How to Get All 6 Monster Medals (Medals of Honor) in Tears of the Kingdom

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what's going on everyone Austin John please  here and today I'm going to be going over how   you could get the Medals of Honor and Legend  has held the tears of the Kingdom [Music]   in the previous game breath of the wild Medals  of Honor were awarded to you from kilton for   defeating a large amount of the mini boss monsters  such as the stone taluses the helixes and the   moldugas however in tears of the Kingdom there  is now going to be six Medals of Honor that you   can get in this game and there's going to be  a short series of quests that you're going to   actually have to do in order to get to the point  that you can do it first thing you need to do is   make your way to look outlanding and open up the  Lookout Landing emergency shelter by speaking to   the guard outside down here if we speak to  this gentleman at this table by the way you   do not have to beat the game in order to enable  this feature or anything else however growlins   over here after we speak to him he's going to  be talking about Expeditions and big monsters   and specifically he's going to be talking about  Stone taluses phoenixes and moldugas then he's   going to be giving you three side quests wanted  Helix one in molduga and wanted Stone Talus and   is going to task you with defeating one of each  of them as long as you choose to make that Quest   active on your map it's going to be pretty obvious  where the three of them are going to be and the   first one the Helix is actually very close to  the Eldon Canyon Skyview Tower and right next   to the Woodland stable and you can just come here  and just land directly on top of him be sure to   land softly because otherwise you might wake him  up if you didn't know there's a neat thing that   you can actually steal the weapons from on top of  a helix while he's sleeping and while you're on   top as long as you remain quiet he remains asleep  but if you've made too much noise then he's gonna   get suspicious and he's only at base level  Helix so he isn't very difficult to take down the stone Talus is going to be located right next  to the east of Kala stable it's going to be a   very short trip and this Stone Talus is going  to be located in this little Pond right here   as always just step on him to get him to wake  up oh and he's a back one isn't he [Music] honestly if I don't have anything good  to deal with a back Stone Talus I just   take out a five shot Lionel bow sacrifice the  two arrows and the little bit of durability as far as the molduga there's not a lot of  molduga in the game there's only four of them   in total this one is going to be right next to  the shrine over here and I'll be honest with you   guys I've seen a whole bunch of people do some  really really bad strategies when it comes to   muldugas so if you didn't know moldugas  are attracted to the sound of footsteps   and any sort of presence of things on the  ground so all you have to do is just go into   your inventory and throw something doesn't matter  what it doesn't need to be a bomb it doesn't need   to be anything expensive I'm throwing both Goblin  fangs over here and as long as you're close enough   see that question mark that means that he's now  targeted on that item and as long as I don't move   I'm good every time that you throw an item and  don't move he's gonna lock onto it and not you   when he's out of the ground that's going to be  your opportunity to attack him now if you want   to use a bomb flower you're more than welcome to  but you don't have to [ __ ] him with anything on   a bow that's gonna stun him when he's on the  ground and then if you want to you could use   your arrow some more or you always want to attack  his belly his belly is his weak point and where   you're going to be doing the most damage  hence why those were critical hit sounds foreign 's gonna be dropping a bunch of items  including one of the nicest attachments   in the entire game the molduga jaw I have a  whole video coming out about that in just a   little bit and then also there's going to  be one or two chests inside it's gonna be   a variety of Royal weapons and Garuda weapons  now anything that you dropped on the floor here   that he didn't want to chew up you could  just go ahead and grab these items back up   so now that we went ahead and completed all three  parts of this Quest let's go over here and talk to   him again thank you for hard work link yep uh-huh  cool I hunted something you did the stone Palace   and you get a silver Ruby which is pretty  neat and that's wanted Stone Talus complete   I also did the helix 100 rupees wanted  Helix complete and I also did the molduga   100 rupees want a moldugu complete from here he  says you defeated all the beasts we've received   ports of I'm stunned and I'm a complete and utter  awe of you oh thanks guy and you get 300 rupees   nice you just made 600 bucks he's gonna say new  monsters and he's gonna ask about the sky giant   we received a puzzling report from Squad members  serving the West Sky archipelago in hebra uh I   already