you connect it i'll make sure that's asking jackson thank you so much as well thank you jacqueline nice to see you
Channel: Jacqlyn Burnett
Views: 1,163
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: be the best, depression, Dr George J.Pratt interview, excel, fear, heal anxiety, Help, How to become happy?, interpersonal problems, neuroscientist, panic, problems, relaxation, subconscious, to help them solve their problems, hypnotize for success, rob dyrdek, happiness habitat, hypnotherapy, hypnotized, what is hypnosis, mental health, therapist, healthcare, life hacks, support, personal, care, meditation, psychotherapy, visualizations, test anxiety, dr. george pratt, casey adams
Id: TfcdfwDOFwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 18sec (2058 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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