How to Get All 6 Unique Horses in Tears of the Kingdom

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what's going on everyone Austin John plays  here and today I'm going to be going over   all six unique courses that you can get in  Legend of Zelda tears of the Kingdom [Music]   if you didn't know there are a total of six  unique horses found in Legend of Zelda tears   of the Kingdom one is Epona and amiibo exclusive  but there are five unique horses that you could   just find in game without any amiibo whatsoever  opponent is only available if you have the Super   Smash Brothers link or the Twilight Princess Link  that's gonna get you a Pono one time only scan it   in registered at a stable and you're good to go  it has four stats and strength speed stamina it   cannot pull anything You Can't customize its hair  its saddle or anything else and it's gonna come   as a general temperament Max spawns soon as you  get it we're done talking about Epona the first   horse that we're going to be getting is going to  be the giant white stallion located over here at   the Lake of the horse God if you've unlocked  the Highland stable it's going to be a quick   horsey trip down this way as you cross over  the horse God bridge and approach the Lake of   the horse guide you're going to be seeing these  two guys over here they're actually going to be   talking about the giant white stallion but we're  just gonna head on over there if you're familiar   this is the location that Melania was the horse  God during breath of the wild and fantastic place   for you to get some butterflies if you need them  now the giant white stallion isn't very afraid   of people do not approach from the back though  and once you get close to its side you're gonna   okay you need to go a little bit faster than slow  from here you have to hit L very very very quickly   giant stallions take significantly more love and  affection for you to tame them the giant white   stallion is incapable of sprinting however it is  very fast after you get your John white stallion   make sure you talk to these gentlemen over  here they're gonna be so impressed that you   got yourself a giant white stallion now be sure  to take your giant white stallion and bring it   all the way back to the stable that way you  can register it for yourself the John white   stallion has stats of five two zero zero giant  white stallion is going to be one of the unique   horses that you are not allowed to change its  equipment or its hair or anything else about it   so once you get it this is how it looks and  it's going to be looking like that forever   next up we're going to be talking about Zelda's  white stallion next we're going to be talking   about Zelda's Royal Horse now here's the thing  as soon as you booted up tears of the Kingdom   for the first time it imported or saved data  from breath of the wild and transferred your   horses over if you got Zelda's horse in breath of  the wild then it was transferred over into tears   of the Kingdom him however if you didn't obtain  Zelda's horse in breath of the wild at the end   of your time playing breath of the wild it was  still in the wild so you can still catch it here   in tears of the Kingdom Zelda's Royal horse has  a stats of four three five three wild temperament   my bond is 69 nice in order to get Zelda's Royal  White Horse you need to make her way above skull   Lake here in akala at this marker right here  you're gonna be able to find the White Horse   and tame it for yourself ride it all the way back  to the stable ready to start and you're good to go unlike the giant white stallion if you catch  the regular white horse you're able to change   anything about its Mane or its equipment you  could put a towing harness on it or whatever   you want to do you're good to go keep in  mind you need to get enough Pony points to   unlock certain features and Equipment the next  horse we're going to be looking at is going to   be ganon's horse who has stats of five two  zero zero and wild just like the giant white   horse it cannot Sprint forward and you cannot  put a towing harness on it and ganon's horse   is available one of two ways one if you  caught it during breath of the wild then   it no longer existed in the wild and imported  with your saved data and you already have it and got it wow is a big horse or if you didn't  catch it in breath of the wild you can get it   here in tears of the Kingdom in tears of the  Kingdom we're gonna go from the hiteno ancient   Tech live and we're going to be going here to  hitaino Bay if you make your way out here to   atteno Bay it's going to be very obvious  which one is the giant horse it's the one   that you can see from the sky if you have enough  stamina feel free to just Glide down right on it giant stallions take a lot of soothing in order  for you to catch it but once you do you're good   now let me tell you you are in for quite a journey  from hotel Bay you're going to need to go up   potato Beach this pathway all throughout all of  ataino Village down the pathways down here through   Fort hatano all the way to the dueling Peak stable  and that is the closest stable for you to register   your horse plenty time for you to spam on your way  back and get its affection up completely it wasn't   that it was seven minutes to get back here uh  despite this horse not listening to me at all   the giant black stallion has stats of five two  zero zero you cannot customize its saddle or its   main or its equipment or anything else like that  and it doesn't matter if you obtained the horse   in tears of the Kingdom like I did in this game or  if you imported it from breath of the wild like I   did in this game it's still the exact same horse  it makes sense because it's still the same world   next we're going to be getting the new unique  