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today we're going to do something different we're going to try to find gold with two different types of pans traditional plastic pan Which you've all seen and the old timer metal pan that they used to use back in the day and if you watch to the end got a really big surprise for you that you're not going to want to miss let's get into it now we're in a gold producing district and that's the first clue as to how to find gold gotta go where it's already been found and so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go up and down around here and I'm going to sample and see if I can find a nice tributary that feeds into this thing that might have some value we're going to try both of these pans and see which one that I can get into the gold fast just as I suspected there's not a lot of gold if any in this Creek right here we sample pan up and down I used my plastic pan because I can go faster with that so I'm noticing up here on the bank you see where it's cut in a lot of this silty sediment sand up on the top and then you've got these nice gravel zones down here in the gravel zones you've got a whole bunch of floats you see that so what I'm going to do is I'm going to dig into the bank and see if I can find anything if not then I'm going to work my way up and find out where this float is coming from and see if there's anything in those tributaries so and of course I'm going to try the metal pan on this one too we'll see which one I can pan faster and collect more material [Music] foreign now side note if you're wearing glasses take them out or you'll lose them all right that's plastic a lot of black sand that's a good sign oh oh yeah yeah hold on hold on look at that one itty bitty tiny spec right there I knew it like I said it's not very large but it proves my point don't it and that's exactly what I thought it would be coming out because there's a tributary right next to it and I'm gonna tell you what all right now the metal pan these are a little trickier [Applause] oh these are a little trickier to work with you can't be so aggressive with these as you can with that one because the riffles are so tiny I love that metal sound that it makes oh I think I got one I think I got one really really tiny yeah definitely like the green pan better I ain't gonna lie it's harder to see on this one too you wouldn't think so but it is it's hard for me to tell because you've got the silver and the rust and I know put it in a fire blacken it up trust me I know the story but I haven't done that now you can pan with them but you it's really hard because the riffles are very very shallow it's easy for gold to get washed out of it so I'm Gonna Leave the metal pan behind I don't think it can get the gold like my Garrett super sluice and not in the time that you have because trust me when you're out sampling time is not your friend you need to move from place to place to place as fast as possible and that's what we're gonna do so I'm gonna show you why I like this spot right here this is the tributary right here I know it doesn't look like much and most tributaries aren't they can hide on you I found many a gold in tributaries that just look like it was a small little cut from erosion believe it or not this goes all the way to the top of the mountains that are behind me and it trickles out down here now what caught my attention when I was walking up and down this Creek was that I noticed tons and tons of Court yes granted it's bull courts but it's all over in here just tons and tons of it that means that there is a quartz outcropping somewhere on top of this hill so I want to go up here and see if I can find anything else and I'm going to sample on the way up and see if we can find anything downside is I don't have any five gallon buckets so any dirt I bring down is going to have to be in this gold pan and we'll bring it back down here to the creek and I'll show you what I got but this is what you should be doing too if you're out in a gold bearing area and you're sampling just look at some of the side tributaries look at some of the gravel benches that you see on the side where the streams have cut into them look for any signs of float which is the small pieces of course that are going to be broke off of a host van somewhere if you can find these tributaries sample them see if you can find them now just because you don't find anything down at the bottom of a tributary doesn't mean anything there's not up further so I want you to take a look at that too so we're going to head up this tributary and see what we can find now what do you see larger pieces of float if you go up this hill high enough you're going to see pieces like this the size of my gold pan now I'm not saying that all float is going to have gold in it no of course not but it is a good indicator and when you've done your research and you find out that most of the load veins the gold was traveling in quartz High silica content that is going to be your primary target another thing that caught my eye is I'm working up this tributary is this Bedrock right here look at this what does that look like to you that's altered and decide most of these Hills are made out of either Basalt or andesite and of course as you get over the hill you have more granitic Coast Rock but I like what I'm seeing in here see that so I'm going to go ahead and pull samples of that and then I'm going to slowly work my way up and I'm going to see if I can find some more Bedrock exposures and I'm going to sample that and together we're going to see if we can locate some more gold and possibly find a source it's highly likely we will out here because these Hills have been scoured for the last 150 years but you never know because Mother Nature can erode a small vein that was hidden from the old timers that was only mere inches to a few feet and it'll expose it for you and I've seen many a person find these shallow outcroppings it's either metal detector or because erosion from Mother Nature all right so we're going to start prospecting this spot and of course the Bedrock you want is you're looking for cracks and fissures where the gold can get trapped but I'm curious about this right here now I'm not saying there's going to be gold in it but I have to know good indicators check it out if you skip something you're going to regret it later all right let's pan this up I didn't see anything in that propylite which is altered andesite and that doesn't surprise me I didn't expect anything in there anyway but my point is you need to sample everything you come across that looks like an oddball that looks something out of the ordinary because that's the time that you're going to find that one deposit that everybody else missed so remember sample sample sample that should be your Mantra anytime you're in the field looking for gold now as I keep going up the hill I get more and more of this beautiful float and it's getting bigger and bigger and I