Zelda TOTK: 7 Essential Side Quests You Need to Do NOW

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for players of Tears of the Kingdom there's so many fun building tools to make ridiculous new Contraptions with that you might forget that there are like actual quests and stuff and there are a lot of quests to follow in Hyrule arguably an overwhelming number how to prioritize them well we've put together a list of quests and activities so fun useful or with such great rewards that we recommend you don't put them off for a second longer here then are the side quests and activities that you should do first on your list or run back and do right now if you haven't already seriously [Music] the kingdom is somewhat of a pun or play on words as Hyrule itself has added two new tiers to its map one of which is the sky islands thank you once you've got your hands on your glider from Pura look out Landing one of our first recommended activities can be found on a sky island just Northwest of Hyrule Field if you head this way and unlock lindor's brow Skyview Tower when you're shot out of it God knows how many miles per hour you may notice an interesting stack of islands to the Southwest they're easy enough to Glide over to even early game without much stamina and if you jump down to the island at the bottom you'll land in a pool next to a steward construct who offers a challenge Skydive through the stack of islands into the pool within the time limit at the mere cost of one zone eye charge [Music] a fun skydiving game where you have to zoom downwards through a bunch of rings and while anyone who played Superman 64 might be having cold sweats this is actually a delightful Mini-Game in our humble opinion importantly show off a skydiving prowess within the time limit and you'll be awarded the Glide shirt a wingsuit looking top that increases your control and movement when skydiving which we found to be invaluable you can complete the set via similar challenges on other Islands just above Mount lanairu Skyview Tower and thieflo Skyview Tower but the glideshare is a brilliant bit of gear for you to start with especially before heading to Rito Village no spoilers but just saying plus if you wear it in front of the steward construct they love it I'll go what no seriously go on [Music] ah this next suggestion is a two fair and is technically two main quests but they are also weirdly easy to miss early doors considering how vital the tools they unlock are first off you must complete camera work in the depths which unlocks in Lookout Landing as soon as you get your paraglider chat to Robbie and Joshua and they'll send you on your way with a handful of arrows and bright Bloom seeds to help you explore the darkness of the depths this is a great first quest to do in the depths as nothing too horrible is waiting for you on your route to Robbie from Hyrule Field chasm and no impossible patches of Gloom yeah or stumble into basic tutorials that give you a good grasp of how to survive down here such as what the hell light roots are and how you can find them directly under the shrines of Hyrule extra Pro tip whenever you find a new Shrine on the surface or light root in the depths go to whatever the opposite map is and make a marker on that same spot to explore later once you find Robbie you're rewarded with him unlocking the camera on your Pura pad so you can snap some mysterious ancient statue for him it's wild that the camera functionality is so easily missed especially as we've needed it for other side quests but get this done and you can quickly start filling up your all-important Hyrule compendium like you're trying to win hyrule's wildlife photographer of the year art as for the second weirdly optional main quest once you've got your camera and completed just one of the regional phenomena main quests immediately head back to Joshua she'll send you back into the depths to follow a series of these mysterious ancient statues that point the way to an equally mysterious location where you can unlock your final ability Auto build an essential skill that allows you to quickly build things from found blueprints or your building history or spoiler warning for those of you who want to do the quest normally just skip to the next section you could just go Southwest of Hyrule Field to the great Plateau North Chasm jump down and went your way through the depths to this point directly under the Temple of Time where guess what sits the temple where you can get Auto build without having to get the quest to go there first yay you know what this game lets you cheese so much that I don't even feel a little bit bad about this [Music] and [Music] while delving about in The Depths you may have come across these wispy things these are pose and unlike with scary deep water fish you should go towards these glowy lights over these up as you wander around underground and when you next head back to Lookout Landing go back to Robbie and Josh's tent where this little pointy statue is who looks a little bit like a garden gnome after neighbors have finally had enough of it staring at them creepily and smashed it if you have pose on your person this statue will inform you that you can trade these pose or lost Spirits for items some of these are consumables but you can also obtain the dark tunic so you can look just like Dark Link from the Ocarina of Time offer up 10 more pose and it'll put a marker on your map for the location of another of its