How to Achieve Ultra High Performance | Dr. Michael Gervais on Impact Theory

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the greatest fear in modern times is what other people think so our job is to love others and not give a what they think of us because we only get one emotion at a time that's how our brain works one emotion so our job is to really find the right state that we want to be in the right emotional place and use that rather than let the brain win and if that is untrained and unconditioned it will win everybody welcome to impact Theory our goal with this show and company is to introduce you to the people and ideas that will help you actually execute on your dreams all right today's guest is a high-performance psychologist who has worked with some of the world's most accomplished athletes and performers he's helped level up everyone from Olympic gold medalist and MVPs in every major sport to elite UFC fighters Red Bull extreme athletes the US military and the Super Bowl champion Seattle Seahawks he's the guy you call in when you absolutely positively must set the skydiving world record by jumping out of a helium balloon at the edge of space and falling back to earth at faster than the speed of sound or you decide you want to become the first person to survive jumping out of an airplane at 25,000 feet without a parachute no matter what your discipline if you play in rugged hostile and elite spaces he's the man you bring in to help you build a mindset for unparalleled achievement a peer-reviewed published author with some of the most usable insights into the mind there is he's been featured by virtually every high profile news outlet around including NBC ESPN The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times his principles and teachings are so sought-after that he and legendary NFL coach Pete Carroll co-founded the corporate training institute compete to create to help some of the world's largest and most prestigious companies create winning cultures that foster greatness and fulfillment their client roster is the who's who of the fortune 500 and includes Microsoft Zynga and Boeing so please help me in welcoming the host of finding mastery one of the most recognizable minds in the field of optimal human performance dr. Michael Gervais great introduction good thank you man yeah that was fun dude your story is crazy like what you help people do is really really extraordinary and that's where I want to start like what it takes to play at that elite level especially around the framing of you said that every great change starts with pain and I found that really intriguing it feels dark it feels heavy when you say that but it's I that's been my experience that it's accurate is that the reason people change is because of pain the reason we grow is because we get uncomfortable and we embrace being uncomfortable but being honest with the pain that we feel is usually the prime mover for people to do the work that is necessary to push to the edge and in the space of world leading athletics and arts and business everybody works hard right and some people work smarter but everybody works hard so there's a balance in modern time right now about running to the edge and then properly recovering so why would somebody run to the edge and run to the edge of their ability to their to the capacity that they have within themselves so yes but when we talk about capacity we're talking about emotional capacity mental capacity long gone are the days where it's just physical capacity like you can get your heart rate up relatively easily and and that is the old way it's still relevant but that was an old way to think about capacity building that's not the case anymore and what we do is we spend time working to understand the strengths of people we want to understand where they want to go and how they want to be on that going in their life so that's like setting a vision I want to go back to pain for a second I have a quote which I thought was really extraordinary this is from you the worst thing we can do for our loved ones is to try to reduce their pain yeah that sounds surprising it doesn't from my perspective now that would have been absolutely shocking to me 15 years ago what changed for you that was all the stuff that you talked about a pain being the motivator all of that all of my success is predicated on misery period and you talked about the need to you don't use the words rock-bottom but I'll use that cuz that's how it felt for me I needed to hit rock bottom in order to put in the work in order to be so desperate that I had to let go of my old way of thinking about myself I had a fixed mindset and I didn't have these words at the time but this is me now looking back it was a binary choice between depression or a growth mindset and I didn't know if a growth mindset was real I just knew it was different than the depression that I was racing towards so in that period that just was the spark of like I was suffering so much and laying on the floor of my apartment and broke and hopeless and all of that and just trying to figure out how do I move forward from here so if you hadn't said it at that moment I would have said the the sole reason we exist is to reduce the pain of our loved ones yeah and okay so there's a difference between pain and suffering there is a difference between there we're we're all suffering we all have suffering we all have an emptiness or a dark place or corners inside of our spirit in our mind that are not fulfilled and watered and full like we we all can relate to that and when I'm talking about pain I'm not necessarily talking about suffering but acknowledging our suffering being in touch with the pain that's enough to say when you're really honest that's enough to say I can't do this I don't want to do this anymore like this is