defeated this one I don't I have no idea  which one it is it's one of the ones in the sky   they're not hard to take down but apparently I  already did that and now I get a silver Ruby nice   the unknown Sky giant specifically  he's talking about a flux construct   and that's complete and there's also the  three-headed monster on a bridge in hylia in Farin   you saw this in the trailer that's gonna be the  fire Glock over there and then also the huge   silhouette monster control members have reported  sightings on a survey and the depths do I have a   map handy yeah over here dog and he's gonna be  talking about in particularly this one right   next to the bargainer Statue by The Plains that's  the unknown huge silhouette and now you're tasked   with going and taking care of these bad boys the  bridge of Hailey is a fairly known location and   very easy to spot on the map however this battle  arena is a little bit more difficult than most   mostly because if you come from the direction  that the heads are facing there's not a lot of   room for you to go ahead and maneuver and when it  comes to a gliac you need to be able to climb on   something and get air time or you have to be able  to use rocket Shields and if you don't want to be   wasting a whole bunch of Rocket Shields then you  know your options are a little limited I'm going   to go ahead pop an attack of three food and use my  Lionel bow to get crits on all of the heads and as   long as I get three hits on all of them is that  not enough not enough for the middle one okay and   they're using that molduga door that I just got  I'm gonna be able to do some pretty insane damage   pretty effectively I also don't want to bring  him down to a quarter health because then he's   going to fly up very high in the sky but as soon  as he's recovered I immediately want to take out   my multi-shot bow and not fall off of the entire  Bridge thanks game well I'm climbing back up now   now if you went ahead and upgraded your flame  breaker armor to level three that's gonna make   you fireproof and pretty much immune to getting  knocked back from this attack but not from the   actual impact of the fireball just the heat  damage itself and now we can just very easily   use this updraft to make our way up the flame  gliac is gonna be hitting the eyes all three   of them and when he falls down to the surface that  fall damage is gonna be enough to take him out ggz oh be sure to go get yourself your flame  gliocorns and if you're lucky some gliac   guts they're not that common when it comes to  fruxes if you have any weapon that has the bonus   modifier that's granted by the Goron weapons  meaning like the stone breaker and stuff like   that then you're going to be able to take out  a frocks with five hits I'm gonna be having a   whole video coming out about the best weapons  and how the multipliers work in this game so   that's going to explain all that in a lot  more detail but when I come on top of the   frocks all you have to do is knock him in  the eye once and then as long as you're doing   enough damage to each of these deposits you're  going to be able to destroy it in five hits hopefully you can get that timing on the last  one if not you got to get another eye shot oh   thanks Talon for doing exactly that thing I'm  just gonna run past the front and we're good and that is going to be the frocks taken care  of pretty easy enemy especially the uh the lower   level ones keep in mind all the enemies that you  defeat down here all the mini bosses you're gonna   be getting 20 crystallized charges for so extend  your battery after defeating five pretty easily   after you're all set with the flux construct  the frocks and the fire Glock let's go over   here and talk to him again I hunted something  the three-headed monster you can get yourself   a silver Ruby and the unknown three-headed  monster complete and I also hunted something   a huge silhouette and that's gonna  be another silver Ruby for us nice   after that you're going to be getting a diamond  which is worth 500 rupees very nice and as of   this point Rollins over here is going to be able  to award you Medals of Honor if you have decided   to clear out all of the remaining large monsters  and unusual monsters so if you select how about   big monsters he's going to tell you how many you  have left so when I click on Stone Talus I have   81 remaining there are a total of 87 Stone talus  in the entire game Phoenix is I have 58 remaining   out of the total 68. moldugas are always the  easiest because there's only four in the entire   game and I have only two remaining and if you go  to unusual Monsters the sky Giants as far as the   flux constructs There are 16 remaining for me  out of the total 35 in the game I'm pretty sure   half of them are in the depths three-headed  monsters eight gliox remain out of the 14   total in the game and the huge silhouette the  froxes I have 37 left out of the total 40. this   game isn't the one that I went around and killed  a lot of monsters honey but just for example of   how this is going to be working as far as the  moldugas I know that there's one down there   there's going