ALL 36 Armor Sets Bonus & Secret Bonus in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

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one of the most interesting things about upgrading armor and Zelda tears of the kingdom is after you upgrade some of them different armors can get multiple bonuses for having all three parts of your set on and the zonai armor that I'm wearing right now happens to have one of them but it's important to pay attention to the fact that if one of the items are not buffed up which here is the zonite shin guards for me you will not get the extra bonus you have to upgrade all three of them equally however you don't have to upgrade them all to level 4. so this video I'm going to show you all of the armor sets in the game and what bonuses they can have when you're wearing all three parts and after they've been upgraded as well next up is the Hylian trousers unupgraded they do not have any set bonus you can upgrade this all the way to four star and the only thing you're gonna get is 60 defense no set bonus for the Hylian tunics the soldier set goes all the way up to 84 at four stars but doesn't come with any set bonus unupgraded the Rito Village snow quill tunic the snow quill set will grant you level 2 cold resistance after upgrading it to two stars you'll get the unfreezable set bonus the full flame breaker set is going to give you flame guard 2 levels bringing it up to two stars going to add the bonus fireproof so similar to the previous one that makes you unfreezeable this will make you unburnable so the Zora set is pretty special the Zora helmet in particular will allow you to spin in the water the sort of armor will allow you to swim up waterfalls the whole set will just give you swim up speed getting this to two stars is going to give you swim Dash stamina up which means when you're dashing in the water it's gonna barely take any of your stamina at all that's so powerful it's a big difference from the stamina it took without that buff just for comparison's sake swimming like normal takes way more stamina than if you were just doing Dash all the time yeah you can see that the desert vo set is only just going to give you normal heat resistance for the desert obviously not the same as flame guard just keep that in mind getting this set up to two star gives you a very useful bonus actually shock damage resistance because there are separate armor pieces that are supposed to give you shock damage resistance but you wouldn't need to use them and you'd be able to get the heat resistance as well as the shock damage resistance all in one set very handy for the Gerudo area the next armor pieces are the rubber set which gives you three stage shock resistance getting this set to two stars gives you what you would expect from triple stage shock resistance which isn't really that useful in this game but lightning proof meaning you will actually take no effect from lightning hitting you finally that's only a two stars the stealth set which is one you can buy pretty early on in kakarika Village just gives you three stage stealth up which is pretty strong anyway at level two this is going to increase your movement speed at night which is really nice to just get around faster because you're going to be spending about half your time traveling around at night anyway so you'll be able to move faster next up is the climbing set this is going to give you trace stage climbing speed up at two stars this is going to bring climbing jumps Domino up which means you're going to be able to do something similar to a showcased in the Zora armor you're going to be able to use your jump up ability on the rocks and just lose almost no stamina it's going to make your speed climbing so much faster and you won't have to worry about stamina too much either so what that looks like in practice when you're climbing if you're jumping up you can hit the X and you'll be able to jump like this this is going to take far less stamina from you and as you can see uh it's pretty it's pretty handy we can jump a lot the next set is the barbarian set which is going to give you a standard attack up buff I believe from some people's testing and understanding that these attack up Buffs that you see like this are about 1.5 multiplier on your weapons attacks bringing this to two star will make you more efficient with your stamina when you're using charge attacks sort of a similar concept to the climbing gear and the Zora gear after we get those to level two your stomach is just gonna be better the next set is the radiance set which you can also buy very early on in the game and it doesn't come with any bonus at the beginning but once you're wearing it at night time you will glow in the the dark like a skeleton which is pretty cool In fairness getting this to two star gives you a very powerful buff that you might not have recognized unless you've watched some of my videos recently which is the disguise and the bone weapon Professor proficiency so that's actually going to give you a 1.8 multiplier on weapons you've used bones to and it just so happens that we actually have a video on how to get the best bone weapon that you can in game and also unbreakable to make it literally the