not the person I want to become and be on a regular basis if that's the case if that assumption is right then as a loved one my job is to help you get real and experience those places as often as you can so that you make that the declaration to say no no that's not okay for me to feel and be this way on a regular basis so let me pull on that thread just a little bit further it is healthy and necessary to feel all of the human emotions but when you ask people what do you want in life most people say I want to be happy wait hold on now if grandma dies do you want to be happy that's it like really when your child is sick do you want to be happy no no I think the answer is that we want to feel all of the human experience to its fullest but never lose ourself in it but to experience all of it and so we're getting into the weeds of some very esoteric and non scientific thinking right now but the practice is that if I care about you deeply the mistake I can make in your life is to help you feel like it's all okay like oh it's okay it's okay that you're drinking and driving and you killed a fourteen-year-old that's no problem like you'll do better next time no the work is to say well what's this like for you to feel that pain so you make the commitment to say no no I can't do this anymore and that's when it becomes really real interesting so that made me think about standards and holding people to a standard and loving them at the same time which that's entirely stuff that I hear you talk about and then knowing your work with the Seahawks and coach Carroll so this notion of relationship based groups teams companies however you want to think about it but how do you simultaneously hold somebody to a standard say you messed up and at the same time I love them okay so that is the the fabric that binds us right I think I'm imagining for you the same is we want to be around people that somehow give us the sense that guy when I'm around that person I don't know they just I just feel better they make me better somehow let's say it's you and me and what I want to feel from you is that you've got my back you understand me and that when you're making decisions it's not just for you it's for me as well and so a rising tide floats all boats the relationships that go wrong or sour is if I'm on the side of this relationship I'm like do I trust that he's making these thoughts or moves because it's right for him or me and though thus our relationships are the one where it's really just good for you and I'm just casualty in your in your experience so what we do a head as we invest in the relationship so for example the Seattle Seahawks the product is football so just like a business you've got products for your businesses as well and but we are relationship based organization is if coach care was here he'd say that's how we run the organization a relationship based organization and the output is football and that we found that to be incredibly valuable because we don't do none of us do this thing alone and if we're really going to go the distance and really step in to the frontier to do the amazingly difficult challenging things we need to lock arms to stay in the trenches long enough and what happens for most people is we lock arms we say oh yeah let's go get it and then we lock arms and as soon as it's hard the brain kicks in and a the survival mechanisms in the brain are stronger than the thriving mechanisms so the survival mechanisms are very light up and what do we do we save our own s and we unlock our arms and we take care of ourselves that is how people fray in rugged and stressful environments emotionally stressful environments we unlock and so the extraordinary are able to stay the course locked arms because their mission minded they've they're really clear about what they want to experience and they bet on each other that really hit me hard and now what I want to know is how many areas of your life outside of sports does that apply where I want to get to is how the locking arms not fraying betting on each other like that tribal mentality which when you were telling that story really really hit me and it made me think okay how much am i doing that in my business very plausible to do in my business though hearing how well you guys do it makes me want to be better definitely possible in my relationship with my wife but then like how far can we expand that because if you could have that kind of relationship with a potent enough number of people and a you know versatile number of situations it just feels like you could accomplish so much more but I just don't know like how many places it actually applies like is it realistic to do with your friends you know ii mean yeah it depends on the community that you're building you know we'd like to think that we all we are all a pebble in a pond and so the the the weight of the pebble indicates the ripples in the output you know the effect and those inner circle like there's a greater impact and then as you spread out you know especially through social media there's larger impacts but yeah it is available like you're in relationships in every community that you're in and like I don't know if you have spent the time to articulate your philosophy and to be able to get it in maybe 25 words or less maybe down to four three or to one word you know and so that type of work investing on the clarity that you have within yourself allows us to have a greater weight in that pebble and so from clarity we can train our mind to have conviction in stressful environments and the clarity also allows other people to know really what we're about and then when we ask them what they are about that that's how you start to build that deeper bond right and what I found is that most people want to stay on the surface because it's hard to talk about things that are hard