"Find GOLD Faster: Google Earth Prospecting Tips & Tricks"

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hey guys it's your favorite Gold Miner prospector and geologist Jeff Williams and I got a special treat for you guys today we're going out prospecting and looking for something we saw on Google Earth now this one got my attention cuz I can't quite figure out what it is and it's in a gold bearing District so you know me I'm going to get out there and find out what it is and I'm going to give you some geology along the way so let's get into it we start our journey under the blistering Sun across the rugged mountains of Gold Country a land where Whispers of Fortune echo through the the canyons and every gust of wind seems to carry the tales of Prospectors who chase dreams as elusive as the mirages shimmering on the H ezone these mountains bear witness to the Relentless pursuit of a dream where the promise of gold has lured adventurers from far and wide now we made a video not too long ago of us actually trying to get out to it and I'll leave a link to that video right here oh wow look at this black sand look this is nothing but black sand all through here this would be a good place to sample on this Bedrock that's all black sand see that all right now I've been finding little bits of float they call it float when it's part of a quartz vein it breaks off from the host travels down the hill look at this now this obviously looks like somebody put it there cuz I don't have a vein anywhere near this so somebody's been out here prospecting and doing what we're doing today so this is a good sign we just need to find out where it came came from and if there's mineralization in it cuz you can find quartz veins all day long that don't mean nothing you got to have mineralization in it and even that don't mean nothing because I've seen mineralized veins not have a speck of gold in them so you got to do your research do your homework and you got to play detective now I'm going to surmise that there's a quartz vein hiding somewhere up there in that mountain in fact I'm sure of it but that's not what we're here for today but I'm definitely going to mark it on the map and come back when it gets a little bit cooler and I'll comb the whole side of that mountain until I find it cuzz there's there's pieces of float everywhere like this one and I know they came from somewhere up [Music] there you guys see what I see maybe not on the camera but there's a trail right here right where my finger's pointing see it and it goes all the way down that way and down into the wash 50 Buck says that there's a mine on the other end of this Trail so we're going to follow [Music] it now I got a blowout over here not a volcanic vent but an outcropping of a float of quartz I want you to see this cuz when you're out in the field it's important you recognize these that way you can try to pinpoint The Source but I've got all this B salt laying on the ground you see that and I got a piece of quartz there quartz quartz see it's getting heavier thicker heavy thicker see the pieces I got pieces everywhere they're getting heavier and thicker and then more pieces and then this is it it stops there's nothing more down the hill [Music] there we got a few pieces over here and it's scattered see that and some of it is mineralized looks pretty good that tells me there is a vein running east to west cuz I've got a huge concentration right up on this Ridge I'm going to mark that on my map I'm going to come back later and see if I can determine where it's at it's not a super healthy vein but it does have some red staining in it which is always good so this area is really really proving to be promising because of all the indicators that I'm seeing and this is what you should be looking for too when you're out in the field is these types of indicators if you're in this type of geological setting remember it's not a one all fits-all type of scenario you're going to have certain geological indicators in one area that you don't find in another area so just keep that in mind that is why research is so critical so important when you're out here looking for this stuff because it gives you a head start if not you could spend weeks months years out here combing the hills and then finally figuring out the picture save yourself some time trouble and a whole bunch of headaches do the research now most of the host rock out here is in the granite family these are Granite toids you have a lot of granite diorite you have a lot of quartz monzonite cyanite all these different types of rocks that are in the granite family and granite's easy to identify because it contains mostly quartz which is the white Feld spars which are usually pink we call them K spars and then the black stuff can be horn blend and the shiny stuff that people think is gold is Micah mostly biotite Micah which is the black Micah and of course when you see clear micas those are musite those are good indicators too for this particular area there's a lot of tertiary volcanics going on in this area and they're all mixed together but what we're looking for is any type of quartz veins that have outcropped especially if they're super red and especially if they're brated let me tell you something you already know the world ain't all sunshine and rainbows it's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it you me or nobody is going to hit as hard as life but it ain't about how hard you're hit it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward how much you can take and keep moving forward that's how win it is done now if you know what you're worth now go out and get what you're worth but you got to be willing to take the hits and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you want to be because of him or her or anybody cowards do that and that ain't you you're better than [Music] that oh wait no no I see it right across the ridge you see it right there it's hiding I would have never seen it hadn't I been looking for that pesky Trail yep that's the one so we're going to run over there first but let me see if there's anything else along the way cuz chances are nobody's been on this Trail for 150 years look I see another Trail right there do you see it going up over that way I'll bet you there's another one over there so we'll follow this one later there you can see it really clear now see that that well- defined switch back and I see red it might be scoring but we'll check it out later for right now we're headed right there I see an add it down there and I see what