most powerful weapon you can get in game that isn't just gonna break on the first hit so definitely check that out if you're interested we used a different armor set in that video but you can also use this armor set and upgrade it to get more armor as well as the bonus the disguise by the way will mean that the bone enemies will not attack you on site so you will have a bit of time to prepare yourself even when they're looking right at you next set is the Royal Guard set which as it stands on no upgrades doesn't give you any bonus getting this set to level two is going to give you the charge attack stamina up same as the bar bury an armor set next up is the froggy set which gives you slip resistance but I'm sad to say even with all three levels it doesn't give you full resistance to slipping you will still slip you just won't slip as much or as fast when you're climbing in wet Cliffs however getting this to two stars is going to make you slip proof which means you're never gonna slip again absolutely well worth upgrading this one to two stars because there's so many wet Cliffs including the ones in the caves which are going to cause you issues so absolutely one worthwhile two starring next up is the Glide set which gives you Skydive Mobility up which means you can just move more faster more easily while you're skydiving in the air that is pretty handy for doing those ring games that you'll come across getting this set to two stars will make you impact proof which means you don't actually have to take out your glider after you're skydiving if you're skydiving you can just go Splat right into the ground and you will take zero damage legit next up is the the depth set which gives you immediately with all three pieces three extra hearts of Gloom resistance which do not count as your own Hearts so you can stand in Gloom for up to three hearts without taking any damage at all to your own HP upgrading this to two stars is going to give you four hearts of Gloom resistance and you're gonna get the Gloom attack resist which means you're also going to be immune to when Gloom enemies attack you and try to take Hearts off of you with Gloom that way so that's an extra bonus you will get from this next up is the miners set which all three pieces will give you level three glow which honestly is not that great in the pitch Blackness of the depths or caves if there are any like that and it just gives you a little bit of a glow so you can kind of see in your immediate front at level two it's going to give you something called shining steps which will help you track where you are in the depths by leaving like these little glowing things occasionally in your wake when you're walking as you can see there it's still kind of glowing behind me and yeah you can see see a whole like series of steps just being left as a trail behind me you can go back there there's a good one they're on the dark kind of ground so that's gonna happen and you'll be able to just better track where you've been coming from where you've been going in the depths if you haven't gotten all the light bulbs yet next up is the Mystic robe which gives you rupee padding which means if you take hits from enemies You're Gonna Lose rupees instead of Hearts but keep in mind guys that can get quite expensive another thing is you cannot upgrade this armor it's just like that the Ruby padding is all you get and the armor remains at the same level that it was next up is the Ember set which means if you're in hot weather for example like the daytime in the Gerudo desert your weapons are automatically going to be doing flame effect damage the extra bonus of having Fire come out of your weapons so that's quite a nice little feature to add on there you will not necessarily have to have rupees or anything like that fuse to your weapons if you want to get the fire effect getting this is two stars going to upgrade it to hot weather charge for your set bonus however what hot weather charge does when we're in actual hot weather and we hold this we actually do a massive fire burst out like that that's pretty cool the major downside of this set is the bonus applies to hot weather but we do not get any resistance to the hot weather meaning you're going to actually have to use potions or something to keep yourself cool anyway next up is the charge set which is going to give you a stormy weather attack so adding in a lightning effect to your weapons in stormy weather in particular getting it to level two is going to give you the stormy weather charge which means when you do a charge attack in stormy weather in particular you're going to release a shock wave of electricity next up is the frostbite set all three pieces of which will give you cold weather attack same kind of theme as we're going for the last two sets as well you'll get a frost effect added to your weapon in cold weather in particular same as the previous two sets getting this to two star will give you the cold weather charge which means it will release a shock wave of ice when you do a charged attack in cold weather in particular next up is the yiga set first stage being if we have all three pieces you'll get a three stage stealth up which is very good upgrading this all to two