to talk about and there's like three levels right you can talk about I don't know beer and pizza you know and sporting events scores and there's nothing wrong with that but that's just some type of relationships and then underneath there's other conversations which are about ideas that are hard to articulate and then underneath of that it's talking about personal experiences that are hard to articulate and those are kind of the three levels of depth that that I think most conversations get bucketed in one thing that I found really interesting you know you talk about really being yourself asking people what they're really like the relationship that you have with your wife and what you talked about that very courageous moment of hers where she actually said this isn't working you've done your homework yeah I mean with stuff like this where I can learn like it's so powerful to me and the way that you think and some of the lessons you put together really really are insanely powerful this one I found interesting I found your reaction to it or at least the way that you frame it now really powerful so walk us through that moment how authenticity plays into it and how you get to those deeper levels yeah it's not easy you know intimate relationships are challenging and because the person that we're talking about knows you and knows if the if the relationship is really rich almost all of you I'm not sure as a as a human somebody this might sound sad but I don't think that another person even the most intimate relationships can know all of another person so there is a loneliness to the human experience that I think is important just to honor and that doesn't mean I'm by any means depressed like there's a vibrancy about how I view life and engage in life but there's also like this honesty you know about the lonely part so what happened in our relationship is that I was ripping and running figuring out I was in the study mode big time study mode of the science of psychology and I had some early budding successes that were taking place and essentially I was not watering the relationship and I was being selfish and that thirst I had for understanding the science and the application of the science of psychology was out watering the the intimacy and relationships of that relationship so one day she came home and it this looking back it wasn't I was surprised by it but looking back all the tell-tale signs were there you know for a long time she'd been saying hey pay attention like to the relationship but I was like I yeah and I really thought it was all fine but it wasn't and so finally one day she just it was you know the most candid conversation and she just grabbed me we've been dating since high school and she grabbed me you know not not forcefully but grabbed my attention and she said as a friend as your best friend I'm telling you this doesn't work anymore I love you you're a wonderful person but I can't figure out how to be me in this relationship and so I was like holy like that's the worst thing that a friend could say like it's the worst and so I was like no no no no and she like lit okay okay I feel you know and she's like no no it's too late yeah and so I was my cue like I had to leave right like out of kindness and compassion for the experience and she's feeling it deeply and I wish she was here in this conversation because she'd make light of it and say well you know yeah you know like because that looking back it was the richest most intense thing that I've been through in the relationship we hit rock bottom to your point I moved out with a in and kind of bounced around from a couple different places it was a month before we went back and had a conversation and basically she's like I'm done I said let's give it a chance look we've been together a long time let's just give it a chance so we went to therapy and day one of the therapist I identify with my Italian roots and she's Cuban and so the therapist it's across the from us and she says this hold on hold on his tempers up she says this is as bad as it I've ever seen it and so she basically asked one really important question she said do you guys want to do the work you need to work Mike Lisa you need to work do you want to do the work with each other or were somebody else and I thought to myself oh my god this is if she says I want I want to grow but I want to grow as someone else this is the end of the relationship and that was the moment and my heart goes pop oh and I knew that I couldn't go first because that was the problem I was going first too much and so that moment lasted it felt like an eternity and obviously she said I want to do the work with you but I'm not sure that I can trust you that you'll do the work too so we did some work and so we're still married to get like it's great like looking back I mean the work I I would encourage everybody anybody that you know in your community like to do that intimate deep work with somebody and have real conversations the freedom is incredible on the other side of it like really incredible and it's hard to get to so that deep work of really getting to know somebody of figuring out what's important to them it seems to be exactly what you do in your practice as well what what does that look like like where does somebody start in terms of trying to connect on that level a want you know it starts with a real deep want to do the work and so it you know I wish there was like the seven steps to whatever it doesn't quite work that way but I do know from good research that there are some telltale signs that have great accuracy of predicting separation and so avoiding critique avoiding defensiveness as a response avoiding stonewalling and avoiding contempt so avoiding those things people that have some of those things in their in their relationship they're able to predict