Every DUPLICATION Glitch In 1.2.0! How to Dupe Items, Devices and Weapons | Tears of the Kingdom

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welcome back everyone today I wanted to go over every working duplication for version 1.2.0 to build a sort of all-in-one duping guide for current patch and along the way point out which glitch I think is best for each type of duplication this video will probably be on the longer side so let's not waste any time and get right to it as always credits for each glitch will be listed down in the description along with links to all contributors starting off we have something that's not actually a glitch but rather a clever use of game mechanics since this isn't a glitch it doesn't really have a name but you can use this trick to farm unlimited bomb flowers and Elemental fruit to do this you're going to need either the goblin mask or Majora's Mask at least one homing cart and optionally one stake The bakoblin Mask can be acquired by starting Colton's Quest north of Pico Pond and completing the First Step At The Cave Majora's Mask can be found in the floating Coliseum directly below the Coliseum ruins in the depths if you don't have either already I recommend getting the bakoblin mask for this it's the quicker and easier of the two to get homing carts and Stakes can both be found in this dispenser just Southeast from the ulri mountain Skyview Tower for our location you want to come right here to the east Ocala Plains just to the right of East akala Chasm the closest Shrine is right over here for this demonstration I'll be showing you where you can Farm bomb flowers and fire fruit but I'll include locations for the other Elemental fruit at the end so once you load in just head east until you see the dormant Talos and find the goblin you want to use and kill the Talos and all other enemies making sure to leave our one but goblin alive once that's done put on your cobbler Majora's Mask then make a save and immediately load it back up this will reset our new friends aggro so he isn't so upset with us anymore once you load back in take out your homing cart and optional stake if you're using only the cart you can go ahead and just flip it upside down and lay it back on the ground okay if you're using a stake attach it to the top of the cart then stick just the tip into the ground like this when that's set up throw an item at the cart to turn it on don't swing with a sword or you'll re-aggrow the goblin back on you foreign item at the cart to turn it on when the Homing cart turns on our new friend will aggro onto it and start throwing bombs or fruit at it we can then position ourselves to his side and when he pulls an item out to throw it we can just steal it right out of his hand and you can just sit here and farm as many as you want for as long as you want just make sure you wait to grab the item until the name tagged for it shows up on the screen over his hand what if you grab it too early you'll take one from his backpack and those ones aren't Unlimited this is the most efficient method to farm bomb flowers or Elemental fruit and you can find a bakoblin with ice fruit right here in the tabanta Hills end of a column with shock fruit right here just north east of the spring of Courage moving on to the actual glitches next up is minus duping this glitch can be used to double the quantity of any throwable item that you have five or less of to perform this you'll need a horse preferably tamed the item you want to do this item can't have a quantity of more than five and you'll need one of any other item you'll also need to be able to view memories from the pirapad if you don't have access to this then you need to do impa's first quest for the geoglyphs you can find her right here standing on a platform in the middle of North Hyrule plane once you finish this first Quest you'll be able to play memories from the pirapad for location you'll need any somewhat High ledge that you can jump down onto your horse from this video I'll be doing this in Lookout Landing for the sake of making it easy for anyone to recreate step for step so the first thing we need to do is perform hold storage so we'll start by getting our horse into position to jump onto if you're doing this where I am you can use my coordinates in the bottom right as a rough guideline to help line up yep once the horse is in place go ahead and climb or Ascend up onto your ledge now hold down R and line up so you're in position to be able to just hold forward and jump onto the horse but before you jump we need to go over the most important step you need to press up on the d-pad and select any item to hold in your hand the item itself doesn't matter but we need to specifically have an item in our hand and not our weapon if you just hold out your weapon the glitch won't work and you'll still be holding items after the memory step so with an item in our hand we're going to jump forward toward the horse but press plus and bring up the menu just a little bit before actually landing on the horse and that's going to look like this once in our menu go ahead and press X to start holding and hold all of the item you want to duplicate until the menu displays zero if you can't hold then you pause too late now with all the items in hand we want to press minus tab over to the adventure log and go select any memory you can skip this with X and plus we just need to load it up when that's finished press plus to go back into your