horse named spot in Lookout Landing you just need   to come over here and speak to these two gentlemen  that are next to a mini horse stable grab the one   plank of wood that's near them and just go ahead  and complete the roof for them it'll just kind of   fall into place perfectly after that point Carson  is going to be complete with the mini stable over   here and Lester is going to be running it so  now this fully functions as a stable for you   now after you fix the mini stable Lester may or  may not have a quest to Mark her above his head   he's gonna say what rod and luck and you're gonna  see that Quest marker if you do not see the quest   marker that means you have to progress more in  the story in my game that only has one part of   regional phenomenon complete it is not there  however in my game that has done many story   beats but not yet beating the game I am able to  get this Quest so so if Lester doesn't have this   Quest you just gotta play through the main story  a little bit more and I took out a horse and I   didn't realize that it was uh my my pulling horse  the mini stable can't change equipment anyways in   order to find spot and help out this Quest all you  need to do is make your way outside of the stable   and if we look forward that right  there is spot he's he has a unique   color combination that includes spots and  his hair is already done keep in mind the   easiest way to get a horse is to just  freeze it in its tracks and as soon as   it cracks out we're gonna hop on top and  it doesn't take that much to soothe it from here all we have to do is bring spot back  to Leicester here at the mini stable spot is   going to be the only white slash beige horse with  black spots on him completely I after you complete   the quest with Lester you then have to speak to  him again if you want to be able to register the   horse spot has stats of four three three two  wild temperament even though the horse's name   was spot you are welcome to change it if you want  to I don't want to the sixth and final horse that   we're gonna be taking a look at today is going  to be Zelda's golden horse which here at the snow   field stable right outside of the tabantha hebra  region if you came here earlier you may have seen   a golden horse inside of this stable but after you  go over to the lucky clover Gazette and begin the   questline for the froggy armor you can come over  here and speak with pen and the story here is   Zelda came by and Zelda's horse was all like nah  dog and then just bounced that's a quick summary   of all the texts that they just said the poor  horse galloped North that's all the information   that you get and that there is going to be a huge  monster that way you're welcome to take a horse   and make your way here to the north tibantha  snow field or fast travel from the shrine I am   going to be going from the sky island as you begin  your descent into the snow field you're going to   be able to look around and over there is going to  be the giant monster that they were talking about   which is a frost cleoc you do not have to battle  the frost glioc and after I descended below 460   meters if I look straight down it's a little hard  to tell in the snowstorm oh no it's not there it   is it's shiny and gold if you want to you just  go ahead glide on down land right on the horse you know what no no I'm I'm Gonna Keep then  I can't always land on the horses perfectly   now you just go land right on the horse and now all that's left is take golden horse  back to the stable again you do not have to   initiate combat with the giant Frost glioch and  I gotta say I really love the way the golden   horse looks it's not only golden colored it's  actually sort of metallic looking so it does   have some level of Reflections to it again not  gonna initiate with the Glock oh he initiated   with me okay we're just gonna go faster now so  because it does have these metallic Reflections   I guess you could technically call it a shiny  horse that's a that's a Pokemon joke after   this we just come back to snow field stable  and speak with pen doing this Quest gets us   the Royal Bridle and the Royal saddle you get  a free energizing Elixir for doing this quest   to be like hey good job with the horses and you  get a purple Ruby or a different rupee depending   on how well you've progressed with the lucky  clover quest line apparently for me not a lot from here do not forget to go over and register  this horse as one of your own the golden horse   has stats of four four three and two yep I know so  creative with the names it's very appropriate to   now go ahead put the Royal saddle and if you want  to you could even go ahead and change the main   from the braided Mane that it comes as  a default I think I really like it with   the floral Main and there you go there's  gonna be all six unique horses in Legend   of Zelda tears of the Kingdom if you found  this video helpful do me a favor hit the   thumbs up button down below if you're  new to the channel consider subscribing   turning on notifications for more tunes of the  Kingdom content until next time Austin John out
Channel: Austin John Plays
Views: 896,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Austin John plays Tears of the kingdom, zelda, Tears of the kingdom Gold horse, Tears of the kingdom Giant black stallion, Tears of the kingdom Giant white stallion, Tears of the kingdom White horse, Tears of the kingdom White stallion, Tears of the kingdom Spot, Tears of the kingdom Spot’s location, Tears of the kingdom Unique horses, Tears of the kingdom Unique horse Locations, zelda totk, Tears of the kingdom, tears of the kingdom best horse, tears of the kingdom best horses
Id: O41CEphDm4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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