stars will get you speed up at night time so which you're just gonna be able to walk around and move around and run around faster at night time exactly the same as the stealth set that you can buy in kakarika Village early on next up is the zonite set which is a really cool set especially if you're flying around a lot on the bike from my latest video you'll be able to fly forever literally you'll be able to go all the way around Hyrule and back again and have no issues if you've got a Max battery this actually gives you energy up so you can see three stage energy up actually doubles your battery straight up so if you've already gotten the green full you can still get the blue full to overlap it which is basically doubling your battery and then wearing all three pieces of this armor is going to double it again giving you quadruple battery from Max Green bars so that's crazy that's a lot upgrading these all to two star minimum is going to increase the bonus to energy recharge up which is also going to double the rate at which your battery recharges when you're not using it next up is the tingle set this is going to give you Night speed up which is the same as two other sets we've already seen so far and they cannot be upgraded so you're just going to be able to put on all three pieces which are fairly hard to obtain anyway and so this is just going to be a fashion icon statement for yourselves and you'll be able to move quite fast at night time that's it next set is a really cool set the Phantom Greaves which gives you all attack up all three pieces will give you three stage attack up an armor 24 by standard but you cannot upgrade these either which is sad because it's quite a cool armor set next up is evil spirit Grieves which gives you both disguise and Bone weapon proficiency something we saw on the radiant set earlier on which could be upgraded however the evil spirit ones cannot be upgraded so you will get disguised which means bone enemies will not attack you on site and the weapon weapon proficiency gives you a 1.8 multiplier to your damage if you're using a bone weapon Dark Link yet another set that gives you Night speed up and cannot be upgraded it's just for fashion folks but it is a cool one next up is the fierce deity set that's going to Grant you a three-stage attack up bonus which is going to give you about 1.5 boost to whatever damage you're outputting which is very good the good news is this can be upgraded unlike some of the other special armors and it's going to require a whole series of all the different Dragon parts so do come prepared be aware of that reaching two stars on this is going to give you stamina up charged attack okay so you're just going to be able to use more charge attacks per stamina that you have it's similar to some of the previous sets we have as well so there you go that's the boost for fierce dating next up is the ancient Heroes aspect which is going to give you master sword beam up which is a set bonus for it which just means that when you're on full HP when you use your master sword and shoots its beam it's just going to be a little stronger it's still not very good folks I'm just going to tell you that straight up it's not great all right next up is going to be all the different link sets that you can get which are all the same clothes that link had from various different games in the past now interestingly enough all three pieces of all of the sets for link do not give any bonus as it stands however upon upgrading to two star you will get some bonuses for example The Awakening set will give you a tack up a two star the tunic of the wild will also give attack up a two Star OG link which is the hero set is going to give you tack up a two star as well Ocarina of Time version of link with the time set surprise surprise it's attack up a two star win Waker Link also gets attack up a 2 Star as well Twilight Princess Link attack up a two star who would have thunk it and finally the Skyward Sword link also gets attack up a two star so that's it for all the armor pieces however we're not finished yet next up are some of the lone piece armor sets that we have we do not have full sets they're just single individual pieces such as the Champions leather the island Lobster shirt and the tunic of memories not to mention the archaic tunic the arcade leg wear and the Arctic warm Greaves they are all three of them archaic however there's no headset to make them into a set in any way as for the archaic items you cannot even upgrade them there's no way to get any bonuses on them at all next up are the snow boots and the sand boots uh straight up they will just give you speed up in snow or sand and upgrading them doesn't do anything as you can see I've got no I've nothing upgraded on snow boots and I have four star on Sand boots there's no difference but I get 21 armor out of it tunic memories as it stands doesn't give you any bonus either the other version the new version which is the Champions leather doesn't give you any bonus just putting it on either the island Lobster shirt gives heat resistance straight up you can't upgrade it and it has very low armor so it's just a free little goodie that you'll get from one of the villages down in