inventory and you should see that you're no longer holding any items if you're still holding items that means you jumped under the horse with just your weapon in your hand from here you want to press X again to start holding then re-hold all of those same items that you want to duplicate until it shows zero in the inventory again then you want to close the menu and as soon as you land on the horse hold R and up on the d-pad try to do this fast to preserve as much time as you can with your d-pad menu open scroll through the items until you find the one that we're holding and you should see that it's displaying as a quantity of zero select the item and throw it onto the ground you'll see that the zero quantity should now go into the negatives repeat this for every item you held so if you held five of your item you'll need to throw five of them from the horse if you held two throw two and so on now during this process you'll probably see that the items you're originally holding in your hand have fallen to the ground and are now rolling around if these get too far from you it'll mess up the glitch so try to go somewhat fast and this is the reason why we immediately held R and up on the d-pad after we landed on the horse it's just to give you that little bit of extra time to throw once you've thrown all of your items on the ground go ahead and jump off the horse and you'll see that the items that originally fell and were rolling around have now returned to your hands press a to drop them on the ground then pick all of your items up if you open your inventory you'll see that you've doubled the number of items that you started with now because this can only be done with an item that has a max quantity of 10 you can only use this to get up to 21 of one item due to the drop limit this can technically be bypassed but we're going to talk more about that in a little bit while this next glitch isn't technically a duplication it is kind of a money dupe so I felt like I should include it and that glitch is vendor scamming this glitch can be used to generate infinite rupees incredibly fast to do this you'll need almost the same requirements as minus duping but with a slight variation you'll need a horse again preferably tamed then you'll need any item to sell don't worry you won't actually be losing these items so the more valuable the better you can also have any quantity of this item unlike minus duping so the more you have the faster this process will go then you'll need one of any other item and the ability to watch memories from the purepad as for location you'll need the same kind of ledge setup that you can jump down onto your horse from but this time you'll want to make sure that the ledge you find has a shop nearby to sell your items like with minus duping I'll be doing this in Lookout Landing so anyone can easily copy me step for step so the first thing you'll want to do is talk to the vendor and make sure they don't have any special dialogue that you need to clear out first this includes prompts for side quests like with Lookout Landing and scenarios where Beetle will ask you to give them a specific item these dialog options will stop the glitch from working so we need to take care of them first thing once you've cleared any of those interactions go ahead and save then we're ready to set up same as before we want to get our horse in place [Music] then head up onto our ledge once again we want to hold R then press up on the d-pad and select any item to hold like with minus duping you must be holding an item in your hand and not just your weapon now jump forward toward your horse and press plus to pull up the menu before landing now you're going to find the item you want to sell and hold at least one of it you can hold up to five if you want but this will work just fine if you only hold one with whatever quantity you held in your hand press minus and we're gonna go load up any memory like we did with minus duping now anytime we load a memory for a glitch we can always skip it by pressing X then plus we just need the memory to load after that's done press plus to go back into your inventory and hold the same amount of the same item you held before the memory so if you held three diamonds before the memory hold three diamonds again if you held one sapphire like I did hold one sapphire again and so on with your item or items back in hand close the menu and you'll see your held items fall to the ground and start rolling around once this happens you want to quickly walk your horse over to the vendor and you'll notice that you can't talk to anybody to fix this just hold R and select any item to hold with up on the d-pad with an item out you'll be able to talk to NPCs from your horse again this will not work by just holding your weapon with r you need to take out an item talk to the vendor and go into the cell menu select the item we held after the memory and choose sell all you should see the quantity in the shop menu drop down to the negatives by however many of the items you're holding if you close out of the shop menu then reselect cell you'll see that all the items you just sold have returned to your inventory and can now be sold again this process can be repeated infinitely and can be used to fully max out your rupees in a matter of literal minutes when you're done simply jump off your horse and press B to put the held items away everything you had at the beginning will be back in your inventory if you encounter