divorce within great accuracy within two years yeah I remember reading some of that research and I think they call them the four horsemen right that's exactly yeah really really interesting and how contempt is like the one that is just gonna if you have that yeah that's really really interesting so now so thinking about that in that context about just the way that humans come together the way that we can support each other the way that we transfer energy which I find really interesting not in a move away but like really like people pick up on your vibe you were telling a story about a time I think it was with the Seahawks but I don't know for sure where one guy just went ballistic he was just seeing red couldn't like come down from rage and the team like got in his face oh and the way that they then we got in sync I thought was super interesting yeah so that was a one of the athletes was right at the edge emotionally of his capacity and he was just angry you know just really angry and he came flying off the sidelines were just you know pissed and there was not one and there's a this is a group of alpha apex competitors like these are alpha competitors at the Seattle Seahawks and you know most highly competitive environments they are alphas and and these are large physically strong men and there wasn't one human that was able to grab all of his attention and help him get to a place that is productive okay so it they in distinctly knew there wasn't a coach there wasn't there was nobody and they instinctively knew that they had to wrap around him and one guy tried another guy tried solo another guy tried solo and then sure enough like that moment and it's on tape it's beautiful it's really quite special and they just huddled around him and started bouncing in this tribal way you can't plan for that that's a deep connection that those men have and a care for each other and a care for the mission and how do you get that that that take place all of the work ahead of time on the relationships and that's where coach Carol's approached to be a relationship based organization it pays dividends in those types of moments and that doesn't mean it's always gonna happen that way there's certainly times when okay we've got more work to do you know but that was a beautiful celebration of someone right at the edge not facilitating their emotions to be mission minded and the the team the the community taking care of it it was really cool yeah that that saw really hit me and I loved your concept of emotionally which I've never heard anybody talk about that before emotionally going to the edge of your limits and then using that as like a training mechanism to get better to be able to push your emotional boundaries farther and farther and I assume to be able to handle more emotional amplitude for lack of a better word so the question that I had those how do you train that like how do you create like I'll give you a really great example so you know what I'm talking about in the world of business I found it was so hard to put myself in a situation where there were simultaneously no real consequences and my anxiety was triggered because that's where I had struggled yeah and i just couldn't like the only thing that triggered my anxiety was when there was real consequences so i didn't want to put myself in that situation to train so i started playing video games and i found that i had the same anxiety responses because there was some 14 year old kid who was kicking my ass and he was gonna mock me at the end of it if i lost and that triggered the literal same amplitude of anxiety which is weird but nonetheless so but there were no real consequences so I started doing that as a way to see how rapidly I could come in love god I love that okay so so we're talking about emotions you know there's only a handful of primary emotions and unfortunately we're not we haven't done a great job in Western culture of teaching how to feel emotions label them and then how to work with them you know we don't happen I didn't have that course I don't know if you did and I didn't have a course on how you know the basic mental skills work how to label them and how to train them so we haven't done a great job of doing this in the education platform and if there's only three things we can train craft body in mind like why are we not training the mind like what why are we because the way that thoughts and emotions work it's like a bang-bang experience they happen like right next to each other and there's some conversation about what comes first is it a thought then emotion or is it emotion than a thought most people in the field would say of psychology would say it's thought than emotion the way that I think about this is that's like a rider in the in an elephant so the rider is the thought and then as soon as the emotion wants to run because the thought that maybe the rider scared he's having scary thoughts or sad because he's having a lot of sad base thoughts that it's when the elephant wants to go when the emotions run you're not controlling that thing your job my job is to be the rider a thoughtful aware rider of thoughts and when we're able to be aware of our thoughts then we can guide and negotiate our thoughts so they don't run while ultimately there's a meta awareness that takes place where when you train awareness and we I'd like to get into that conversation with you when you train awareness of your thoughts emotions body sensations and your environment awareness of your environment those four things we become more finely tuned so that we can choose great thoughts we can harness our emotions we can feel our body sensations and use them to facilitate clear thinking creative thinking or great output and when will more aware of the unfolding unpredictable environment around us we can course correct and adjust