How to Find Gold in Quartz Veins Using Placer Gold Deposits and Google Earth.

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hey guys it's your favorite Gold Miner prospector and geologist Jeff Williams and today I'm going to show you how to find load gold using old plaster diggings so let's get into it I know it doesn't look like much but to the trained eye this area has been heavily worked by dry washers and that is a very good sign you see that that's a test hole and you see that that's another test hole that tells me that they're looking for good deposits of gold here now when you find these old dryw washer piles you can sample them yourself with your own drywasher which is what I would recommend or you could just take soil samples and throw it into a 5 gallon bucket what I want to teach you is is if you start following these things sometimes they'll lead you right to the source and that's what we're going to explore today but I want you to see all the workings that out here I mean this is incredible look at this every 20 ft there's a hole and it goes in a straight line all the way up the hill there and look at this I got got header piles and I got tailing piles everywhere see that all the way up and they've been digging and digging here's some more sample holes see them there's one there one there and they've been digging in here and this is all header piles here they must have had something big in here and they were eating away at the bank and then here's the tailing piles more header piles they must have been finding a lot of and this just keeps going and going and going and I know they didn't get it all and this would be a great place to sample all through here in this nice red material but that's not what I'm here to show you today I want to show you where this stuff is coming from because look at this I've got float everywhere and I got inclusions of iron now these are pseudomorphs of sulfides after pyite and when you see these in quartz that's a very good sign and there's this stuff everywhere and this is a little tiny sample I mean I've seen pieces the size of a are so what we're going to do is that's right we're going to play detective and that's what you should be doing too we're going to follow this stuff and see where it leads us but I'm not going to do anything till you smash that like button smash it hard now the first thing I would recommend is getting on Google Earth and checking the area to see if there's any exposed outcroppings or diggings or trenching or test pits that are above the areas where you saw all the drywashing diggings and when we did that we found this this is a commercial operation you could see where they brought in skip blowers and they were digging up the country rock and the country rock consists of obviously look at that quartz that's just got tons and tons of iron in it and I got metamorphic rock out here that's beautifully mineralized and of course kichi this ugly stuff oh I hate kichi look at that just gobs and gobs and kichi up here they were digging into it to find the gold now when I did my research I saw a whole bunch of diggings up on the hill and of course all all this plaster gold they're finding down here must have come from up there that's why research is always your number one tool because it's going to save you weeks if not months of boots on the ground and it told me that they were finding something up there now I don't know how rich it was and I don't know what the grade or anything is but I know where I was at was Downstream down this wash the Royal from up there so we're going to head up there and see what it looks like because if my calculations are correct all of this beautiful float is coming from a up there and if there's gold here there must be gold up there ooh something big really big is living in there I don't know if I want to put my head in there actually there's a community here look at that jeez but I can tell already by looking at the rock look at the see this see the inclusions this is pseudomorph after sulfide you see it and that's a good good sign and of course this is a granitoid rock here and I've got all different types of mist out here as well classic example of Micah shist see the foliations running through there all right and then we'll head up this way and see what we got look at that piece as we're heading up to wash getting more iron staining I've got shist on the outer hanging wall and foot wall of this vein quartz monite right there big old slab of it which is the country rock around here you can see where people have been digging and digging and sampling oh there's some kind of wooden structure up there there's pieces of metal everywhere in here probably from the old-timers yep look at that cans everywhere wow look at this it's an old building that's is windy up here nice there's the floorboards there's an old bar underneath there whatever he's got any coins in there these are the original floorboards right here nice yeah this are the floorboards this must have been where they were staying when they were mining out here yep screen there's top of the Smoke Stack on the roof nice if these floorboards can if there wasn't so much trash here this would be a good place to metal detch but I want you to see something this building is portable look at this see these hooks they can actually drag this thing into position that's pretty cool and I know there's stuff underneath there but I'm not getting up underneath there look at that