an issue with the items not resetting after selling them that means you got too far away from the items that fell when you landed on the horse simply reload from the Save before the glitch and try again either closer to the vendor or try moving to the vendor a little faster after landing on the horse this is the most efficient way to get rupees on any version of the game our next glitch is called zonai inventory shift duplication or zisd for short this glitch allows you to duplicate up to 10 of a zonai device when you have less than 10 of it already to do this you'll need the device you want to dupe any other device with a quantity of 10 or more and a third device with a quantity of only one you'll also need the ability to view memories from the pirapad for location you'll need any ledge that link needs to step up onto that's also in a spot where you can be facing directly into a wall for the video I'll be continuing my trend of using Lookout Landing and you can come right over here to this little corner for the perfect place to perform the glitch now the first thing we need to do is sort our zonai devices in a specific way because we need our three devices to be in a certain order in the menu the single device first the device with 10 or more second and the device we're duping last the easiest way to do this is by throwing the devices with r and picking them up in the same order so first we'll throw our single device and pick it back up then we'll throw our 10 and pick those up again the stack can be more than 10 but the closer it is to 10 the faster this part will be then finally throw all of the device that you want to duplicate and pick them back up this should sort them to the bottom of your device list in the order of single device stack of 10 or more then duping device from left to right once that's done we're ready to actually start the glitch first thing we want to do is get up on our ledge and take out the single zonai device by holding R and selecting it with up on the d-pad with the device in our hand we want to walk sideways off the ledge and press plus once we're in the air from here we want to go into our devices and select the one with 10 or more and fill the device bar with 10 of them now we're going to press minus and go load up one memory as always this can be skipped once that's done press plus to go back into your inventory and you'll see that the device you want to dupe will now have 10 removed from its quantity so if you had only one like I did it should be showing a quantity of negative 9 now when you see this close out of your menu and you should throw the device you were holding and get a message saying you can't take that out here you can pick the device you threw back up and if you look into your inventory you'll see that you now have 10 of the device you wanted to duplicate this is best utilized for getting more large batteries either without having to buy them or before you've maxed out your energy Wells moving on we have mid-air throw duplication or MTD for short this glitch can be used to duplicate any throwable item when you only have one of it for this you'll only need the item you want to do like I said this requires that you only have one of the item you're trying to duplicate for location you'll need the same type of ledge that we used for zisd so any ledge that's high enough for link to have to step up onto my recommendation and how I'll be doing it in this video is to build a small ramp like this then we want to get up on our ledge hold down R and take out the item we want to duplicate so we're holding it out to throw next we're going to walk off the ledge and once you go Airborne you want to hold up on the d-pad once the item menu is open let go of R now select the item you're holding this should show up with a quantity of zero in the menu press X to drop the item and the menu will close if you don't have the option to drop that means you pressed up on the d-pad either too late or too early when the menu closes you'll throw the item in your hand but one will also drop on the ground duplicating it if you get a message saying you can't take that out here it means the ledge is blocking the space where the item would be dropping this usually happens for larger items to fix it just walk off the ledge sideways instead of forward to do this with items that have thrown effects like gems all you need to do is pull up recall after you throw them select the throne item with it and immediately cancel recall this will cause the item to fall to the ground without setting off the effect this glitch can also be used to duplicate zonai devices and is the most efficient way of duplicating them to use MTD with Soni devices you need to place your ramp in front of a wall so they can't be deployed this forces the game to put it back in your inventory and since we're throwing it at the same time it duplicates the device the next one is called dispenser storage this is a neat utility glitch that lets us expand the capability of throw and drop base duplications like minus duping and MTD to do this you'll need two fans a stabilizer will work too but it gives you a time limit Whatever item it is that you want to duplicate and any requirements for the method of item duping you'll be pairing this with so if you're using this with minus duping you'll need everything to do minus duping and same thing goes if you use this with MTD as for location that will vary depending on which item