Useless Zelda Facts! - Tears of the Kingdom (no spoilers)

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hey everyone check out this tiny ladder at the hotel ancient Tech Lab yeah you can't really climb it doesn't work for some reason would you wouldn't be all that interesting if not for the fact that the exact same ladder in breath of the wild function more or less how you would expect there you could just sit on it and fully climb it like normal which you can't do in tears of the Kingdom really strange considering again it's literally the same ladder and these two games control essentially the same the only thing you can't do in either game is go down it from the top which is more understandable but the fact that anything about this ladder was changed in general is the weird part anyways tears of the Kingdom has been out for a while now and wow what a game I already fully beat it which took me 250 hours but 240 of those were just me looking for dumb useless pieces of trivia like that latter thing for example did you know that if you have a vehicle with a steering stick on it if you use recall specifically on the steering stick and then as it's going backwards try to use it the Silhouettes of the steering stick showing the path it'll take actually tilt when you move it which doesn't really make sense if you think about it but it's funny something else that's funny is that the criminally underused homing cart sonar device has some characteristics of a real life dog normally they taste after enemies and damage them by running into them and they'll look around for enemies if none are near pretty standard stuff but did you notice that when it's searching for enemies it'll wag its little tail and when they're actually chasing after enemies its tilt is stationary and won't move in real life dogs slowly whacked their tail when they're both happy and more importantly alert and when their tails are stationary that means they're currently displaying dominance and we can see this same behavior in the Homing Hearts their tails are wagging when there aren't any enemies around which would naturally mean they're more relaxed and happy but they're also in the low cut for more enemies meaning they're currently on high alert since that's their job and all and their tails not moving when there actually are enemies around is an indication of them trying to show dominance which makes sense since they're trying to defeat them it's pretty clear to me that their tails are not the dog tails in this aspect but it could also just be that they're more happy to be spending time alone with link without any dangerous enemies around which is also an adorable way of looking at this anyways in this video I'm going to be going over some useless pieces of trivia I found while playing and things you guys mentioned to me in a tweet I made asking for this kind of stuff but first I want to take a moment to thank today's sponsor TAMU demo is an online storefront that sells cool stuff at extremely competitive prices most interestingly tons of gaming and Anime items like this huge Mario themed Nintendo switch carrying case for only 12 dollars like why is that so cheap look how much stuff fits in there and speaking of Nintendo switches if you're watching to sell the video and don't have a switch for some reason you can actually buy an OLED model on temu for way cheaper than its normal price usually they go for 350 dollars but on demo it's 299 and it can get even cheaper with my 50 off code deal 4896 which will save you nearly a hundred dollars in total I don't think there's a better deal online than this TAMU sells a bunch of other stuff too popular plushies affordable tech gadgets pretty much anything you can think of I personally love RGB lighting so I've been eyeing these walleyes lately which are 41 off and a lot cheaper than any other side I've seen Selden not to mention but literally everything on TAMU has worldwide shipping which as someone that lives in Europe is really welcome so what are you waiting for go get the tempo up with the link in the description for some crazy deals and don't forget to use my code d04896 for 50 off and free shipping on any product big thanks to Timmy for supporting the channel today and now let's get on with the useless Zelda trivia let's start with something that's kinda not in the game in the very first announcement trailer Fortress of the kingdom when its name wasn't even known yet Link and Zelda can be seen exploring beneath Hyrule castle like at the start of the actual game a key difference though is that this strange animal carrying their stuff is nowhere to be seen in the final game so what's the deal with that did they just decide not to use that creature in the game well not exactly even though it doesn't show up in the opening as was originally most likely intended they do show up in the farron region near the Lakeside stable which is interesting enough on its own but if you talk to the caretaker near them she says they're called Don Don's and were actually discovered by Zelda herself in that trailer Zelda can be seen riding on top of one and the character says that Zelda really dotted on them which essentially means they were really close anyone else never heard about that turn before this game anyways really cool detail that they decided to reuse this animal from the reveal trailer that Zelda was seen riding into a species she herself discovered that makes the scene feel less like a thing that was completely scrapped from the game and more like something that could have actually happened in the past either way it's definitely a callback to that trailer which is nice considering we sat on that thing for like two years yikes another detail about these animals is that they illuminate a bit in the dark which didn't happen in the reveal trailer where they were in a cave that was definitely pretty dark so that detail was decided upon later now let's actually talk about stuff in the game staying on the topic of Lakeside stable there's a poster of a cooking recipe on the wall just like most other Stables but if you take a picture of this one using your pirapet the NPC standing nearby will actually say that she hopes she wasn't in the way of the picture you just took if you talk to her afterwards the NPCs in