that's good looking material look at that oh beautiful flowers look at that I see where it's coming from there's a contact Zone here you see it look at this and there's the alteration Zone the Halo and look at the veins running through here beautiful you got stockworks in there but that's not what I'm interested in I'm interested in this right through here look at that all this right here and of course here's your vein right here so it looks like we have our first vein this is our first outcropping and it's obviously Rich cuz people have been chewing and digging at it and if you were to look at this on Google Earth and draw a raight line from this point to the other you can see that there's a vein under here right under my feet but I don't see a lot of working so we're going to keep going up the hill and see if we can find some more of this material because this looks super rich and I'm going to bet that it keeps going along the ridge even if you don't see it it's there and 50 bucks says that there are parallel veins in the area at least two or three of them I'm going to put money on it oh yeah here's that beautiful vein right here that's so nice and look they started to drive in on it see that veins on the left which is right next to the hanging wall it always is and the foot wall and all that's all waist rock that would definitely be worth collecting oh and you can see fault gouge in there too see it I got fault breta and fault gouge right there oh look what I found this is where it's all coming from this is a huge huge outcropping beautiful quartz vein silicon look at the mineralization in it you can see where somebody was getting ready to drop a shaft in it right here see that oh that's pretty that's real pretty looking material see all the red hematites in there oh this is what I'd be dig in right here that'd be worth sampling too oh that's some good looking material beautiful and that's a shaft you see the vanger following down right there see how they're notched see that it's exactly you can see where they had pencil line right there that's called a half flap joint you see where they had it Notch there too see where a bulldozers come down through here and push this they're looking for that bank and I think I see something you see it right there that's the vein right there and that is worth sampling right there see it that's definitely the vein it's got a north south strike to it veins here oh oh oh look at this getting juicy getting juicy look at that right there see all that hematite look at this it's just falling out look at that that's fantastic this whole section right here look at that I'm definitely sampling that so if this thing goes here and across the ridge I wonder if there's a parallel here look at this what the heck wow look at this thing it's a cable some type of an aerial Tramway you see that that is really cool that means that this is some type of a aerial tram system for getting ore from a remote location and if I had to guess it's from a parallel Vein from another system that duplicates or replicates the one that we just saw cuz remember I told you if you find one vein chances are there's 1 2 3 4 5 could be a whole swarm of parallel veins so you need to check that use Google Earth to do that me I like getting boots on the ground cuz sometimes you can't see it on Google Earth like for this I couldn't see this thing on Google Earth I don't even know how they got it up here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to follow this cable because this Cable's going to lead me exactly where the ore is coming from cuz I don't see anything oh I just love a mystery but before I do that I'm going to crush up that ore that we've been sampling and see if there's anything in it and it's windy as heck up here I hope you can hear what I'm saying all right let's get back to crush those samples cuz I got to see what's in them but I'm not going to do anything till you smack that like button smash it yeah I know I don't have a mortar and pestle but a hammer in a Flat Rock does just as good not exactly the best way to do it but when you're in a pinch you do what you got to [Music] do the son you got to love it I'll be drinking that after this I wish it classified all right let's see what we got all right let's get over in the sunlight cuz gold follows the Sun oh oh look at that look oh that's wire gold let me get my glasses on dang it look at that look at that wire gold right up in there you see that beautiful piece there look at that little tiny tiny pieces right there see it let me see if I can get a better shot for you look at that tiny tiny tiny gold right there there's another little ultra fine piece that is beautiful so I hope this helps you localize load deposits in a plaster SL loadbearing district and if you like this video go ahead and watch this video right here on finding load deposits and I'll see you on the next video I think I'll walk down the street with my shorts on take my top off wow I've seen photos of this place and snow all the way up to the top of those yeah banisters
Channel: Ask Jeff Williams
Views: 30,875
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Keywords: How to Find Gold in Quartz Veins Using Placer Gold Deposits and Google Earth., ask jeff williams, jeff williams, jeff williams gold, jeff williams gold panning, ask jeff williams metal detector
Id: 9zKEcRJ6TgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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