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so today we find ourselves well we don't find ourselves we actually drove here we are in van nuys at the airport as you can probably tell we're surrounded by airplanes and uh today's an interesting day i'm going to tell you how you can fly on a private jet without breaking the bank and i also want to tell you that while we are filming we are being filmed by tv1 which is a very large uh television channel in france in fact i believe it's the biggest channel in france i don't think it's tv one i think it's tf1 is it tf1 see i do this all the time guys a razzy rays it's tz1 i'm joking tf1 tango foxtrot one and they're gonna be broadcasting this uh in france and nearly said spain but uh in france and it's gonna be a lot of fun so let's start off talking about these airplanes and let me tell you how you can find them inexpensively very inexpensively should we go ready where are we starting uh maybe one debate are we doing this baby one this place let's do this baby one okay so this is a cessna citation 560. it holds seven i believe it's seven let me see i got that wrong it holds eight so this is configured for eight people plus the crew and this plane believe it or not is about 35 years old you'd never know it looks brand new and the first thing i want to tell you is airplanes regardless of their age if they have an airworthiness certificate they're considered like brand new the maintenance on an airplane is con consistently evolving and you have to keep them in as new condition all the time so it's just as safe as a brand new one anyway getting back to what i was talking about so this particular plane should we go inside it yeah why not let's go inside it funky little door this is called the clamshell door it closes from the top and the bottom but let's go in whoa that was that was very uh dainty wasn't it so when you said shall we going you meant sure shall i go in okay so i'm in um can you see back here the lights aren't on should have opened the windows probably very dark now we can see back there you can so first of all how much is one of these so a new one of these if you were to buy this airplane brand new it would have been probably in the 16 million range somewhere around there i'm guessing uh today if you were to buy this airplane i don't know how many hours this one has but i'm guessing 350 to 400 thousand dollars wow yeah and what year did you say this was i didn't um but i'm guessing it's like mid 80s okay i'm guessing so that depreciation isn't terrible it's not good when you think about it 16 million and then you're left with you know 400 grand at the end of it but the beauty about buying an airplane you can write the entire thing off against your taxes right don't take my word for it ask your accountants because i'm not an accountant but disclaimer but but the reality is you can pick these up very inexpensively having said that the annual maintenance cost more than the plane cost so you could take that into consideration so what would it cost to maintain so let's say i buy one of these for 400 grand right how much am i spending then a year just to keep it so this is considered a light jet this would cost i'm guessing about 600 000 a year in maintenance wow okay but but you offset that with charter revenue so the goal is if you own one of these when you're not using it you put it out for charter people rent it for a couple of grand and now i think this one is 2 300 an hour okay right so you're constantly getting revenue and that revenue plays pays for or gets close to your your direct operating costs okay so it works out quite well so break that down for me so this is 20 how much for now 2300 2300 now so if you think about this this is why i say you can fly inexpensively this holds eight people let's say you me and six other buddies decide we want to fly from la to vegas or to san francisco whatever it's about a 45-minute flight so there and back to an hour and a half let's call it two hours so if it's two hours that's six hundred dollars and you split that between eight people it's 600 bucks a person right i'm terrible at math so i'll take your word well i'm probably wrong with that too but it's somewhere around there it's somewhere around there which is really inexpensive i mean you're flying in a private jet you drive your car up to the door you take off there's no security there's no anything you nobody's charging you money you bring your luggage on board so you fly private that's amazing so 600 bucks each to share the cost so let's say realistically here to vegas uh i'm gonna say see someone's going to vegas right now so so if this was 1900 bucks real-time cost from wheels up to wheels down times two thirty eight hundred bucks and then you'd have to pay to keep the crew overnight in the hotel so call it forty two hundred to forty five hundred dollars split that between eight people and it's eight into forty right so six hundred and a little bit each wow so you're telling me then that when i see these instagram influencers and they're flying private they're actually just spending 600 bucks and they're getting