the South when you do a little Quest here and there and you get heat resistance as a good bonus all right so next up we have a bunch of special masks which cannot even be upgraded this is ravio's Hood which will increase your sideways climbing speed in particular so you're just going to be able to move faster going left to right while climbing on cliffs interesting Zant's helmet straight up just gives you unfreezable ability which is an upgraded ability for the other the Rito clothes from before so it's kind of nice to be able to find this and just get up straight up the unfreezable ability in case you're ever in that kind of combat situation midna's helmet probably a fan favorite gives you one heart of Gloom resistance again can't be upgraded as well Majora's Mask has the same effect as it did in breath of the wild when you were able to get it then it just makes enemies harder to spot you so you get a bit of time as well korok's mask is okay it's actually sort of useful if you're really on the hunt for Clorox it will just start spin spinning and liven up and kind of glow and do this stuff if you're near a korok which is a dead giveaway there's one nearby but you're gonna still look for it anyway but and and the radius is not huge either so do consider those things next up are all four Divine helmets I do have another video showing you how to get all four of them if you haven't gotten them yet so do feel free to check that out but as for these as they stand the Divine Meadow one just gives you cold resistance Divine or Danny gives you flame guard the Divine router gives you swim speed up and divine naborus gives you shock resistance as you might expect for all of these leveling them up even all the way to 4 star does nothing but increasing their armor to 16 so it's not really worth it in my opinion all the different jeweled headsets from the Gerudo town are going to come with different bonuses Ruby Circle gives cold resistance the sapphire circlet gives heat resistance the diamond circuit gives attack up just good one uh topaz earrings give shock resistance the the opal earrings give swim speed up for some reason in the desert and the Amber earrings don't give anything they only give defense so they are the most basic of all upgrading them does not give you anything extra as I've already done that where some of them here as you can see you will be able to get up to 30 defense on top of it but you will not get any bonuses these are not part of a set at all the well-worn hair band is a Zelda special thing you'll be able to discover in your adventure you cannot upgrade it it's a fat zero and that's that honestly a lot of these are just for fashion so do keep that in mind then of course the ultimate fashion hat CC hat doesn't do anything for you either you can't upgrade that either lightning helmet gives you lightning proof that's a very cool one because you just get straight up lightning proof you don't need to upgrade it you can't upgrade it anyway you just become lightning proof which is actually the bonus for two star on the shockproof armor the rubber armor so this is a big step up just being able to find this helmet you become lightning proof next up are all the Colton helmets and these will just give you a little bit of I suppose time to prepare for the enemies that the masks represent if I wear this lizalfos mask I can run up to lizalfos they will not attack me unless I attack them or if I just wait too long same thing all the way up to Lionel which is pretty cool just as a feature in itself but you can't upgrade them finally Sheik's mask is the last one here which can go up to 4 star with 28 armor however without upgrading you'll still get one level of stealth up it goes well with the stealth set except for the headpiece however even putting on the other parts of the stealth set you still don't get the the set bonus or anything so it is a mask in itself it will prevent you from getting the set bonus for the stealth set but you'll still get one level of stealth up anyway okay that's it that's all the armor in the game all upgraded and showing you guys what the secret hidden ability is when you upgrade them to two stars as well a lot of armor out there is very good it can get really good power ups so do keep those in mind when you're going through this hopefully the list down below in the description helps you guys get the info you need for the armor sets you're interested in thanks for watching as always and I'll see you guys around in the next video drop a sub if you're new as usual until then guys have a good one bye
Channel: BLAINES
Views: 574,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tears of the kingdom, armor, tears of the kingdom guide, totk, zelda, zelda tears of the kingdom armor guide, zelda tears of the kingdom secret armor, all armor upgrades, all armor set bonuses in tears of the kingdom, secret armor set bonuses, all armor in zelda tears of the kingdom, all secret masks in zelda tears of the kingdom, zelda tears of the kingdom best armor, how to upgrade armor in zelda tears of the kingdom, totk armor guide, blaines, blaines youtube
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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