we saw on Google Earth which is those two structures right there and I think there's a third one on the other side of the [Music] Hill workings consist of a 300t long shaft and several adits all totaling 4,000 ft or is in three parallel quartz veins striking East and dipping 50° North cutting through granite one vein is 4 to 20 ft wide averaging 12 ft wide total production reported at about $150,000 worth of gold at $20 an [Music] [Music] ounce [Music] [Music] there's a butterfly see them that's good luck butterflies are really good luck when you're out in nature see them all right we're down the ridge from the mine and I wanted to show you this huge collection of black sand now the reason why I'm telling you this is because if you're in areas that produce free meal gold in these Hard Rock mines sample the mine dumps and Sample right down below in any washes rivers or Creeks that are directly below the outcrop that they M into or even the waste rock piles because a lot of times over 20 30 100 years a lot of material has washed down into the lowest point which is naturally what rivers creeks and washes this is a good place to Prospect and Sample because Mother Nature's done all the work for you what I would recommend doing is looking for Bedrock exposures and sampling those that way you get a really fast quick snapshot of what's in the area and I got some nice Bedrock here so we're going to sample that real quick and I'm going to see if there's any freemale gold here see that all that black sand isn't that beautiful look at that just gobs and gobs of it that is amazing I I got Bedrock over there and I got Bedrock right here so I'm going to go ahead and Sample off of the cracks and fissures cuz Mother Nature's already done all the work for me and then later we'll take that down and pan it in the meantime I'll continue to do grab samples chip samples maybe even a channel sample and then we can take that and crush it and see if there's any gold in it but that way I've got my bases covered now another good indicator I found out here is this greenstone now not to be confused with metav volcanics greenstone that's a whole different type and there are gold deposits that are associated with greenstone belts but that's for another discussion and those are usually the result of regional metamorphism but that's not what this is this has got a lot of Olivine and a fibit inside of it so we're going to keep poking around and when I see something different I'm going to show you what that looks like too so you can be aware of it now remember what I told you about getting one of these dustbusters These are perfect samplers on Bedrock just scrape and vacuum and then you can pan it later now when you're using these backpacks remember that it's only going to fill up to about a third before it chokes it off and so what I'll do is I'll empty that into a container or a plastic bag and then I'll put that in my pack and then I'll keep filling up until I've reached about I don't know 20 30 lbs of material then I'll move on to the next side but remember that pack is going to get heavy real fast and I've seen a lot of guys get gold fever and they feel that pack up on the first shot and it's about 100 lb they never make it out because it's too heavy so they leave their pack behind so we're going to we're going to Pace ourselves on this one all right that's about all I'm going to take from this one little piece of bedrock and we're going to move on and I'm going to see what I can find down at this mine cuz I'm really curious and I know you're curious but I'm not going to do nothing until you smash that like button Smash It H see all that red dirt up there that's the material or the color of the material that they were pulling out of that mine that's good news because remember what I told you the redder the better and it looks like they had a Milling operation here on site that's even better cuz mines that are poor don't do their own Milling they send it out somewhere else another thing is look at this this red pile it leeches right down here into this wash so you know I'm taking samples down in here too and then I got an add it right over here so we're going to go take a look at that if you can see where this has all been weathering down in here into the wash and all I need is a little bit of Bedrock like that and and I'm going to take samples see what's coming out of it look at that there's a little add it right there you see that looks like somebody's already beat me to it though let's go take a look oh yeah it's not bad got a lot of rats living in this one a lot of rats oh it's just an exploratory see that and there's bats already sorry I didn't mean to wake you up now this was used for either one of two purposes either this was their Powder Magazine cuz they like to keep it far away from the wor workings or they were trying to do a cross cut underneath this vein because the vein up on the hill looks like it runs east and west and this cross cuts to the north so if I were to put my money on it I'd say it's a cross cut because it'd be too hard to bring powder down here and then get it back out of course we're going to take this wash all the way down too cuz veins just don't stop abruptly they pinch and swell but for the most part they continue and they also have parallel veins like I told you about so we're going to look for those two I'm going to sample where all this material has washed down onto this Bedrock now I'm not saying there's gold there but I'm saying if you're out in this type of situation and you see that type of scenario definitely sample now you could sample the Tails or they call tailings but I'm more interested down here and I might take a grab sample of some of that classified material that they got up there so we'll grab that if you're going to do multiple samples especially with Sands and gravels keep them separated so I'm keeping each one of these separated I'll pan them out separately and that way I can determine a is there gold in there and B from what location did it come from sometimes it looks like a no-brainer but trust me I've seen gold show up in places it shouldn't so remember that keep your sample bags separate and marked so you don't forget where they came from you see these tanks this is used for mercury they capture the Mercury the Mercury settles in the bottom the water goes over the top that's why the bottom has got Concrete in it because the Mercury will attack that metal and they scrape up whatever Mercury was lost and they use it again they had probably had some type of