The Most Motivational Talk Ever - Rob Dyrdek | MINDSHIFT

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what is your belief about belief is it important is it a starting point it is the only thing that matters it is literally the only thing that matters because your experience how you build something what you learn whatever it is anything that you achieve it is literally only based off of how much you believe that's going to happen goals and all the stuff all this is breaking it down into micro actions for you to understand it and believe it right because at the end of the day it's only people that lose belief that quit move at such a pace that even hearing so much of that stuff I just forget I I forget about the depth of a lot of the things that I've done throughout the time because I almost only have memory and like 3-year chunks at a time from doing so much different stuff and when I hear about the idea of flipping cars and breaking World Records jumping cars backwards and getting attacked by sharks and tigers it just makes me feel so warm inside it's like a highlight reel like nobody's highlight reel that can never be taken away you know it's it's the joys of what something like Fantasy Factory allowed me to achieve not only from a business and media standpoint but really from these bizarre highlights of doing all this fun exciting stuff I just knew at that point that I would never be diving most likely ever again I would never be around 50 sharks ever again and it was just this moment of clarity that was just like wow whatever happens for the rest of your life and look at this you just allowed an 8-foot shark to bite you and attack your arm and it worked you know I mean it's a before I got in the water it was like this is so dumb like why would I even want to do this I'm gonna lose function over this arm for this television show and at the time you know they were saying they didn't like any of the cuts and weren't gonna air it right and so was even that much more stressful of lack I'm going down to get attacked by a shark I think that moment of clarity just allowed me to soak in a moment that I didn't want to forget ever again for two years I I would get up and every day I would rate how motivated I was he would attack and where it became so profoundly affected for me is what I realized there's any time I was under five I would look at the world half-empty right mindset you pick apart every decision you just hate everybody just literally like everything annoys you regardless of what happens and by just doing that exercise it made me be able to identify the things that were sucking the energy out of me and driving me below and I was able to slowly evolve those out of my life to where eventually I just don't ever wake up under a five I just don't I believe progression is the key to happiness right it's that the expansion of the universe and ultimate evolution and and when you equate it to skateboarding you learn to ollie you learn to kickflip you learn to grind you learn to kickflip to grind right like you learn to kickflip the backside Smith you learn to kickflip to backside Smith the kickflip out right like it's these levels and you can only evolve and progress and become elite if you understand and learn the foundational steps along the way to put all of what you could consider experience together to do something really incredible and I think a lot of people don't understand when it comes to entrepreneurial ISM there's sort of these key elements that you have to understand from a foundational perspect in order to find success you know what you know which is ultimately creating a brand understanding how to operationalize it and understanding the financial implications of how you do both those things it's scary right because it's a great unknown and I just know whatever for whatever it's worth driving a car 52 miles an hour backwards and jumping 90 feet is just scary time stands still because you're just like all right I got it I have to do it you have no choice but to going to kill mode so many different times in the world of entrepreneurial ISM especially this day and age it's idea-driven but as opposed to the battles won or lost and how its operationalized and then ultimately the union economics behind the idea right I think that's one of the biggest things that's overlooked in the space especially this day and age of so many people having an idea that they think can be a successful business and wrapping some sort of service or need or disruption around that idea without clearly understanding how to evolve that into an operationalize business that makes the money it's a huge gap there are so many different things in life that suck the soul right out of you and you have to learn to basically build a life with very few of those and so few even when you you get hit by one every now and then but it just simply doesn't stay because there's so few things taking energy but giving you energy because at the end that's energy for so many people it's different I don't I'm not even gonna say it I'm just going to prove it you know and that was you know truly all the fire that I needed to like you know get kick-started on you need to take control of what your opportunity is and make sure that you focus on on skateboarding as it will allow you to maximize all of your other ambitions long-term you know I I think I stopped and self evaluated four years ago right where I just evaluated everything like what worked what didn't and then what do you have left to learn what is your belief about belief is it important is it a starting point it is the only thing that matters it is literally the only thing that matters because your experience how you build something what you learn whatever it is anything that you achieve it is literally only based off of how much you believe it's going