duplication you want to pair it with for minus duping you need a dispenser that you can reach with a horse the dispenser near Terrytown is a good example of this for MTD you can go to any dispenser in the game for this video I'll be demonstrating dispenser storage with MTD and using this dispenser here because it already has building materials there and it has the fans will need if you pair this with MTD I recommend either using a dispenser that has building materials nearby like this one or saving a ramp to your auto build first so once you get to your dispenser you want to take out your two fans and fuse them together at a 45 degree angle then we're going to place those fans just to the side of the hatch now we want to hold an item any item will do and we're going to put it in the dispenser it'll spit the item back out but the hatch will stay open because the fans on the side are tricking it into thinking that there's an item blocking the way still now you can set up your item duplication so for MTD we'll just get our ramp set up from here you want to grab your fans and make sure they're rotated in this position then stick them into the opening once it's in there you want to rotate it towards you one time with r and d-pad down and that'll wedge it in there now you can set up our ramp and start duping our items I recommend duping until you have about 15 to 18 on the ground if you do over 21 you can cause your fans to despawn so 15 to 18 just gives you a good safety buffer once you have your pile of items pick up all but one of them and put them in the dispenser now pick up the one you left behind and use that to start duping again once you have your pile built back up just deposit all but one in the dispenser again and repeat the process until you have however many you want when you're finished duping stand to the side of the dispenser hatch and pull up recall if you hover over the fans it'll show you which direction they're going to go when you use it so make sure you set up on the opposite side as soon as you start recalling the fans get right up next to them and get ready to start mashing a the second the dispenser is no longer clogged all the items you deposited are gonna start spilling out one by one so you need to Mash a and pick them up fast enough to avoid 21 or more of them collecting at the same time otherwise they'll start despawning if you have a turbo controller this won't be a concern for you there is no limit to this and given enough patience and effort you could duplicate up to 999 of an item this way this method is the most efficient way to duplicate items let's move on to weapon duplication with like-like fuse entanglement there are a few different ways to duplicate weapons with this glitch but I'm going to be focusing on the easier ones for this video for this we're going to need different things depending on what you want to duplicate for melee weapons you'll need the weapon you want to dupe this is our Target weapon a weapon to sacrifice this is our donor weapon and a spare Shield for Shields you'll need your target Shield a donor shield and a spare melee weapon for bows you'll need your target bow a donor bow and two spare Shields none of the spare Shields or the spare weapon Can Have Anything fused to them already so if there's something on them you need to break it off first you'll also need a few of any Elemental fruit and at least one low damage bow regardless of what type of item you're duplicating with this if you don't have a low damage bow you can get a 4 damage wooden bow in the gutenbach shrine for location that's exactly where we're going so once you get there jump straight off the ledge in front of you down to this cave and you'll find your like like this can be done with any like like this is just the earliest one you encounter so anyone can follow this regardless of game progress unequip all gear and save before you do anything else starting with melee duping you want to equip your donor item and drop or place your spare shield in front of the like like when it notices your Shield it'll open its mouth and the bulb inside will pulse four times foreign those pulses and when the fifth pulse would be you want to fuse The Shield to your melee weapon after hitting fuse you want to drop the donor weapon on the ground then throw an elemental fruit to like like to make it open its mouth and shoot the bulb with an arrow if your timing on the fuse was correct you should hear the shield fuse to your weapon after you shoot the like like and the shield will have moved to the same spot as where you dropped the donor weapon now with no Shield or melee weapon equipped pick up your Shield and fuse the donor weapon to it when you do the donor weapon will fall right back to the ground now you want to pick up the donor weapon and unequip your Shield when you do you'll see that your donor weapon will also disappear from your hand from here you want to open your inventory and drop your target weapon pick it back up and you should now see that link is holding the target weapon but if you open the inventory it still says that you have the donor weapon equipped this means the weapon is decent now just drop the equipped weapon and pick it back up and it will re-sync into the target weapon duplicating it for shield duping you want to equip your donor item and drop or place your spare melee weapon in front of the like like just like with melee weapons we're going to wait until he notices it then