Rob Dyrdek: “Lazy and smoking a lot of weed”

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you're in your early 20s and you're making you know hundreds of thousands of dollars a year you're traveling the world uh you know as a professional skateboarder what's life like man it was bizarre man I really was lazy you know smoked a lot of weed in in that era and uh wasn't committed to the craft right I I think in that 21 to to to the 24 era was very lost right I I didn't skateboarding wasn't giving me the Fulfillment that I I needed right I was wasn't n so I was I was trying all this different stuff like trying all this different skateboard companies and I was getting hurt all the time and uh you know why wasn't it giving you the Fulfillment you needed I I I just didn't it just wasn't enough you know what I mean it didn't feel like success to me right I was still like uh there was still so much hunger for for what success could be and and but but misguided hunger you know where it was like I I I didn't have a steak in the ground to chase after anything and it really wasn't till uh you know I had had a couple shoes now right and and made some good money and I'd begun uh designing the shoes and and at the time you know Ken Block in DC I was 24 years old and they were basically like you know uh your best years are behind you uh we appreciate what you've done for us over the years and we think it's we're going to give you one more shoe and and give you a two-year contract to basically say thank you and and we think you're done and how' you take it I just I remember sitting in there and looking at him being like man I'm I know it's not lip service I'm not saying to say but but in in 2 years I'm going to be a completely different person and and there's no way that this is um that I'm done and and this that this is the end and I'm not even going to say it I'm just going to prove it and I literally like left that place uh started searching for hypnotists right and found the hypnotist the great Dr George Pratt who wrote a book called hyper success right unleashing like your true inner belief that you believe you are meant to be successful and I got hypnotized for success and then literally in that 2-year span became the best skateboarder of my entire career but also to the very top of the industry and then from that point on only signed two-year deals with DC for the next 10 years because I was like No 2 years from now you're going to pay me even more and two years after that so I wouldn't even sign everybody was signing three and fiveyear Deals up until two years ago I signed a seven-year deal up until that point at 38 I had only signed twoyear deals because of him telling me like we're going to give you two we think we're hooking you up and so now it's like and now it became the Benchmark of no every two years I'm going to be so much better and bigger than I was the previous two years which so this hypnotist the you went to you you've you really believe this hypnotist was responsible for or played a critical role in you becoming successful I believe so yes why I I think it's a it's it's understanding the period where you were in your life and then ultimately uh why were you so scattered for so long why were you so lost and why why did you spend three or four years like Desiring and wishing rather than working and uh was it just that conversation of doubting me and someone questioning me that really turned on that much of a fire I it seems seems unlikely you know and and uh to then go through that process and go through this idea of of only working on embeding subconsciously that you believe you were meant to be successful nothing more nothing less and then you go and do you make a run like I made uh it's it's it's hard to believe otherwise that it didn't have some sort of grand connection to it you know for more clips from this interview visit grens [Music]
Channel: Graham Bensinger
Views: 3,416,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rob dyrdek success, Rob Dyrdek, Rob Dyrdek drugs, Rob Dyrdek skating, Rob Dyrdek career, rob dyrdek age, weed, hypnotist success, Rob and Big, Fantasy Factory, Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory, Graham Bensinger, skater, getting hypnotized
Id: 2SgemIGrUos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 50sec (290 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2016
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