and pivot and that makes all the difference in the most intense environments in the world whether that's an emotional intensity vulnerability or that is you know center court whatever sporting environment that we're talking about so back to you your first thought is its vulnerability that is how we train emotional capacity and the more that we become vulnerable and demonstrate the courage to do so we expand our capacity to feel and if I know I can go to the extreme edges of an emotion and I start to feel a little bit of an emotion and kind of rapidly going towards let's say out here is like panic like high high fear and I'm starting to feel anxious or I'm starting to feel something on that scale well I don't have to panic at anxiety I can actually use it as a signal go oh look what am i thought my thoughts are about like this is scary what's scary about this and then I can start to work with that instead of like as soon as I start to feel something and and this is my capacity I feel anxious I'm like oh my god I'm gonna run to the edge of it now our job is to pull that thing out as far as we possibly can so that when we're in those charged emotionally charging environments we've got lots of room to play and that's what that's the mark of a master all right I want to push you on that I'm so curious I want to know how to use this in my life so when you say how is vulnerability helping me their vulnerability that I'm not worried about looking stupid or whatever I'm panicking about like just don't worry about that or it's such a multi factored question that you have they're like there's so much in that let's see if we can you've heard of Yolo yep you only live once FOMO yep fear of missing out okay I want to introduce a new kind of fun concept and before I share that with you in we've got an ancient brain that's working in modern times and our ancient brain isn't as fast as adapting as modern technology like its route its rapidly changing okay so our ancient brain is designed for survival okay easy to kind of track that idea and how we track that idea is that information right now is coming into your brain two ways the high road and the low road and the high road is up into your thinking brain and the low road is down into your emotional call it the amygdala into the emotion centers of the brain and it's coming in here to the fight/flight response mechanisms at twice the speed so it's coming in all the time information is coming in twice as much and twice as fast before you're getting it here the thinking part of the brain so what's happening here is you're right now you're gating out and I'm gating out no this is safe nope we're safe no we're okay this is okay this is okay and so our brain is designed to figure out if we're gonna be okay and safe here that came from saber-toothed Tigers that came from the rustling and the bush is it a saber-toothed or is it a bunny and so we've had to figure out how to be hyper-vigilant so we could get away our ancestors passed that down that gift down to us but what is them we don't have sabertooths anymore so what is our modern-day fear what other people think period so faux pas fear of other people's opinions right I find that to be clever that's good though so faux pas so that but that is our modern-day threat what other people think that's why public speaking so hard for people you know because what's it's what are the stakes they're what another human thinks of us so what are we really good at picking up facial structures micro tells if you will if they are being critical of us what do we do to protect ourselves we become hyper critical of ourselves so that we get to that that state before somebody else might embarrass us that way and that's so we've got this self cutting mechanism the self critiquing mechanism that were basically beating ourselves up or tenderizing ourselves and not a good way so that we don't face those casualties publicly so our brain is great at picking up these little signals and other people so that we can adjust and provide some sort of protective mechanism from being exposed of not being good enough because if we're not good enough we're kicked out of the tribe and what in modern days what that means is we maybe were fired and so you know there's a lot at stake for for people if they don't have a job so long way of saying the greatest fear in modern times is what other people think so our job is to love others and not give a what they think of us but not in a cold way but to really love other people because we only get one emotion at a time that's how our brain works one emotion either you are anxious or you are joyful you can't get the two at the same time so our job is to really find the right state that we want to be in the right emotional place and used that rather than let the brain win and the brain wins by saying what are they thinking what are they thinking am i safe am i safe am i safe and if that is untrained and unconditioned it will win it sounds like a lot of this rides on the back of your ability to be software and you said that you know there's a process for training that so how do you go about training a level of self-awareness that you can deploy against that okay super thoughtful so this is not a new thought but it is gaining incredible awareness which is mindfulness if we follow the science around mindfulness in 1980 there was two or three research articles on mindfulness that's not a lot 2008 there was an uptick a couple hundred in 2016 there's this J hockey-stick arc that's happened in 2016-17 there's thousands of research articles from scholarly universities so what what is happening at that trend with that trend mindfulness has been around for let's call 2,500 years 2,600 years and research is starting to find incredible changes in our brain neuro chemistry nor electricity