all of that epic content that makes them look like they're multi-millionaires yeah or less they're paying less than that wow yeah okay isn't that crazy that's awesome so yeah so that's a you know a small jet this is a light jet if we want to go to the big brother it's also affordable and it's much nicer you want to take a look yeah let's do it let's take a look okay let me out i want to see how elegantly you get look at that i did it nicely right nicely done sir nicely done come on can i can i just show everybody how we're being filmed right now because i feel like my camera angles have got nothing on theirs go for it hello are they hairy do you well yeah they are what are they i think i think it's pony hair what ponies are that color all right what's this one this one here is a challenger can i point something out sure okay so this some of you might have noticed that some airplanes smaller airplanes have got a black leading edge on the wing whereas the bigger airplanes have steel this is actually a balloon like acts like a balloon and it's for icing so if you're flying into icy conditions this is activated from the flight deck and it blows up and it cracks ice just so you know that's heated so that gets air bleed air from the engine to keep it warm so no ice builds up on it but this actually blows up like a balloon you are not just a pretty face are you do you want some more info no these are static wicks oh for electricity if you get hit by lightning what happens is planes get hit by lightning all the time this takes the charge and discharges it so it doesn't stay in the cabin i bet that looks cool okay so this is a challenger 601 this particular airplane is from the like late 80s so 30 odd years old and it looks brand new yeah this does gorgeous look like it's from the 80s no and this is a large jet large private jet sure beautiful plane and again it is affordable to fly come inside i'll tell you how to do it so for a comparison yes that's the size of that one versus the one we just came out of so yeah i mean this is double that yeah or more [Music] oh very nice pretty right so okay so the other one you couldn't stand up in this one no this one is i think six feet one i mean i could hit the roof if i was gonna take it but it's it's comfortable yeah it's pretty cool right oh for sure lots of room for activities yeah i'm going to take a seat here if you and another thing so the bigger planes you have things where you can do this where you can swivel and you can turn around and talk to people the two sofas in the back each one is configured for three people and they turn into beds this is very similar to yours isn't it with the you've got the big cat same same thing same thing and then nice bathroom do you want to go through and show the baby you you go you go yeah i don't think there's room for two okay oh what's there a shower i don't think so oh no it's storage that would have been cool oh and also if you really don't like someone you can set them here on the toilet and this is where they can fly does double up as an extra seat and airplanes that don't have jump seats you ready for this adam yeah i'll wait for you to return okay i'm coming oh hold on yeah so hold on it's look at that you can't be a broad-shouldered fellow like yeah you gotta you gotta go sideways to get in okay planes are that jump seat what yeah planes without a jump seat so a plane like this is is capable of about 30 700 miles okay nautical miles so you'd want to have a flight attendant on board if they don't have a jumpsy up front often times people have had the flight attendant sit in the loop the entire flight other than when they need it you see i don't like i don't either i don't either but i'm just saying people have done it yeah have you ever done that no are you lying to me i have to think about that no no see if i i wouldn't do that that's not the type of thing if i had a flight attendant on a flight with me i would want them to have just as much fun yeah but the only problem is if let's say this is full of people yeah where do you put the flight attendant right there but if there's somebody sat there right there no i mean like i don't know maybe that's just me but i if i was able to do this kind of thing right which apparently you can do quite cost effectively but very cost effective i would want the crew to feel just as much a part of the experience i know it's their job but like i don't know maybe i don't disagree with you so um how much is this then so so this plane when it was new this is a challenger 601 bombardier and this was somewhere in the region of 24 to 26 million dollars new this plane is from the late 80s and today you could probably buy this for 850 900 000 wow under a million under a million but your annual maintenance costs are consistent with a large jet which would be over a million a year in maintenance that includes your crew your hangar your insurance and all the all the other stuff but if you want to fly it this is a beautiful plane i mean it's really impressive and super luxurious you could fly this plane i think its charter rate is about four thousand dollars an