small jaw Crusher stamp Mill Shaker table and they'd have mercury on the copper plate they Capt the mercury in those concrete troughs then all the tails that are left in here would be shoveled out over there so you're saying Jeff if that's the case wouldn't that be a good place to sample ah you guys are thinking you're absolutely right I like you guys thinking about this stuff not just sitting there watching some crazy guy run through the hills look at that Stope isn't that a good looking Stope STS still look pretty good there's the vein material they're chasing looks like it drops down maybe 100 ft maybe two so these are the things I saw on Google Earth when I was just scouting the area and like I said there is nothing out here so chances are BLM sealed this up using helicopters because there's no way they could have packed this stuff in no way it's too much material so that tells me they don't want people in here for either one of two reasons one it's a safety hazard or two there's still gold in here you guys tell me which one you think it is by leaving me a comment down below but once again BLM did a really good job sealing this thing up it's a incline sh I can see the first level right down there it wouldn't be hard to drop in with a rope definitely tapped into a rich vein your question should be Jeff you told us that veins pinch and swell yeah they do if I had to guess this vein continues on the other side of the hill and keeps going and there's probably other veins in the nearby area which are referred to as parallel veins and we're going to go take a peek and see if we can find something look at that isn't that beautiful that beautiful hematite mixed in with the quartz and it's breated too do you see that this is just a slight little outcropping and the material looks really really good look at that doesn't that just get you all hot and bothered yeah yeah let's keep going look at that outcropping that is nice looking that's what they were after now I'm going to say this is the outcropping they originally found I don't know why they didn't drop a shaft on top of it or do a Crosscut right into it maybe the grades on this is too low so they dropped the shaft over there or maybe they were meaning to go in there and came over here you can see all the beautiful lonite lonite brated quartz it's everything that you want to see when you're out prospecting so we're going to take a peek around look at that isn't that the most beautiful material you've ever seen almost looks like a banded iron formation don't it but it's not sure enough here's a Crosscut right here I knew it now what you can do if you don't know where the gold is in these vein structures is you can do what's called a channel sample and you just Channel straight across the vein me personally I would channel in this brated quartz and all that means is that the quartz has been broken up and fractured through fating and shearing usually there's another episode after that of hydrothermal fluids coming in and reting it back together it's usually those later episodes that are carrying that fine ionic gold that helps reement those quartz fractured quartz pieces back together and it's usually really fine grain so they call it fine grain mass that Recs it together and that's usually where your gold is that is a good spot to do a channel sample right from here to up to here right through here and look at that that's nice so you'll take a channel sample right across here to here wow look what I found this is at the bottom see that it's a monster look at that huge huge outcropping and they basically blasted away all the foot wall and hanging wall and just left the vein in between now if I had to guess there's a portal right there and an add it and this all this stuff is sloughed off over the the last 150 years this would be worth exploring I mean just look at it's just gorgeous look at this material oh that's good looking material look at how well defined the hanging wall was up against the vein material it's got to be what four maybe 5 ft wide that thing's a monster it's huge I can see the top of the portal right here that's the top of the portal and there's an add it there and look at this stuff that's just down below it oh it's gorgeous m nice nothing like ugly looking ore M it's the best kind so they definitely got up underneath this thing bet you it's Rich inside oh this is the stuff dreams are made of and see just what oh and they got mines across the ridge too it's just one continuous vein and I got parallel veins I told you parallel veins come on you can see where they notched the mountain right here and see the veins all the little tiny stringers and parallel veins running this way oh that's juicy look at that the mine we were at the mine dumps used to go all the way out to there so this whole thing was mine dump until it was eroded away so check down below in the wash I bet you there's small gold down there wow and this is the other one that I saw on Google Earth it's a monster look at this just look at the size of the mine dump before got washed away look at this oh and they had a boiler too see this the front of the boiler plate oh and this whole thing was mined dump all the way across until it was eroded away oh and look it looks like they had electricity oh I got to do a rock test I got to do a rock test let's do a rock test real quick okay rock test oh down there is a perfect place to sample because all the mine dump has eroded down into there so all you need is a Bedrock exposure and if you can find a Bedrock exposure that's going to trap all the gold that was in the mind them because you know they didn't get it all oh I can't believe how big these mind dumps are I'm really impressed thought it was just going to be a little exploratory yeah and the boiler sat up here too you can see the concrete right here for where the boiler sat so yeah they definitely had a boiler here there's the concrete foundations for the hoisting works it must they had a huge head frame right here and I'll bet you this shaft connects not only to that plugged added over there but it also connects to the other workings we saw earlier imagine getting into there oh and there's a compressor pipe see it right there they're using that for compressed air for the drills oh that is cool they had a boiler they had a hoist obviously and they had a compressor of course I got to know what's over that Ridge cuz the vein is traveling East and West so now I got to know what's over that Ridge look at this you can see where they drilled and blasted this little