to happen goals and all the stuff all it is is breaking it down into micro actions for you to understand it and believe it right and I think you know there's two levels of it right it's it's why I love from a business side having tactical revenue models that show you step by step we can grow this many units by this many months and this many doors over this much time that's unbelievable to execute that's why goal-setting in a specific way means so much right but at a 30,000 foot level you know from a mentality standpoint that unwavering self belief is what I look for and people I partner with because that's allows you to micro fail and take big losses and take them as lessons and just move and chase down and constantly be doing micro pivoting to achieve your bigger vision or your big goal right because at the end of the day it's only people that lose belief that quit and belief gives you so much energy and again why when you begin to tie all these things together especially from goals and planning aspect it's easy to weather storms when you you understand okay I've got to move around to get to the next pillar of this goal rather than thinking like none of this is going to work type of you just want good people and I live without failure you know I mean like I live without regret without paying without any of the stuff like behind of all the stuff that I went through it it bleeds away so so easily for me you know so I don't do it purposefully and you know certain things may trigger more painful stuff as they're fresher but eventually I don't remember any of it but it also forces me now to stuff that I really want to retain and especially turn to habit which i think is probably the most difficult transition of experience of how do you take something good or bad that you've experienced and then apply the lesson from it and now in a consistent way I think again for that aspect you have to like like recognize it identify it and then begin to use it with intent you know I mean in order to have it sink in super driven people tend to believe they can be great they they would be great at everything if they just spent the time learning it or knowing it it's the depth of clarity is the greatest form of peace and happiness because you you begin to now optimize your clear goal as you begin to optimize it it becomes so much more believable I've always been driven right in and I think it at that particular time it was I was I just wasn't getting enough out of being a pro skateboarder you have to seek it you have to seek like life mastery you're like your first thing is like what is your entire life look like right it's very difficult I know I think younger people struggle with trying to like look at forever and trying to design a life and then now evaluating every single opportunity based off of how it fits into that core master plan this allowed me to do is basically systematize it in a way that I could now look deeper into a brand and how to simply put the pieces together to put a soul into that brand I had to learn the depth of operationalizing a business because I didn't live on the operational side and I don't like it rights don't like it it just opened up this insane level of deep clarity because then you start thinking about time and energy and okay how do you systematize your life to stay balanced and and what I like to call just living in the energy like if you're not someone that's trying to evolve and grow and have sort of that idea of wanting to progress and become a better version of yourself and and beginning to like self-analyze in a positive way relentlessly consistent right it is like you're just this is who you are and how you are consistency is the only pathway to greatness and ultimately it's the only pathway to trust excited about but it's only fun if it goes like this right it's like the business that you you stumble out the gate and then you're like you're in no-man's land and then it's like when do we let go of it like even the emotional side I had to learn to if my passion is creating successful sustainable businesses you also have to detach yourself from being emotionally invested to everything that you do still felt generally at that age lost right and that led to a lot of partying which then led to like just eating terribly and just being genuinely lazy your fire comes from the desire that you have to realize the passion you're more compelled to execute it you're not proving someone wrong looking for some sort of material aspect of it it's really more who you are as an individual right and I think there's it's the self-awareness idea of like you know which are really great at and you have the ability to find people like you in identifying to fill the gaps that you don't I would hope that when it's all said and done and one day I put all this thought into a a system that it would all ultimately help create a pathway for people to learn to master themselves and and build a life system that leads them to predictable happiness you know I think at the end of the day creating some sort of program or outlet to be able to achieve that would be what I would like to do long term you know
Channel: MulliganBrothers
Views: 607,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rob dyrdek, rob, dyrdek, skateboarding, fantasy factory, skateboard, motivational video, rob dyrdek (organization leader), mtv, rob and big, motivation, inspiration, skate, motivational speech, rob & big, best motivational video, business, success, ridiculousness, entrepreneur, motivational quotes, best motivational speeches, inspirational, skater, interview, street league skateboarding, skating, mulliganbrothers, motivation archive, motivation addicts, tom bilyeu, impact theory
Id: Cj1_EPjvKvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2018
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