structurally things are changing behaviorally there's great change and it starts with awareness of thoughts and emotions there's two pillars to mindfulness you could use a word meditation if you wanted right I use the word mindfulness because meditation in alpha competitive environments has some sort of baggage to it sir right and so we can say mindfulness - training that works better but there's two main pillars to mindfulness one is awareness and the second pillar is wisdom so if we if we did a disservice to mindfulness and we just stopped at pillar one and you became more aware of your thoughts your emotions your body sensations and the environment you would be a better performer because you core course-correct more eloquently and here's something really important you can't I can't be around a wise person and all of a sudden be wise I can't you can't hijack wise wisdom you can't you can't shortcut it it is with it you can't read a wise book and all of a sudden be wise you have to reveal it you have to do the alone based work of silence and listening and you have to reveal that that's how it happens and that takes time it takes time for this busy mind that is so scattered all over the place with external stimulation and internal dialogue to quiet it down to let go of the noise to get to the signal and the more time we can spend conditioning our mind to be connected to the signal which is the present moment the stillness that I was talking about we reveal glimpses of wisdom everything changes so those are the two pillars of mindfulness how do you train it research would suggest somewhere around 8 to 20 minutes a day minimal effective dose would be 8 minutes a day of training you know mindfulness or meditation we can talk about more concretely if you want what that is upwards to you know 20 plus minutes but the most part more is better I love that when people ask you okay how did you end up working with P Carol like you know was it hey you call them up or whatever what's your answer to that question was amazing but your real answer of how you did it the 18 years of cutting your teeth is the part of your story I think I like the most tell us a little bit about that what do you mean by cutting your teeth how on earth did you convince yourself to spend 18 years every Saturday in a gym yeah god I miss it I just got a gym you know I miss that experience I'm so I'm wrestling right now in my life with who can afford access to doing this deep work like I've I've trained I don't know 30 years I've invested millions of dollars in the craft I've made a lot of mistakes I've learned an incredible amount from research and the best doers and thinkers in the world and there's one neat one of me and I'm really wrestling with who has access to this information because it feels really selfish and so right now reserved for the wealthy and that's but that's not where I came from and so the 18 years of woodshedding if you will what we're talking about is it was born out of an entrepreneurial spunk that I didn't know what I was going to do a mentor of mine this is right out of college and a mentor of mine said hey Mike this is part-time temporary job that you might be interested it's like three weeks twenty hours a week it's a non-profit like it'd be nice to just kind of give to the community and it was they had this government funding around crime prevention and alcohol and drug prevention those two and so day two I was like well they're sitting on a lot of money like they've got proper funding is back in the days right like this was nineteen eighty ninety so it was a democratic approach to government and so they're sitting on lots of money and I said hey I went to the executive director and I said and I had no place to do this right I said if I had an idea would you guys fund it and they said well what's the idea I said well let me go work on it and let me kind of really get it clear and can we talk tomorrow so I came back with this concept and the idea was what's a premium right now for young high school and college age athletes is that there's nowhere to go on Saturday night you can go to a party but there's nowhere to go to do athleticism so what if we can get a gym open up the gym bring a DJ in make a network of high school athletes and coach them on some of the psychology that I'm just kind of learning undergrad I just finished my undergrad kind of just learning if I could coach them up on some leadership stuff and and then open up the gym and see if we can get some basketball going and create a culture of learning right and so they said yeah let's try it so the executive director gave it a shot the first night we had 130 young men it was mostly men that showed up and it was amazing and that's primetime party hours we picked a neutral gang territory to do it and I was just barely one step ahead of ideas and so what I and then I was now just starting my master's program and so what I what I did basically is I used Saturday night as a refuge for me to be around people of like mind the people like to sweat and compete and you know not not interested in the party scene but really kind of do something fun and engaging that way and then my job the price to admission to this beautiful indoor three courts beautiful rare piece of property in in Los Angeles that was gang neutral and price of admission was to listen to me for 10-15 minutes on the thought that I thought was important and this is now imagine one hundred thirty young men high school college aged 80 90 percent are getting involved and I'm not getting involved at all obviously and when I say obviously it's like that's not where I came from and you can imagine they don't want to listen to me they have no interest in listen they want to play ball listen to the music and get on with it and so I had to be crisp and short which I'm not in