section out see if they could get a taste of that vein look at this there's more of that vein material down there you see it it looks like it's starting to thin out though right there see the mine dump so the mine dump goes from there it went all the way across here all the way over there to the shaft o look what I see see that little hole oh yeah I'm checking that out but first I got to see where this Switchback goes there's a switch back right here all right I'm going to climb up there and that way I can get a better vantage point of this vein and see if there's any other workings now this this doesn't look like a cut for the vein this looks just like they had some type of a rail system here hi great pile a rail system here that they would tram The Ore out now I don't know if they were tramming down this way or if they were tramming there but I've got a lot of activity over here I mean I've got platforms everywhere and I've got posts everywhere I've got this wide clearing right here you see that I got look at that there's pieces of the boiler oh look look down there you see that and if I had to guess they had a or bin here on the side of the hill and they were the material over from that shaft to here and it looks like there was a road right here at one time before it got washed out and you can see right there see where the vein continues right there there's a blowout of quartz iron staining part of the vein these are all the things you want to see on a high-grade gold Deposit they had a boiler right there too all right let's get down there and take a look there's where the boiler's at you can tell the way that it's stepped that there was a Milling operation here here's the look at the size of that flu on the top of this this would go in front of the boiler see that and then they would vent it up with that big old pipe over there here's the foundations for the Machinery so obviously this was a big operation for them to build a mill right here to process all the material I thought the other one was a mill it's just a little tiny one this was the major operation right here and it looks like like always what looks like somebody came in here and they burn the mill down cuz I can see evidence of fire I hate that I really do people got to come out here in the middle of nowhere and burn everything down but this is why I and a lot of other people don't reveal the locations of mines on the internet because people come out here and they do what they use their two brain cells to burn down any type of History that's out here that's remained for the last 150 years A lot of people are going to use strange names to talk about locations and the names of mines and that's why because this is a Milling operation this is where all the highgrade went and if this is where all the high grade went you should have piles of high grade you can see where they had an or bin at the top they probably had some kind of jaw Crusher probably had a two battery stamp Mill which is 10 10 stamps and then they probably had tables amalgamation tables now based on the width of these Ledges I would guess to say that it was a two battery stamp Mill which is 10 stamps but this is really a big operation this is a lot bigger than I expected this is my point is you never know what you're going to find when you're searching Google Earth and that's why I tell you if you see something mark it on a map when you get a chance and the weather permits get out there and check it out get boots on the ground because I never saw this on Google Earth I only saw the coverings and you never know what you're going to find especially if you get highgrade piles and this is another thing you should look for is highgrade piles areas where that didn't make it through the mill and I'm sure I'll find some around here and we can sample that but this this is promising question is is why did the mine shut down did it shut down because it ran out of good ore did it shut down because of economic issues or did it shut down because of the start of World War II which executive order l28 shut down all of the mines all gold mines anyway that means there's tons of gold still in those mines see the Bedrock I've got right here what I'm standing on this is all black sand see that just gobs and gobs of it and where does it come from it comes from those mind dumps the Mind dump went from there all the way across to there that was nothing but mind dump in Mother Nature over 150 years eroded all that away dumped it in the wash and they she basically this is a giant slle box and she did all the hard work there's any gold it's going to be from the Mind dumps it's going to be in this bedrock and that's what you should be doing too is sampling Bedrock right down below the Mind dumps especially if you see that a lot of it's been eroded away evidence of buildings everywhere and it's not on any map that's the strange thing about it and that's why I always tell you check your Google Earth don't always rely on USGS reports cuz I didn't see anything in the USGS about this area some idiot took the tag off of this is there no limit to people's stupidity now I'm going to take all these samples home and crush them down and pan them out and if there's any gold in them we'll put snapshots at the end of the video and I want you to tell me where you think it came from if we do find gold now don't forget at the end of this month we're giving away a brand new gold Monster 1000 metal detector and bags and bags of P dirt from our sump in our drift mine you really don't want to miss that and if you want to get involved with that just look for the little icon at the end of the video that looks something like that click on it make a $10 pledge and you're In Like Flint and if you want to see more videos on finding these remote sites go ahead and click on that video right there I guarantee you'll love it and I'll see you on the next [Music] [Music] video
Channel: Ask Jeff Williams
Views: 127,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeff williams, gold rush, ask jeff williams metal detector, ask jeff williams gold panning, jeff williams gold prospecting, ask jeff williams gold, mineral exploration, jeff williams gold, prospecting, ask jeff williams, how to find placer gold, high grade gold ore, free mill gold, Gold Prospecting Made Easy Using Google Earth, find placer gold, placer gold prospecting tips
Id: Efpu7q4toYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 53sec (1553 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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