press fuse when that fifth pulse would be and again we're going to drop our Shield throw our Elemental fruit at it and shoot the bulb you should hear the fusion sound and your spare melee will snap to where the donor Shield is with no Shield or melee weapon equipped we're gonna pick up the spare weapon and fuse the donor Shield to it like before the shield will fall straight back to the ground when you fuse it to the weapon now pick the shield up and unequip your melee weapon this will cause your Shield to disappear as well so once again we're going to go into our inventory and drop our Target Shield then pick it back up this will make it look like link is holding the target Shield but in your inventory will show the donor Shield equipped now just drop the equipped shield and pick it back up and it will resync the shield into the target Shield duplicating it and now for Bose to start you want to drop your donor bow and equip one of your spare Shields similar to melee and shields we're going to place the donor bow in front of the like like and fuse it to the shield when that fifth pulse would be once you hit fuse you want to drop your equipped Shield then equip another one now we're going to do the elemental through and the bow just like before and same thing if done right you'll hear the fuse and the donor bow will snap to where the drop Shield is with no other bow equipped you want to pick up the donor bow then unequip your Shield this will cause the bow to disappear as well and now same as both times before you want to go into your inventory drop the target bow and pick it back up this puts us back in that desynced state where it looks like the target bow but still shows the donor bow in the menu so again we're going to drop the equipped bow and pick it back up sinking the bow into the target bow duplicating the item after duping any type of equipment with this method you can take your spare items to pelasson and you can get the donor items back [Music] our final weapon duplication glitch is slugging this is another method of weapon duplication that's infinitely more forgiving than the last one the requirements for this one are a lot more simple in uniform for either melee weapons Shields or bows you'll need your item that's getting duplicated this is your target item and an item to sacrifice this is your donor item for our location we'll be going to the gutenbach shrine and jumping straight down to the cave like last time the process for performing this glitch is also more uniform than the last one meaning the steps will be the exact same for melee weapons Shields and bows so first step is to unequip all melee shield and bows and make a save this is just for safety foreign so like before we want to take our donor weapon and drop or place it on the ground next to the like-like we're gonna watch for that same fifth bulb timing except this time we're going to pick the donor item up you can get eaten with the item or position link so only the item gets eaten like I'm doing both will work equally fine it's just a matter of preference when you press a to pick up the donor item you should see a prompt on the right side of your screen saying that you got the item if you check your inventory it should say the item is equipped but no item will be visibly equipped on link if you're using swords you may see a messed up sheath on your back like I have now next we want to warp anywhere it doesn't matter where but for convenience I suggest just going back to the gutenbach shrine when you load in any visible remnants of your weapons such as the sheath or the quiver will be gone but you'll still have the item equipped in your inventory from here you want to drop your target item then pick it back up this will cause it to desync and look like the target item while saying the donor item is equipped in your inventory now simply drop the equipped item and pick it back up to resync the item into the target item duplicating it this is the most efficient way to duplicate weapons this is also the only way to duplicate the MSG not found on current patch if you already have one and that's it that's every single working duplication from items to devices to weapons in version 1.2.0 videos like these take a lot of time to make so consider leaving a like or comment down below even if it's just to say hi those things really help out with the algorithm if you want to see more videos like this then consider subscribing to the channel I'm going to be streaming daily on Twitch starting around the end of the month so I'll leave a link down in the description for anyone who might be interested in that and I'll also have a link to the Discord if you'd like to join the community over there and hang out in between uploads but that's all from me I'll see you next time foreign [Music]
Channel: Suishi
Views: 206,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ZeldaTotK, Zelda, Tears of the Kingdom, TotK, totk item duplication, duplication glitch, tears of the kingdom duplication glitch, tears of the kingdom glitches, totk glitches, totk unlimited rupees, ZeldaTearsOfTheKingdom, NintendoSwitch, Suishi, totk max rupees glitch, totk item duplication 1.2.0, totk weapon duplication 1.2.0, totk msg 1.2.0, Nintendo Switch, totk weapon duplication, totk duplicate msg 1.2.0, totk weapon dupe, totk weapon dupe 1.2.0, totk zonai device dupe 1.2.0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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