friends down in the depths who are much larger than their surface level mate [Music] God imagine a gnome that big terrifying finding each of these statues rewards you with more items to trade pose for for example the first gives you access to the extremely useful tunic of the depths which adds Gloom resistance giving you a teeny bit longer before you lose a heart if you accidentally step on a big old patch of it much like with the Glide shirt the tunic of the depths is just the first part of a set which you can complete by finding more of these so-called bargainer statues but the tunic alone is extremely useful for early exploration of the depths and we wish we'd gotten this much sooner to Aid us getting around this spooky underworld plus side note we also enjoy this side activity because whenever we come across a big clump of pose we can't help but sing this year's Austrian Eurovision entry while we pick them all up Edgar Allan who the hell is Edgar if you did do the auto build Quest properly and unlocked it after completing one of the regional phenomena then we need to point you towards something you may have already missed avoiding heavy story spoilers each of the regional phenomena introduces you to a new hero of that region that you must work with to help get these areas back to normal for example in Rito you meet chulin here who again avoiding too many spoilers is the best blood boy you will ever meet and we love it once you've finished each of the main story missions with these Heroes you might think everything is done here and head straight onto the next one but no instead after completing each Quest go back and hunt down your hero helper in the area and chatter them again each of them will give you a new quest with Clues to the location of a mysterious artifact belonging to their people these locations will normally be caves often hidden for example chulin talks of three hot springs in the Hebrew mountains and what do you know in the middle of all three is a blocked cave entrance by uncovering and exploring these caves fully you'll eventually come across a chest with a special Helm stashed inside these ancient Helms are based off of breath of the Wild's Divine beasts and were technically possible to get in that game but they could only be unlocked by using the Divine Beast Champion amiibos you can still unlock the Helms with the amiibos now but if you don't own them already that'll set you back 50 Quid so it's nice that there's an alternative option this time around these Helms offer useful bonuses or resistances to the elements they're associated with and they quote deepen the bond between link and the people of that region which is good if you want to persuade them to let you borrow it for a bit longer ah oh wow it really works I mean um cheers julen yeah I was definitely going to give you this back totally totally oh [Music] if you've already played breath of the wild one of the first things you'll want to do in tears if the kingdom is find a stable this is not only to get that nostalgic hit as you first hear the music again but so you can turn up and realize that OMG the switch remembered your save data and they have all your horses from the previous game the ads they're all here new to Stables are Pony points awarded for each new stable you arrive at and paying to stay the night we heavily recommend you collect three points as quickly as you can so you can unlock the harness for future quests some of which we warn you involve hauling koroks around more like taxis of the Kingdom am I right but the Stables are also at the heart of an excellent set of side quests and tears of the Kingdom to kick these off head towards Rito village where you'll discover that Rito stable is no longer a stable but home of the lucky clover Gazette [Music] talk to the folks here and you'll kick off the potential princess sightings questline which encourages you to visit every stable you can find to get interesting Scoops about missing Princess Zelda this collection of missions is great and varied but there's one Mission you must try first for an extra shiny equine reward from the lucky clover Gazette head Northeast along the road and you'll reach snowfield stable here in the cold you'll find pen your pelicanesque pal scooping up a story of Zelda's lost horse ah Zelda's poor Pony got spooked and ran North so it's up to you to follow it through some ruins going from cover to cover to sneak Pastor Frost Glock [Music] I mean head nice and wide around the ruins to avoid a frost glioc and find this golden Mount chilling out with some other horses now it's just a case of sneaking up and breaking in this beauty if you have half an extra stamina wheel you should be okay but always feel free to use food and elixirs to help you out in fact chatting to stable hand Harlow a bit extra before you leave naps you a free one ride this gorgeous gallopper back to the stable to give the lucky clover Gazette a story their readers will love and to hear Penn's excellent farewell pun yes love it no changes the golden horse is not only a perfect starter horse for anyone without a breath of the wild save but also good for those of us who already have loads of horses why well it's gleaming coat it's mild temperament and the bonus of the royal Bridle and saddle set oh plus track down the horse God Melania and you can even upgrade this horse's stats all you need to do to access all of this is register it and give it a name worthy of such a