hour so if you think of four thousand dollars an hour adam and you can put what three six ten people in this plane that's 400 bucks a person per hour per hour so if you went to vegas 45 minutes times two you're looking at six seven hundred bucks per person i mean that that's it's the the uh what do they call it the something of scale the economy of scale or scale of account whatever it's called economy yeah either one of those but i mean i think obviously if you were to fly business right from lax to to uh vegas right you'd be spending four or five hundred bucks 650 bucks on virgin from lax to vegas round trip okay so and you have to wait at the airport an hour and a half either side tsa all the horrible stuff you have to do at airports so if you're by yourself then unfortunately that's what you got to do if you can do it with eight friends seven friends then there's four friends yeah and if you do it with four friends it's still not that expensive it's very doable you treat yourself realize this do they no they don't they don't they think you have to be a multi-millionaire you know to to buy one of these even if you can buy this plane for 800 grand you still need a lot of money because you've got your maintenance but you can offset it with charter but it you get an unexpected event for example you crack a windshield which happens all the time one piece of glass in that windshield is about 75 000 and there's four wow four pieces yeah yeah so that's it but so chartering realistically if you want to live the life without necessarily being a multi-multi-millionaire it's a very reasonable way of doing it very reasonable way i mean i actually didn't realize because i i don't charge a planes like this um i didn't realize that you could get them quite as inexpensively i'd learn a lot today talking to the operator v stream aviation uh of how much these planes actually cost to operate and you know it's really cool and that includes well it doesn't include your food but it includes all your surcharges and everything but let's say you want to have fantastic food you know you sit back you twist your seat you lift your table up and then somehow this comes out of here and then let's deserve to you beautiful right you play cards you can't do that in a commercial airliner oh mate you made me want to go to vegas right should we take it to vegas i'm ready i'm ready can we bring diesel on this yeah why not okay yeah my dogs actually have special seats that fit into the seats on the plane of course they do well i mean it's for safety reasons of course oh you're horrible not just because you saw them online and when i need those michael blakey doesn't have those well you don't really see dog seats for planes online i mean i'm sure you could probably find them but you have to have them made they have to be made of the same leather so it will fit and looks nice not if you charter in one diesel just lay right there it'd be perfect so yeah uh challenger 601 uh fabulous plane fabulous plane and you can go to hawaii in this think about that let's let's let's do a long trip so this to hawaii would be about five hours and back about five and a half no sorry wrong way round five and a half out five bucks so ten and a half eleven hours is it downhill on the way back so ten hours at four grand is forty thousand dollars split between ten people four thousand bucks a piece that's the price of a first class ticket right exactly right you'd have to negotiate with the operator though to leave the plane there right because if you're going for a week or two what many operators do they fly the plane back to base so that it can continue to be charted right so then you have to pay four legs their back and then it comes back to get you and back okay it turns out to be expensive but often times uh you can negotiate with the with the operator to leave it there and you just pay for the crew to fly back got it awesome so yeah there we go challenger 601. [Music] so i hope this was helpful and what i really hope is that you guys actually try and experiment and try and do this because you'll have so much fun it's a blast you'll never want to fly commercial again i know that's unrealistic but try and do it once in your lifetime because you'll talk about it forever you'll remember it forever but until then hit the subscribe button hit the bell we are in it to win it and we'll see you that was awkward it was horrible wasn't [Music] it
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 362,260
Rating: 4.9304686 out of 5
Keywords: how to fly on a private jet, how to fly private, private jet, how to charter a plane, how to charter a private jet, private jet charter, private jet hire, private plane, private plane charter, business jet, rent an airplane, renting a plane, how to fly in a private jet, jet rental, rent a private jet, millionaire, billionaire, jet photoshoot, private jet photoshoot, influencer, instagram model, youtuber, producer michael, michael blakey, hollywood, celebrity, celebrity lifestyle
Id: uR7bXZZCpts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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