can see the host Rock in there and what do I see that's right I'm starting to get mineralization now see that it's nice and buggy it's dark this is what I'm looking for I would like to see more of those bugs filled with blacks and Browns because that's where your gold is and that's what we're looking for so I'm gonna go up this little tiny draw see how it's getting bigger and bigger there's not going to be anything in this flow sand or the sedimentary stuff the Gold's gonna go down too deep and I don't have the proper equipment to dig that far down I'm going to look for where Mother Nature has already exposed it so we're just going to keep heading up until I find something and that's what you should be doing too if you're out in the field sampling so come on oh look at this quartz monzonite and look at this beautiful quartz vein running through it you see that quartz is harder than quartz monzonite this is going to erode leaving this behind and this is what you see a lot of times when you see these dikes extrusions up on the surface is because the host rock is usually softer than the quartz the silica is really really hard and what do you see in there see the iron gobs and gobs of iron iron staining this is exactly what we're looking for in that beautiful we're going to keep working up like I said I got to find a spot where I've got some kind of a Bedrock something for that gold to get trapped on because I'm going to need a small backhoe to get down into this material so we're going to keep working our way up and see what we can find so you know what I'm going to say I'm not going to say it because you've heard me say it a million times ah oh I hope it rains that's what I say no so come on let's go look at the iron that's in this quartz you see that I'm getting tons and tons of iron and the quartz here just gobs up and look at this solid Iron Stone that's always a good sign and I'm getting lots and lots of see that see the schist green schist you can't see the foliations but I can lots of mic in there okay so I headed up further and it's all a whole bunch of silt and sediment up here but I found a spot right here that's Bedrock so I'm gonna go ahead and scrape off what I can I'm gonna put it in a gold pan and we're going to take it all the way back down to the river because I think this is my best shot right here because everything else looks pretty covered but that's cool just gobs of Ironstone what did I tell you right you got to be Detective When you do this kind of work you got to figure out what Mother Nature's little secrets are and of course she's always going to have an ace up her sleeve so don't think you can outsmart her all right so I'm gonna go ahead and scrape this whole area clean and we'll get down as far as I can the Bedrock is right here look at this see this this is deep right there so this is my best chance of finding anything in this spot let me get to work and we'll get on down to the creek I cleared out this see this it's all bedrock cleared it all out and it got it in my pan we're gonna take it down to the creek and see if we got anything all right let's get on the creek because I'm really excited I mean this is really good looking material all right let's head on down I'll tell you what you really know the difference when that sun comes out all right let's get busy oh there goes my glasses wow look at that do the quartz in there heavies tons and tons of black sand you see that thank you just got oh man that's nothing but look at that you know you're on a winner when you got that much black sand in your pan okay come on baby Daddy needs a new pair of galoshes where's my glasses I can't see nothing without my glasses oh here goes the Sun as good and it's bad let's see what we got oh look at all that black sand the heck that's a bullet you see that oh you know you're on the right track when you're digging up bullets all right let's see what we got oh look at all the lead shot in there see that that's nothing but bullets and lead shot come on baby oh that looks like gold right there yeah there's gold look at all that lead shot that's nothing but lead shot they got little pieces of gold in there too there's one there there's one there see that rough piece there's another one there and let's try to clean it up for you oh and there's some more over here the black sand that's trying to get away oh I told you a lot of lead look at that that's all gold right there see that that's a lot of black sand if I can scoot that over there you go see that gold gold little pieces of gold that is cool nice now trust me there's going to be times where it's a lot harder than this and times it's a lot easier than this it's just the luck of the draw and being at the right place at the right time okay but what I want you to do is follow my instructions watch all the videos that I got on how to prospect I guarantee watching all that doing what I do and getting out on a place or an area or a district that is known to produce gold I guarantee you're gonna find gold too just do what I told you I know you're saying Jeff you promised us all a big surprise at the very end oh I got a surprise so big you're not gonna be able to handle it's just gonna blow your mind are you ready here it comes most of you know out there we love to give stuff away to our patrons at the end of the month you guys know this this month we're giving away a brand new gold Monster 1000 metal detector and of course we're giving away specimen gold silver bars and bags of paytard but what you don't know is that next month what are we giving away [Laughter] that's right we're giving away silver bars all sizes all shapes oh wait if you ever wanted to get in on the giveaways that we have now is the time so we're giving away 25 ounce bars eight ounce bars 10 ounce bars five ounce one ounce you name it we're giving it away if you're new to all this what you're gonna do is you're gonna look for the little icon at the end of the video that looks like that okay click on it just make a ten dollar pledge to become qualified to win one of these silver bars all right I thought you'd like that and if you stick around long enough Sunny Jim you just might see us giving away gold bars like this all right I bet you that just blew them pants off leave me a comment tell me what you think about all this and if you like videos like this go ahead and watch this video because I guarantee you're gonna love it and I'll see you up in the gold fields
Channel: Ask Jeff Williams
Views: 621,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HOW TO FIND GOLD EVERY TIME IN ANY CREEK!!!!! Metal vs Plastic, prospecting for gold, how to find gold, gold rush, ask jeff williams, jeff williams gold, jeff williams metal detector, ask jeff williams prospecting, gold panning, prospecting, ask jeff william s gold panning, gold prospecting, grass valley, gold fever
Id: q1jdlkF7EYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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