noble steed [Music] perfect oh huh ah when you went your way over to Foothill stable for the potential princess sightings questline and to pick up some more Pony points we recommend doing another side quest while you're in the area go around the back of the stable and you'll find hilly and Gail hanging out with three cute dogs chat to her and she'll tell you that if you want a dog to lead you to nearby Treasures you just have to feed them [Music] she's near to a path going Northwest through a small Canyon and if you follow that you'll find these two grumpy guts by a cave entrance to your left ah ah dummy duck and prison are returning characters from breath of the wild and they're continuing to hunt down the Treasures of misco the great Bandit turns out misco has hidden loads of chests in this cave but only one has treasure in it while all the others hold a single green rupee [Music] you could try to open up all of these one by one but instead go straight up to the nearby dog and follow Gail's advice by plopping down a bunch of meat foreign eventually this verbal will have its fill and happily Trot you straight to the chest with the treasure in this Quest is great because it's got a cute dog in it you get some nice Ember boots to help you fight better in the Heat and you get to piss off these two plus it gives you Clues to the different whereabouts of Three Special pieces of armor armor that you could only get with an amiibo in breath of the wild and that long time Zelda fans will love also once you've collected all three of these armor pieces you can unlock a cool legendary weapon to go with it that has a base attack of 38 so it's great to pick this Quest up early so that you can explore each of these areas as you reach them on your travels in fact misco has a bunch of gear littered around the world tucked away in caves and if you see these wooden structures with Fabrics over them you'll probably near one if you're having trouble finding caves to hunt these Treasures down head towards any cherry blossom tree you come across above ground donate a piece of fruit as an offering and the Mysterious Satori will then appear and highlight all the caves in the area for you [Music] wow who knew all the glowing lord of the mountain really wanted was Apples you do you Satori foreign [Music] while lots of cool armor pieces can be found squirreled away in cave systems some are available for sale in various stores around Hyrule such as the case in kakariko village where you can head over to Enchanted the local armor shop to examine their Wares and I'm sorry how much yup the stealth set might be extremely useful and the radiant armor set might turn you into an amazing glow-in-the-dark skeleton Luchador but when you first come in here the prices are eye-watering because the grandmother of owner Claire is sick but we recommend completing a heartwarming and belly warming quest to lower these prices to something far more affordable if you run on up to the upper east corner of the village you'll find Claire's sister Leslie sitting next to a cooking pot under this shelter outside their home chatting to her you'll discover that their grandmother came into contact with the Gloom and nothing is helping her get any better even their go-to get well recipe of porridge isn't doing the trick turns out they're missing the secret ingredient a Sunday lion so it's up to you to cook a batch of Gloom busting porridge using ones which can be found in abundance on the sky islands in fact we'd already picked up loads by then for the Wild Greens part of the recipe you'll need Hyrule herbs which you can find plenty of as you run around you guessed it Hyrule the final ingredients of milk and rice are harder to find early game both are available from various food stores in towns and Beetle at certain Stables but your best bet for both is nembis who we found on the road going to kakariko Village from the East lastly we'll tell players where to find him if they don't have the ingredients pop all the ingredients together in a pot and Bam you've got yourself some Sunny porridge chat to Leslie again to give it to her and a cutscene will kick off that shows their grandmother feeling a lot better phew [Music] after this the prices will drop back down to normal levels but don't fret if you'd already bought all the items before realizing this Quest existed it's been reported by players that when the prices go back down the family will give you back the difference so it's never too late to make some porridge to make a saving ah so those are some tears of the Kingdom Quest you should go do now if you haven't already to be honest there's so many fun things to stumble across it's been pretty difficult to narrow them all down so if you can think of any other vitally useful early game quests we've left off this list pop your suggestions in the comments to help your fellow players and let us know what name you're giving your golden horse there are way more Zelda videos you can check out on screen right now but thanks for watching and we'll see you next time bye
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 1,085,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, video games, gaming, zelda, zelda tears of the kingdom, tears of the kingdom, best side quests, side quests, golden horse, gold horse, best horse zelda, champion helm
Id: AqDQjd26XKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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