to be one in the dunes over here  that's required for I think The Jewelry Lady   following this pathway down right about here  at the end of this funny looking shape there's   gonna be one and the fourth one is going to be oh  here it is it's right about there in this little   little cutaway area so in the Gerudo area you go  ahead take down these four moldugas for your first   medal of honor I know that I did this one already  and I know that I did this one already by the way   if you go over to one of them you aren't going  to be seeing some text at the top of the screen   that says defeated which lets you know that they  were already defeated we throw out any item that's   not going to explode upon contact yeah to get  his attention there we go we got his attention   with these gibdo bones we're gonna be  able to do some work to him pretty quickly and that's a molduga Down now here's a pretty neat thing you can  use a zonai device to distract where the   molduga is going to be going so he locked  onto a position that we were already gone   from by the time he went to it so because of  that we just completely avoided all damage   and he just got a whole big mouthful of  nothing which gave us a prime opportunity   to just use an arrow on him while he was  in the sky do keep in mind that if he does   gobble up the thing that you're throwing  you're not going to be getting that back also anytime that he's exposed from the ground you  could just you know get some nice easy shots in oh Gerudo Claymore that's not a bad weapon at all  so once you manage to defeat all 87 taluses or is   68 helixes or four more dulgas or 14 gliox or  35 constructs or 40 fruxes you come over here   and speak to this gentleman once again and then  you could choose your category big monsters or   unusual monsters big monsters moldugas he says  from the reports the remaining number is zero   unbelievable you hunted them all yep all right  please take this and this is the molduga Monster   metal significantly by far 100 the easiest of  the six to get after recording that little bit   I decided that I was gonna spend a good amount of  Memorial Day weekend just clearing up the depths   of the mini bosses in which hypers needed to  clear out every single mini boss from down   there and that's about half of the fluxes like a  third of the helixes but it's all of the fruxes   and unfortunately my sound card died yesterday so  while I'm waiting for a replacement one because   my backup one isn't that great I was recording  and then it just stopped working here look look   at Austin he's saying things but you can't hear  him because the microphone doesn't work anyways   yeah I just wanted to show off that uh I got  all the froxes done so that's my second Medal   of Honor easy peasy lemon squeezy there you go  GG hey there it's now me later later 7 P.M on   the 31st editing Austin can you put the end of my  first clip when I did this with the four molduga   and I'd say I've been playing a good amount of  Memorial Day weekend and after I cleared out   all of the depths I decided that I was going  to take that opportunity to then clear off   all of the mini bosses from the Overworld and  the few remaining constructs I had in the sky   and I came to an interesting realization well one  there was one single Unix missing from Zelda map   so I reached out to them and they added it back  in unfortunately it requires you to finish all   four parts of regional phenomena and then events  are going to take place in the castle that then   has the last Black Phoenix for me so if I go to  big monsters and I choose Helix there's one that   remains so I have to complete Regional phenomena  in order to get that last one but I did finish the   sky Giants yes I hunted them all great that's  the flux construct Monster metal so now that   is Stone Talus molduga the gliac which there's  not a lot of gliacs who get that one easy the   fruxes and the constructs and now all I have  to do is just Regional phenomena for that last   Phoenix and then I'm done and that's gonna be  all six of the Medals of Honor well guys I hope   you found this information helpful on how you  could get the Medals of Honor uh shout out to   Zelda Maps again for having a great resource of  all them where they need to be if you found this   information helpful do me a favor hit the  thumbs up button down below if you're new   to the channel consider subscribing turning on  notifications until next time Austin John out
Channel: Austin John Plays
Views: 584,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Austin John plays Tears of the kingdom, zelda, The legend of zelda Tears of the kingdom, zelda Tears of the kingdom, Tears of the kingdom Medal of Honor, Tears of the kingdom Medals of honor, Tears of the kingdom How to get Medal of Honor, Tears of the kingdom Where to get Medal of Honor, Tears of the kingdom Medals of honor Medals of honor, Tears of the kingdom Monster medal, Tears of the kingdom How to get Monster medal, Tears of the kingdom Where to get Monster medal
Id: l-AX5g-0w7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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