this game get praised a lot online for how detailed they are and little things like this just reinforce that so much to me like how many people do you think would actually take the effort of taking an in-game picture with the camera mode instead of just taking a screenshot with the switch's capture button also whenever you talk to an NPC there are these two little bright Loom seed icons on both sides of the text box with an eye and what looks like a little wing next to them but whenever you talk to an inanimate object like reading a sign then the bright Bloom icons don't have that iron wing on the side I don't really know why maybe to indicate that what you're talking to isn't alive and thus wouldn't have an eye or a wing but it's a useless little fact and I mean that's what you clicked on this video for right and speaking of NPCs let's talk about my favorite one for a little bit CC it's pretty well known by now that if you talk to her while wearing the Hylian Hood headpiece she will offer to lower the cap for you making it look different pretty cool when I originally got my tears to the kingdom of Evo I thought it was a little silly that link had the hood down on it because that's not what it looks like in game but no you actually can make it look like that which is nice be careful though if you have multiple copies of the Highland Hood in your inventory she will actually change all of them instead of just the one you're wearing for some reason so if you're like me and you want a copy of both Styles you can freely swap between them you have to first let her lower a Highline hood for you and then buy another copy since that new one will have to hood upwards by default and from then on out whenever you talk to her with either Hylian Hood equipped just decline her offer to change it for you otherwise she'll just ruin your collection and if you accidentally do say yes because you're mashing through her text just reload your safe or something you'll be fine and speaking of CC eventually you can let her give you a fashion check wherein she will give a ranking of whatever outfit you're wearing if you are a full set of something she will always give you a hundred points though the type of points I guess changes sometimes for example she will give the full flamebreaker set a heated 100 points and the full snow coil set a balmy 100 points whatever that means if you are a mismatch of different sets she will at least call You original but say you're lacking coordination and only give you 50 points which he also does if you only wear part of a set and not the full thing which I consider to be a little insulting because the new archaic series doesn't have a headpiece and I mean I think it looks pretty great and yet she only gives it 50 points because it's technically not a full set talk about unfair and lastly if you wear the CC head which she herself made she will always give you a hundred points no matter what else you're wearing under it even if you're completely naked talk about being full of yourself I mean it's a pretty stylish hat to be fair one thing you may have noticed is that whenever she gives you points the text box always spells out the score in numbers one zero zero or five zero I mean makes sense right well yeah but there are actually three sets in the game where her text box writes the score out in letters instead of numbers for some reason those being the Zora set which gives you one hundredth water locked points the radiance set which gives you 100 shimmering points and lastly that nothing set which gives you a whopping zero points spelled out in letters ouch oh so that's worth nothing but as soon as you slept on a silly hat that you made it Rockets to a hundred points okay CeCe I see you those are the only three sets with this word quality in the game and I wanted to see if anyone on Twitter knew this beforehand promising the first person to answer correctly a shout out in this video and guess what even though there's over a hundred replies not a single person got it right so nobody wins go on shake my hand if I ever make a part two of this video I'll include another questioner to my effect like this so if you think you got what it takes go on throw me a follow uh anyways last thing I want to mention about the scoring system is that there actually is one outfit in the game that's worth more than 100 points and that would be the most basic one of them all the highly insid which she rates 100 points times two making for a total of 200 points because there's two ways to wear the Highland Hood I guess oh and the score doesn't change depending on how you wear the cap which means that this is canonically the most drip you can have in the game so none of you are allowed to make fun of the silly colors I gave them on my safe out CeCe said I look very handsome and since we're in hatano Village anyways this has been well documented by now but I still want to mention it back in breath of the wild at the end of the Champions ballot DLC you get a memory of Link Zelda and the four Champions all taking a nice picture together and after this you get the picture as an item which you can then hang up in Link's house doesn't really do anything but it's a nice reminder of your friends well if you've done this and then on the same Nintendo switch go to the same spot in tears of the Kingdom the picture will actually still be there which is really cool because yes it does actually check your best at about safe data for this even if you've played breath of the Wild on your switch before if you haven't obtained and hung up this picture it just won't be there at all in tears of the Kingdom really nice way to have that DLC Journey remembered all these years later and hey speaking of finding stuff where you've left them enters to the kingdom korok puzzles return which I'm sure everyone is just super thrilled about a new type of cork puzzle are these ones where you'll find a tiny tree with some sticks pointing outwards and you'll have to find a nearby Boulder to balance on top of this tree if you do so you'll be rewarded with a coric seat needs stuff here's the interesting part these puzzles weren't in breath of the wild but that game had some coric puzzles where you'll find a hole in the ground which you'll have to put a nearby Boulder