this conversation I had to be like really intense and purposeful about how can I get in a great mindset practice that they could use tonight and we could practice it tonight and I had this the staff of high school kids that that would that were switched on about it as well and we would support and challenge them to try it tonight goal-setting self-talk breathing when you get to intense conflict resolution how to use words and emotions and pull you out of the engagement rather than a fistfight in eighteen years every Saturday night from 8:00 a.m. or I'm sorry 8:00 p.m. to midnight I was in a sweaty gym working out how to deliver sport psychology or mindset principles on time to a group of people that didn't really care what I had to say and I had to be crisp and short and get in it and then see if it could work in in 18 years we had three fights Wow three fights I mean I just got a tweet today and it'd be fun to share that a tweet today where a kid that came through that program I mean he during the program he was probably 18 years old he tatted up his face you know like really a great edge about him went to the edge I mean when you go above your neck on a tattoo there's right there's something there and so he tatted up his face he was really intense and he tweeted just today he said Mike thank you a lot of lives have been saved for what we did together for those 18 years and he was a participant showing up everyone he was one that almost a fight on a regular basis but we worked we worked and we worked and so I miss it I crave it I you know the ability to share a piece of information and being bought involved in a relationship where other people grow is is like electric and so thank you for bringing it up that's where I worked it out and by the way my office was a janitors office without windows that it was me and three rats that I was chasing out of that thing for years years that's where I went to work that was my office and I look back and fond memories like good old days of being you know grubby and you know like it was it was awesome so thank you for letting me share that man for sure thanks for sharing it yeah all right before I ask my last question tell these guys where they can find you online mm-hmm lots of places so LinkedIn Michael Gervais ger the AIS and then Twitter is at Michael Gervais Instagram is finding mastery and so we fired up a podcast called finding mastery and and you can also find us online the partnership with coach Carroll is called compete to create and it's taking the the principles about how he switches on a culture where people become their very best and the principles of how to train your mind and putting those two things together for enterprises and that's compete to create and then again the finding mastery podcast is finding mastery net all right very cool my last question what's the impact that you want to have on the world okay so the idea is one in five people in an organization and one in five people in a family or an enterprise organization to help them condition and train their mind to live in the present moment more often because in the present moment is where all things high performance take place it's where love happens it's where relationships and the fabric or relationships are are strengthened and revealed it's where glimpses of wisdom and potential happened so increasing the frequency of people spending time in the present moment and the way to do that is by conditioning and training your mind in non-hostile now rugged non stressful environments and purposely working up into more hostile stressful rugged environments emotionally challenging environments it doesn't mean that there's physical consequences it just means that something's real for you and to do that on regulation so one in five people to live in the present moment more often I love that thank you so much for being here yeah thank you guys man I'm telling you what is utterly fascinating about him is exactly what he just said there at the end that it's mindfulness it's being in the present moment that is the place where all of high achievement high performance greatness exists it was not the answer that I expected to find when I started researching him somebody that I had known from his accomplishments the people that he's helped do these extraordinary things I did not think the punchline was going to be turning inward finding that inner peace finding calm being in this moment and that notion that he has of letting the past and the future exist simultaneously now as noise in the present I thought was a really powerful way of explaining exactly what mindfulness is of finding that silence so that you can hear the subconscious so that you can be as he says where your feet are thought that was absolutely incredible trust me when I say go watch the videos that he's done the other interviews take him as a body of work it is absolutely astonishing you will be blown away I promise all right guys if you haven't already be sure to subscribe and until next time my friends be legendary take care thank you sir that was amazing everybody thank you so much for watching and being a part of this community if you haven't already be sure to subscribe you're going to get weekly videos on building a growth mindset cultivating grit and unlocking your full potential
Channel: Tom Bilyeu
Views: 547,910
Rating: 4.8542233 out of 5
Keywords: Tom Bilyeu, Impact Theory, ImpactTheory, TomBilyeu, Inside Quest, InsideQuest, Tom Bilyou, Theory Impact, motivation, inspiration, How to Achieve Ultra High Performance, dr michael gervais, michael gervais, seattle seahawks, pete carroll, compete to create
Id: TYudsPrEGjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 41sec (2501 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 19 2018
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