into to get rewarded a korok seat any place where there was a puzzle like this in breath of the wild there's now one of those tiny tree puzzles in tears to the kingdom and what's more the boulder will always be located exactly where you had to bring them to in breath of the wild so the boulders are exactly in the same spot where you left them you can essentially play footage of these two types of puzzles back to back and it'll look kind of like a bigger puzzle than their two two Clorox scenes I mean it doesn't do that but hey that's what it would appear like what a cute idea and now finally we're gonna talk about something really big The Depths as I'm sure you know this is an entire second overload located under the surface and throughout the game you'll be vaguely told by various NPCs that there's some kind of connection between the Surface and the depths and this Rings true in a lot of different ways the most notable one which I'm sure you've noticed by now is that the map is essentially an inverted version of the surface wherever there is water on the surface there's a big wall of nothing in the depth and most obvious the elevation is reversed so wherever there's a big mountain on the surface there's a big hole of the same size under it in the depths so yeah the surface and depths are connected big news flash I know but I was actually surprised by the amount of connections I didn't initially realize one thing that took me an embarrassing amount of time to notice is that wherever there is a shrine of light on the surface there's a light root directly under it pretty much in the exact same location so if you look at the map and keep swapping between the layers we can see they're in the same spot the only notable exception I was able to find is the turakawak shrine located north of the Garuda region which isn't directly above its corresponding light for some reason though they're still really close now I know that could actually be seen as a useful fact as it can be used to locate missing shrines and light Roots which I know isn't in the spirit of this video so here's something actually useless about this that took me even longer to notice the name of each light root is actually the name of the shrine above it in reverse so for example son upon Shrine on the surface is directly above napano's light root which is sewn upon in Reverse yamiyo Shrine is above ohimai light root anadamimic Shrine is above Kimi Madina light root and so on there are even more interesting parallels between the Surface and the depths than this by the way for example one I didn't know of until making this video is that wherever there is a stable on the surface there's a lino in the depths below it calling back to the fact that horses and linels are a little bit alike four legs hoofs mains you get what I mean this isn't true for the two mini stables in the game namely the one in Lookout Landing and the one by dick dock suspension bridge which makes sense because there's just nothing under there in the depths just walls but there is one normal stable without a Lino under it in the depths and that's the tabanta bridge stable located by Hyrule Ridge yeah there's just no Lino under it I don't really know why this is the only non-mini stable in the game where this is the case it's not a big deal I suppose but it's just a little strange I mean they could have easily just put one here here's my favorite connection between these two overworlds I'm sure you've spotted these Little Rock cremations before with ghosts of soldiers on top of it holding a non-decated weapon for you to grab and you may have also spotted these stone tablets on the surface before with a silent princess on top of it if you read their description it says that these monuments are dedicated to the memory of the Soul's loss of the Calamity AKA those who died during that time well wherever there's one of these monuments on the surface there's a big Stone structure below it in the depths with three Soldier ghosts giving non-decated weapons which if you see these as Graves is pretty fitting if not a little morbid there are a lot of those smaller spiers with one ghost on them so this doesn't ring true for those only the big ones with three ghosts on them and speaking of those ghosts they actually disappear if you try looking at them through your camera rune which is weird but interesting I don't really know why that happens though maybe it's a reference to a Fatal Frame or something who knows anyways that's gonna do it for this video I have more of these useless cell effects I'd love to share but not enough for an entire second video so if you like this video be sure to let me know that you'd like a part two and more importantly feel free to share any bits of use of trivia about this game you might know about so that I can actually make another one of these just remember that it actually has to be useless or mostly useless at least as a reminder some of the facts in this video were submitted to me by my Twitter followers so big thanks to bailiff for the korok boulder fact Chris AKA sunset for the Homing card fact and SAS 41 for the light root names facts which yes I actually didn't notice on my own even after finishing all of them if I make a part two of this I'm most likely just going to keep it to YouTube comment submissions so don't forget to tell me anything interesting you might know big thanks of course to EXO bear Sheen for the win noso ride the Yoshi the game DD Sylveon 700 milk and frogs the flying fire giant firing coal lime the chef Kirk lure effects 1 cpj quote is cool and the rest of my lovely patreon supporters feel free to check out my patreon page if you wish to support the channel in a big way thanks for watching everyone I hope you enjoyed and I hope you have a great rest of your day goodbye foreign [Music] also Smash Brothers there I've mentioned it
Channel: PJiggles
Views: 294,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PJiggles, PJiggs, PJ, the legend of zelda, legend, zelda, useless, facts, trivia, fun, breath, of the wild, wild, breath of the wild, link, cece, hateno, village, zonai, device, depths, underground, sky, islands, no spoilers
Id: ykbr47JEA2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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